Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

No, it's really not "warranted". What happened to her isn't worth a 6 figure check from the state.

That is your opinion, it may not be the opinion of a jury, falsely claiming someone is a racist or a member of a disgusting group may seem okay for you but we have seen people lose their livelihoods over less and many of those made over 6 figure incomes.

That is my opinion. The teacher said it was said in jest, the kid did not lose a 6 figure income, it's not slander. The teacher was over the line, the kid deserves an apology and the teacher deserves to be fired. However she and her family are attempting to cash in on the incident.
Question. Who.did the kkk support? Obama or Romney.
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KENTUCKY - USA - Imperial Wizard, Ronald Edwards made a statement today saying: "Our boy done good and we're endorsing him for a second term."

White Christian Supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan has endorsed Barack Obama to be the President of the United States of America for a second term, after famously endorsing him in 2008 .

Speaking from his Kentucky office in Dawson Springs, the Imperial Wizard explained that they were gunning for the president to win a second term because of his efforts in getting Osama bin Laden and continuing the War of Terror.

This is the only time in Klan history that any member of the KKK has publicly supported an African American candidate for a second term presidency."


Was there some other time when an african american ran for a second presidential term?

Did you hear, Kim Jong Un is the sexiest man alive.
Hahaha! Yeah I thought the same thing while reading that! Well some libs think Lincoln was actually black, so in their fantasy land.. perhaps the answer is yes! ROFLMAO!
Suuuuure, if you could have kids....I doubt you'd like some teacher saying to her in front of the class that her mother was a homo.

As usual, you're full of shit.

I believe this case is showing what many of us here have already notices. RWrs are a horribly thin-skinned lot.
No, it's really not "warranted". What happened to her isn't worth a 6 figure check from the state.

That is your opinion, it may not be the opinion of a jury, falsely claiming someone is a racist or a member of a disgusting group may seem okay for you but we have seen people lose their livelihoods over less and many of those made over 6 figure incomes.

The term "slander" comes to mind, doesn't it? Last time I looked, that was still against the law. There should be no lack of witnesses if it was done in front of a classroom of students.
I believe this case is showing what many of us here have already notices. RWrs are a horribly thin-skinned lot.


If a GOPer makes a slightly veiled racist comment (e.g. Trump) and you call them out, their defenses go up like crazy. You'd think you called them a child molester.

They hate that. I don't know if they know we're right, or do they have a super tin ear.

Harry Reid made some comments on the recored and called the President and personally apologized for his stupidity. Trump's pride won't allow him to see how racist his accusations and comments.
I believe this case is showing what many of us here have already notices. RWrs are a horribly thin-skinned lot.

Lol! Yeah right.. expecting teachers to not single your kid out and insult them is just a thin-skinned RW expectation. Liberals are so much more in the know that theyd appreciate the teacher insulting their kids. Nah, I think you need to just STFU..Yeah, thats probably what you want to do.
Yeah.....the KKK for Romney supporters are all over the place like HIV infected gay men like you.

You see dumbfuck....odds would be in my favor that a gay men will have greater odds of being HIV+ compared to some random Romney supporter being in the KKK.

Your teacher showed stupdiity at the highest level equating Romney with the KKK and then telling the student that to her face. My fictional teacher would also be stupid to make a claim about gay men to a student despite it being more realistic.

Gay men dying from AIDS is more probable than some Romney supporter being a member of the KKK.

Jesus, you are fucking stupid :lol:
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No, it's really not "warranted". What happened to her isn't worth a 6 figure check from the state.

That is your opinion, it may not be the opinion of a jury, falsely claiming someone is a racist or a member of a disgusting group may seem okay for you but we have seen people lose their livelihoods over less and many of those made over 6 figure incomes.

That is my opinion. The teacher said it was said in jest, the kid did not lose a 6 figure income, it's not slander. The teacher was over the line, the kid deserves an apology and the teacher deserves to be fired. However she and her family are attempting to cash in on the incident.

Imus jested and lost a six figure income.

Losing her job nah, just put your money where your mouth is. You believe in what you say, then pay up or shut up.
No, it's really not "warranted". What happened to her isn't worth a 6 figure check from the state.

That is your opinion, it may not be the opinion of a jury, falsely claiming someone is a racist or a member of a disgusting group may seem okay for you but we have seen people lose their livelihoods over less and many of those made over 6 figure incomes.

