Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

She had the right to wear the shirt.
She had the right to wear the shirt and not face ridicule from her teaher.
The teacher was totally in the wrong, and should lose her job because of it.

She does not have the right to except the school to protect her from mean students who dont agree with her political beliefs. Im honestly shocked that so many here, who were quick to say how they wouldnt dream of sporting a romney bumper sticker because some "damn liberal" might take offense, cant fathom having a discussion with your 16 year old about possible consequences of wearing the shirt to school. Either her parents talked to her about it, and she accepted that some people might be mean, or her parents let her walk to school ignorant of the scorn she might face.

Either way she doesnt deserve millions from the state.
No she deserves millions from people who would place the blame on the parents of the girl ridiculed and harassed, instead of the parents of the children doing the ridiculing and harassing.
THAT is what's fucked up in this country. Liberals seem to try to excuse the actions of their "protected class".
Really! This girl was treated like shit for expressing he opinion because HER parents were negligent?
I shouldn't expect different from people who blame murders on bullets.
Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

Pawlucy’s parents met with the teacher, who apologized and explained she was only joking.

Read more: Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

so the girl and her parents are looking for a court paycheck ?


A bad joke indeed. But to sue for money? Hey, it's the American way, isn't it?

Yes sue for money. It may be the American way...but not in the classroom. Theres no room for joking like that there. Let the teacher joke about it when she gets home but leave it out of where she teaches.
TPM and thuggery goes hand in hand as well.

All extreme turds are thugs by nature.

Show us all some examples of TEA Party "thuggery" that comes anywhere close to, say OWS, the Million Man March, or even a union picket line.
Your problem, Jake is, you want so much to be in the middle, you have to move far to the left of the line reasonable people refuse to cross.
I believe this case is showing what many of us here have already notices. RWrs are a horribly thin-skinned lot.

:lol:And why is that? Maybe because you back the teacher instead of the student. Or maybe its just because the LWrs are just nothing but cowards.
No, it's really not "warranted". What happened to her isn't worth a 6 figure check from the state.

That is your opinion, it may not be the opinion of a jury, falsely claiming someone is a racist or a member of a disgusting group may seem okay for you but we have seen people lose their livelihoods over less and many of those made over 6 figure incomes.

That is my opinion. The teacher said it was said in jest, the kid did not lose a 6 figure income, it's not slander. The teacher was over the line, the kid deserves an apology and the teacher deserves to be fired. However she and her family are attempting to cash in on the incident.

:DWell you know if they win...the next teacher to give it a thought of trying to ridicule a student might just give it a second thought to do so. They might even make the right decision.
No, it's really not "warranted". What happened to her isn't worth a 6 figure check from the state.

That is your opinion, it may not be the opinion of a jury, falsely claiming someone is a racist or a member of a disgusting group may seem okay for you but we have seen people lose their livelihoods over less and many of those made over 6 figure incomes.

That is my opinion. The teacher said it was said in jest, the kid did not lose a 6 figure income, it's not slander. The teacher was over the line, the kid deserves an apology and the teacher deserves to be fired. However she and her family are attempting to cash in on the incident.

Please show me in this definition where you have to lose money in order for something to be considered slander.

[slan-der] Show IPA
defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.
a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.
Law. defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.
verb (used with object)
to utter slander against; defame.
verb (used without object)
to utter or circulate slander.
Slander | What is the Definition of Slander? |

That is your opinion, it may not be the opinion of a jury, falsely claiming someone is a racist or a member of a disgusting group may seem okay for you but we have seen people lose their livelihoods over less and many of those made over 6 figure incomes.

The term "slander" comes to mind, doesn't it? Last time I looked, that was still against the law. There should be no lack of witnesses if it was done in front of a classroom of students.

Slander indicated damages. What are the damages?

:eusa_drool:Well you know something like this can effect anyone and each in their own way. How about the feelings of that student. Maybe it will effect her feelings for the rest of her life. You never know.
Mommy, I want a boob job.

Honey, didn't you're teacher hurt your feelings by making an inappropriate comment about your t-shirt which was obviously a poor attempt at humor?

Yeah, but she apologized. And you accepted the apology. I thought we were moving on.

Better idea, we'll sue the school district, they have 'deep pockets' and we'll get you that boob job. From now on, no one will notice what your t-shirt says.

Wow! Talk about stereotyping and sexism, why is it that libs attack women with sexism, when they disagree with them. It's amazing when libs have nothing they revert to this crap.
The term "slander" comes to mind, doesn't it? Last time I looked, that was still against the law. There should be no lack of witnesses if it was done in front of a classroom of students.

Yep, she slandered the young lady and now the teacher needs to back up her words with dollars or jail time. The left tells us words mean something, time to back up the belief.

Jail time?:lmao:

I'm going to remember this. Being mean should be an offensive punishable by jail time!

:DWell nuthead...that teacher was being a little more than mean. Do you really think thats what we pay our teachers to do? That teacher was way out of line and should pay for it.
will any of you accept the witness testimony of the other kids?

or will you just call them liars unless they say what you want to here?

I'm sure there will be witnesses at the civil trial even though the teacher has already admitted she made the comments.

You know, TDM, I was recently gone for a month. I had faith that while I was gone, you might just manage to acquire a few more functioning brain cells. No such luck.

Maybe she'll get some for Christmas?

:razz:I bet she would be more happy with a bag of coal instead.

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