Fans "boo" moment of national unity

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.
Some folk re so stupid they shouldnt be allowed to use cutlery.
Acknowledging the fact that inequality exists is for conservatives to acknowledge the fact that they are wrong – something conservatives never do; although conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Wrong about what?
That inequality doesn't exist.

Problem is, not all conservatives say inequality does not exist. Many acknowledge that it does, they just don't agree on the alleged extent or pervasiveness of it. They also do not agree on some of the measures being taken to illuminate it or rectify it. In many cases the allegations of racism are overblown and/or exaggerated and some of the proposed measures to deal with it are beyond logic. Defunding the police for example.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.

Do you have any clue when it was that Kaepernick started kneeling? 9/16 under Obama. He was sitting before that, under Obama.

And? Kaepernick conveyed his disdain for America when he started kneeling. Whoever is/was the current sitting president is irrelevant.

I didn't see politics mentioned at all last night. Did you?

Whatever happened last night, you made the discussion political when you brought up Trump and his supporters.

I quote: "Peaceful protest'. That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie."

You made it political before Correll did.

What did I say wrong there? The accusations was that last night's show of unity was political. Point it out.

Problem is, you made your remark about Trump and his supporters BEFORE Correll made his remark about the display being a political statement.

I did. That doesn't make the display political.

If the display was not political then what did it have to do with Trump or his supporters?
The fans have every right to peacefully protest then have that protest peacefully shoved down their metaphorical throats.

The old days are gone forver.

By the same token, the players and the league have every right to peacefully protest then have that protest peacefully shoved down their metaphorical throats.

The old days are still here.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.

Do you have any clue when it was that Kaepernick started kneeling? 9/16 under Obama. He was sitting before that, under Obama.

And? Kaepernick conveyed his disdain for America when he started kneeling. Whoever is/was the current sitting president is irrelevant.

I didn't see politics mentioned at all last night. Did you?

Whatever happened last night, you made the discussion political when you brought up Trump and his supporters.

I quote: "Peaceful protest'. That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie."

You made it political before Correll did.

What did I say wrong there? The accusations was that last night's show of unity was political. Point it out.

Problem is, you made your remark about Trump and his supporters BEFORE Correll made his remark about the display being a political statement.

I did. That doesn't make the display political.

If the display was not political then what did it have to do with Trump or his supporters?

I explained that.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
Most on the right – Trump supporters in particular – maintain the wrongheaded notion that there is no inequality.

So, removed on your spin, you admit that the act was not meant to be a show of national unity.

And that is the point. This is about pandering or kowtowing to the racist Right mob.
You mean until the left brainwashes our children into feeling guilt for something they haven't done? Not THAT is sickening!

You mean that you want this to be about your feelings of ignorance and avoidance of the problems in the country of which you are a citizen, Oldestyle?

Nope, that stance is gone now . . . you will be confronted every day with "this is not about you, Oldestyle, but about the real problems we need to correct."

Guess what
If that is true it simply means we need to address real problems; not imaginary ones invented by idiots to suit their agenda.
The fact that Twitter blew up over this isn't so important.

Why doesn't Roger Goodell lift the season tickets of those in the crowd showing disrespect for BLM and Antifa?

They can see on video who is booing, and they know where everyone was supposed to be sitting.

I certainly agree. But the NFL is a private business, and there attitude to "Fuck those who oppose BLM and Antifa" As is their right, and they have chosen to go Woke.
Woke? Broke!
The anti-America far right don't get this is about doing the right thing.

Those far right thugs no longer represent the majority of America, their white privilege no longer rules America.

These thugs are disrespecting all of the grand sacrifices made by Americans of all colors for an America better than that of 1945.

So screw these wankers. They don't have to watch NFL. The players don't want them watching. Real America which is now the great majority of America does not want them watching.

These thugs just don't count anymore.
The fans have every right to peacefully protest then have that protest peacefully shoved down their metaphorical throats.

