Fani Willis moves to quash subpoena for her testimony involving conflict of interest allegations…her lover’s divorce

You're talking outta your ass.
It's a MAGAt Trumptard continue bleating and whining long after you've made it clear you really have no f-ing idea what you are talking about.
Obviously a panty waste like you could never recognize partisan politics like the January 6 committee. You've been bleating and whining about Trump for 6 years now. Are you going to unite with us when he becomes president in 24? Intelligent people want to know..
This deserves its own thread but, we have at least 2 going now.

This could be big. The Georgia Senate isn't a weak-kneed pile of RINO shit like Kemp is.

But will it be too late?
Dipshits better be careful they don't wind up in legal jeopardy like the rest of the MAGAts trying to obstruct. :lmao:
Dipshits better be careful they don't wind up in legal jeopardy like the rest of the MAGAts trying to obstruct. :lmao:
Idiots better be careful they aren't marching around and destroying things when Trump is elected in 24. Sounds pretty dangerous . It's going to be hilarious when your friends are deported curry waste.

Obviously a panty waste like you could never recognize partisan politics like the January 6 committee. You've been bleating and whining about Trump for 6 years now. Are you going to unite with us when he becomes president in 24? Intelligent people want to know..
He won't even be on the ballot.
Is this really rocket science? Willis pays fuckbuddy hundreds of thousands of $$ in taxpayer money. Fuckbuddy uses that $$ to take her on lavish vacations.
Who gives a shit what he spent his salary on?
Is anybody complaining that Willis embezzled any money to pay this guy?
WTF are you talking about?
Apparently you MAGAt's mock outrage is directed toward the fact that Nathan Wade got paid for the legal work he did on the Trump election subversion case.
So what?
Wouldn't you expect him to get paid for his work?
Do you think Fani Willis "stole" or embezzled the money she paid Wade or something?
Most likely not.
It was not illegal.
Poor judgement to have a romantic relationship with this guy with such a high profile case goung on?
Still, nothing that should disqualify her from this case.
Certainly nothing that exonerates Trump.
Apparently you MAGAt's mock outrage is directed toward the fact that Nathan Wade got paid for the legal work he did on the Trump election subversion case.
So what?
Wouldn't you expect him to get paid for his work?
Do you think Fani Willis "stole" or embezzled the money she paid Wade or something?
Most likely not.
It was not illegal.
Poor judgement to have a romantic relationship with this guy with such a high profile case goung on?
Still, nothing that should disqualify her from this case.
Certainly nothing that exonerates Trump.
"By any means necessary" Understood. There is nothing you won't overlook as long it's in the service of getting Trump.
Is that a matter you think the divorce court judge cares about? The Georgia Board of Investigations has already said they aren't investigating her. Her subpoena is for divorce court because the the ex wife is trying to get more money and MAGAt media doesn't care that you confused Bingos don't know the difference.

Or one might say you're just a gullible idiot.
if the ex wife is trying to get more money, why do they need Fani to testify?

probably because they want to ask about the payment arrangement she made with wade..and she doesn’t want to answer those questions.

The Georgia Board of Investigations has already said they aren't investigating her

This doesn’t surprise me, dems always seem to get out of accountability.
if the ex wife is trying to get more money, why do they need Fani to testify?
That's exactly what the judge who put a stay on the subpoena wants to know.
probably because they want to ask about the payment arrangement she made with wade..and she doesn’t want to answer those questions.
Since he's being paid by the county that's a matter of public record you dumb ass. That's how we know he was being paid $250 an hour.
This doesn’t surprise me, dems always seem to get out of accountability.
It doesn't surprise me that you make up excuses for why shit never happens the way you predict. To normal mother fuckers that tells us our assumptions and calculations were off but not you dumb MAGAts. You guys just invent another conspiracy to account for it.
That's exactly what the judge who put a stay on the subpoena wants to know.

Since he's being paid by the county that's a matter of public record you dumb ass. That's how we know he was being paid $250 an hour.

It doesn't surprise me that you make up excuses for why shit never happens the way you predict. To normal mother fuckers that tells us our assumptions and calculations were off but not you dumb MAGAts. You guys just invent another conspiracy to account for it.

Since he's being paid by the county

Of course he’s being paid from the county, THATS the problem, SHE hired her love interest, and set him up on payment that is apparently MUCH more than anyone else would be paid, and is paying him with taxpayer money that is then turned around and spent on HER. Apparently the guy doesn’t even have the relevant experience to do the job.

I know I know…”we only want to talk about that stuff when a righty does it”…
Of course he’s being paid from the county, THATS the problem, SHE hired her love interest, and set him up on payment that is apparently MUCH more than anyone else would be paid, and is paying him with taxpayer money that is then turned around and spent on HER.
1. There's no law against her hiring someone she's involved in.

2. There's no evidence he's paid MUCH more than anyone else.
Apparently the guy doesn’t even have the relevant experience to do the job.
That's just a racist attack. How many of the defense lawyers have experience defending a rico case? Do you know? Of course not. I dont either and who gives a shit? The only real qualification is whether hes licensed to practice law in Georgia and he is.
I know I know…”we only want to talk about that stuff when a righty does it”…
I'll talk about whatever you like I'm just waiting for what you want to talk about to not be stupid.


Certainly, the same should apply to her. Now she is accusing her boyfriend’s wife of trying to help Trump?

If you point out an improper relationship that Fani Willis had, she says you are RACIST.

Both Willis and Wade are prosecutors and both are divorced. What is your problem?

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