Farmers 'panic-stricken' by shortage of migrant workers

People always act like if we got rid of illegals we would starve.
What about a work requirement for welfare for the able bodied? If they dont respect themselves enough to feed their own mouth, why should we?

not so good------the definition of "able bodied" is too vague. I have some experience in dealing
with that issue-------some work for welfare programs put arthritic old ladies out in the streets
struggling with garbage in cold weather-------controlled by WICKED WITCH SOCIAL WORKERS
wicked witch social workers are controlled by government policies that are cooked up in Washington. If THEY want to eat, they enforce policies.
Every senator and representative in Congress and the Pres and his cabinet too should all be forced to WORK as social workers with some of these unemployed and unemployable folks for six months. And to deal with what it means to live on those wonderful benefits so many of you think are generous and put them on easy street.
God, you are ALL so goddamned ignorant.
People with employability skills who aren't addicted or mentally ill or too sick to work or too dumb to grasp the responsibilities of a simple job are ALREADY working. They're not going to pick cherries or clean toilets.
We have beautiful cherry trees and have never gotten to eat a cherry. As soon as they start to show a little red our yard turns into a Hitchcock movie. The trees are just laden with birds, quietly sitting there, waiting.
Walk out the door the next day and not a cherry on the trees. Bastage birds...
Get a cat. When I was a kid, our neighborhood had some black cherry trees here and there. Us kids would sneak into the yard and climb the tree all quiet like and sit there eating cherries until we got chased out. The birds never beat us to it.
Yep. Want your welfare check? Pick cherries. Earn your keep.....
It'll be easier for them to sell drugs or boost your hubcaps than to travel from a Chicago or New York ghetto to Florida or California to pick oranges or lettuce.

Well then we ship them AFTER we catch them boosting hubcaps or selling drugs.

Make it a choice 5 years prison vs. 1 year working as a field hand.
One state shipping their drug offenders to another state?

Besides, there's still the logistical cost of transportation, food and shelter not to mention guards. The cost would easily match the current average price of a prisoner: about $30K/year.

I'm sure all states have hand picked crops that can benefit.
1) Since those "hand picked crops" are rarely downtown, there's still the logistical issues to contend with.

2) There's a reason why the cities/states with the largest number of welfare recipients aren't often the ones closest to the bread basket.
Why are "migrant" workers migratory? Because where they come from there is no "social safety net", no food stamps, no subsidized housing, etc. They come here because if they don't take the shit wages offered here, they starve. If inner city leeches were cut loose of the government tit, they'd "migrate", too.
People always act like if we got rid of illegals we would starve.
What about a work requirement for welfare for the able bodied? If they dont respect themselves enough to feed their own mouth, why should we?

not so good------the definition of "able bodied" is too vague. I have some experience in dealing
with that issue-------some work for welfare programs put arthritic old ladies out in the streets
struggling with garbage in cold weather-------controlled by WICKED WITCH SOCIAL WORKERS
i wouldnt think arthritic would necessarily be able bodied when you are talking about seniors.
I was referring to 25 year old mom and dads and the like. But i get what you are saying.

I can assure you------a 60 year old woman with osteoarthritis-----is not eligible for SSD unless it is
CRIPPLING--------and her usual work is very arduous. There are lots of factors in the determination
of "disability" -------the government tends to require a hard core-----"very disabled". Government programs
tend to be ------NOT FLEXIBLE-------people just get thrown into SLOTS
And...that's the problem with any big-government, one-size-fits-all program, be it "education", work, or any other type of social assistance program. At the very least, such things should be left to the states.
People always act like if we got rid of illegals we would starve.
What about a work requirement for welfare for the able bodied? If they dont respect themselves enough to feed their own mouth, why should we?

