Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

I wasn't condoning it. I was pointing out that things were different for when Bod and I were first in.
When was that?

Oh, and the "It was too haaaaaard to do anything about it!!" is particularly whiny.

I joined in the early 80s. Too hard? Try impossible. If your "complaint" wasn't completely ignored, it was usually the "whiny woman" that suddenly found her performance evaluations sliding down until she couldn't be considered for advancement.
Like I said: The weak person does nothing, and the abuse continues.

She threw her fellow female Sailors under the bus.
When was that?

Oh, and the "It was too haaaaaard to do anything about it!!" is particularly whiny.

I joined in the early 80s. Too hard? Try impossible. If your "complaint" wasn't completely ignored, it was usually the "whiny woman" that suddenly found her performance evaluations sliding down until she couldn't be considered for advancement.
Like I said: The weak person does nothing, and the abuse continues.

She threw her fellow female Sailors under the bus.

Like I said, you have no idea what it has been like for women who serve. Read about military rapes and then ask yourself why someone might not make a stink about being called a gash.

Things are FINALLY starting to change and it isn't because Bod risked her career over a epithet.
I know that less than 2% of the populace joins the military and that service should be honored or at least not denigrated by the likes of someone that never did. Unless you are a BTDT, you can just STFU.
I've BTDT. And I'm saying bode was wrong for letting an officer get away with sexist behavior.

Are you really defending the sexist officer? If you support bode's decision not to file a complaint, you're defending the sexist officer.

Are you a woman? If no, then you also don't know what it is like to serve as a woman.

Do you know what used to happen to women that filed complaints?

Thankfully, the days where we really had no choice but to roll with the punches is ending, but think way back and ask yourself what would have happened if a junior enlisted woman filed a complaint because an officer called her a "gash".

^ This one is funny.
I joined in the early 80s. Too hard? Try impossible. If your "complaint" wasn't completely ignored, it was usually the "whiny woman" that suddenly found her performance evaluations sliding down until she couldn't be considered for advancement.
Like I said: The weak person does nothing, and the abuse continues.

She threw her fellow female Sailors under the bus.

Like I said, you have no idea what it has been like for women who serve. Read about military rapes and then ask yourself why someone might not make a stink about being called a gash.

Things are FINALLY starting to change and it isn't because Bod risked her career over a epithet.
Haha! Changing because Obama huh? Troll.
Like I said: The weak person does nothing, and the abuse continues.

She threw her fellow female Sailors under the bus.

Like I said, you have no idea what it has been like for women who serve. Read about military rapes and then ask yourself why someone might not make a stink about being called a gash.

Things are FINALLY starting to change and it isn't because Bod risked her career over a epithet.
Haha! Changing because Obama huh? Troll.

DADT is gone. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
When was that?

Oh, and the "It was too haaaaaard to do anything about it!!" is particularly whiny.

I joined in the early 80s. Too hard? Try impossible. If your "complaint" wasn't completely ignored, it was usually the "whiny woman" that suddenly found her performance evaluations sliding down until she couldn't be considered for advancement.
Like I said: The weak person does nothing, and the abuse continues.

She threw her fellow female Sailors under the bus.

I didn't dave, if that's what you are getting at. It still amazes me that not only are RWrs moaning and crying....they think it's BAD when others cowgirl up.


Certainly learning a lot about their Culture of Sniveling.
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Like I said, you have no idea what it has been like for women who serve. Read about military rapes and then ask yourself why someone might not make a stink about being called a gash.

Things are FINALLY starting to change and it isn't because Bod risked her career over a epithet.
Haha! Changing because Obama huh? Troll.

DADT is gone. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

That's all well and good.. what does that have to do with things getting better for you?
I've BTDT. And I'm saying bode was wrong for letting an officer get away with sexist behavior.

Are you really defending the sexist officer? If you support bode's decision not to file a complaint, you're defending the sexist officer.

Are you a woman? If no, then you also don't know what it is like to serve as a woman.

Do you know what used to happen to women that filed complaints?

Thankfully, the days where we really had no choice but to roll with the punches is ending, but think way back and ask yourself what would have happened if a junior enlisted woman filed a complaint because an officer called her a "gash".
Ahhh...playing the Vagina Card. I'll bet I'm not allowed to have an opinion on abortion either, am I?

