Farmers proves Democrats as Outrageous LIARS !!

Can't wait for this to slip into some misogynistic mud pit about men and logic.

All decision making brings out the logic ability

That is part of life

The winning and losing is also part of all of this

Crooks fooling unwise voters is also part of nearly all issues

I swear you learned to speak English by mimicking Tonto from the original Lone Ranger series.
Trump made a short term partnerships with farmers

Long term help can be welfare that restricts real progress

Trump is doing short term that can bring great help for the farmers and the nation

Democrats are too unwise to know what is help and what is harm

That is why a high logic ability test for voters is coming

Despite the rhetoric, most welfare is short term. We also have no idea yet how short term it is. We have been subsidizing farmers for decades.

Learn trumps system of helping both parties

Learn how successful his system is

Trump can work the world exactly like he worked sports and other areas

The ART of the Deal is truly the best system to save the world and have all nations to prosper without stealing and wars

The unwise must be stopped from voting in crooks and trump is working on that solution


'Self-inflicted wound': Donald Trump signs budget bill as experts warn he's on track to add trillions to U.S. debt

The men have judged trumps system the best and the democrats as the liars


The men

Davy Crockett

Sam Houston

Teddy Roosevelt

Andrew Jackson

Alvin York
America has the best natural resources and food production is at the top

The world needs America much more than America needs the world

The democrats have been helping the world steal from America with the immoral Democrat leaders taking influence

Democrats will go down in history as the most crooked group ever

Nah, I think that will be Stalin and/or the entire Russian state.
Mao outkilled Stalin of his own people by about 500%. Stalin killed a little over 20,000,000 Russians. They stopped counting Mao's killing when it reached well over 100,000,000 Chinese. Both of them took advantage of the world's attention centered on Europe and the Pacific in WWII, and most of the killings were done between 1938 - 1945, and later than that in the case of the Chinese who were almost off the world's radar since the killings were well behind the Iron Curtain that shielded them from the view of the Western Press, who by and large did not care to know Chinese civil works.
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Farmers prosper in spite of Trump's trade battle with China

Democrats nothing but immoral liars

America’s men has judged this with their majority for trump

Any so called judge that goes against the men’s judgement will be in hot water

Farmers are hurting. They are not prospering.

Bill Gordon, a fourth-generation farmer in Worthington, Minnesota, who is also vice-president of the American Soybean Association, warned that spot prices for agriculture products have dropped so low, many in the Midwest can't even service their debts or also pay their bills. Farmers are losing their land to creditors daily. This has triggered the suicide rate among farmers to jump in the last several years.

"The markets are so low, we cannot even break even to pay our bills. Farmers are losing their farms every day. The suicide rate among farmers is at an all-time high," Gordon said.

Farm Crisis: Suicides Spike In Rural America As Trade War Deepens

Is that what you call winning?
Farmers prosper in spite of Trump's trade battle with China

Democrats nothing but immoral liars

America’s men has judged this with their majority for trump

Any so called judge that goes against the men’s judgement will be in hot water

An opinion piece.

One that notes that farmers will survive because of Trump's welfare programs that mostly go to corporations.

Farmers prosper in spite of Trump's trade battle with China

Democrats nothing but immoral liars

America’s men has judged this with their majority for trump

Any so called judge that goes against the men’s judgement will be in hot water

An opinion piece.

One that notes that farmers will survive because of Trump's welfare programs that mostly go to corporations.
Actually, the link confirms that farmers are having problems, but points out some of them are being optimistic about the long term.

No sympathy for farmers. They voted for this. They'll vote for it again, as long as Trump keeps punishing the groups farmers blame for their own personal failures.

Wrong look at their profits

That’s the bottom line

Trump keeps farmers profits up while he gains them big help with his pressure on China


Trump brought great success again for the American worker last month

With a rise of 3.5 percent in wages beating the 2.0 percent inflation

Each month wages beats inflation piled up the extra income for the workers

The workers now will be proven by trump as being being used by the crooked immoral liar democrats

The men majority agrees with this and any judge that judges different will be in hot water

This all proves the Democrats have been caught as outrageous LIARS !!
I have no problem with you and others convincing America that farmers are fine. It will help them learn their lesson.

Wrong look at their profits

That’s the bottom line

Trump keeps farmers profits up while he gains them big help with his pressure on China


Trump brought great success again for the American worker last month

With a rise of 3.5 percent in wages beating the 2.0 percent inflation

Each month wages beats inflation piled up the extra income for the workers

The workers now will be proven by trump as being being used by the crooked immoral liar democrats

The men majority agrees with this and any judge that judges different will be in hot water

This all proves the Democrats have been caught as outrageous LIARS !!

Bailout are not profits

Anyone ever notice these same turds always seem to know everything and it's always that Trump has done some bad thing and then later it turns they are all full of crap. Ever notice that?

When did the right start supporting huge welfare programs?

