Fans "boo" moment of national unity

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

It depends on the unity. This was not "unity" at all, but a divisive political statement.

If you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

You know that. That is why you are refusing to address that point.

The NFL has the right to express their opinions, however those that disagree with the opinions have every right to voice their opinions. Assholes like who you are dealing with are intolerant of opinions that don’t align with theirs, their ignorance, intolerance, hate and bigotry is their trademark, as we have seen in his responses to you.

You can say what you want but don't say that you support peaceful protest and then complain when people peacefully protest.

The fans booing were also peacefully protesting, why do you want to deny them their right? No one was hurt, that was the perfect platform. The NFL feels it belongs in the game and the fans expressed that they don’t. Don’t be intolerant of others opinions. Don’t claim you are for peaceful protests and complain when people peacefully protest.

No one said they couldn't boo.
No one said they couldn’t lock arms. So I guess you had no point.
Bullshit. If lefties are for “fair wages”, why do they oppose stricter immigration and a wall to keep illegals out? Even Bernie Sanders used to hold that position because he knew it drives down wages for Americans. Why does the left oppose tariff proposals by President Trump, since it will encourage more manufacturing to come back to the USA? Why does the left favor shipping manufacturing jobs overseas as cost cutting measures at the expense of the American worker? Because the left doesn’t give a shit about American workers or their wages.

They hate police, because that is exactly what BLM chants at every one of their “peaceful protests”, along with attacking them. Several Democrat led cities have already defunded, and even abolished their police.
So the trump right is opposed to fair wages and guaranteed health care

They support deadly violence against unarmed minorities

They believe women cannot be trusted to make ethical decisions about their own reproductive health care

They don’t want minority and female voices to be heard

They oppose the principles of liberty and justice for all Americans

But . . . we already knew that
When I watch sports I tune in to watch sports. When I go to the movies I'm there to see a movie. When I go out to eat I expect to be left alone to down my enchiladas or whatever.

The injection of politics into every single facet of our lives, and having it jammed there constantly, is something some people are sick of, myself included. Doing this shit before the start of a game, which is supposed be entertainment/a form of temporary escape, changes the focus, changes the mood away from that. As a consumer, I'm not paying for that, nor supporting it. Athletes and franchises can do what they want, that is their choice, but this will drive a decent amount of fans away as it isn't what they are there for. That is their right as consumers.
Well, Fueri, tell the Trump right to stop politicizing their attempt to return America to 1945 and you might not have to worry about all of this.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

It depends on the unity. This was not "unity" at all, but a divisive political statement.

If you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

You know that. That is why you are refusing to address that point.

The NFL has the right to express their opinions, however those that disagree with the opinions have every right to voice their opinions. Assholes like who you are dealing with are intolerant of opinions that don’t align with theirs, their ignorance, intolerance, hate and bigotry is their trademark, as we have seen in his responses to you.

You can say what you want but don't say that you support peaceful protest and then complain when people peacefully protest.

The fans booing were also peacefully protesting, why do you want to deny them their right? No one was hurt, that was the perfect platform. The NFL feels it belongs in the game and the fans expressed that they don’t. Don’t be intolerant of others opinions. Don’t claim you are for peaceful protests and complain when people peacefully protest.

No one said they couldn't boo.
No one said they couldn’t lock arms. So I guess you had no point.

Believe whatever you want. It's not going to stop anything.
Booing a moment of silence isn't expressing an opinion. It's a display of ignorant white trash.
A moment of silence for a black rapist who was resisting arrest?

you cant be serious

A moment of silence for racial equality.

You do know this is a losing issue for you right?

You do know there are far more Americans and football fans that supported the players right?

You do know that no matter you try to spin it, it only comes off as you looking like white trash right?

The NFL will do just fine going forward with or without the support of white trash. You know that right?

White trash America. The newest minority.
Well, Fueri, tell the Trump right to stop politicizing their attempt to return America to 1945 and you might not have to worry about all of this.
Where at 1945 is Trump trying to return us to. Do you even know what Trump stands for? Trump is a moderate populist. Closer to Kennedy then Reagan. And Reagan was not some far right conservative. He is actually trying to keep the peace! And you don't like that! Just one example.
Booing a moment of silence isn't expressing an opinion. It's a display of ignorant white trash.
A moment of silence for a black rapist who was resisting arrest?

you cant be serious

A moment of silence for racial equality.

You do know this is a losing issue for you right?

You do know there are far more Americans and football fans that supported the players right?

You do know that no matter you try to spin it, it only comes off as you looking like white trash right?

The NFL will do just fine going forward with or without the support of white trash. You know that right?

White trash America. The newest minority.

More people supported the laws that forced blacks to not be able to sit at the counter of a Woolworths also but in the end it made no difference to the inevitable change.
Booing a moment of silence isn't expressing an opinion. It's a display of ignorant white trash.
A moment of silence for a black rapist who was resisting arrest?

you cant be serious

A moment of silence for racial equality.

You do know this is a losing issue for you right?

You do know there are far more Americans and football fans that supported the players right?

You do know that no matter you try to spin it, it only comes off as you looking like white trash right?

The NFL will do just fine going forward with or without the support of white trash. You know that right?

White trash America. The newest minority.

More people supported the laws that forced blacks to not be able to sit at the counter of a Woolworths also but in the end it made no difference to the inevitable change.
thats an outright lie,,,,
Booing a moment of silence isn't expressing an opinion. It's a display of ignorant white trash.
A moment of silence for a black rapist who was resisting arrest?

you cant be serious

A moment of silence for racial equality.

