Farmers 'panic-stricken' by shortage of migrant workers

....Kids now days look down their noses at jobs they consider mexican work. Which of never would have happened if we hadn't given amnesty to every fuking illegal since Reagan.
Another reason to bring back the draft; too many spoiled kids.

Another problem is that too many fucking people don't know how to spell.
Public schools...another government driven give-away entitlement program...but a topic for another discussion.
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.

In many states they can work up to 20 hours a week while still collecting benefits. Some even work more, under the table, and collect.
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.

In many states they can work up to 20 hours a week while still collecting benefits. Some even work more, under the table, and collect.
Absolutely. They work under the table and collect cash. Employer avoids the cost of compliance with local, state, and/or federal employment regulations and the welfare leeches are happier than pigs in shit. Of course, if they aren't working "black", they're selling drugs or their kids on the streets, no record and no income taxes for them that way either.
You really think you are going to make these people work:






Your delusions are f*cking hilarious.

I was more thinking gangbangers from chicago.
Fewer gangbangers in Chicago than unemployed Trump voters throughout Appalachia.
Yet, you can never prove your outlandish claims, can you? I suggest, with all sincerity that you change your user name to "Washington Post".
Why do you think I post so many links nitwit?
Links from the proven lying media? Those links?
I'm not using links from Brietbart and Fox.
You guys have to admit it's hilarious that right wingers on the USMB are suddenly so concerned that migrant workers aren't getting paid enough when they want to abolish the minimum wage here and cut off healthcare for tens of millions of Americans and cut school lunches and daycare.

But now they're worried about migrant workers?

Anybody on this board actually believe that?

Where are all the conservatives that have been wailing and gnashing their teeth about 'illegals taking our jobs away, if only they'd be deported we'd have work'?

Come on double chin con country, get out there in those jobs in the those fields and pick that lettuce and those strawberries. You don't seem to want to work now. We know red states take the most federal welfare by far in the US but here are jobs available for you and you don't want to work?

It's almost as if you... ...lied.
You guys have to admit it's hilarious that right wingers on the USMB are suddenly so concerned that migrant workers aren't getting paid enough when they want to abolish the minimum wage here and cut off healthcare for tens of millions of Americans and cut school lunches and daycare.

But now they're worried about migrant workers?

Anybody on this board actually believe that?

OK, now I do have to question your reading comprehension skills. Or is your comment based on wishful thinking?

You know, I had you on ignore before and I might have to put you there again.
I thought this was not going to happen. Because reasons.

So, I post this so that all those asshole lefties who insulted me for believe that Trump would actually deport illegals,

as a place for those assholes to apologize to me.

Who is first?
Where are all the conservatives that have been wailing and gnashing their teeth about 'illegals taking our jobs away, if only they'd be deported we'd have work'?

Come on double chin con country, get out there in those jobs in the those fields and pick that lettuce and those strawberries. You don't seem to want to work now. We know red states take the most federal welfare by far in the US but here are jobs available for you and you don't want to work?

It's almost as if you... ...lied.

You are the one that is lying.

Farm migrants are a puny insignificant portion of the illegal problem.
Even if they already have a better paying job? WTF?

If they're working they shouldn't be getting Government assistance.
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.
I agree they should work, but are there really that many jobs that pay a livable wage? Maybe, since if a person can live on welfare then I would guess they could live on a low paid service job.
farmers are no big deal , they have jobs that they volunteer to do for whatever reason or they ease into being farmers because they have land or expertise in farming . I hate the elevation of certain groups of people just because they CHOOSE to feed themselves by following some occupation that they CHOOSE to follow to make some bucks so i just had to comment Freewill !!
Even if they already have a better paying job? WTF?

If they're working they shouldn't be getting Government assistance.
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.
I agree they should work, but are there really that many jobs that pay a livable wage? Maybe, since if a person can live on welfare then I would guess they could live on a low paid service job.
What exactly comprises a "livable wage"? What necessities should a "livable wage" provide? Are cars, laptops, TVs, VCRs, cell phones covered under this concept? Or would those needs include: adequate nourishment and housing?
Even if they already have a better paying job? WTF?

If they're working they shouldn't be getting Government assistance.
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.
I agree they should work, but are there really that many jobs that pay a livable wage? Maybe, since if a person can live on welfare then I would guess they could live on a low paid service job.
What exactly comprises a "livable wage"? What necessities should a "livable wage" provide? Are cars, laptops, TVs, VCRs, cell phones covered under this concept? Or would those needs include: adequate nourishment and housing?
Food, clothing and a place to live .
farmers are no big deal , they have jobs that they volunteer to do for whatever reason or they ease into being farmers because they have land or expertise in farming . I hate the elevation of certain groups of people just because they CHOOSE to feed themselves by following some occupation that they CHOOSE to follow to make some bucks so i just had to comment Freewill !!
I am glad they feed themselves and me along with them.
Even if they already have a better paying job? WTF?

If they're working they shouldn't be getting Government assistance.
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.
I agree they should work, but are there really that many jobs that pay a livable wage? Maybe, since if a person can live on welfare then I would guess they could live on a low paid service job.
What exactly comprises a "livable wage"? What necessities should a "livable wage" provide? Are cars, laptops, TVs, VCRs, cell phones covered under this concept? Or would those needs include: adequate nourishment and housing?
Not to mention that it varies by local. $15/hr is too little in New York, NY, but relatively rich in Tupelo, MS.

List of United States counties by per capita income - Wikipedia
Even if they already have a better paying job? WTF?

If they're working they shouldn't be getting Government assistance.
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.
I agree they should work, but are there really that many jobs that pay a livable wage? Maybe, since if a person can live on welfare then I would guess they could live on a low paid service job.
What exactly comprises a "livable wage"? What necessities should a "livable wage" provide? Are cars, laptops, TVs, VCRs, cell phones covered under this concept? Or would those needs include: adequate nourishment and housing?
Food, clothing and a place to live .
OK, that's acceptable. To what standard? (I would suggest the same standard applied to military personnel.)

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