not so good------the definition of "able bodied" is too vague. I have some experience in dealing
with that issue-------some work for welfare programs put arthritic old ladies out in the streets
struggling with garbage in cold weather-------controlled by WICKED WITCH SOCIAL WORKERS
wicked witch social workers are controlled by government policies that are cooked up in Washington. If THEY want to eat, they enforce policies.
Every senator and representative in Congress and the Pres and his cabinet too should all be forced to WORK as social workers with some of these unemployed and unemployable folks for six months. And to deal with what it means to live on those wonderful benefits so many of you think are generous and put them on easy street.
God, you are ALL so goddamned ignorant.
People with employability skills who aren't addicted or mentally ill or too sick to work or too dumb to grasp the responsibilities of a simple job are ALREADY working. They're not going to pick cherries or clean toilets.

being a social worker that DECIDES what the sick or incompetent or VERY UNLUCKY
must do------is something like being a JAILER--------it does something to the person's
MORALE and MORALITY. We have not gotten much passed the days of
People always act like if we got rid of illegals we would starve.
What about a work requirement for welfare for the able bodied? If they dont respect themselves enough to feed their own mouth, why should we?

not so good------the definition of "able bodied" is too vague. I have some experience in dealing
with that issue-------some work for welfare programs put arthritic old ladies out in the streets
struggling with garbage in cold weather-------controlled by WICKED WITCH SOCIAL WORKERS
i wouldnt think arthritic would necessarily be able bodied when you are talking about seniors.
I was referring to 25 year old mom and dads and the like. But i get what you are saying.

I can assure you------a 60 year old woman with osteoarthritis-----is not eligible for SSD unless it is
CRIPPLING--------and her usual work is very arduous. There are lots of factors in the determination
of "disability" -------the government tends to require a hard core-----"very disabled". Government programs
tend to be ------NOT FLEXIBLE-------people just get thrown into SLOTS
And...that's the problem with any big-government, one-size-fits-all program, be it "education", work, or any other type of social assistance program. At the very least, such things should be left to the states.

just as---if not MORE-----problems
Farmers 'panic-stricken' by shortage of migrant workers United Press International

'We're too late -- it's done for us,' Jerry Adrian, 63, a cherry grower in Benton City, Wash., said Wednesday. Forty tons of his crop will rot on the trees for a loss of $40,000, he said.

Ed Kane, a cherry and apple grower in Wenatchee, Wash., said, 'I'm really damn well scared.'

Farm officials in the Northwest said a shortage of more than 16,000 workers will threaten strawberry and cherry crops in the next two weeks, and may damage the fall apple harvest.

California Farmers Backed Trump, but Now Fear Losing Field Workers

As for his promises about cracking down on illegal immigrants, many assumed Mr. Trump’s pledges were mostly just talk. But two weeks into his administration, Mr. Trump has signed executive orders that have upended the country’s immigration laws.

With 6.5 million people living in the valley, the fields in this state bring in $35 billion a year and provide more of the nation’s food than any other state.

As 18 Guatemalans in hoodies and rubber boots toiled in such conditions recently in Oregon's Willamette Valley, their boss expressed admiration for their willingness to do the back-breaking work he said native-born Americans won't do.

"Homeless people are camped in the fir forest over there," the farmer said, pointing to a stand of trees. "And they're not looking for work."

"I don't trust that temps off the street, or jailhouse labor, or whatever alternative they come up with would work," she said.
Republicans are dreaming if they think guys like this:

Will replace guys like that.


The problem with Republicans is they believe "If we do this, that will happen". Only it NEVER happens the way they plan. Never. Why? Because they don't believe in study and data and understanding.

Look at Iraq and the "freedom agenda".
Look at the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.
Look at their nonsensical approach to coal.

Not really feeling sorry for the major farmers here. They supposedly knew what ran their businesses and they supported trump......too bad.

Good point! Don't the libs accuse conservative businessmen of taking advantage of the cheap labor, and then prescribe jailing those who hire illegal aliens for cheap? Why weren't these criminal invaders vetted before making them into a indispensable workforce?

Those farmers are conservative businessmen.

That's right.
Farmers 'panic-stricken' by shortage of migrant workers United Press International

'We're too late -- it's done for us,' Jerry Adrian, 63, a cherry grower in Benton City, Wash., said Wednesday. Forty tons of his crop will rot on the trees for a loss of $40,000, he said.

