Fantastic New York magazine article on how screwed the Dem party is in 2024


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

“On a Tuesday evening in April, nearly half a century after Joe Biden first publicly mused about running for president, an unsettled cross section of the Democratic Establishment assembled at Pinehurst, a golf resort in North Carolina. Inflation was at a 40-year high, Biden’s disapproval rating sat at 56 percent, and editors at the New York Times were readying a front-page report about how his signature achievement — $1.9 trillion in coronavirus-relief spending — has “barely registered with voters.” The lobbyists, donors, staffers, and elected officials were gathering for the spring policy meeting of the Democratic Governors Association, and the scheduled sessions concerned such topics as health care and diversity in governance. But between panel discussions, in the hallways and at the cocktail reception on the lawn, conversation shifted from grim — the midterms — to grimmer: the state of the party’s planning for 2024, when Biden will stand for reelection on the eve of his 82nd birthday.”

The cult still lives in this fantasyland bubble where everything bad in the country is because of RACIST REPUBLICANS.

November is going to be a bloodbath.

It is purely self inflicted by the Dems.
If I thought we have legit elections or that the GOP would actually help us I might be optimistic.
Even if Repubs are allowed to win big, they are just flip sides of the Uniparty coin.
DC is the scripted theatre the globalist writers use to distract & indoctrinate the masses
The Democrat Party's total lack of introspection is one of the many indications that it is a dangerous political cult.

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