You do know this is a losing issue for you right?

You do know there are far more Americans and football fans that supported the players right?

You do know that no matter you try to spin it, it only comes off as you looking like white trash right?

The NFL will do just fine going forward with or without the support of white trash. You know that right?

White trash America. The newest minority.

More people supported the laws that forced blacks to not be able to sit at the counter of a Woolworths also but in the end it made no difference to the inevitable change.
thats an outright lie,,,,

If you say so.
Booing a moment of silence isn't expressing an opinion. It's a display of ignorant white trash.
A moment of silence for a black rapist who was resisting arrest?

you cant be serious

A moment of silence for racial equality.

You do know this is a losing issue for you right?

You do know there are far more Americans and football fans that supported the players right?

You do know that no matter you try to spin it, it only comes off as you looking like white trash right?

The NFL will do just fine going forward with or without the support of white trash. You know that right?

White trash America. The newest minority.

More people supported the laws that forced blacks to not be able to sit at the counter of a Woolworths also but in the end it made no difference to the inevitable change.
thats an outright lie,,,,

If you say so.
wheres your proof???
Well, Fueri, tell the Trump right to stop politicizing their attempt to return America to 1945 and you might not have to worry about all of this.
Where at 1945 is Trump trying to return us to. Do you even know what Trump stands for? Trump is a moderate populist. Closer to Kennedy then Reagan. And Reagan was not some far right conservative. He is actually trying to keep the peace! And you don't like that! Just one example.
Trump is a vicious national populist who wants to continue the cultural wars. He is not a conservative, a neo-authoritarian tyrant.
What do these meatheads want? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

No. What they want us ANY form of political speech out of their sporting events.. They don’t want teams staying in the locker room. They don’t want kneeling. They want to go to a sporting event and see sports... nothing more.

I turned the game on at 8:31 rather than 8:20 to avoid that crap. I missed the first 3 plays of the game; which was better than seeing that pre-game crap.
Booing a moment of silence isn't expressing an opinion. It's a display of ignorant white trash.
A moment of silence for a black rapist who was resisting arrest?

you cant be serious

A moment of silence for racial equality.

You do know this is a losing issue for you right?

You do know there are far more Americans and football fans that supported the players right?

You do know that no matter you try to spin it, it only comes off as you looking like white trash right?

The NFL will do just fine going forward with or without the support of white trash. You know that right?

White trash America. The newest minority.

More people supported the laws that forced blacks to not be able to sit at the counter of a Woolworths also but in the end it made no difference to the inevitable change.
thats an outright lie,,,,

If you say so.
wheres your proof???

Laws aren't enacted by the minority.
Booing a moment of silence isn't expressing an opinion. It's a display of ignorant white trash.
A moment of silence for a black rapist who was resisting arrest?

you cant be serious

A moment of silence for racial equality.

You do know this is a losing issue for you right?

You do know there are far more Americans and football fans that supported the players right?

You do know that no matter you try to spin it, it only comes off as you looking like white trash right?

The NFL will do just fine going forward with or without the support of white trash. You know that right?

White trash America. The newest minority.
The issue is it became politicized. The politicians have turned stadiums into prisons over the last half century because of their irresponsible ways of governing. We have lost a lot of rights. Taking a knee for BLM while walking into a stadium through metal detectors, wands and people grabbing your private parts for potential weapons kind of takes away from the moment. On top of that you can not even bring large coolers and igloos in anymore.
Booing a moment of silence isn't expressing an opinion. It's a display of ignorant white trash.
A moment of silence for a black rapist who was resisting arrest?

you cant be serious

A moment of silence for racial equality.

You do know this is a losing issue for you right?

You do know there are far more Americans and football fans that supported the players right?

You do know that no matter you try to spin it, it only comes off as you looking like white trash right?

The NFL will do just fine going forward with or without the support of white trash. You know that right?

White trash America. The newest minority.

More people supported the laws that forced blacks to not be able to sit at the counter of a Woolworths also but in the end it made no difference to the inevitable change.
thats an outright lie,,,,

If you say so.
wheres your proof???

Laws aren't enacted by the minority.

Tell that to 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.
Fans of the Kansas City Chiefs were harshly criticized on Thursday after fans started booing as the team locked arms with the Houston Texans for racial equality as the National Football League season kicked off on Thursday.

Here’s some of what people were saying about the booing:


You have a point? Did anyone say that everyone was united in either stance? Why you are so sensitive to having your position challenged is somewhat interesting. Maybe you lack faith in your opinions.

Booing a moment of silence isn't expressing an opinion. It's a display of ignorant white trash.

Let's call it what it is.

And now that the ignorant white trash has exposed itself, they can expect that show of unity at every game this season.

Now the camera crews will be ready for it, and a lot of white trash will literally be exposed on national television, many of which will be doxxed by those that know them, some of which will lose their jobs, and many of which wont be living comfortably in their neighborhoods anymore.

You have a right to express your opinion as the piece of shit white trash that you are.

You don't have the right to not suffer any consequences for your expression of your opinions.

Enjoy the rest of the season.

Looks like it won't be that enjoyable for the white trash.

That is an bigoted self righteous opinion, I did agree because I don’t believe you understand both sides. I will enjoy football if I have time. Since Covid hit I have found life without sports is pretty good. I found some hobbies that are better suited for me, i am busy most of the time so I have little time for sports.

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