Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

The teacher allegedly told the teen that Charles Carroll was a “Democratic” school and that her shirt was akin to one spouting a logo for the Ku Klux Klan. She ordered Pawlucy to remove the shirt, then enlisted an aide who tried to draw an X through the candidates’ name on the shirt.

that's not joking that's fucked up and I hope the school and the teacher pay through the nose. Romney/Ryan should sue to because their logo no where nearly approximates the KKK. Fucking idiot democrat teacher.
The teacher allegedly told the teen that Charles Carroll was a “Democratic” school and that her shirt was akin to one spouting a logo for the Ku Klux Klan. She ordered Pawlucy to remove the shirt, then enlisted an aide who tried to draw an X through the candidates’ name on the shirt.

that's not joking that's fucked up and I hope the school and the teacher pay through the nose. Romney/Ryan should sue to because their logo no where nearly approximates the KKK. Fucking idiot democrat teacher.
'Nuff said. Thats wayyy outta line even for a joke, almost sadistic if you think about it. If this teacher really thought she could get away with that by simply claiming "I was just joking everybody!", she should not only lose her job but she ought to lose her license too. She obviously lacks the maturity to be teaching
That is my opinion. The teacher said it was said in jest, the kid did not lose a 6 figure income, it's not slander. The teacher was over the line, the kid deserves an apology and the teacher deserves to be fired. However she and her family are attempting to cash in on the incident.

Good for them Teacher should pay up and then think twice about being such a fuck up.

Except they aren't suing the teacher, she doesnt have deep pockets! They're suing the school district.

So, the school district hired her. They kept her on after she committed her attack on the student. It might have been different if the district had taken unilateral action against the teacher, even if it only started as suspension pending the outcome of an investigation. The lack of action on the part of the district indicates that at the very least, they condone the teacher's actions. At worst, they actively support her views.
That is my opinion. The teacher said it was said in jest, the kid did not lose a 6 figure income, it's not slander. The teacher was over the line, the kid deserves an apology and the teacher deserves to be fired. However she and her family are attempting to cash in on the incident.

Good for them Teacher should pay up and then think twice about being such a fuck up.

Except they aren't suing the teacher, she doesnt have deep pockets! They're suing the school district.

Yep...go for the big pay off. If I were a parent in that district....that family would truely know what "hurt feelings" are all about.

Good for them Teacher should pay up and then think twice about being such a fuck up.

Except they aren't suing the teacher, she doesnt have deep pockets! They're suing the school district.

So, the school district hired her. They kept her on after she committed her attack on the student. It might have been different if the district had taken unilateral action against the teacher, even if it only started as suspension pending the outcome of an investigation. The lack of action on the part of the district indicates that at the very least, they condone the teacher's actions. At worst, they actively support her views.

Attack? You really want to prove my point about thin-skinned RWrs, don't you?

Except they aren't suing the teacher, she doesnt have deep pockets! They're suing the school district.

So, the school district hired her. They kept her on after she committed her attack on the student. It might have been different if the district had taken unilateral action against the teacher, even if it only started as suspension pending the outcome of an investigation. The lack of action on the part of the district indicates that at the very least, they condone the teacher's actions. At worst, they actively support her views.

Attack? You really want to prove my point about thin-skinned RWrs, don't you?


What exactly would call it? Just a joke? The child was attacked by the teacher, like a bully would attack a weaker child with no defense. Yes, "attack" is an appropriate description of what has been reported done to this child.
Good for them Teacher should pay up and then think twice about being such a fuck up.

Except they aren't suing the teacher, she doesnt have deep pockets! They're suing the school district.

Yep...go for the big pay off. If I were a parent in that district....that family would truely know what "hurt feelings" are all about.

Nah, but you sure would be a great example of what a left wing moron is to the student who was victimized in this incident.
Youd serve as a great reminder not tobuy the BS her libtard professors spew when she gets into college.
anyone have proof the school actually admitted the inccident took place?


Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

Pawlucy’s parents met with the teacher, who apologized and explained she was only joking.

Read more: Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says  - NY Daily News

so the girl and her parents are looking for a court paycheck ?

anyone have proof the school actually admitted the inccident took place?


Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

Pawlucy’s parents met with the teacher, who apologized and explained she was only joking.

Read more: Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

so the girl and her parents are looking for a court paycheck ?


