Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

What a great use of the court system!!

Your daughter gets her feelings hurt, let's get on the court dockets and make some money off the the taxpayers!!

When an apology and meeting with parents and teachers would suffice, GO HIRE A LAWYER!!

What are our civil courts for, if NOT for people to seek redress from those in authority? If the taxpayers of this district are feeling put-upon, perhaps they should contact their school board and demand better and clearer guidance from the top on what constitutes professional teacher behavior, because this ain't it.

And who the fuck are YOU to say what would and wouldn't "suffice"? Was it YOUR teenager being publicly vilifed and verbally attacked by the adult placed in a position of authority over her? Furthermore, what makes you think this arrogant douchebag of a teacher would have apologized on her own?

They are liberals, that's who the fucking think they are, they think their opinion is always correct and it is based not on right or wrong, it is based on left or right.
If the school has a dress code, don't they get to decide what she wears? Their school, she abides by their rules.
Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.

Not the state, sweet pea: the local school district employs her, and is legally and financially liable for her misbehavior. And yeah, since the system in this country is geared toward monetary redress for civil wrongs, that means a payout is in order.

What country have YOU been living in all this time?
Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.

Not the state, sweet pea: the local school district employs her, and is legally and financially liable for her misbehavior. And yeah, since the system in this country is geared toward monetary redress for civil wrongs, that means a payout is in order.

What country have YOU been living in all this time?

What are the damages?
Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.

Not the state, sweet pea: the local school district employs her, and is legally and financially liable for her misbehavior. And yeah, since the system in this country is geared toward monetary redress for civil wrongs, that means a payout is in order.

What country have YOU been living in all this time?

But why should she get compensation just because someone hurt her feelings?
What culpability do her parents have?

Part of her complaint is that the school failed to protect her from the ridicule of other students. I know people who refused to put Obama or Romney bumper stickers on their car because the election was so contentious, yet these parents had no issues sending their child to school in a Romney shirt.

Did they assume everyone at the school, all the students, were Romney supporters?

No, but I bet they expected their child would be safe, even from people with opposing views.

Your attempt to place blame on this girl's parents is as fucked up as blaming a rape victim for wearing a short skirt. Or do you find such accusations reasonable?

If she's wearing a short skirt with a Romney t-shirt, I imagine they think she got what she deserved.
Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.

Not the state, sweet pea: the local school district employs her, and is legally and financially liable for her misbehavior. And yeah, since the system in this country is geared toward monetary redress for civil wrongs, that means a payout is in order.

What country have YOU been living in all this time?

Bullshit. This whole thing is stupid from beginning to end.

The teenager was stupid for wearing a politically-charged shirt, the teacher was stupid for opening her flap-trap, the parents are stupid for filing a frivolous lawsuit and you're stupid for thinking they deserve money. All stupid.
Mommy, teacher called me racists Boo-hoo.

Mommy, teacher said she was sorry, why are we suing?

Why doesn't daddy work anymore after we sued my school?

No one at school will talk to me.

We're going to Disneyworld!!

Mommy, Teacher called me "Ni**er". Boo-hoo.

Mommy, Teacher said she was sorry. Why are we suing?

Mommy, why is Al Sharpton in our living room?

How's that sound to you, you flaming fucking hypocrite? That okay with you?

By the way, shitforbrains, she had to change schools because of what that teacher started, which you would know if you weren't so busy shouting about how it's no big deal for adults in authority to verbally attack and belittle the students they're responsible for and to invite OTHER students to mock and belittle them, and how an apology makes it all better.

If you believe that, you must not have been a teenager any time in the last sixty years or so, or in contact with one.

But you DON'T believe it, and we both KNOW you don't believe it. What you believe is that that teacher agreed with you, that girl and her parents had the unutterable GALL to support Romney and not keep it a secret, and so anything that happens to them is deserved, no big deal, and anything that teacher did is a-okay, because she's a good liberal and they were just conservatives, not like real people.

Sorta this decade's new "ni**ers", huh? Who's the REAL Klan around here?
If the school has a dress code, don't they get to decide what she wears? Their school, she abides by their rules.

You didn't read the article, I am not surprised...

You do that a lot, don't you?

Pontificate before you educate yourself, that is.

Mommy, teacher called me racists Boo-hoo.

Mommy, teacher said she was sorry, why are we suing?

Why doesn't daddy work anymore after we sued my school?

No one at school will talk to me.

We're going to Disneyworld!!

Mommy, Teacher called me "Ni**er". Boo-hoo.

Mommy, Teacher said she was sorry. Why are we suing?

Mommy, why is Al Sharpton in our living room?

