Family wiped out by Coronavirus


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
What an awful story.

Unbearable pain and loss: One Alabama family, 3 dead, 9 positive tests of coronavirus

GADSDEN — From the White House to the state house, and many of the houses throughout this community, people are clamoring to “re-open the country.”

In the houses of the Woods, Posey and Porter families — all relatives — they think that’s a mistake.

While others talk about re-opening their businesses, these families are preparing to close the caskets of three family members.

Bing COVID-19 tracker: Latest numbers by country and state

In one week’s time, they lost Phacethia Posey, her father Billy Ray Woods, and cousin Michael Woods to COVID-19.

Tyrone Posey said when the novel coronavirus started making news, his wife, Phacethia, started reading about it, researching.

“She Googled it,” he said. The couple and other family members started doing the things they heard would help.

What an awful story.

Unbearable pain and loss: One Alabama family, 3 dead, 9 positive tests of coronavirus

GADSDEN — From the White House to the state house, and many of the houses throughout this community, people are clamoring to “re-open the country.”

In the houses of the Woods, Posey and Porter families — all relatives — they think that’s a mistake.

While others talk about re-opening their businesses, these families are preparing to close the caskets of three family members.

Bing COVID-19 tracker: Latest numbers by country and state

In one week’s time, they lost Phacethia Posey, her father Billy Ray Woods, and cousin Michael Woods to COVID-19.

Tyrone Posey said when the novel coronavirus started making news, his wife, Phacethia, started reading about it, researching.

“She Googled it,” he said. The couple and other family members started doing the things they heard would help.

3 dead has wiped out an entire family?

That family tree is more like a telephone pole.
What is it about this virus and black people?

At least partly:

1. There were rumors in at least parts of the Black community that it was a "white" virus, that Blacks couldn't get it

2. Blacks often live in close quarters in multi-generational households

3. For lots of reasons, they suffer more often from poor health that leaves them vulnerable to COVID, esp. high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity

To be fair, the MSM makes all of the above "victimology", as if Black are 100% passive victims in this. That's not entirely true. They do often have setbacks though. If you don't live in a safe neighborhood, you can't exactly go out for a jog and take care of that high blood pressure and obesity. So as in most things, it's nuanced.
From the article in the link. First sentence:

"From the White House to the state house, and many of the houses throughout this community, people are clamoring to “re-open the country.”
in the houses of the Woods, Posey and Porter families — all relatives — they think that’s a mistake."

Also there is this;

"Phacethia took medication for rheumatoid arthritis and had slight high blood pressure. She wasn’t being treated for the underlying conditions -- the heart, lung and kidney problems -- so often cited as making people more vulnerable to the virus."

There is scant details about the other two deaths. Although tragic, this is nothing but a hit piece from the Democrat controlled MSM.

The last bit in the article nails it as a propaganda hit piece.

"Both Porter and Posey are troubled by people shouting to re-open businesses and gathering places, as they grieve."

They lost their loved ones and now they are 'troubled' by re-opening businesses? WTF? Seems they care more for making public statements that grieving.
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Maybe somebody in Alabama should do something about that.
Such as tell overweight black people to change their eating habits?

I wonder how many people on that family collect food stamps?

When Donna Thornton of the Gadsden Times who wrote that politically biased opinion piece loses her job, and the unemployment checks top coming in the mail, then she can lecture everyone else about shelter in place
What is it about this virus and black people?

At least partly:

1. There were rumors in at least parts of the Black community that it was a "white" virus, that Blacks couldn't get it

2. Blacks often live in close quarters in multi-generational households

3. For lots of reasons, they suffer more often from poor health that leaves them vulnerable to COVID, esp. high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity

To be fair, the MSM makes all of the above "victimology", as if Black are 100% passive victims in this. That's not entirely true. They do often have setbacks though. If you don't live in a safe neighborhood, you can't exactly go out for a jog and take care of that high blood pressure and obesity. So as in most things, it's nuanced.
Everything you posted is absolutely factual, attempting to answer the question, and in no way exhibits unfair racial prejudice.

Yet, it still draws a down vote.

Don't you just love it when facts are racist?