A strong person fights the good fight regardless of the consequences. A weak person does nothing.

Thank God EVERY woman in history didn't roll over and play dead in the face of opposition like a bunch of sniveling crybabies, or we'd still be classified as "chattel" and "spoils of war".

What a pair of "feminine warriors" Seawytch and Bod turned out to be. Paper tigers, just like all leftist "feminists". Talk a good fight, and then take to the fainting couch and smelling salts the first time a man frowns at them.
Are you a woman? If no, then you also don't know what it is like to serve as a woman.

Do you know what used to happen to women that filed complaints?

Thankfully, the days where we really had no choice but to roll with the punches is ending, but think way back and ask yourself what would have happened if a junior enlisted woman filed a complaint because an officer called her a "gash".
Ahhh...playing the Vagina Card. I'll bet I'm not allowed to have an opinion on abortion either, am I?

A strong person fights the good fight regardless of the consequences. A weak person does nothing.

Boy, sensitive aren't you. I'm pointing out a fact, that's all.

What, that leftist broads like you are nothing but walking vaginas, and proudly encourage men to think of ALL women that way?

Believe me, you didn't need to point that out. It's painfully obvious every time one of you talks.
When was that?

Oh, and the "It was too haaaaaard to do anything about it!!" is particularly whiny.

I joined in the early 80s. Too hard? Try impossible. If your "complaint" wasn't completely ignored, it was usually the "whiny woman" that suddenly found her performance evaluations sliding down until she couldn't be considered for advancement.
Like I said: The weak person does nothing, and the abuse continues.

She threw her fellow female Sailors under the bus.

Apparently, Seabytch thinks that such policies and behaviors were changed by cringing weaklings like her ducking their heads and essentially saying, "Don't mind us gashes. Just do as you please."

Thank God SOMEONE out there was willing to be "whiny" and do the impossible that broads like Seabytch and Bod were too scared to attempt.
I joined in the early 80s. Too hard? Try impossible. If your "complaint" wasn't completely ignored, it was usually the "whiny woman" that suddenly found her performance evaluations sliding down until she couldn't be considered for advancement.
Like I said: The weak person does nothing, and the abuse continues.

She threw her fellow female Sailors under the bus.

Apparently, Seabytch thinks that such policies and behaviors were changed by cringing weaklings like her ducking their heads and essentially saying, "Don't mind us gashes. Just do as you please."

Thank God SOMEONE out there was willing to be "whiny" and do the impossible that broads like Seabytch and Bod were too scared to attempt.

The policies have not changed because someone filed a complaint about being called a name. They are changing because the military is changing. It has taken years. Things got better for women while I was still in, but that does not change the FACT that it wasn't grease the squeaky wheel got, it was the fid.

You should be thanking Bod for the service to her country you didn't see fit to render yourself.
Like I said: The weak person does nothing, and the abuse continues.

She threw her fellow female Sailors under the bus.

Like I said, you have no idea what it has been like for women who serve. Read about military rapes and then ask yourself why someone might not make a stink about being called a gash.

Things are FINALLY starting to change and it isn't because Bod risked her career over a epithet.
Haha! Changing because Obama huh? Troll.

No, it started to change as more women told their stories and more women joined, douche bag.
When my sister joined, her and my dad had a knock down drag out no holds barred fight. He served in the 70-80's too, and joining in a time of war, coupled with his memories of how women were treated made him do everything he could to try to talk her out of joining.
The teacher abused her authority. Plain and simple. And she should be disciplined for it.


She should be FIRED for it, as well as blacklisted for life. She should flip burgers for minimum wage for the rest of her life.
A neighbor of my uncle had an illegal cross the river and get bit by his rot while attempting to do god knows what in his back yard. The guy tried to sue for the dog bite!

That sounds to me like one of life's little problems that are best solved with a 55-gallon drum and a shovel...
DADT is gone. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

That's all well and good.. what does that have to do with things getting better for you?

I'm actually retired now (thanks for the monthly retirement check, btw)...but I have contacts still in that do not have to worry about hiding who they are anymore. :eusa_clap:

So again, who cares? What does that have to dowith you? Youre welcome, I have no problem with you getting a retirement check.

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