Farmers 'panic-stricken' by shortage of migrant workers

Even if they already have a better paying job? WTF?

If they're working they shouldn't be getting Government assistance.
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.
I agree they should work, but are there really that many jobs that pay a livable wage? Maybe, since if a person can live on welfare then I would guess they could live on a low paid service job.
What exactly comprises a "livable wage"? What necessities should a "livable wage" provide? Are cars, laptops, TVs, VCRs, cell phones covered under this concept? Or would those needs include: adequate nourishment and housing?
Not to mention that it varies by local. $15/hr is too little in New York, NY, but relatively rich in Tupelo, MS.

List of United States counties by per capita income - Wikipedia
A very reasonable argument why a federally mandated, one-size-fits-all minimum wage should not exist. Minimum wage should be driven by local economic standards.
If they're working they shouldn't be getting Government assistance.
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.
I agree they should work, but are there really that many jobs that pay a livable wage? Maybe, since if a person can live on welfare then I would guess they could live on a low paid service job.
What exactly comprises a "livable wage"? What necessities should a "livable wage" provide? Are cars, laptops, TVs, VCRs, cell phones covered under this concept? Or would those needs include: adequate nourishment and housing?
Not to mention that it varies by local. $15/hr is too little in New York, NY, but relatively rich in Tupelo, MS.

List of United States counties by per capita income - Wikipedia
A very reasonable argument why a federally mandated, one-size-fits-all minimum wage should not exist. Minimum wage should be driven by local economic standards.
Agreed 100%
farmers are no big deal , they have jobs that they volunteer to do for whatever reason or they ease into being farmers because they have land or expertise in farming . I hate the elevation of certain groups of people just because they CHOOSE to feed themselves by following some occupation that they CHOOSE to follow to make some bucks so i just had to comment Freewill !!
I am glad they feed themselves and me along with them.
------------------------------------------ SURE , but all they are is Farmers . They need the business so they are not doing any person that eats a favor Freewill .
farmers are no big deal , they have jobs that they volunteer to do for whatever reason or they ease into being farmers because they have land or expertise in farming . I hate the elevation of certain groups of people just because they CHOOSE to feed themselves by following some occupation that they CHOOSE to follow to make some bucks so i just had to comment Freewill !!
I am glad they feed themselves and me along with them.
------------------------------------------ SURE , but all they are is Farmers . They need the business so they are not doing any person that eats a favor Freewill .
Not sure why your farmer supplied shorts are in a knot. Farming is a career choice just like anything else. I am really, really glad there are people will and able to do it. I really do not wish to butcher my own cows, even though I would if I had too.
If they're working they shouldn't be getting Government assistance.
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.
I agree they should work, but are there really that many jobs that pay a livable wage? Maybe, since if a person can live on welfare then I would guess they could live on a low paid service job.
What exactly comprises a "livable wage"? What necessities should a "livable wage" provide? Are cars, laptops, TVs, VCRs, cell phones covered under this concept? Or would those needs include: adequate nourishment and housing?
Food, clothing and a place to live .
OK, that's acceptable. To what standard? (I would suggest the same standard applied to military personnel.)
The government doesn't set the standard, just like the minimum wage should be driven by the economy and it was never meant to be a livable wage, as far as I know.

Back to farmers. They need to come up with a pay that is fair and will entice people to work for them. One standard could be, welfare, another would be the average rate for rentals, and lastly clothing which if properly shopped is relatively inexpensive.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

American farmers sent $2.4 billion of corn to Mexico in 2015, the most recent year of available data. In 1995, the year after NAFTA became law, corn exports to Mexico were a mere $391 million.

Experts say such a bill would be very costly to U.S. farmers.


Republicans won't quit until they f*ck up US Agriculture worse than they did the economy and foreign policy under Bush. You watch!
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

American farmers sent $2.4 billion of corn to Mexico in 2015, the most recent year of available data. In 1995, the year after NAFTA became law, corn exports to Mexico were a mere $391 million.

Experts say such a bill would be very costly to U.S. farmers.


