Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

So you think this teacher's demonstration of liberal fascism was perfectly Okay?

No. Again. No. She should apologize....she did...and I like the idea of her having to wear a Romney shirt herself for awhile.

Do you think the school district should be sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars?
No, not really. I think should lose her job and oossibly her license to teach. You just don't do stuff like that and expect to get away with it. What she was trying to do was shame a child into the collective. Thats Wrong on so many levels.

And here the sensitive flower steps in.
Romney supporters always looking for a handout.
So you think this teacher's demonstration of liberal fascism was perfectly Okay?

No. Again. No. She should apologize....she did...and I like the idea of her having to wear a Romney shirt herself for awhile.

Do you think the school district should be sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Offer to settle for $1 if the teacher is canned and blacklisted for life.
So you think this teacher's demonstration of liberal fascism was perfectly Okay?

No. Again. No. She should apologize....she did...and I like the idea of her having to wear a Romney shirt herself for awhile.

Do you think the school district should be sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Offer to settle for $1 if the teacher is canned and blacklisted for life. it's a personal vendetta. Any teacher who has that girl should now work hard to get her out of their class. The parents are not worth the risk.
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No. Again. No. She should apologize....she did...and I like the idea of her having to wear a Romney shirt herself for awhile.

Do you think the school district should be sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars?
No, not really. I think should lose her job and oossibly her license to teach. You just don't do stuff like that and expect to get away with it. What she was trying to do was shame a child into the collective. Thats Wrong on so many levels.

And here the sensitive flower steps in.

It's about respect. And knowing your boundaries.
Not about not being able to say offensive things to students. This was a public school. If you want your kid to learn to be a good little fascist, enroll them in a private fascist-themed school. Dont attempt to indoctrinate others children with tax payer money.
If this were a class Project on fascists and how they try to single out "undesirables", I would have been Fine with it, I dont think anyone would object to teaching kids not to fall for fascist tactics, maybe you and a couple might object because your side's playbook is littered with them and you would never convince a generation of kids to become good Democrat fascists without them. But this was not a lesson, it was a direct attempt to use fascist tactics in a public school that tax payers pay for, its just Wrong and should be a crime.
No. Again. No. She should apologize....she did...and I like the idea of her having to wear a Romney shirt herself for awhile.

Do you think the school district should be sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Offer to settle for $1 if the teacher is canned and blacklisted for life. it's a personal vendetta. Any teacher who has that girl should now work hard to get her out of their class. The parents are not worth the risk.
Wouldnt you take it personal if someone was trying to use shaming language to indoctrinate your kid into conservatism? Remember, we are talking about a child here, not the RWer monster thats under your bed.
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Offer to settle for $1 if the teacher is canned and blacklisted for life. it's a personal vendetta. Any teacher who has that girl should now work hard to get her out of their class. The parents are not worth the risk.
Wouldnt you take it personal if someone was trying to use shaming language to indoctrinate your kid into conservatism? Remember, we are talking about a child here, not the RWer monster thats under your bed.

For all I know...someone has done that. My daughter doesn't run home crying over those kinds of things. it's a personal vendetta. Any teacher who has that girl should now work hard to get her out of their class. The parents are not worth the risk.
Wouldnt you take it personal if someone was trying to use shaming language to indoctrinate your kid into conservatism? Remember, we are talking about a child here, not the RWer monster thats under your bed.

For all I know...someone has done that. My daughter doesn't run home crying over those kinds of things.
Well someone's daughter did, so there should be a firing and possibly a revocation of her teaching license. You dont seem to Care about your daughter much if you really take the position out of sight out of mind is how you treat people attempting to brainwash her into a pokitical philosophy with shaming language and marking her as an undesirable. Either that or your just plain lazy.
Wouldnt you take it personal if someone was trying to use shaming language to indoctrinate your kid into conservatism? Remember, we are talking about a child here, not the RWer monster thats under your bed.

For all I know...someone has done that. My daughter doesn't run home crying over those kinds of things.
Well someone's daughter did, so there should be a firing and possibly a revocation of her teaching license. You dont seem to Care about your daughter much if you really take the position out of sight out of mind is how you treat people attempting to brainwash her into a pokitical philosophy with shaming language and marking her as an undesirable. Either that or your just plain lazy.

I raised my daughter to be an strong adult...not a whiny bowl of jello. You, apparently, are afraid of your child (if you have one) not being able to stand up for themself when hearing differing opinions. How sad. How weak.
For all I know...someone has done that. My daughter doesn't run home crying over those kinds of things.
Well someone's daughter did, so there should be a firing and possibly a revocation of her teaching license. You dont seem to Care about your daughter much if you really take the position out of sight out of mind is how you treat people attempting to brainwash her into a pokitical philosophy with shaming language and marking her as an undesirable. Either that or your just plain lazy.

I raised my daughter to be an strong adult...not a whiny bowl of jello. You, apparently, are afraid of your child (if you have one) not being able to stand up for themself when hearing differing opinions. How sad. How weak.

