Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

She did more than you did if you didn't serve. That's a fact.

What is it you believe her reasons to serve were since you are claiming they were the "wrong" ones?
Bullshit, I created jobs for the people she is protecting. I do and did my part. I tired to join the military they said I had too many children and no way to the support them if I left. Plain and simple... I was told I do more at home than abroad. Right after 9-11 I tried. Instead I finished school and took Care of my family and created jobs for people in my town eventually. Unless you believe being a part of the war machine is the most important value a citizen has in this country, you wouldnt talk this insanity.

I know that less than 2% of the populace joins the military and that service should be honored or at least not denigrated by the likes of someone that never did. Unless you are a BTDT, you can just STFU.
I've BTDT. And I'm saying bode was wrong for letting an officer get away with sexist behavior.

Are you really defending the sexist officer? If you support bode's decision not to file a complaint, you're defending the sexist officer.
You would have to have served your country first. Did you?

Spare me, loser. Do you really think I'm going to let the likes of YOU dictate to me when and how to judge someone's character, or in the case of Bod, the lack thereof? I neither need nor want the moral approval of immoral dogshit, so keep flattering yourself.

I stand by my statement. Bod is a disgrace to women, and encourages men to think of women as "gashes" by behaving like a "gash". And she's far from the only one like that around here.

You've never served so you have ZERO room to judge the actions of someone who has.
Again...did you serve?
If the teacher had been a republican and said that the school was a republican school and obama shirts would not be permitted, what result?

Maybe it is now time to divide the schools. Some can be democrat and some can be republican. Or do we do that now and just call the republicans schools private schools?

Are you saying that we should split up school according to political ideology?At least the schools of the right would be more tolerant than those of the Left. We can see that easily by how Marxist children and even now our schools are being taught. If you don't follow the Party line of the teacher you are called names and undoubtedly fail in that class. In Russia or China the results of defying the teacher would result in a stint at the "re-Education Camps". Freedom of Speech for thee but not for me.
Bullshit, I created jobs for the people she is protecting. I do and did my part. I tired to join the military they said I had too many children and no way to the support them if I left. Plain and simple... I was told I do more at home than abroad. Right after 9-11 I tried. Instead I finished school and took Care of my family and created jobs for people in my town eventually. Unless you believe being a part of the war machine is the most important value a citizen has in this country, you wouldnt talk this insanity.

I know that less than 2% of the populace joins the military and that service should be honored or at least not denigrated by the likes of someone that never did. Unless you are a BTDT, you can just STFU.
I've BTDT. And I'm saying bode was wrong for letting an officer get away with sexist behavior.

Are you really defending the sexist officer? If you support bode's decision not to file a complaint, you're defending the sexist officer.

Are you a woman? If no, then you also don't know what it is like to serve as a woman.

Do you know what used to happen to women that filed complaints?

Thankfully, the days where we really had no choice but to roll with the punches is ending, but think way back and ask yourself what would have happened if a junior enlisted woman filed a complaint because an officer called her a "gash".
What some states call an assault others call a battery. In some states a battery is defined as a unprivileged harmful or offensive touching, and an assault is a threat or attempt to commit a battery. I know of cases where being squirted by a water pistol was considered to be a battery because it was offensive (although not physically harmful) to the plaintiff. In the present case, clearly a battery (or an assault, depending on the jurisdiction) was committed because the act was considered "offensive," however, I doubt the plaintiff can demonstrate a million dollars worth of offense.

PS: There is a difference between a tortuous assault (a civil matter) and a criminal assault. I would be astonished if the teacher faces criminal charges.

There was no assault. The parents are not suing for assault, the police are not charging her with assault, the only places I have found even claiming assault are right wing blogs.
Because they are wimpy crybabies.

Coming from a woman who was too cowardly to file a complaint about a superior officer, your characterization is utterly meaningless.
Spare me, loser. Do you really think I'm going to let the likes of YOU dictate to me when and how to judge someone's character, or in the case of Bod, the lack thereof? I neither need nor want the moral approval of immoral dogshit, so keep flattering yourself.