The term "slander" comes to mind, doesn't it? Last time I looked, that was still against the law. There should be no lack of witnesses if it was done in front of a classroom of students.

Slander indicated damages. What are the damages?
I believe this case is showing what many of us here have already notices. RWrs are a horribly thin-skinned lot.

Lol! Yeah right.. expecting teachers to not single your kid out and insult them is just a thin-skinned RW expectation. Liberals are so much more in the know that theyd appreciate the teacher insulting their kids. Nah, I think you need to just STFU..Yeah, thats probably what you want to do.

As I said....^ thin-skinned.
No, it's really not "warranted". What happened to her isn't worth a 6 figure check from the state.

That is your opinion, it may not be the opinion of a jury, falsely claiming someone is a racist or a member of a disgusting group may seem okay for you but we have seen people lose their livelihoods over less and many of those made over 6 figure incomes.

The term "slander" comes to mind, doesn't it? Last time I looked, that was still against the law. There should be no lack of witnesses if it was done in front of a classroom of students.

Yep, she slandered the young lady and now the teacher needs to back up her words with dollars or jail time. The left tells us words mean something, time to back up the belief.
Yeah shitbag....kinda like Joe Biden telling the world the GOP wants to put blacks back in chains.....that was just a joke, a slip up.

Or your SecState nominee claiming the US military terrorized women and children in Iraq while the US military was still in Iraq. The terrorists and Iraqi people didn't catch that did they, dumbfuck? A US Senator "joking" about the US military being war criminals thus motivating our enemies in Iraq.

Burn in hell.

I believe this case is showing what many of us here have already notices. RWrs are a horribly thin-skinned lot.


If a GOPer makes a slightly veiled racist comment (e.g. Trump) and you call them out, their defenses go up like crazy. You'd think you called them a child molester.

They hate that. I don't know if they know we're right, or do they have a super tin ear.

Harry Reid made some comments on the recored and called the President and personally apologized for his stupidity. Trump's pride won't allow him to see how racist his accusations and comments.
That is your opinion, it may not be the opinion of a jury, falsely claiming someone is a racist or a member of a disgusting group may seem okay for you but we have seen people lose their livelihoods over less and many of those made over 6 figure incomes.

The term "slander" comes to mind, doesn't it? Last time I looked, that was still against the law. There should be no lack of witnesses if it was done in front of a classroom of students.

Slander indicated damages. What are the damages?

I bet Your dumb ass is the Type to whine about bullying in schools, and here you are.. in grand libtard fashion.. being a hypocrite and asking stupid questions. Do you think before you post such idiotic crap?
That is your opinion, it may not be the opinion of a jury, falsely claiming someone is a racist or a member of a disgusting group may seem okay for you but we have seen people lose their livelihoods over less and many of those made over 6 figure incomes.

The term "slander" comes to mind, doesn't it? Last time I looked, that was still against the law. There should be no lack of witnesses if it was done in front of a classroom of students.

Yep, she slandered the young lady and now the teacher needs to back up her words with dollars or jail time. The left tells us words mean something, time to back up the belief.

Jail time?:lmao:

I'm going to remember this. Being mean should be an offensive punishable by jail time!
I believe this case is showing what many of us here have already notices. RWrs are a horribly thin-skinned lot.

Lol! Yeah right.. expecting teachers to not single your kid out and insult them is just a thin-skinned RW expectation. Liberals are so much more in the know that theyd appreciate the teacher insulting their kids. Nah, I think you need to just STFU..Yeah, thats probably what you want to do.

As I said....^ thin-skinned.

Thin skinned has nothing to do with it. Youre stupidity is intolerable.
You are that fucking stupid....

That is your opinion, it may not be the opinion of a jury, falsely claiming someone is a racist or a member of a disgusting group may seem okay for you but we have seen people lose their livelihoods over less and many of those made over 6 figure incomes.

The term "slander" comes to mind, doesn't it? Last time I looked, that was still against the law. There should be no lack of witnesses if it was done in front of a classroom of students.

Slander indicated damages. What are the damages?
No, it's really not "warranted". What happened to her isn't worth a 6 figure check from the state.

They only want tort reform -- because that will protect polluters and makers of shitty dangerous products.

But sue your teachers for hurting your daughter's feelings is okay.

You fucks sue Conservatives for your hurt feelings on a daily basis!

Hypocrite much?

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