2. Blacks often live in close quarters in multi-generational households "

So do Latino campesinos. I know of a 'ranch" here with 4 houses and maybe 14 people in less than 1/2 acre. They've waved at granny and gramps as the kids come in for over a month. They wash ALL the crap they bring from the stores and place it on the old folks porch, then they BS on whazzapp and play Farcebook games online "together" after supper. Church is via whazzapp group and bible study is Methodist guy online every afternoon at 330.
354,000 people in this province. 16 cases positive (all cleared) 0 dead. 0 new.
Do it right or check out unexpectedly is the mentality.Every store open has a sink and blue goop outside the entrance.
Go in. Get a bottle or box(or gate hinges for me), girl in gloves and mask behind plastic "teller window" wipes the crap with alcohol and bags it.Takes the debit, wipes it, swipes it,hands it back and you get on your way. That's with zero cases for over 150 miles away.
If there was 10 cases nearby they'd be in space
2. Blacks often live in close quarters in multi-generational households "

So do Latino campesinos. I know of a 'ranch" here with 4 houses and maybe 14 people in less than 1/2 acre. They've waved at granny and gramps as the kids come in for over a month. They wash ALL the crap they bring from the stores and place it on the old folks porch, then they BS on whazzapp and play Farcebook games online "together" after supper. Church is via whazzapp group and bible study is Methodist guy online every afternoon at 330.
354,000 people in this province. 16 cases positive (all cleared) 0 dead. 0 new.
Do it right or check out unexpectedly is the mentality.Every store open has a sink and blue goop outside the entrance.
Go in. Get a bottle or box(or gate hinges for me), girl in gloves and mask behind plastic "teller window" wipes the crap with alcohol and bags it.Takes the debit, wipes it, swipes it,hands it back and you get on your way. That's with zero cases for over 150 miles away.
If there was 10 cases nearby they'd be in space

That's with zero cases for over 150 miles away.

Which typically means nobody is being tested. West Virginia is a perfect example.
Maybe somebody in Alabama should do something about that.
Such as tell overweight black people to change their eating habits?

I wonder how many people on that family collect food stamps?

When Donna Thornton of the Gadsden Times who wrote that politically biased opinion piece loses her job, and the unemployment checks top coming in the mail, then she can lecture everyone else about shelter in place

Poor people of all races usually have unhealthy eating habits.
Do tell

But I dont hear libs crying big crocodile tears over the alleged unfairness to white people that die from the chinese disease
What an awful story.

Unbearable pain and loss: One Alabama family, 3 dead, 9 positive tests of coronavirus

GADSDEN — From the White House to the state house, and many of the houses throughout this community, people are clamoring to “re-open the country.”

In the houses of the Woods, Posey and Porter families — all relatives — they think that’s a mistake.

While others talk about re-opening their businesses, these families are preparing to close the caskets of three family members.

Bing COVID-19 tracker: Latest numbers by country and state

In one week’s time, they lost Phacethia Posey, her father Billy Ray Woods, and cousin Michael Woods to COVID-19.

Tyrone Posey said when the novel coronavirus started making news, his wife, Phacethia, started reading about it, researching.

“She Googled it,” he said. The couple and other family members started doing the things they heard would help.

My entire family had it and no one was even seriously sick

Stop believing the lies
This thread isn't about poverty, diet, or education. Read the Opening Post BEFORE you reply.
What an awful story.

Unbearable pain and loss: One Alabama family, 3 dead, 9 positive tests of coronavirus

GADSDEN — From the White House to the state house, and many of the houses throughout this community, people are clamoring to “re-open the country.”

In the houses of the Woods, Posey and Porter families — all relatives — they think that’s a mistake.

While others talk about re-opening their businesses, these families are preparing to close the caskets of three family members.

Bing COVID-19 tracker: Latest numbers by country and state

In one week’s time, they lost Phacethia Posey, her father Billy Ray Woods, and cousin Michael Woods to COVID-19.

Tyrone Posey said when the novel coronavirus started making news, his wife, Phacethia, started reading about it, researching.

“She Googled it,” he said. The couple and other family members started doing the things they heard would help.

My entire family had it and no one was even seriously sick

Stop believing the lies

what lies?
What an awful story.

Unbearable pain and loss: One Alabama family, 3 dead, 9 positive tests of coronavirus

GADSDEN — From the White House to the state house, and many of the houses throughout this community, people are clamoring to “re-open the country.”

In the houses of the Woods, Posey and Porter families — all relatives — they think that’s a mistake.

While others talk about re-opening their businesses, these families are preparing to close the caskets of three family members.

Bing COVID-19 tracker: Latest numbers by country and state

In one week’s time, they lost Phacethia Posey, her father Billy Ray Woods, and cousin Michael Woods to COVID-19.

Tyrone Posey said when the novel coronavirus started making news, his wife, Phacethia, started reading about it, researching.

“She Googled it,” he said. The couple and other family members started doing the things they heard would help.

My entire family had it and no one was even seriously sick

Stop believing the lies

what lies?
Everything about Covid is a lie, the government never tells the truth. If 90 percent of the country had this you were probably infected and were not even sick. Then you have no need to wear a mask as you are now immune. The lie is only testing dying people and terrifying Americans.
What an awful story.