How's that sound to you, you flaming fucking hypocrite? That okay with you?

By the way, shitforbrains, she had to change schools because of what that teacher started, which you would know if you weren't so busy shouting about how it's no big deal for adults in authority to verbally attack and belittle the students they're responsible for and to invite OTHER students to mock and belittle them, and how an apology makes it all better.

If you believe that, you must not have been a teenager any time in the last sixty years or so, or in contact with one.

But you DON'T believe it, and we both KNOW you don't believe it. What you believe is that that teacher agreed with you, that girl and her parents had the unutterable GALL to support Romney and not keep it a secret, and so anything that happens to them is deserved, no big deal, and anything that teacher did is a-okay, because she's a good liberal and they were just conservatives, not like real people.

Sorta this decade's new "ni**ers", huh? Who's the REAL Klan around here?

Why did she HAVE TO change schools?
Mommy, teacher called me racists Boo-hoo.

Mommy, teacher said she was sorry, why are we suing?

Why doesn't daddy work anymore after we sued my school?

No one at school will talk to me.

We're going to Disneyworld!!

Mommy, Teacher called me "Ni**er". Boo-hoo.

Mommy, Teacher said she was sorry. Why are we suing?

Mommy, why is Al Sharpton in our living room?

How's that sound to you, you flaming fucking hypocrite? That okay with you?

By the way, shitforbrains, she had to change schools because of what that teacher started, which you would know if you weren't so busy shouting about how it's no big deal for adults in authority to verbally attack and belittle the students they're responsible for and to invite OTHER students to mock and belittle them, and how an apology makes it all better.

If you believe that, you must not have been a teenager any time in the last sixty years or so, or in contact with one.

But you DON'T believe it, and we both KNOW you don't believe it. What you believe is that that teacher agreed with you, that girl and her parents had the unutterable GALL to support Romney and not keep it a secret, and so anything that happens to them is deserved, no big deal, and anything that teacher did is a-okay, because she's a good liberal and they were just conservatives, not like real people.

Sorta this decade's new "ni**ers", huh? Who's the REAL Klan around here?

Why did she HAVE TO change schools?

Probably because she was harrassed.
Mommy, teacher called me racists Boo-hoo.

Mommy, teacher said she was sorry, why are we suing?

Why doesn't daddy work anymore after we sued my school?

No one at school will talk to me.

We're going to Disneyworld!!

Mommy, Teacher called me "Ni**er". Boo-hoo.

Mommy, Teacher said she was sorry. Why are we suing?

Mommy, why is Al Sharpton in our living room?

How's that sound to you, you flaming fucking hypocrite? That okay with you?

By the way, shitforbrains, she had to change schools because of what that teacher started, which you would know if you weren't so busy shouting about how it's no big deal for adults in authority to verbally attack and belittle the students they're responsible for and to invite OTHER students to mock and belittle them, and how an apology makes it all better.

If you believe that, you must not have been a teenager any time in the last sixty years or so, or in contact with one.

But you DON'T believe it, and we both KNOW you don't believe it. What you believe is that that teacher agreed with you, that girl and her parents had the unutterable GALL to support Romney and not keep it a secret, and so anything that happens to them is deserved, no big deal, and anything that teacher did is a-okay, because she's a good liberal and they were just conservatives, not like real people.

Sorta this decade's new "ni**ers", huh? Who's the REAL Klan around here?

Why did she HAVE TO change schools?

Because you brownshirt fascists and your dumbed down students made staying there impossible.
If the school has a dress code, don't they get to decide what she wears? Their school, she abides by their rules.

That wasn't the case, and I believe you know that. She was singled out because of a political standing, there was no policy, the teacher doesn't get to decide. It is a school board decision. It also didn't allow for the teacher to humiliate the student, it also did not allow for anyone to lay their hands on her.

And if it was dress code as you so put it, why would the teacher later apologize.

You are just trying to confuse the real issue and justify the liberal in the wrong.
Mommy, teacher called me racists Boo-hoo.

Mommy, teacher said she was sorry, why are we suing?

Why doesn't daddy work anymore after we sued my school?

No one at school will talk to me.

We're going to Disneyworld!!

Mommy, Teacher called me "Ni**er". Boo-hoo.

Mommy, Teacher said she was sorry. Why are we suing?

Mommy, why is Al Sharpton in our living room?

How's that sound to you, you flaming fucking hypocrite? That okay with you?

By the way, shitforbrains, she had to change schools because of what that teacher started, which you would know if you weren't so busy shouting about how it's no big deal for adults in authority to verbally attack and belittle the students they're responsible for and to invite OTHER students to mock and belittle them, and how an apology makes it all better.