Wrong this is much better than taxpayer loans and scholarships for worthless degrees

This is true help for farmers and all parts of the nation

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
Farmers prosper in spite of Trump's trade battle with China

Democrats nothing but immoral liars

America’s men has judged this with their majority for trump

Any so called judge that goes against the men’s judgement will be in hot water

An opinion piece.

One that notes that farmers will survive because of Trump's welfare programs that mostly go to corporations.

An opinion piece.

One that notes that farmers will survive because of Trump's welfare programs that mostly go to corporations.
Actually, the link confirms that farmers are having problems, but points out some of them are being optimistic about the long term.

No sympathy for farmers. They voted for this. They'll vote for it again, as long as Trump keeps punishing the groups farmers blame for their own personal failures.

Wrong look at their profits

That’s the bottom line

Trump keeps farmers profits up while he gains them big help with his pressure on China


Trump brought great success again for the American worker last month

With a rise of 3.5 percent in wages beating the 2.0 percent inflation

Each month wages beats inflation piled up the extra income for the workers

The workers now will be proven by trump as being being used by the crooked immoral liar democrats

The men majority agrees with this and any judge that judges different will be in hot water

This all proves the Democrats have been caught as outrageous LIARS !!
I have no problem with you and others convincing America that farmers are fine. It will help them learn their lesson.

Wrong look at their profits

That’s the bottom line

Trump keeps farmers profits up while he gains them big help with his pressure on China


Trump brought great success again for the American worker last month

With a rise of 3.5 percent in wages beating the 2.0 percent inflation

Each month wages beats inflation piled up the extra income for the workers

The workers now will be proven by trump as being being used by the crooked immoral liar democrats

The men majority agrees with this and any judge that judges different will be in hot water

This all proves the Democrats have been caught as outrageous LIARS !!

Bailout are not profits

Anyone ever notice these same turds always seem to know everything and it's always that Trump has done some bad thing and then later it turns they are all full of crap. Ever notice that?

When did the right start supporting huge welfare programs?

Wrong this is much better than taxpayer loans and scholarships for worthless degrees

This is true help for farmers and all parts of the nation

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.
An opinion piece.

One that notes that farmers will survive because of Trump's welfare programs that mostly go to corporations.

Actually, the link confirms that farmers are having problems, but points out some of them are being optimistic about the long term.

No sympathy for farmers. They voted for this. They'll vote for it again, as long as Trump keeps punishing the groups farmers blame for their own personal failures.

I have no problem with you and others convincing America that farmers are fine. It will help them learn their lesson.

Bailout are not profits

Anyone ever notice these same turds always seem to know everything and it's always that Trump has done some bad thing and then later it turns they are all full of crap. Ever notice that?

When did the right start supporting huge welfare programs?

Wrong this is much better than taxpayer loans and scholarships for worthless degrees

This is true help for farmers and all parts of the nation

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.

You are nothing but a Trump puppet. Did Trump spoon feed that to you? You certainly are not capable of thinking for yourself. opinion piece that says something different:

The struggle of family farmers is real

This week nearly 400 of National Farmers Union’s family farmer and rancher members will descend on Capitol Hill to explain just how tough the situation is in farm country. Many of them are struggling through yet another year of crop prices that are below the cost of production. With little cash flow and worsening credit conditions, family farmers’ financial challenges are only growing.

To be clear, farmers’ financial woes didn’t begin with this administration. In fact, 2019 is projected to be the fifth consecutive year of below-average net farm income. But the trade wars made a bad situation much worse. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), agricultural exports are expected to decline by $8.9 billion this year.

The effects on prices have been obvious. Since the tariffs went into effect last June, soybean exports have fallen by 25 percent. Over that same time frame, soybean prices have dropped by nearly two dollars per bushel. The average acre of soybeans in the U.S. netted a loss of $5.62 last year. The net return on corn and wheat is even worse. The bottom line is that many farmers are losing money on every acre they plant.

Cases in point. News has become opinion pieces
Anyone ever notice these same turds always seem to know everything and it's always that Trump has done some bad thing and then later it turns they are all full of crap. Ever notice that?

When did the right start supporting huge welfare programs?

Wrong this is much better than taxpayer loans and scholarships for worthless degrees

This is true help for farmers and all parts of the nation

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.

You are nothing but a Trump puppet. Did Trump spoon feed that to you? You certainly are not capable of thinking for yourself.

People who disagree aren’t puppets they just disagree
Anyone ever notice these same turds always seem to know everything and it's always that Trump has done some bad thing and then later it turns they are all full of crap. Ever notice that?

When did the right start supporting huge welfare programs?

Wrong this is much better than taxpayer loans and scholarships for worthless degrees

This is true help for farmers and all parts of the nation

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.

You are nothing but a Trump puppet. Did Trump spoon feed that to you? You certainly are not capable of thinking for yourself.

