Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

The worse part is that being called a member of the KKK is the same as being called a Democrat, vicious.
The teacher should be fired, she had no business demeaning a student in that manner, she's supposed to be the adult in the room. I hope it costs the teacher a bundle in legal fees, ya get in their pocket deep enough they learn to watch their mouth.
I think the entire staff should be replaced if that's the kind of attitude they're engendering in the district. And the school should have equal amounts assessed against it, for retraining employed persons in political neutrality, plus it has to hire an equal amount of conservative instructors who will combat the prejudice of the Democrat well-poisoners who have acted worse against the free speech of pupils than OWS protesters did against squad cars last year. :rolleyes:
The worse part is that being called a member of the KKK is the same as being called a Democrat, vicious.
The KKK was the artillery arm of the Democrat Party before Union Goons took over. :lmao:

Funny how Dems like to forget about that. If you look up minimum wage and its history, you will find that Progressives wanted it so that minorities wouldn't be able to work.

Funny how they have changed the meaning to make it look like they care today.
I joined in the early 80s. Too hard? Try impossible. If your "complaint" wasn't completely ignored, it was usually the "whiny woman" that suddenly found her performance evaluations sliding down until she couldn't be considered for advancement.
Like I said: The weak person does nothing, and the abuse continues.

She threw her fellow female Sailors under the bus.

Like I said, you have no idea what it has been like for women who serve. Read about military rapes and then ask yourself why someone might not make a stink about being called a gash.

Things are FINALLY starting to change and it isn't because Bod risked her career over a epithet.
But if she had, it would have started changing sooner.

Did Rosa Parks get up and move to the back of the bus because it would have been easier?
I joined in the early 80s. Too hard? Try impossible. If your "complaint" wasn't completely ignored, it was usually the "whiny woman" that suddenly found her performance evaluations sliding down until she couldn't be considered for advancement.
Like I said: The weak person does nothing, and the abuse continues.

She threw her fellow female Sailors under the bus.

I didn't dave, if that's what you are getting at. It still amazes me that not only are RWrs moaning and crying....they think it's BAD when others cowgirl up.


Certainly learning a lot about their Culture of Sniveling.
You long ago made it plain that you support the teacher bullying the girl because her parents were Republicans.
Are you a woman? If no, then you also don't know what it is like to serve as a woman.

Do you know what used to happen to women that filed complaints?

Thankfully, the days where we really had no choice but to roll with the punches is ending, but think way back and ask yourself what would have happened if a junior enlisted woman filed a complaint because an officer called her a "gash".
Ahhh...playing the Vagina Card. I'll bet I'm not allowed to have an opinion on abortion either, am I?

A strong person fights the good fight regardless of the consequences. A weak person does nothing.

Thank God EVERY woman in history didn't roll over and play dead in the face of opposition like a bunch of sniveling crybabies, or we'd still be classified as "chattel" and "spoils of war".

What a pair of "feminine warriors" Seawytch and Bod turned out to be. Paper tigers, just like all leftist "feminists". Talk a good fight, and then take to the fainting couch and smelling salts the first time a man frowns at them.
...then taking credit when a stronger person does something about the abuse they allowed to continue.

The policies have not changed because someone filed a complaint about being called a name.

No, it started to change as more women told their stories and more women joined, douche bag.
Wrong. The policies changed because women stronger than you and bode weren't willing to tolerate sexist behavior and did something about it -- and the first step is filing a complaint.

It didn't change when you were in because you were too weak to take that first step.
A neighbor of my uncle had an illegal cross the river and get bit by his rot while attempting to do god knows what in his back yard. The guy tried to sue for the dog bite!

That sounds to me like one of life's little problems that are best solved with a 55-gallon drum and a shovel...

Notice the operative word is "tried to sue". People "try to sue" for just about anything. The problem is in when they win for the stupidest things.
The worse part is that being called a member of the KKK is the same as being called a Democrat, vicious.
The KKK was the artillery arm of the Democrat Party before Union Goons took over. :lmao:

Funny how Dems like to forget about that. If you look up minimum wage and its history, you will find that Progressives wanted it so that minorities wouldn't be able to work.

Funny how they have changed the meaning to make it look like they care today.

