Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

The teacher's aide tried to mark across the t-shirt logo most likely with some marker.

Of course, you probably think some teacher and her aide trying to touch a 16 year old female's chest area over a t-shirt isn't assault. If some boy in the class grabbed her chest area over the shirt.....he'd be going to jail.

She was physically assaulted?

Witnesses confirm that this is what happened? A physical assault?

What some states call an assault others call a battery. In some states a battery is defined as a unprivileged harmful or offensive touching, and an assault is a threat or attempt to commit a battery. I know of cases where being squirted by a water pistol was considered to be a battery because it was offensive (although not physically harmful) to the plaintiff. In the present case, clearly a battery (or an assault, depending on the jurisdiction) was committed because the act was considered "offensive," however, I doubt the plaintiff can demonstrate a million dollars worth of offense.

PS: There is a difference between a tortuous assault (a civil matter) and a criminal assault. I would be astonished if the teacher faces criminal charges.
That is my opinion. The teacher said it was said in jest, the kid did not lose a 6 figure income, it's not slander. The teacher was over the line, the kid deserves an apology and the teacher deserves to be fired. However she and her family are attempting to cash in on the incident.

Good for them Teacher should pay up and then think twice about being such a fuck up.

Except they aren't suing the teacher, she doesnt have deep pockets! They're suing the school district.

Finally, someone with a modicum of sense. That's why they are suing, because the school district has money. Not the teacher. This thing will never get to court. It's typical of Philadelphia and the mindset of the people there that lawsuits are the new lottery.
No wonder you guys keep losing in the court of public opinion. People have just gotten so tired of your endless exaggerations that they're no longer willing to give you the benefit of the doubt when you make an unsubstantiated claim.

Educated people have just gotten so tired of your endless redefinitions of words according to your own flawed, ignorant understanding of the world.

Stamp your feet all you want. It's not going to change anyone's mind.

Stamp your feet all you want. No one cares about your "mind", or even necessarily agrees that you have one which warrants caring about.

The legal definition of "assault" will continue to be what it is, whether the illiterate retards of society are "tired" of it not fitting their vague, half-formed thoughts on the subject or not.
The teacher's aide tried to mark across the t-shirt logo most likely with some marker.

Of course, you probably think some teacher and her aide trying to touch a 16 year old female's chest area over a t-shirt isn't assault. If some boy in the class grabbed her chest area over the shirt.....he'd be going to jail.

Witnesses confirm that this is what happened? A physical assault?

What some states call an assault others call a battery. In some states a battery is defined as a unprivileged harmful or offensive touching, and an assault is a threat or attempt to commit a battery. I know of cases where being squirted by a water pistol was considered to be a battery because it was offensive (although not physically harmful) to the plaintiff. In the present case, clearly a battery (or an assault, depending on the jurisdiction) was committed because the act was considered "offensive," however, I doubt the plaintiff can demonstrate a million dollars worth of offense.

PS: There is a difference between a tortuous assault (a civil matter) and a criminal assault. I would be astonished if the teacher faces criminal charges.

I suspect the circumstances - the combination with the verbal assault, the fact that the victim was a minor and the aggressors were adults and authority figures over her, the fact that the unwelcomed touching was in a potentially sexual area - would elevate it in the eyes of the court beyond mere battery.

Since the family hasn't chosen to press criminal charges, we'll never know how that would stand up in court, but I'm pretty sure that if they had pressed charges, the prosecutor would have gone with assault, although he would probably have been looking to settle out-of-court.

Meanwhile, I think you can count on their lawyer to routinely refer to it as "assault" in court, and I sincerely doubt the court will feel the need to correct his terminology.
The teacher's aide tried to mark across the t-shirt logo most likely with some marker.

Of course, you probably think some teacher and her aide trying to touch a 16 year old female's chest area over a t-shirt isn't assault. If some boy in the class grabbed her chest area over the shirt.....he'd be going to jail.

Witnesses confirm that this is what happened? A physical assault?

What some states call an assault others call a battery. In some states a battery is defined as a unprivileged harmful or offensive touching, and an assault is a threat or attempt to commit a battery. I know of cases where being squirted by a water pistol was considered to be a battery because it was offensive (although not physically harmful) to the plaintiff. In the present case, clearly a battery (or an assault, depending on the jurisdiction) was committed because the act was considered "offensive," however, I doubt the plaintiff can demonstrate a million dollars worth of offense.

PS: There is a difference between a tortuous assault (a civil matter) and a criminal assault. I would be astonished if the teacher faces criminal charges.

There was no assault. The parents are not suing for assault, the police are not charging her with assault, the only places I have found even claiming assault are right wing blogs.
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Educated people have just gotten so tired of your endless redefinitions of words according to your own flawed, ignorant understanding of the world.

Stamp your feet all you want. It's not going to change anyone's mind.

Stamp your feet all you want. No one cares about your "mind", or even necessarily agrees that you have one which warrants caring about.

The legal definition of "assault" will continue to be what it is, whether the illiterate retards of society are "tired" of it not fitting their vague, half-formed thoughts on the subject or not.

It's that lack of caring about what other people think that prevents your side from understanding that you continue to alienate the general public with your rhetorical excesses. Consequently, I see that you've learned NOTHING from the election. Carry on. I predict that past will be prologue.
Stamp your feet all you want. It's not going to change anyone's mind.

