Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

If a conservative made a slanderous comment about a liberal in public....odds are the conservative would be fired from their job and sued.

But it's all a "joke" when liberals do it. Joe hairplugs Biden can claim the GOP wants to put blacks in chains. John Ketchup claims the US military terrorizes women and children. Bill Maher can praise UBL for attacking us, etc......yet it's all a joke.

I can understand their saying it was a joke, pretty much everything a liberal says is a joke, just not always a funny joke.

No dopey.

Let me help you get the facts straight.

Liberal-leaning comedians tell jokes. Sometimes non-comedian liberals try to be funny and fail. A failed joke, an inappropriate joke is not just a liberal thing.

This teacher was trying to be funny, thought he was being funny, but not being a comedian he was just being a jerk. Teachers do this. He should face the parents and the student, admit he was being a jerk and apologize.

But these teabag parents see a payday, a deep pocket, and they hired a lawyer.

Congrats, they're now part of a problem. They want a free handout from the state and they're using their daughter to get it.

Was the "dopey" part a joke? Because I think it about as funny as if someone made the joke that you go down on aids infected donkeys. The joke of course is that donkeys won't have you.

Yes, liberal comedians hide behind "jokes" all the time. Like when Letterman smeared Palin's underage daughter, just a joke..right.
will any of you accept the witness testimony of the other kids?

or will you just call them liars unless they say what you want to here?

I'm sure there will be witnesses at the civil trial even though the teacher has already admitted she made the comments.

You know, TDM, I was recently gone for a month. I had faith that while I was gone, you might just manage to acquire a few more functioning brain cells. No such luck.

Maybe she'll get some for Christmas?
I'm not shocked this happened since liberals are more brazen now with their bullshit. They have owned the public schools going back to the radical 60s when it all changed. They are defending their turf like gang members.

Now some of them see conservatives poking back at them, so they are getting more bold declaring the school is THEIR SCHOOL and no opposing views are allowed.

When I was last in high school over 25 years ago, I had a liberal English professor that I debated in class....but I doubt he would call me a KKK member if I wore a Reagan shirt to class.

So a teacher declares the school is only for DEMOCRAPS, tells the student the Romney shirt is associated with the KKK, tells the student to take off her shirt and an aide tried to physically touch the student by marking on the shirt????

And shitbag liberals are defending that shit?

Everyone one of those offenses mentioned above should get the teacher fired and the "touching the student" should get the aide and teacher thrown in jail for assault. Nevermind telling the student to take off her shirt.....crime?

It's been a long time since I've been in a school.

It's small wonder why so many are busting caps in the place and parents are pulling their kids out.

Homeschooling seems to be the answer. At least in some cases.
It is like many liberals here, just adds nothing but shit to the board.

Look out, it will probably spam you with PMs now then block you from responding so just turn off your PM system.

My feelings are hurt.

So are you going to be serious about the topic or just throw bombs and ad-hominem attacks around like a child? Atleast add something to the discussion Man. Is that too much to ask from a liberal?
They can do whatever, Ill just Érase the PM's and if this hazelnut dude cant act right, or atleast add some substance to his playbook...I will block him myself. That crap gets old.
Idiot....making an accusation that someone is a member of the KKK to harm their feelings, is slander. Nevermind hurt their reputation among peers in the school.

You believe some 16 year old's personal life can't be ruined in her school by being called some KKK supporter by a teacher and told by the teacher she isn't welcome in the school????

Every person in the class was told the student was associated with the KKK, that is slander you stupid bitch.

I don't think you understand the difference between slander and insult.

It was slander, she has a right to a political belief, to be intimidated and ridiculed by a person in authority was wrong and it was only a joke after the teacher got in trouble, sorry but I don't by it.

I was right, you don't know the difference.

Slander is when I knowingly spread lies about you with the intention of damaging your reputation. Standing outside of your business and telling costumers your food made me sick, emailing your coworkers and telling them you are being charged with rape and so you're fired, that's slander.

Standing in front of the class and mocking the shirt you are wearing, and saying its the same as wearing a KKK shirt to a black school, is not slander.

Besides the fact that the lawsuit is not about slander. She's not suing for slander, she's suing for "emotional distress" and saying the school failed to stop other students from being mean to her.
Yeah, I thought I'd throw it in, seemed to be the liberal thing to do.