Are you saying the Dems back then are the same as the Dems right now? If you are, we can have lots of fun with that one.
The KKK was the artillery arm of the Democrat Party before Union Goons took over. :lmao:

Funny how Dems like to forget about that. If you look up minimum wage and its history, you will find that Progressives wanted it so that minorities wouldn't be able to work.

Funny how they have changed the meaning to make it look like they care today.

Are you saying the Dems back then are the same as the Dems right now? If you are, we can have lots of fun with that one.[/QUOTE
Oh yeah! Lots of fun! So are you saying because they pay líp service to minorities and say nice things, that somehow the laws that were put in place to hurt minorities by the Democrats , which they still support vehemently, somehow became good and no longer hurt minorities because the Dems say nice things about them to get their votes? Hmmm, yes... This will be very, very fun, Bodacious Baby.:clap2:
"watch what they DO, Not what they say!"
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Funny how Dems like to forget about that. If you look up minimum wage and its history, you will find that Progressives wanted it so that minorities wouldn't be able to work.

Funny how they have changed the meaning to make it look like they care today.

Are you saying the Dems back then are the same as the Dems right now? If you are, we can have lots of fun with that one.[/QUOTE
Oh yeah! Lots of fun! So are you saying because they pay líp service to minorities and say nice things, that somehow the laws that were put in place to hurt minorities by the Democrats , which they still support vehemently, somehow became good and no longer hurt minorities because the Dems say nice things about them to get their votes? Hmmm, yes... This will be very, very fun, Bodacious Baby.:clap2:
"watch what they DO, Not what they say!"

Bump for Bodecea.
Like I said: The weak person does nothing, and the abuse continues.

She threw her fellow female Sailors under the bus.

Like I said, you have no idea what it has been like for women who serve. Read about military rapes and then ask yourself why someone might not make a stink about being called a gash.

Things are FINALLY starting to change and it isn't because Bod risked her career over a epithet.
But if she had, it would have started changing sooner.

Did Rosa Parks get up and move to the back of the bus because it would have been easier?

Oh for shit sake it would not. This wasn't some "back of the bus" moment Mr. Hyperbole. It was one jerk making an asshole comment and Bod not making a stink out of it because she's not a whiny little bitch.

If you'd heard some JO call you a dick would you have run to the command and filed a complaint?
Like I said, you have no idea what it has been like for women who serve. Read about military rapes and then ask yourself why someone might not make a stink about being called a gash.

Things are FINALLY starting to change and it isn't because Bod risked her career over a epithet.
But if she had, it would have started changing sooner.

Did Rosa Parks get up and move to the back of the bus because it would have been easier?

Oh for shit sake it would not. This wasn't some "back of the bus" moment Mr. Hyperbole. It was one jerk making an asshole comment and Bod not making a stink out of it because she's not a whiny little bitch.

If you'd heard some JO call you a dick would you have run to the command and filed a complaint?
You're a coward and what you're saying means nothing. We are talking about a CHILD, not an adult in the military. You two aren't going to get away with your diversionary tactics. Not while I am here.
But if she had, it would have started changing sooner.

Did Rosa Parks get up and move to the back of the bus because it would have been easier?

Oh for shit sake it would not. This wasn't some "back of the bus" moment Mr. Hyperbole. It was one jerk making an asshole comment and Bod not making a stink out of it because she's not a whiny little bitch.

If you'd heard some JO call you a dick would you have run to the command and filed a complaint?
You're a coward and what you're saying means nothing. We are talking about a CHILD, not an adult in the military. You two aren't going to get away with your diversionary tactics. Not while I am here.

So glad you're here to keep us on the topic of our overly litigious society. Hooray for suing for name calling!!!
by Jim Hoft
December 22, 2012

In October a Pennsylvania teen was ridiculed by her teacher and called a KKK supporter for wearing a Romney T-shirt to class.

This week the family sued the teacher at Charles Carroll High School and the school district over the abuse their daughter suffered for wearing the Rommney T-shirt to school. reported, via Townhall:

The parents of the Charles Carroll High School student ridiculed and ordered by her teacher to remove a t-shirt supporting Mitt Romney sued the teacher and school district on Friday, claiming the act violated the girl’s civil rights.