The old days are gone forver.
By the same token, the players and the league have every right to peacefully protest then have that protest peacefully shoved down their metaphorical throats. The old days are still here.
Only the fool thugs of the Trump right think that.
You mean until the left brainwashes our children into feeling guilt for something they haven't done? Not THAT is sickening!

You mean that you want this to be about your feelings of ignorance and avoidance of the problems in the country of which you are a citizen, Oldestyle?

Nope, that stance is gone now . . . you will be confronted every day with "this is not about you, Oldestyle, but about the real problems we need to correct."

Guess what
If that is true it simply means we need to address real problems; not imaginary ones invented by idiots to suit their agenda.
You get it. The Trumpers and their imaginary problems are being tossed out, being confronted, as Real America works for national unity.

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
It was essentially a vocalization of why Trump is in the White House right now.
President Trump is in the White House because the American people elected him President. You have a problem with the American people?
You mean until the left brainwashes our children into feeling guilt for something they haven't done? Not THAT is sickening!

You mean that you want this to be about your feelings of ignorance and avoidance of the problems in the country of which you are a citizen, Oldestyle?

Nope, that stance is gone now . . . you will be confronted every day with "this is not about you, Oldestyle, but about the real problems we need to correct."

Guess what
Are you talking about black on black crime in urban areas? That's killing over a thousand blacks every year in the US but you think we should ignore THAT to concentrate on the handful of blacks that are being killed by the Police?

Isn't it amazing that in a city like Chicago...that has a black Mayor, a black Chief of Police...where most of the local politicians are black...that blacks are being killed at a rate higher than we've ever seen before...but you want us to believe that's a problem of white racism?

You can "confront" me with this narrative all you want, Jake and I'll still be pointing out how ludicrous it is!
Sometimes people just want to watch a game or a movie or a concert without being preached to.

When I go to a concert the last thing I want is someone preaching to me. I paid to hear a band play music not to give me some sermon
The fact that Twitter blew up over this isn't so important.

Why doesn't Roger Goodell lift the season tickets of those in the crowd showing disrespect for BLM and Antifa?

They can see on video who is booing, and they know where everyone was supposed to be sitting.
Ah, because those people pay huge amounts of money to individual clubs for the right to sit in those seats and watch a sporting event. They obviously didn't shell out all that cash to watch a political demonstration by a bunch of pampered pro athletes and they let their feelings be known.

I didn't watch the game because of the politically correct bullshit that went on beforehand and I'll continue to not watch games if the NFL continues trying to appease Black Lives Matter which I view as a bunch of anarchists.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

No, we want them to shut the fuck up and play football.

Sports used to be fun. That's why sports were popular. Now these entitled monkeys believe they have some special station in life which permits them to criticize whites for the problems of coloreds? I wonder if they've considered the skin color of the team owners offering them those multi-million dollar contracts. Probably not.

Fuck football and fuck the NFL. Fuck sports in general. These entitled pieces of shit have taken the fun out of it, and it's probably not going to take too long before teams start folding.

Oh, to dream...
The anti-America far right don't get this is about doing the right thing.

Those far right thugs no longer represent the majority of America, their white privilege no longer rules America.

These thugs are disrespecting all of the grand sacrifices made by Americans of all colors for an America better than that of 1945.

So screw these wankers. They don't have to watch NFL. The players don't want them watching. Real America which is now the great majority of America does not want them watching.

These thugs just don't count anymore.
They won't watch the NFL! Watch the NFL's ratings drop like the Hindenburg and the NFL owners realize that their goose that lays the golden eggs is in danger! You think Antifa or Black Lives Matter "protesters" buy NFL tickets? These players are about to get a harsh lesson in reality.
The "fight for equality" is intellectually and factually preposterous. If the NFL really wants "equality" they should choose their teams randomly from the people in the towns they represent who love football the most, regardless of talent, size, age, or gender.

Then we'll see who is willing to pay to come out to watch them play.