Ed Kane, a cherry and apple grower in Wenatchee, Wash., said, 'I'm really damn well scared.'

Farm officials in the Northwest said a shortage of more than 16,000 workers will threaten strawberry and cherry crops in the next two weeks, and may damage the fall apple harvest.

California Farmers Backed Trump, but Now Fear Losing Field Workers

As for his promises about cracking down on illegal immigrants, many assumed Mr. Trump’s pledges were mostly just talk. But two weeks into his administration, Mr. Trump has signed executive orders that have upended the country’s immigration laws.

With 6.5 million people living in the valley, the fields in this state bring in $35 billion a year and provide more of the nation’s food than any other state.

As 18 Guatemalans in hoodies and rubber boots toiled in such conditions recently in Oregon's Willamette Valley, their boss expressed admiration for their willingness to do the back-breaking work he said native-born Americans won't do.

"Homeless people are camped in the fir forest over there," the farmer said, pointing to a stand of trees. "And they're not looking for work."

"I don't trust that temps off the street, or jailhouse labor, or whatever alternative they come up with would work," she said.
Republicans are dreaming if they think guys like this:

Will replace guys like that.


The problem with Republicans is they believe "If we do this, that will happen". Only it NEVER happens the way they plan. Never. Why? Because they don't believe in study and data and understanding.

Look at Iraq and the "freedom agenda".
Look at the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.
Look at their nonsensical approach to coal.

Not really feeling sorry for the major farmers here. They supposedly knew what ran their businesses and they supported trump......too bad.

Feel sorry when food prices skyrocket.

Are you admitting that living wages would cause prices to skyrocket and you'd rather import cheap labor than pay higher prices?

It's Republicans who want to abolish the minimum wage. They are the cheapest SOB's in history. Surely that's something we can both agree on. They elected a president who used illegal workers and refused to pay even them.

That's not an answer. It is a deflection.
Then maybe these farmers need to get out and talk to their Governors about getting the chain gangs together again.
Good idea. FORCED labor. Perhaps we can bring back slavery. I want to buy a Redneck, but they are so damn lazy and they smell bad. I want one just for show.
Not forced labor. Work performed by prisoners can be used to reimburse the prisons for the cost of keeping them incarcerated in the first place. Do the crime, do the time...picking produce, digging ditches, etc. Just consider prison inmates as really nasty, although able-bodied welfare recipients.
Then maybe these farmers need to get out and talk to their Governors about getting the chain gangs together again.
Good idea. FORCED labor. Perhaps we can bring back slavery. I want to buy a Redneck, but they are so damn lazy and they smell bad. I want one just for show.
Not forced labor. Work performed by prisoners can be used to reimburse the prisons for the cost of keeping them incarcerated in the first place. Do the crime, do the time...picking produce, digging ditches, etc. Just consider prison inmates as really nasty, although able-bodied welfare recipients.

am I obligated to consider you to be a human bean?
Then maybe these farmers need to get out and talk to their Governors about getting the chain gangs together again.
Good idea. FORCED labor. Perhaps we can bring back slavery. I want to buy a Redneck, but they are so damn lazy and they smell bad. I want one just for show.
Not forced labor. Work performed by prisoners can be used to reimburse the prisons for the cost of keeping them incarcerated in the first place. Do the crime, do the time...picking produce, digging ditches, etc. Just consider prison inmates as really nasty, although able-bodied welfare recipients.

am I obligated to consider you to be a human bean?
Whatever you like, sweetart!
That's awful!
After we boot the illegal aliens, maybe we can start a temporary farm worker program?
Work, earn, return home.
Well duh, there already is one, they call them migrant workers...
Squatters, those that can't stand for long..
Some people don't stand for anything.
I usually lean into the situation..
Around here there isn't too many white folks that like to catch turkeys and chickens to send to the slaughterhouses at 2am, I'm sorry abattoir, for you sophisticated long hairs...
or we can send a few busses to the inner cities and offer work to the unemployed there.
Or, you could actually read what I posted:

As 18 Guatemalans in hoodies and rubber boots toiled in such conditions recently in Oregon's Willamette Valley, their boss expressed admiration for their willingness to do the back-breaking work he said native-born Americans won't do.