Filed in federal court in Philadelphia, the suit says the district ignored Samantha Pawlucy’s right to free speech, let other students threaten and harass her and subjected her “to emotional distress, simply because she exercised her First Amendment rights.”

Fernando Gallard, a spokesman for the district, said it would not comment on the lawsuit.

Pawlucy, a 16-year-old sophomore from Port Richmond, drew national headlines from the furor that erupted when she wore a pink “Romney-Ryan” shirt during a dress-down day at school in September.

According to the lawsuit, Pawlucy had worn the shirt all day when she walked into geometry teacher Lynette Gaymon’s classroom.

The teacher allegedly told the teen that Charles Carroll was a “Democratic” school and that her shirt was akin to one spouting a logo for the Ku Klux Klan.​

Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Supporter for Wearing Romney T-Shirt | The Gateway Pundit

Video Link:
Teacher Kicks Student Out of Class for Wearing Mitt Romney T-Shirt - YouTube

So the girl expressing her political opinion on the T-shirt is just her expressing her first amendmant right to free speech. But the others - who expressed their disagreement to her political opinions - are guilty of a tort?

People are such hypocritical idiots. Everyone has a right to express their political opinions. And everyone else has a right to express theirs as well. It's a knife that cuts both ways.
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Oh for shit sake it would not. This wasn't some "back of the bus" moment Mr. Hyperbole. It was one jerk making an asshole comment and Bod not making a stink out of it because she's not a whiny little bitch.

If you'd heard some JO call you a dick would you have run to the command and filed a complaint?
You're a coward and what you're saying means nothing. We are talking about a CHILD, not an adult in the military. You two aren't going to get away with your diversionary tactics. Not while I am here.

So glad you're here to keep us on the topic of our overly litigious society. Hooray for suing for name calling!!!
As I've said earlier on, which I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you've never read it since this is a very long thread to read in it's entirety and not miss a few, the teacher should lose her job, I'm not in favor of their being a pay out.. and if any payment should be made, it should only be for the parent's having no other choice but to remove their child from the school and if it they have documented proof of relocation expenses. And forget suing the school district, sue the union that represents her and the teacher, since they will be the ones fighting to keep her job. I am pretty sure the school district would have fired her immediately if they could've.
by Jim Hoft
December 22, 2012

In October a Pennsylvania teen was ridiculed by her teacher and called a KKK supporter for wearing a Romney T-shirt to class.

This week the family sued the teacher at Charles Carroll High School and the school district over the abuse their daughter suffered for wearing the Rommney T-shirt to school. reported, via Townhall:

The parents of the Charles Carroll High School student ridiculed and ordered by her teacher to remove a t-shirt supporting Mitt Romney sued the teacher and school district on Friday, claiming the act violated the girl’s civil rights.

Filed in federal court in Philadelphia, the suit says the district ignored Samantha Pawlucy’s right to free speech, let other students threaten and harass her and subjected her “to emotional distress, simply because she exercised her First Amendment rights.”

Fernando Gallard, a spokesman for the district, said it would not comment on the lawsuit.

Pawlucy, a 16-year-old sophomore from Port Richmond, drew national headlines from the furor that erupted when she wore a pink “Romney-Ryan” shirt during a dress-down day at school in September.

According to the lawsuit, Pawlucy had worn the shirt all day when she walked into geometry teacher Lynette Gaymon’s classroom.

The teacher allegedly told the teen that Charles Carroll was a “Democratic” school and that her shirt was akin to one spouting a logo for the Ku Klux Klan.​

Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Supporter for Wearing Romney T-Shirt | The Gateway Pundit

Video Link:
Teacher Kicks Student Out of Class for Wearing Mitt Romney T-Shirt - YouTube

So the girl expressing her political opinion on the T-shirt is just her expressing her first amendmant right to free speech. But the others - who expressed their disagreement to her political opinions - are guilty of a tort?

People are such hypocritical idiots. Everyone has a right to express their political opinions. And everyone else has a right to express theirs as well. It's a knife that cuts both ways.

You seriously have no dog in this fight, you don't seem to even know the details of what the teacher caused and did to the student.

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