I stand by my statement. Bod is a disgrace to women, and encourages men to think of women as "gashes" by behaving like a "gash". And she's far from the only one like that around here.

You've never served so you have ZERO room to judge the actions of someone who has.
Again...did you serve?

Already answered before you asked again. Slow down and read.
The teacher abused her authority. Plain and simple. And she should be disciplined for it.


I think, so far, everyone agrees the teacher crossed the line, and deserves punishment. The issue in argument is , does the girl deserve a 6 figure check from the state for what happened to her in that classroom.

If a burglar can sue for injuries received during a break-in and collect 6 figures, this girl deserves 7!
Ricky Bodine was a 19-year-old high-school graduate who, with three other friends (one of whom had a criminal record), decided the night of March 1, 1982, to steal a floodlight from the roof of the Enterprise High School gymnasium. Ricky climbed the roof, removed the floodlight, lowered it to the ground to his friends, and, as he was walking across the roof (perhaps to steal a second floodlight), he fell through the skylight. Bodine suffered terrible injuries to be sure, though one questions the relevance: if the school is legally responsible for burglars’ safety, it doesn’t matter whether Bodine stubbed a toe or, as actually happened, became a spastic quadriplegic. But I fail to see what it is that reformers are supposedly misrepresenting. A burglar fell through a skylight, and sued the owner of the skylight for his injuries. Bodine sued for $8 million (in 1984 dollars, about $16 million today) and settled for the nuisance sum of $260,000 plus $1200/month for life, about the equivalent of a million dollars in conservatively-estimated 2006 present value.
I know that less than 2% of the populace joins the military and that service should be honored or at least not denigrated by the likes of someone that never did. Unless you are a BTDT, you can just STFU.
I've BTDT. And I'm saying bode was wrong for letting an officer get away with sexist behavior.

Are you really defending the sexist officer? If you support bode's decision not to file a complaint, you're defending the sexist officer.

Are you a woman? If no, then you also don't know what it is like to serve as a woman.

Do you know what used to happen to women that filed complaints?

Thankfully, the days where we really had no choice but to roll with the punches is ending, but think way back and ask yourself what would have happened if a junior enlisted woman filed a complaint because an officer called her a "gash".
Ahhh...playing the Vagina Card. I'll bet I'm not allowed to have an opinion on abortion either, am I?

A strong person fights the good fight regardless of the consequences. A weak person does nothing.
I've BTDT. And I'm saying bode was wrong for letting an officer get away with sexist behavior.

Are you really defending the sexist officer? If you support bode's decision not to file a complaint, you're defending the sexist officer.

Are you a woman? If no, then you also don't know what it is like to serve as a woman.

Do you know what used to happen to women that filed complaints?

Thankfully, the days where we really had no choice but to roll with the punches is ending, but think way back and ask yourself what would have happened if a junior enlisted woman filed a complaint because an officer called her a "gash".
Ahhh...playing the Vagina Card. I'll bet I'm not allowed to have an opinion on abortion either, am I?

A strong person fights the good fight regardless of the consequences. A weak person does nothing.

Boy, sensitive aren't you. I'm pointing out a fact, that's all.
Thank you for your service. I really can't imagine why you're condoning an officer calling a fellow officer a "gash".

I wasn't condoning it. I was pointing out that things were different for when Bod and I were first in.
When was that?

Oh, and the "It was too haaaaaard to do anything about it!!" is particularly whiny.

I joined in the early 80s. Too hard? Try impossible. If your "complaint" wasn't completely ignored, it was usually the "whiny woman" that suddenly found her performance evaluations sliding down until she couldn't be considered for advancement.
Are you a woman? If no, then you also don't know what it is like to serve as a woman.

Do you know what used to happen to women that filed complaints?

Thankfully, the days where we really had no choice but to roll with the punches is ending, but think way back and ask yourself what would have happened if a junior enlisted woman filed a complaint because an officer called her a "gash".
Ahhh...playing the Vagina Card. I'll bet I'm not allowed to have an opinion on abortion either, am I?

A strong person fights the good fight regardless of the consequences. A weak person does nothing.

Boy, sensitive aren't you. I'm pointing out a fact, that's all.
Uh huh.

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