Stamp your feet all you want. No one cares about your "mind", or even necessarily agrees that you have one which warrants caring about.
The legal definition of "assault" will continue to be what it is, whether the illiterate retards of society are "tired" of it not fitting their vague, half-formed thoughts on the subject or not.

It's that lack of caring about what other people think that prevents your side from understanding that you continue to alienate the general public with your rhetorical excesses. Consequently, I see that you've learned NOTHING from the election. Carry on. I predict that past will be prologue.

I learned that democrats are dumber and lazier than I thought and that they cheat really well.
Witnesses confirm that this is what happened? A physical assault?

What some states call an assault others call a battery. In some states a battery is defined as a unprivileged harmful or offensive touching, and an assault is a threat or attempt to commit a battery. I know of cases where being squirted by a water pistol was considered to be a battery because it was offensive (although not physically harmful) to the plaintiff. In the present case, clearly a battery (or an assault, depending on the jurisdiction) was committed because the act was considered "offensive," however, I doubt the plaintiff can demonstrate a million dollars worth of offense.

PS: There is a difference between a tortuous assault (a civil matter) and a criminal assault. I would be astonished if the teacher faces criminal charges.

There was no assault. The parents are not suing for assault, the police are not charging her with assault, the only places I have found even claiming assault are right wing blogs.
Because they are wimpy crybabies.
The teacher abused her authority. Plain and simple. And she should be disciplined for it.

Good for them Teacher should pay up and then think twice about being such a fuck up.

Except they aren't suing the teacher, she doesnt have deep pockets! They're suing the school district.

Finally, someone with a modicum of sense. That's why they are suing, because the school district has money. Not the teacher. This thing will never get to court. It's typical of Philadelphia and the mindset of the people there that lawsuits are the new lottery.

Jesus Christ, you people are as stupid as you are illiterate.

She's suing BOTH the teacher AND the school district. The school district is named in the suit because they're legally and morally responsible for the actions of their employees while on the job, same as any other business.

I can't imagine what it is you think the civil courts exist to do, if you ever get beyond the pseudo-sophistication of "It's all about scamming money" long enough to even contemplate the question.
And....what makes you think I'm a coward, when I'm not the one clutching their pearls and crying over this?
I think you're a coward because you refuse to acknowledge even the existence of this post:
Let's see...a person being called something humiliating in front of her peers by a person in authority over her.

I see your point. The two are NOTHING alike. :cool:

You should have. That behavior was inexcusable.

And you let him get away with it. Sad.
You had a responsibility to the women in your squadron to not let the Major's unprofessional conduct continue.

You let them down.

You were a bad officer. End of story.


What part of "he was a senior officer" didn't you understand?
Are you really that fucking stupid that you don't know EEO complaints can be filed against senior officers?

You stupid, stupid woman.

So, not only were you a bad officer, you're a coward. You let a sexist officer get away with his sexism because you were a chickenshit. He went on to continue being a sexist because you didn't do the right thing.

Is that what you're teaching your daughter? Pathetic.
That pretty much sums it up. The dumb bitch has no idea how to be respected as a human being, and how to demand respect as human beings for those under her authority and responsibility, and clearly has no clue whatsoever what constitutes appropriate behavior FOR a human being, let alone a human being in a position of authority.

It is no wonder she's incapable of understanding just how wrong and harmful this teacher's behavior was. Had I been a woman in her squadron, I would not only have filed a formal complaint about that Major, I would have filed one about her, as well.

You would have to have served your country first. Did you?

It's fascinating to watch the non-serving go on and on as if they know anything about what it was like in the military. Just more evidence that the RW is not made of very stern stuff.
I served. You were wrong for not filing a complaint. Undeniably.
Stamp your feet all you want. It's not going to change anyone's mind.

Stamp your feet all you want. No one cares about your "mind", or even necessarily agrees that you have one which warrants caring about.

The legal definition of "assault" will continue to be what it is, whether the illiterate retards of society are "tired" of it not fitting their vague, half-formed thoughts on the subject or not.

It's that lack of caring about what other people think that prevents your side from understanding that you continue to alienate the general public with your rhetorical excesses. Consequently, I see that you've learned NOTHING from the election. Carry on. I predict that past will be prologue.

It's the requirement of having everything dumbed-down to kindergarten level that prevents your side from anticipating how utterly irrelevant you will be making yourself to the world in general over time.

I worry not at all about "alienating the general public" when "general public" is being defined as "imbeciles who are aggressively proud of how utterly ignorant they are, and hostile to anyone who has the education to pass a GED". There is no need to pander to your grandiose sense of power, because fools never hold onto any power they achieve for long at all.

I see you've learned nothing AT ALL, ever in your existence. Carry on, because the past WILL be prologue, and history is among the things you fools never learned.
You would have to have served your country first. Did you?

It's fascinating to watch the non-serving go on and on as if they know anything about what it was like in the military. Just more evidence that the RW is not made of very stern stuff.

Fucking armchair warriors who have no idea what it is like to serve, especially for a woman.
Did you serve, or are you one of those armchair warriors?
It's fascinating to watch the non-serving go on and on as if they know anything about what it was like in the military. Just more evidence that the RW is not made of very stern stuff.

Fucking armchair warriors who have no idea what it is like to serve, especially for a woman.
Did you serve, or are you one of those armchair warriors?

20 years and honorably retired.

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