If you believe that, you must not have been a teenager any time in the last sixty years or so, or in contact with one.

But you DON'T believe it, and we both KNOW you don't believe it. What you believe is that that teacher agreed with you, that girl and her parents had the unutterable GALL to support Romney and not keep it a secret, and so anything that happens to them is deserved, no big deal, and anything that teacher did is a-okay, because she's a good liberal and they were just conservatives, not like real people.

Sorta this decade's new "ni**ers", huh? Who's the REAL Klan around here?

Why did she HAVE TO change schools?

If she was bullied, she would have a good reason to change schools. I'm surprised that a liberal like yourself would be acceptable to bullying. Don't you preach the value of education? Don't you want children to learn in a great learning environment?
Mommy, Teacher called me "Ni**er". Boo-hoo.

Mommy, Teacher said she was sorry. Why are we suing?

Mommy, why is Al Sharpton in our living room?

How's that sound to you, you flaming fucking hypocrite? That okay with you?

By the way, shitforbrains, she had to change schools because of what that teacher started, which you would know if you weren't so busy shouting about how it's no big deal for adults in authority to verbally attack and belittle the students they're responsible for and to invite OTHER students to mock and belittle them, and how an apology makes it all better.

If you believe that, you must not have been a teenager any time in the last sixty years or so, or in contact with one.

But you DON'T believe it, and we both KNOW you don't believe it. What you believe is that that teacher agreed with you, that girl and her parents had the unutterable GALL to support Romney and not keep it a secret, and so anything that happens to them is deserved, no big deal, and anything that teacher did is a-okay, because she's a good liberal and they were just conservatives, not like real people.

Sorta this decade's new "ni**ers", huh? Who's the REAL Klan around here?

Why did she HAVE TO change schools?

Probably because she was harrassed.

Thanks, Locke. I've had Bod on ignore for something like a year, and the stupid bitch still can't figure that out.

A couple of the stories I read said that the harassment went on for days after the incident, and her parents had to enroll her in a different school.

It's amazing how having an authority figure like a teacher sanction and encourage abuse of a student will spark other students to abuse her . . . well, amazing to leftists. It's fucking OBVIOUS to anyone sane with any knowledge of human nature in general and teenagers in particular.
If the school has a dress code, don't they get to decide what she wears? Their school, she abides by their rules.

That wasn't the case, and I believe you know that. She was singled out because of a political standing, there was no policy, the teacher doesn't get to decide. It is a school board decision. It also didn't allow for the teacher to humiliate the student, it also did not allow for anyone to lay their hands on her.

And if it was dress code as you so put it, why would the teacher later apologize.

You are just trying to confuse the real issue and justify the liberal in the wrong.

All of the articles made it clear, most in the first sentence, that it was a "dress-down day". Noomi's just trying to justify shitty, indefensible leftist behavior, which is basically her primary job in life.
Why did she HAVE TO change schools?

Probably because she was harrassed.

Thanks, Locke. I've had Bod on ignore for something like a year, and the stupid bitch still can't figure that out.

A couple of the stories I read said that the harassment went on for days after the incident, and her parents had to enroll her in a different school.

It's amazing how having an authority figure like a teacher sanction and encourage abuse of a student will spark other students to abuse her . . . well, amazing to leftists. It's fucking OBVIOUS to anyone sane with any knowledge of human nature in general and teenagers in particular.

We tend to give the left more credit than they deserve. I sort of have a hunch Bodecea knows that the left is using public schools as institutions of political indoctrination and they like this fascistic idea and will do and say anything for that issue not to be addressed. There is a thread on here on Bill Where advocating just that. Bodecea is a fascist liar.
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Probably because she was harrassed.

Thanks, Locke. I've had Bod on ignore for something like a year, and the stupid bitch still can't figure that out.

A couple of the stories I read said that the harassment went on for days after the incident, and her parents had to enroll her in a different school.

It's amazing how having an authority figure like a teacher sanction and encourage abuse of a student will spark other students to abuse her . . . well, amazing to leftists. It's fucking OBVIOUS to anyone sane with any knowledge of human nature in general and teenagers in particular.

We tend to give the left more credit than they deserve. I sort of have a hunch Bodecea knows that the left is using public schools as institutions of political indoctrination and they like this fascistic idea and will do and say anything for that issue not to be addressed. There is a thread on here on Bill Where advocating just that. Bodecea is a fascist liar.

The only "credit" I ever give the left is when I assume they're evil, rather than merely ignorant and stupid (ignorant being where you're uninformed, and stupid being where you're proud of it).

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