Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

NOT from her peers, you stupid excuse for a human, from her TEACHER!!

FUCK, you're a stupid bitch!!

Been drinking?

"...Filed in federal court in Philadelphia, the suit says the district ignored Samantha Pawlucy's right to free speech, let other students threaten and harass her and subjected her "to emotional distress".."

News -

No, I've sat here reading 18 pages of you spineless bitches making excuses for a shitheel teacher who ONLY has your 'support' because she agrees with your political persuasion.

Put the shoe on the other foot and you two-faced, hypocritical BITCHES would be organizing protest marches and White House petitions to fire the teacher who ridiculed a kid in an Obama t-shirt.

Your hypocrisy knows NO bounds, and you sit there wondering why you're getting hammered for it?

There's a fucking word for women like you, but it's the ONLY one not allowed on this board.

You fucking make me SICK!!!

While what you said may apply to some posters, it certainly does not apply to AmyNation. Here is what she said in a post dated 11:52 PM 12/23/2012:

“She had the right to wear the shirt.
She had the right to wear the shirt and not face ridicule from her teacher.
The teacher was totally in the wrong, and should lose her job because of it.”

Clearly, AmyNation does not support the teacher in any way. She merely objects to that part of the lawsuit in which the plaintiff says the school did not protect the girl from the taunts of other kids. She also objected to the the lawsuit which would cause the state (not the teacher) to lose millions. Here is the rest of AmyNation's post:

“She does not have the right to except the school to protect her from mean students who don't agree with her political beliefs. I'm honestly shocked that so many here, who were quick to say how they wouldn't dream of sporting a Romney bumper sticker because some "damn liberal" might take offense, can't fathom having a discussion with your 16 year old about possible consequences of wearing the shirt to school. Either her parents talked to her about it, and she accepted that some people might be mean, or her parents let her walk to school ignorant of the scorn she might face.

Either way she doesn't deserve millions from the state.”

A agree with AmyNation that it is impossible for a school to protect a student from the taunts of other students. However, to the extent that the teacher's actions encouraged such mockery, the teacher, and hence the school, is responsible. Either way, I don't see anything in any of the AmyNation's posts which suggest she is trying to protect the teacher. To the contrary, she calls for the teacher to be fired.
Fascinating. Look who dropped by.

Here...let me clutch my pearls and grab my smelling salts.

No, wait....I'm not a Rightie.....this isn't cry worthy.

I have a hard time believing you wouldn't have filed an EEO complaint against your CO for calling you a rug-muncher in front of the entire squadron.

So, I think you're lying.

Let's see...before I answer...are you saying the situations are comparable?
Let's see...a person being called something humiliating in front of her peers by a person in authority over her.

I see your point. The two are NOTHING alike. :cool:
BTW...I was called a "gash" by a senior officer, a Marine major, at a squadron organized event, in front of everyone including the CO and XO and nothing was done about that. Nor did I ask that anything be done.
You should have. That behavior was inexcusable.

And you let him get away with it. Sad.
Why is that? You support fascist tactics like labeling a child an "undesirable" infront of an entire class, making her take her take off her shirt that is in support of the opposition, and then marking it with an X, and then telling that child "This uis a school for the Party"?

Fascist. *spit*

You really got some mental issues going on there don't you.
No, chickenshit. You do. That's what I am pointing out.
Nope....not a facist even tho you call me one. This is the difference. I am not going to reach for the smelling salts or a lawyer if you call me names or even...gasp!...tease me.

That is the difference between us.

You condone fascist actions ín favor of your political party being used on children.

Youve earned your fascist stripes.
Be proud.

I believe that's what she's been doing. She is proud of being a fascist, as long as fascists support her liberal narrative.
And their only excuse appears to be "You have issues".
Right I have an issue with the nuts running the asylumn. Liberals are such TOOLS.
My problem with Amy stems from the fact that she has tried to 'place the blame' for this mess at the feet of the parents for "allowing their daughter to wear a Romney shirt to school".

Fact #1. The shitheel teacher STARTED the ridicule.
Fact #2. That action sent the message to the students that the ridicule was OK.
Fact #3. The students, acting on the shitheel teacher's example, ridiculed the girl.
Fact #4. The aide tried to deface the shirt.
Fact #5. The shitheel teacher demanded that the girl remove the shirt.
Fact #6. The prior 5 facts caused demonstrable 'emotional distress'.
Fact #7. The girl deserves EVERY PENNY she can get.
I have a hard time believing you wouldn't have filed an EEO complaint against your CO for calling you a rug-muncher in front of the entire squadron.