The media and you kind are proven liars.
I've never met Trump or talked to him. I do know you are media fed lying sack of garbage like all progressive filth.
Trump's plan is to use his money advantage to try and motivate his base to turn out and "outperform" dem voters. We'll see.

Trump's New Math: Inside the Plan to Flip Blue States in 2020

When did the right start supporting huge welfare programs?

Wrong this is much better than taxpayer loans and scholarships for worthless degrees

This is true help for farmers and all parts of the nation

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.

You are nothing but a Trump puppet. Did Trump spoon feed that to you? You certainly are not capable of thinking for yourself.

People who disagree aren’t puppets they just disagree

People who blame it on the media are sock puppets. Suicides by farmers have gone up under Trump.
When did the right start supporting huge welfare programs?

Wrong this is much better than taxpayer loans and scholarships for worthless degrees

This is true help for farmers and all parts of the nation

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.

You are nothing but a Trump puppet. Did Trump spoon feed that to you? You certainly are not capable of thinking for yourself.

The media and you kind are proven liars.
I've never met Trump or talked to him. I do know you are media fed lying sack of garbage like all progressive filth.

You are the only garbage that I see here. Trump and people like you are the proven liars.
Wrong this is much better than taxpayer loans and scholarships for worthless degrees

This is true help for farmers and all parts of the nation

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.

You are nothing but a Trump puppet. Did Trump spoon feed that to you? You certainly are not capable of thinking for yourself.

The media and you kind are proven liars.
I've never met Trump or talked to him. I do know you are media fed lying sack of garbage like all progressive filth.

You are the only garbage that I see here. Trump and people like you are the proven liars.

Look at who men support to know what their judgement is

Their judgement has always proved to prevail

They judge democrats are the enemy and crooked
When did the right start supporting huge welfare programs?

Wrong this is much better than taxpayer loans and scholarships for worthless degrees

This is true help for farmers and all parts of the nation

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.

You are nothing but a Trump puppet. Did Trump spoon feed that to you? You certainly are not capable of thinking for yourself.

The media and you kind are proven liars.
I've never met Trump or talked to him. I do know you are media fed lying sack of garbage like all progressive filth.

This understanding is spreading by the men

Democrats are really really in trouble and being foolish with their Lying !!!!

That is gonna be stopped according to history
Trump's plan is to use his money advantage to try and motivate his base to turn out and "outperform" dem voters. We'll see.

Trump's New Math: Inside the Plan to Flip Blue States in 2020

Wrong this is much better than taxpayer loans and scholarships for worthless degrees

This is true help for farmers and all parts of the nation

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.

You are nothing but a Trump puppet. Did Trump spoon feed that to you? You certainly are not capable of thinking for yourself.

People who disagree aren’t puppets they just disagree

People who blame it on the media are sock puppets. Suicides by farmers have gone up under Trump.

The media no longer reports news they make it.
Trump's plan is to use his money advantage to try and motivate his base to turn out and "outperform" dem voters. We'll see.

Trump's New Math: Inside the Plan to Flip Blue States in 2020

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.

You are nothing but a Trump puppet. Did Trump spoon feed that to you? You certainly are not capable of thinking for yourself.

People who disagree aren’t puppets they just disagree

People who blame it on the media are sock puppets. Suicides by farmers have gone up under Trump.

The media no longer reports news they make it.

And the men now know this and are spreading this

So very foolish for the democrats to try to fight this against the men
Wrong this is much better than taxpayer loans and scholarships for worthless degrees

This is true help for farmers and all parts of the nation

This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.

You are nothing but a Trump puppet. Did Trump spoon feed that to you? You certainly are not capable of thinking for yourself.

The media and you kind are proven liars.
I've never met Trump or talked to him. I do know you are media fed lying sack of garbage like all progressive filth.

This understanding is spreading by the men

Democrats are really really in trouble and being foolish with their Lying !!!!

That is gonna be stopped according to history
Lying really?

Farm loan delinquencies surge in U.S. election battleground Wisconsin

Nearly a billion dollar cost to Nebraska farmers.

Soybeans are decimated.
And farmer suicides.
This is nothing but a huge welfare program. The problem was caused by Trump's trade wars and could slide us into a recession.
MSM spoon feed that to you? They had to, it's the only way you think you know anything.

You are nothing but a Trump puppet. Did Trump spoon feed that to you? You certainly are not capable of thinking for yourself.

The media and you kind are proven liars.
I've never met Trump or talked to him. I do know you are media fed lying sack of garbage like all progressive filth.

This understanding is spreading by the men

Democrats are really really in trouble and being foolish with their Lying !!!!

That is gonna be stopped according to history
Lying really?

Farm loan delinquencies surge in U.S. election battleground Wisconsin

Nearly a billion dollar cost to Nebraska farmers.

Soybeans are decimated.
And farmer suicides.
Why didn't you tell me I could prove something by quoting the proven liars in the media?

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