So, after the teacher apologized, they decided they wanted to get rich quick and go after the deep pocket school district. Did they call 1-800-Scumbag to find their lawyer??
So, the school district hired her. They kept her on after she committed her attack on the student. It might have been different if the district had taken unilateral action against the teacher, even if it only started as suspension pending the outcome of an investigation. The lack of action on the part of the district indicates that at the very least, they condone the teacher's actions. At worst, they actively support her views.

Attack? You really want to prove my point about thin-skinned RWrs, don't you?


What exactly would call it? Just a joke? The child was attacked by the teacher, like a bully would attack a weaker child with no defense. Yes, "attack" is an appropriate description of what has been reported done to this child. and her and her parents with dollar signs in their thoughts.
anyone have proof the school actually admitted the inccident took place?


Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

Pawlucy’s parents met with the teacher, who apologized and explained she was only joking.

Read more: Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

so the girl and her parents are looking for a court paycheck ?


So, after the teacher apologized, they decided they wanted to get rich quick and go after the deep pocket school district. Did they call 1-800-Scumbag to find their lawyer??

Nah, they called a trial lawyer, Theyre big time liberal democrat supporters. Well then again... They did call 1-800-SCUMBAG.
The district, even if they win, will have to pay out big bucks for a defense....if they up their tax assessments, everyone in the district should know exactly why.
anyone have proof the school actually admitted the inccident took place?


Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

Pawlucy’s parents met with the teacher, who apologized and explained she was only joking.

Read more: Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

so the girl and her parents are looking for a court paycheck ?


So, after the teacher apologized, they decided they wanted to get rich quick and go after the deep pocket school district. Did they call 1-800-Scumbag to find their lawyer??

Most attorneys that sue for this kind of thing, are scumbag democrats. The guys the democrats were protecting during the health care debate.
The district, even if they win, will have to pay out big bucks for a defense....if they up their tax assessments, everyone in the district should know exactly why.

Yes, because of a stupid liberal they were paying to teach their kids Bullshit.
The district, even if they win, will have to pay out big bucks for a defense....if they up their tax assessments, everyone in the district should know exactly why.

Yes, because of a stupid liberal they were paying to teach their kids Bullshit.

Yes...I'm sure all those whose taxes are raised will agree that the teacher's comments were worth several thousand dollars.....

anyone have proof the school actually admitted the inccident took place?


Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

Pawlucy’s parents met with the teacher, who apologized and explained she was only joking.

Read more: Teacher attacks teen wearing Romney T-shirt, compares it to KKK, student says* - NY Daily News

so the girl and her parents are looking for a court paycheck ?


So, after the teacher apologized, they decided they wanted to get rich quick and go after the deep pocket school district. Did they call 1-800-Scumbag to find their lawyer??

Since when do apologies suffice when the left is supposedly injured. Is it just people like you that should find judical relief from wrongdoers, even after the apologize? Certainly the apology was not genuine, if it had been thise wouldn't have occurred.

So, after the teacher apologized, they decided they wanted to get rich quick and go after the deep pocket school district. Did they call 1-800-Scumbag to find their lawyer??

Since when do apologies suffice when the left is supposedly injured. Is it just people like you that should find judical relief from wrongdoers, even after the apologize? Certainly the apology was not genuine, if it had been thise wouldn't have occurred.

Thin-skinned Righties are such whiners.

The district, even if they win, will have to pay out big bucks for a defense....if they up their tax assessments, everyone in the district should know exactly why.

Yes, because of a stupid liberal they were paying to teach their kids Bullshit.

Yes...I'm sure all those whose taxes are raised will agree that the teacher's comments were worth several thousand dollars.....


I'm hoping for several million!
The district, even if they win, will have to pay out big bucks for a defense....if they up their tax assessments, everyone in the district should know exactly why.

Yes, because of a stupid liberal they were paying to teach their kids Bullshit.

Yes...I'm sure all those whose taxes are raised will agree that the teacher's comments were worth several thousand dollars.....

Its your fellow libs, trial lawyers, that made it so easy to due anybody for anything. Take some responsibility for your side's stupidity for once.
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will any of you accept the witness testimony of the other kids?

or will you just call them liars unless they say what you want to here?

I'm sure there will be witnesses at the civil trial even though the teacher has already admitted she made the comments.

You know, TDM, I was recently gone for a month. I had faith that while I was gone, you might just manage to acquire a few more functioning brain cells. No such luck.

Maybe she'll get some for Christmas?
Only if government figures out how to turn intelligence into an entitlement that it can tax if you have more than they figure you deserve.

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