Republicans won't quit until they f*ck up US Agriculture worse than they did the economy and foreign policy under Bush. You watch!
It wouldn't surprise me that Mexico would f..k themselves to try and hurt the US. Only simpletons would think that Mexico would go down the path of Venezuela .
same thing with barbers , roofers
farmers are no big deal , they have jobs that they volunteer to do for whatever reason or they ease into being farmers because they have land or expertise in farming . I hate the elevation of certain groups of people just because they CHOOSE to feed themselves by following some occupation that they CHOOSE to follow to make some bucks so i just had to comment Freewill !!
I am glad they feed themselves and me along with them.
------------------------------------------ SURE , but all they are is Farmers . They need the business so they are not doing any person that eats a favor Freewill .
Not sure why your farmer supplied shorts are in a knot. Farming is a career choice just like anything else. I am really, really glad there are people will and able to do it. I really do not wish to butcher my own cows, even though I would if I had too.
-------------------------------------------- as Bodecea says in this thread , he grows most or much of his food and that may be the case with me . Its no big deal growing food , most American grew food for themselves in the earlier America and they did barter and trade . i said earlier , i don't like the elevation of any group of people over any other . I may be a farmer or a roofer , a cop or a doctor . In the USA we ALL work to eat and pay the bills . Without roofers and cops the farmers would have food perhaps but they need roofers and cops to BUY their food using money Freewill .
same thing with barbers , roofers
farmers are no big deal , they have jobs that they volunteer to do for whatever reason or they ease into being farmers because they have land or expertise in farming . I hate the elevation of certain groups of people just because they CHOOSE to feed themselves by following some occupation that they CHOOSE to follow to make some bucks so i just had to comment Freewill !!
I am glad they feed themselves and me along with them.
------------------------------------------ SURE , but all they are is Farmers . They need the business so they are not doing any person that eats a favor Freewill .
Not sure why your farmer supplied shorts are in a knot. Farming is a career choice just like anything else. I am really, really glad there are people will and able to do it. I really do not wish to butcher my own cows, even though I would if I had too.
-------------------------------------------- as Bodecea says in this thread , he grows most or much of his food and that may be the case with me . Its no big deal growing food , most American grew food for themselves in the earlier America and they did barter and trade . i said earlier , i don't like the elevation of any group of people over any other . I may be a farmer or a roofer , a cop or a doctor . In the USA we ALL work to eat and pay the bills . Without roofers and cops the farmers would have food perhaps but they need roofers and cops to BUY their food using money Freewill .
Not, obviously who you want to boost is YOURSELF. Wow.
now you are being silly . Farmer is simply a link in the chain in the USA civilization Freewill .
now you are being silly . Farmer is simply a link in the chain in the USA civilization Freewill .
If you just would make a little sense it might be an interesting discussion. Of course farmers are part of society just like bankers. But we would live without bankers. Right now farmers are doing such a wonderful job I can afford not to grow a lot of food.
I am not sure I care about people that put profit ahead of all else. Morality? Ethics? Culture even? What about the golden rules? Don't cheat, lie or steal? "Thou shalt not go bankrupt" isn't one of the ten commandments . Smart people find a way to succeed. Losers and criminals lie, cheat and try to manipulate the system. The real racist xenophobes are the ones that abuse illegals, allow it and try to legitimize it.
That's awful!
After we boot the illegal aliens, maybe we can start a temporary farm worker program?
Work, earn, return home.
Maybe? What happens until then? How will it be different than now? The number of Mexicans coming here have been declining every year. The same question can be asked of every Republican on every GOP policy: Are you sure you've thought this through?

Theres no reason the labor has to be illegal. We can adapt one way or another. The left is always telling us how arrogant and privileged white people are? or Americans in general?,so now we have a chance to send them to the fields again. Lets do it. The Farmers need to learn how to advertise the fact that the work is out there and then offer to bring people in.
now you are being silly . Farmer is simply a link in the chain in the USA civilization Freewill .
If you just would make a little sense it might be an interesting discussion. Of course farmers are part of society just like bankers. But we would live without bankers. Right now farmers are doing such a wonderful job I can afford not to grow a lot of food.
------------------------------------------------- you probably couldn't survive without farmers , same for all your other keepers and protectors Freewill .
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.
I agree they should work, but are there really that many jobs that pay a livable wage? Maybe, since if a person can live on welfare then I would guess they could live on a low paid service job.
What exactly comprises a "livable wage"? What necessities should a "livable wage" provide? Are cars, laptops, TVs, VCRs, cell phones covered under this concept? Or would those needs include: adequate nourishment and housing?
Food, clothing and a place to live .
OK, that's acceptable. To what standard? (I would suggest the same standard applied to military personnel.)
The government doesn't set the standard, just like the minimum wage should be driven by the economy and it was never meant to be a livable wage, as far as I know.

Back to farmers. They need to come up with a pay that is fair and will entice people to work for them. One standard could be, welfare, another would be the average rate for rentals, and lastly clothing which if properly shopped is relatively inexpensive.
Once upon a time, farm help showed up at the door and asked for work. Typical compensation for a day's work included at least one hot meal and a dry place to sleep. If the help was of longer standing, the farmer paid what was available as excess, usually goods, room and board. Farmers didn't usually realized any cash income until the end of their season when crops and livestock were sold at market. At that point, the farmer would set aside what was needed to buy the next season's raw materials (seed and stock). Any remaining cash might have been shared with a hand who had stayed for the season. Works like that with commercial fishing up here still. Hands hire on and go out, receiving room and board while working as well as a share of the take when the haul is sold at market. That's how it works with many small producers in seasonal businesses. Whatever the hands agree to accept should be fine with government. Mandatory wages are an unreasonable burden upon the owners of the means of production.
Got that backwards, pard...if they didn't get government assistance, you'd better bet they'd get their hungry asses out and find paying jobs.
I agree they should work, but are there really that many jobs that pay a livable wage? Maybe, since if a person can live on welfare then I would guess they could live on a low paid service job.
What exactly comprises a "livable wage"? What necessities should a "livable wage" provide? Are cars, laptops, TVs, VCRs, cell phones covered under this concept? Or would those needs include: adequate nourishment and housing?
Food, clothing and a place to live .
OK, that's acceptable. To what standard? (I would suggest the same standard applied to military personnel.)
The government doesn't set the standard, just like the minimum wage should be driven by the economy and it was never meant to be a livable wage, as far as I know.

Back to farmers. They need to come up with a pay that is fair and will entice people to work for them. One standard could be, welfare, another would be the average rate for rentals, and lastly clothing which if properly shopped is relatively inexpensive.
They won't, so they'll go out of business. Just like the textile industry left the US (remember when the last US Levi's factory closed?), several food sources will be imported from other nations; probably Mexico due to proximity. Sure, much of staple food farming is automated and corporate run so things like wheat and corn will still be here.

....and, of course, Soylent Green will always be fully automated. :D

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