Hearing different opinions is NOT what happened to this girl and you damned well know it. She was denigrated, ridiculed, assaulted and ordered to remove her shirt by a jackboot Progressive JUST LIKE YOU.

You really are a shit sandwich, minus the bread.
For all I know...someone has done that. My daughter doesn't run home crying over those kinds of things.
Well someone's daughter did, so there should be a firing and possibly a revocation of her teaching license. You dont seem to Care about your daughter much if you really take the position out of sight out of mind is how you treat people attempting to brainwash her into a pokitical philosophy with shaming language and marking her as an undesirable. Either that or your just plain lazy.

I raised my daughter to be an strong adult...not a whiny bowl of jello. You, apparently, are afraid of your child (if you have one) not being able to stand up for themself when hearing differing opinions. How sad. How weak.

No, Youre way off the Mark, my 12 year old could out debate most of the liberals on here. Im not afraid of his ability to defend the positions he takes. He wouldve probably called her a fascist too. Lol! And I certainly let him determine his own positions on issues. But preferrably, I usually just like him to be a kid and do kid stuff, think about kid things. Youre pushing of your daughter to be as cold and frigid as you is a sign of your own weakness. You want her to be a masculine woman. Like a fascist would.
For all I know...someone has done that. My daughter doesn't run home crying over those kinds of things.
Well someone's daughter did, so there should be a firing and possibly a revocation of her teaching license. You dont seem to Care about your daughter much if you really take the position out of sight out of mind is how you treat people attempting to brainwash her into a pokitical philosophy with shaming language and marking her as an undesirable. Either that or your just plain lazy.

I raised my daughter to be an strong adult...not a whiny bowl of jello. You, apparently, are afraid of your child (if you have one) not being able to stand up for themself when hearing differing opinions. How sad. How weak. are saying you would not object if a TEACHER called your daughter, say, a Nazi in a class? Either you are lying or you are a bad parent. It is that simple.
anyone have proof the school actually admitted the inccident took place?

Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

Pawlucy’s parents met with the teacher, who apologized and explained she was only joking.

Read more: Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

so the girl and her parents are looking for a court paycheck ?



:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Do you get down on your knees every night and thank God he didn't give you TM's brain? Ido! :eusa_pray:

I get down on my knees every night and ask God why He didn't give TM's brain to TM, either. :eusa_eh:
What a great use of the court system!!

Your daughter gets her feelings hurt, let's get on the court dockets and make some money off the the taxpayers!!

When an apology and meeting with parents and teachers would suffice, GO HIRE A LAWYER!!

So do tell, will this teachers supposed apology assure that the other children in class don't beieve she is a supporter of the KKK? Did this teacher announce to the class it was a joke and she was sorry and should have never said such? If the teacher had been white and called a black a horrible name and said something deragatory would it be overlooked so easily? Sometimes things that are said are too hard to retract or forget that quickly.
What a great use of the court system!!

Your daughter gets her feelings hurt, let's get on the court dockets and make some money off the the taxpayers!!

When an apology and meeting with parents and teachers would suffice, GO HIRE A LAWYER!!

What are our civil courts for, if NOT for people to seek redress from those in authority? If the taxpayers of this district are feeling put-upon, perhaps they should contact their school board and demand better and clearer guidance from the top on what constitutes professional teacher behavior, because this ain't it.

And who the fuck are YOU to say what would and wouldn't "suffice"? Was it YOUR teenager being publicly vilifed and verbally attacked by the adult placed in a position of authority over her? Furthermore, what makes you think this arrogant douchebag of a teacher would have apologized on her own?
Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

Pawlucy’s parents met with the teacher, who apologized and explained she was only joking.

Read more: Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

so the girl and her parents are looking for a court paycheck ?


A bad joke indeed. But to sue for money? Hey, it's the American way, isn't it?

It's only a joke now she's been busted. I would not sue for money, I'd sue to have the lame-assed bitch fired. She is unworthy of the trust she bears as an educator.

I'd be demanding that she apologize in front of a schoolwide assembly, and explain EXACTLY how and why she was wrong in her behavior - in detail - and then let her keep her job so that she could work every day with students who had seen her publicly humiliated and taken down several pegs, rather than letting her waltz off to somewhere her disgrace isn't known.

And I would DEFINITELY sue for money, simply because it's the only thing that gets through to district administrators to rein in these sorts of behavior problems.
For all I know...someone has done that. My daughter doesn't run home crying over those kinds of things.
Well someone's daughter did, so there should be a firing and possibly a revocation of her teaching license. You dont seem to Care about your daughter much if you really take the position out of sight out of mind is how you treat people attempting to brainwash her into a pokitical philosophy with shaming language and marking her as an undesirable. Either that or your just plain lazy.

I raised my daughter to be an strong adult...not a whiny bowl of jello. You, apparently, are afraid of your child (if you have one) not being able to stand up for themself when hearing differing opinions. How sad. How weak.

Differing opinion, it sounded like a bitch in authority humiliating a kid. How sick you are to promote the powerful over the subordinates.

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