"Homeless people are camped in the fir forest over there," the farmer said, pointing to a stand of trees. "And they're not looking for work."

"I don't trust that temps off the street, or jailhouse labor, or whatever alternative they come up with would work," she said.

They are saying those Americans aren't trustworthy. That they don't work hard.

Instead of implementing a policy and then trying to figure out what to do next, why not figure out the issues first and let facts determine the policy? Novel idea?

Well maybe if we removed the safety net from the ones who don't want to work it would motivate them a bit.

It just prove the whole "subsidizing doing nothing" argument non-progressives have been making for decades.
You really think you are going to make these people work:






Your delusions are f*cking hilarious.

I was more thinking gangbangers from chicago.
Fewer gangbangers in Chicago than unemployed Trump voters throughout Appalachia.
Yet, you can never prove your outlandish claims, can you? I suggest, with all sincerity that you change your user name to "Washington Post".
That's awful!
After we boot the illegal aliens, maybe we can start a temporary farm worker program?
Work, earn, return home.

We already have that.

We've had migrant farm workers for almost as long as we've had farms. Not all are undocumented. Some are white Americans.

Thanks the idiocy of RWNJs believing everyone should look and sound the same, small family farms are going broke and their crops rotting in the fields. Congrats.

The 1% are having a great time buying up family farms for pennies on the dollar. Congrats again.

Oh yeah, and the cheeto is wanting to get foreigners into the US to do the high paid jobs.

And congrats once again. You must be so pleased.

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That's awful!
After we boot the illegal aliens, maybe we can start a temporary farm worker program?
Work, earn, return home.
Maybe? What happens until then? How will it be different than now? The number of Mexicans coming here have been declining every year. The same question can be asked of every Republican on every GOP policy: Are you sure you've thought this through?
---------------------------- SURE , i thought it all through , if you want cherries start paying what cherries are worth and feck all 3 of you meaning , feck the farmers , feck the mex pickers and YOU Dean !! ----------- no offence meant Dean !!

If only it were that simple.

I'm willing to pay more but that won't get them picked.

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That's awful!
After we boot the illegal aliens, maybe we can start a temporary farm worker program?
Work, earn, return home.

We already have that.

We've had migrant farm workers for almost as long as we've had farms. Not all are undocumented. Some are white Americans.

Thanks the idiocy of RWNJs believing everyone should look and sound the same, small family farms are going broke and their crops rotting in the fields. Congrats.

The 1% are having a great time buying up family farms for pennies on the dollar. Congrats again.

Oh yeah, and the cheeto is wanting to get foreigners into the US to do the high paid jobs.

And congrats once again. You must be so pleased.

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Yet we only have your "word" for this claim.
That's awful!
After we boot the illegal aliens, maybe we can start a temporary farm worker program?
Work, earn, return home.

We already have that.

We've had migrant farm workers for almost as long as we've had farms. Not all are undocumented. Some are white Americans.

Thanks the idiocy of RWNJs believing everyone should look and sound the same, small family farms are going broke and their crops rotting in the fields. Congrats.

The 1% are having a great time buying up family farms for pennies on the dollar. Congrats again.

Oh yeah, and the cheeto is wanting to get foreigners into the US to do the high paid jobs.

And congrats once again. You must be so pleased.

Sent from my iPhone using

We already have that.

How many temporary farm workers did we bring in last year?

Thanks the idiocy of RWNJs believing everyone should look and sound the same, small family farms are going broke and their crops rotting in the fields.

That's awful. We need automation to help harvest our crops.

Oh yeah, and the cheeto is wanting to get foreigners into the US to do the high paid jobs.

I though he just announced a plan to reduce legal immigration?

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