Unbearable pain and loss: One Alabama family, 3 dead, 9 positive tests of coronavirus

GADSDEN — From the White House to the state house, and many of the houses throughout this community, people are clamoring to “re-open the country.”

In the houses of the Woods, Posey and Porter families — all relatives — they think that’s a mistake.

While others talk about re-opening their businesses, these families are preparing to close the caskets of three family members.

Bing COVID-19 tracker: Latest numbers by country and state

In one week’s time, they lost Phacethia Posey, her father Billy Ray Woods, and cousin Michael Woods to COVID-19.

Tyrone Posey said when the novel coronavirus started making news, his wife, Phacethia, started reading about it, researching.

“She Googled it,” he said. The couple and other family members started doing the things they heard would help.

My entire family had it and no one was even seriously sick

Stop believing the lies

what lies?
Everything about Covid is a lie, the government never tells the truth. If 90 percent of the country had this you were probably infected and were not even sick. Then you have no need to wear a mask as you are now immune. The lie is only testing dying people and terrifying Americans.

you are utterly clueless. Of course you have STILL
not cite a "LIE"
What an awful story.

Unbearable pain and loss: One Alabama family, 3 dead, 9 positive tests of coronavirus

GADSDEN — From the White House to the state house, and many of the houses throughout this community, people are clamoring to “re-open the country.”

In the houses of the Woods, Posey and Porter families — all relatives — they think that’s a mistake.

While others talk about re-opening their businesses, these families are preparing to close the caskets of three family members.

Bing COVID-19 tracker: Latest numbers by country and state

In one week’s time, they lost Phacethia Posey, her father Billy Ray Woods, and cousin Michael Woods to COVID-19.

Tyrone Posey said when the novel coronavirus started making news, his wife, Phacethia, started reading about it, researching.

“She Googled it,” he said. The couple and other family members started doing the things they heard would help.

My entire family had it and no one was even seriously sick

Stop believing the lies

what lies?
Everything about Covid is a lie, the government never tells the truth. If 90 percent of the country had this you were probably infected and were not even sick. Then you have no need to wear a mask as you are now immune. The lie is only testing dying people and terrifying Americans.

you are utterly clueless. Of course you have STILL
not cite a "LIE"
2.2 million Americans will die LIE

200 thousand Americans will die LIE

100 thousand Americans will die LIE

The reason you can not see the lies is because literally everything said is a LIE

Dr. Birx looks like she aged 20 years in the last two weeks from the stress of telling only LIES

If you take out the stroke heart attack deaths from the fake Covid deaths perhaps 10000 Americans died of this when 80000 died of the flu in 2018

Clue kid not everything on TV is real
What an awful story.

Unbearable pain and loss: One Alabama family, 3 dead, 9 positive tests of coronavirus

GADSDEN — From the White House to the state house, and many of the houses throughout this community, people are clamoring to “re-open the country.”

In the houses of the Woods, Posey and Porter families — all relatives — they think that’s a mistake.

While others talk about re-opening their businesses, these families are preparing to close the caskets of three family members.

Bing COVID-19 tracker: Latest numbers by country and state

In one week’s time, they lost Phacethia Posey, her father Billy Ray Woods, and cousin Michael Woods to COVID-19.

Tyrone Posey said when the novel coronavirus started making news, his wife, Phacethia, started reading about it, researching.

“She Googled it,” he said. The couple and other family members started doing the things they heard would help.

My entire family had it and no one was even seriously sick

Stop believing the lies

what lies?
Everything about Covid is a lie, the government never tells the truth. If 90 percent of the country had this you were probably infected and were not even sick. Then you have no need to wear a mask as you are now immune. The lie is only testing dying people and terrifying Americans.

you are utterly clueless. Of course you have STILL
not cite a "LIE"
2.2 million Americans will die LIE

200 thousand Americans will die LIE

100 thousand Americans will die LIE

The reason you can not see the lies is because literally everything said is a LIE

Dr. Birx looks like she aged 20 years in the last two weeks from the stress of telling only LIES

If you take out the stroke heart attack deaths from the fake Covid deaths perhaps 10000 Americans died of this when 80000 died of the flu in 2018

Clue kid not everything on TV is real

more clues-----you are not the person to ask. Any
prediction as to "how many people will die"---of a
particular clinical entity-----or, how a disease will progress or not progress demographically is an estimation and an opinion------not a SOLID FACT. To characterize an estimation or opinion on future
events as "LIE" is utterly idiotic. If you are over 14 years of age------your idiot situation is

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