So, I think you're lying.

Let's see...before I answer...are you saying the situations are comparable?
Let's see...a person being called something humiliating in front of her peers by a person in authority over her.

I see your point. The two are NOTHING alike. :cool:
BTW...I was called a "gash" by a senior officer, a Marine major, at a squadron organized event, in front of everyone including the CO and XO and nothing was done about that. Nor did I ask that anything be done.
You should have. That behavior was inexcusable.

And you let him get away with it. Sad.
Bodecea is 100% fail. Whats sad is she doesnt even see it. She keeps digging, and digging...
Ive never witnessed anyone that was more in denial and completely idiotized as she is.
Mommy, I want a boob job.

Honey, didn't you're teacher hurt your feelings by making an inappropriate comment about your t-shirt which was obviously a poor attempt at humor?

Yeah, but she apologized. And you accepted the apology. I thought we were moving on.

Better idea, we'll sue the school district, they have 'deep pockets' and we'll get you that boob job. From now on, no one will notice what your t-shirt says.
She's upset the school didn't protect her from ridicule from her peers, if you loudly support something that not everyone supports you open yourself to ridicule.

NOT from her peers, you stupid excuse for a human, from her TEACHER!!

FUCK, you're a stupid bitch!!

My goodness...such anger.
Youre a coward, bodecea. How proud you are of your ignorance and outright stupidity is something to out on the books.
Mommy, I want a boob job.

Honey, didn't you're teacher hurt your feelings by making an inappropriate comment about your t-shirt which was obviously a poor attempt at humor?

Yeah, but she apologized. And you accepted the apology. I thought we were moving on.

Better idea, we'll sue the school district, they have 'deep pockets' and we'll get you that boob job. From now on, no one will notice what your t-shirt says.

So you support fascist tactics being used on children so Long as the fascist apologizes? Another failure!
I think liberals would try to convince others that shit tastes good, they will continue to look like idiots on and on and on because they are mindless robots.
Let's see...before I answer...are you saying the situations are comparable?
Let's see...a person being called something humiliating in front of her peers by a person in authority over her.

I see your point. The two are NOTHING alike. :cool:
BTW...I was called a "gash" by a senior officer, a Marine major, at a squadron organized event, in front of everyone including the CO and XO and nothing was done about that. Nor did I ask that anything be done.
You should have. That behavior was inexcusable.

And you let him get away with it. Sad.
Bodecea is 100% fail. Whats sad is she doesnt even see it. She keeps digging, and digging...
Ive never witnessed anyone that was more in denial and completely idiotized as she is.

You are still whining, aren't you?
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What's wrong with the left here? If she had shown up with an Obama t-shirt, you would have cheered her. You guys are every bit as bad as the far right when those crazies get going.

Yes, the teacher should have taught instead of turning into a liberal attack thug.
Well, we've pretty much seen that unions and thuggery go hand in hand, it's bad though when they feel like they have to push a kid around. that's ultra thuggery.
Mommy, I want a boob job.

Honey, didn't you're teacher hurt your feelings by making an inappropriate comment about your t-shirt which was obviously a poor attempt at humor?

Yeah, but she apologized. And you accepted the apology. I thought we were moving on.

Better idea, we'll sue the school district, they have 'deep pockets' and we'll get you that boob job. From now on, no one will notice what your t-shirt says.
Oh, look -- more outright lies to attempt to distract from a shithead liberal.

Gasp. :cool:
I have a hard time believing you wouldn't have filed an EEO complaint against your CO for calling you a rug-muncher in front of the entire squadron.

So, I think you're lying.

Let's see...before I answer...are you saying the situations are comparable?
Let's see...a person being called something humiliating in front of her peers by a person in authority over her.

I see your point. The two are NOTHING alike. :cool:
BTW...I was called a "gash" by a senior officer, a Marine major, at a squadron organized event, in front of everyone including the CO and XO and nothing was done about that. Nor did I ask that anything be done.
You should have. That behavior was inexcusable.

And you let him get away with it. Sad.
Hey, bode, you chickenshit -- why are you ignoring this post?

Oh, sorry -- answered my own question.
I believe this case is showing what many of us here have already notices. RWrs are a horribly thin-skinned lot.

Shuuddupp Pete the liar. You prove what most people on this board already know, most on the left are fucking liars. Liar

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