Being mean it was not, it was a person in authority demeaning and slandering another person based on a political belief. It was inappropriate.

I don't think you understand the difference between slander and insult.

malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report

That seems to fit what this teacher did. Was it malicious? I'd say it was, it certainly wasn't kind and the result was to place the child in jeopardy with her peers. Was it false? Was this child a member of the KKK? Was it defamatory? Did the teacher's statement injure child's reputation, hell yes! I would say that the teacher's comment was slanderous and is especially egregious given her position of authority.

I agree, Amy's liberal opinion is just that it was a joke, her saying it was like wearing a KKK shirt in front of the class, was a joke. Her telling her to take off the t-shirt in front of the class, was a joke. Her touching the students chest in front of the class, was a joke.

Funny it only became a joke AFTER she was called on it and of course, being a good little liberal, Amy buys into the apology, because she has to.
Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.
If Im not mistaken, the KKK wasnt find of mormons at all. And the KKK endorsed Obama twice so she not only is insulting this child in her class and bullying her infront of everyone there. But she also is spreading false information to her students. What a scumbag she is.
Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.
I agree because ultimately we, the tax payers would foot the Bill. Since the unions will be the ones fighting to keep her job, they along with her should pay out, if there is any pay-out to be given.
The school district was dumb enough to hire the bitch, so they must pay for her stupid mouth. If the teacher was that bold to attack students, other teachers must've known she was a ticking Democrap time bomb with a bad mouth.

Hopefully the stupid bitch loses her own personal assets too, so that she is living on the street.

Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.
Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.

For the school to allow this, they need to shell out some bucks. But it should come out of the administrators and the teachers pockets, not the districts. They need to hurt personally, so they never allow this to happen again.

Again, your claim it was a joke is utterly stupid, this is where your bias comes shining through, so of course no one should get a dime. Flip it the other way and you'd scream for a good suing.
Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.

For the school to allow this, they need to shell out some bucks. But it should come out of the administrators and the teachers pockets, not the districts. They need to hurt personally, so they never allow this to happen again.

Again, your claim it was a joke is utterly stupid, this is where your bias comes shining through, so of course no one should get a dime. Flip it the other way and you'd scream for a good suing.
It is like many liberals here, just adds nothing but shit to the board.

ironic post is ironic

Look out, it will probably spam you with PMs now then block you from responding so just turn off your PM system.

Speaking of PMs, could you please stop spamming my inbox with dick pics? I'm really not interested in seeing your teenie weenie.
Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.

For the school to allow this, they need to shell out some bucks. But it should come out of the administrators and the teachers pockets, not the districts. They need to hurt personally, so they never allow this to happen again.

Again, your claim it was a joke is utterly stupid, this is where your bias comes shining through, so of course no one should get a dime. Flip it the other way and you'd scream for a good suing.

You think the teacher deserves jail time, but MY bias is showing? :lmao:

Btw, I never said it was a joke. :)
Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.

While I agree that litigation with the goal of monetary remuneration should be severely curtailed in this country, it is unfortunately not the case. So, why should this girl and her family not take advantage of the same system that is freely used by liberals of all stripes to line their pockets and fatten their bank accounts?
Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.

While I agree that litigation with the goal of monetary remuneration should be severely curtailed in this country, it is unfortunately not the case. So, why should this girl and her family not take advantage of the same system that is freely used by liberals of all stripes to line their pockets and fatten their bank accounts?

Your response is "people shouldn't be able to sue for every little thing, but since they can why shouldn't everyone sue for every little thing"?

Again, she's sueing for emotional distress. You all seem to think the state ought to hand her a big fat check because her teacher was mean to her. I think the teacher was over the line, and deserves to lose her job, but the girl doesn't deserve a cash payout.

For the school to allow this, they need to shell out some bucks. But it should come out of the administrators and the teachers pockets, not the districts. They need to hurt personally, so they never allow this to happen again.

Again, your claim it was a joke is utterly stupid, this is where your bias comes shining through, so of course no one should get a dime. Flip it the other way and you'd scream for a good suing.

You think the teacher deserves jail time, but MY bias is showing? :lmao:

Btw, I never said it was a joke. :)

That's right you claimed the teacher said it was in "jest" and you felt it important enough to convey that.

Also, I stated why I said jail time, it is a great liberal response. :)

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