Beware of movements based on vacuous slogans. They end up being parodies of themselves.

Black lives matter? Maybe; maybe not. It depends on which one you're talking about.
You have an infants perception of equality.
You have an equality of opportunity to play for these teams. You just need to be good enough to do so. Top level sport is a meritocracy. Its a pity the rest of the world is not.
/—-/ Let me dumb it down for you, people follow sports to see sports, not to have a political philosophy shoved down their throats. And the fans are pushing back.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.
What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?

I'm not a sports fan myself, but my guess would be is that what they want is to be able yo enjoy watching a football game without a bunch of irrelevant and offensive political bullshit being injected into it.

"Peaceful protest". That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie.

We are happy that the players managed to not attack the fans.

We still are unhappy that they are insulting the nation and it's citizens, at a sporting event.

That you find this confusing, is because of problems in your head, not ours.

There we go. You were offended over a show of unity. As I said.........not happy.

When you support the narrative that the nation is systemically wacist, you insult the nation and it's citizens, at least the white ones.

Doing that, is not a "show of unity" but a divisive political statement and an insult to the fans.

None of those fans, should ever return to that stadium.

Don't. That's their right. Telling others to shut up though is not.

Correct. The League has the Right to say what they want.

If they want to insult the nation and it's citizens, and their fans, that is their right.

Nothing I said, indicated that I thought they should be deprived of their right to speech.

My point was, that the op was wrong. The fans were not booing a "show of unity" but booing a divisive political statement that was very insulting to them.

Would you like to address my comment about the op? Or is that not the type of shit that interests you?

It's sad that you see unity as political.

Who were the ones who made it political first by kneeling or remaining in the locker room for the National Anthem?

You can't have it both ways. If you're going to bring attention to an injustice with political speeches and gestures then you can't very well complain if the response to that is political.

Do you have any clue when it was that Kaepernick started kneeling? 9/16 under Obama. He was sitting before that, under Obama.

And? Kaepernick conveyed his disdain for America when he started kneeling. Whoever is/was the current sitting president is irrelevant.

I didn't see politics mentioned at all last night. Did you?

Whatever happened last night, you made the discussion political when you brought up Trump and his supporters.

I quote: "Peaceful protest'. That's what Trump and his supporters claim they wanted. You are showing that was another lie."

You made it political before Correll did.

What did I say wrong there? The accusations was that last night's show of unity was political. Point it out.

Problem is, you made your remark about Trump and his supporters BEFORE Correll made his remark about the display being a political statement.

I did. That doesn't make the display political.

If the display was not political then what did it have to do with Trump or his supporters?

I explained that.

You explained what it had to do with Trump? When?

I don't believe you've explained anything. What you did was assume that all the booers and those who support them are Trump supporters and in turn assume that they booed because they're Trump supporters.

There are two primary reasons people are criticizing these displays:

1.) They do not agree that expressing disdain for your country is the right way to highlight an injustice.

2.) They do not want to see or hear social justice displays or speeches or alternative anthems when they came to watch a sports event.

As for peaceful protests, conservatives want peaceful protests and they are right to do so. This does not mean they want to see a protest at a football game, even if it is peaceful.

By all means, protest peacefully. But keep it in the streets where it belongs (but not blocking traffic).

The incident was particularly striking because it was meant as a show of unity rather than any kind of protest with players, both black and white, linking arms.

“Some NFL fans booing the players for standing and locking arms in a moment of silent unity proves that for them the ‘standing for the flag’ was always about perpetuating white supremacy,” wrote Kansas City councilman Eric Bunch on Twitter.

What do these meatheads want ? A protest to celebrate inequality ?
It was essentially a vocalization of why Trump is in the White House right now.
President Trump is in the White House because the American people elected him President. You have a problem with the American people?
I think you have a comprehension problem.
The Trump right thugs do not get that Real America does not want them dissing the players calling for national unity.

But they will.

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