Farming and climate change

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Why Have Farmers Yet Again Been Forgotten at the UN Climate Talks? | Anette Engelund Friis

With this in mind -- how can climate change negotiators still not take responsibility to help farmers adapt and miss the incredible opportunity that the agricultural sector can make to mitigate future climate change?

The tales of horror and destruction in India and most recently the Philippines should have been a sobering warning to bring agriculture front of mind at COP19. Filipino farmers have had thousands of acres of rice plantations destroyed, and coconut plantations have been "completely flattened". Coconuts account for nearly half the Philippines' agricultural exports and the country is the world's biggest producer of coconut oil -- so it is clear to see that the need to prepare countries for extreme weather conditions and therefore protect farmer livelihoods -- is increasingly urgent. In the context of an ever-changing climate, it is vital that farmers are given the tools they require to adapt to new growing conditions and produce the food and fuel the swelling population demands.
Despite the racist plantation mentality of the radical left, the Philippine government is fully able to access it's own agra-biz capability and determine it's own future.
Yam Billboard

Algeria's development of eco-friendly wind farms has put America on the edge, so mobilizing all sectors of production, including farming, is really the new language of globalized economics.

Consumerism culture (i.e., eBay, Burger King, etc.) demands a certain streamlining of lifestyle with politics. We once said things like "Native-Americans appreciate yams," but now we feel the compulsion to say, "Yams in American supermarkets reach all culture groups."

We can not sanely celebrate street justice fantasy Hollywood (USA) films such as "The Dark Knight" (2008) while politically ignoring the needs of every sector of modern society in terms of energy and environment. It sounds dramatic, but it really is that simple and severe.

Go ahead and tell a farmer to check out Greenpeace on Facebook, but be sure your local politician is working to reach and extract environmentalism procedures and organics-related policies to and from the farmer.


Gardenburger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

MDARD - Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program MAEAP

Why Have Farmers Yet Again Been Forgotten at the UN Climate Talks? | Anette Engelund Friis

With this in mind -- how can climate change negotiators still not take responsibility to help farmers adapt and miss the incredible opportunity that the agricultural sector can make to mitigate future climate change?

The tales of horror and destruction in India and most recently the Philippines should have been a sobering warning to bring agriculture front of mind at COP19. Filipino farmers have had thousands of acres of rice plantations destroyed, and coconut plantations have been "completely flattened". Coconuts account for nearly half the Philippines' agricultural exports and the country is the world's biggest producer of coconut oil -- so it is clear to see that the need to prepare countries for extreme weather conditions and therefore protect farmer livelihoods -- is increasingly urgent. In the context of an ever-changing climate, it is vital that farmers are given the tools they require to adapt to new growing conditions and produce the food and fuel the swelling population demands.

Rocky, if you've got some ideas how to protect a coconut plantation from 175 knot winds, I'd love to hear it.

No ideas at all for that extreme a storm. However, observing the after affects of the Columbus Day storm on the forests of area around Grays Harbor, Washington, I noted that there were areas of extreme damage, and areas that suffered only minor damage. In the case of the Philipines and the coconut plantations, they will see a lot more Cat 2 and 3 Typhoons than Cat 5's. For the areas of extreme damage, some kind of crop that regenerates faster than coconut trees. But when a Cat 5 does occur, not much is going to survive that.

Other ideas. Areas like our Southwest. Prone to drought, and then rapid flooding. Build more resovoirs, and keep water restrictions in place until the lowest of the resevoirs has water going over the spillway. And as soon as the water ceases to go over the spillway, re-impose the restriction. Re-assess the allotments of the Colorado River waters. Base them on present stream flow, not what they guessed at in the past.

Call some of our best and proven engineers together, and start planning for the increase in sea level. How do we move our ports inland, and plan them to deal with the continueing rise in water level.

Of course, our 'Conservatives' will immediatly set up a howl of 'No can do'. Well, we are the nation that built a world beating fighter plane from concept to flying plane in 157 days. By planning and starting now, we have time to adjust to the new realities of a warmer world. Extreme weather events will still be the wild card. And cost major portions of the nations GDI in the not so distant future.

Why have they been forgotten? Because its never been about climate its about government owning all the lands (death tax is taking care of that), Bankrupting farmers and all private industry. They haven't been forgotten, they are just irrelevant in their plans to steal everything from them as its already happening to them..

Actually they were not forgotten.. The political infighting about Carbon taxes and credits showed that. They were EXEMPTED from the discussion of CO2 even tho they account for 1/3 of the emissions. WHY?

Because it's not about the emissions. It's about the control and the agenda to pummel current energy providers..
It's become very common for deniers such as yourself to accuse the Obama administration, liberals and people concerned about global warming to have an "agenda". This agenda is reported to include destroying the American economy, turning the entire world into a communist state, giving enormous, dictatorial and extra-constitutional powers to the government.

Unfortunately, you have no actual evidence whatsoever to back up ANY of those charges and the vast bulk of them fail the sniff test to the point of complete absurdity. Get real. People concerned about global warming are simply people concerned about global warming. They are not communists. They are not socialists. They are not people trying to take over the world. They are not people trying to destroy the world. They are people worried about the world we will be giving our children and our grandchildren and their grandchildren... just as WE once were, back in the days when we thought the only problem was LA's smog and the rust belt's acid rain.
This thread is the ultimate in absurdity. Expressing concern for "climate change's" effects on the agriculture industries of the world while totally ignoring their contribution to pollution. This takes the top prize for 2014's Bitch-Slap of the Year.
It's become very common for deniers such as yourself to accuse the Obama administration, liberals and people concerned about global warming to have an "agenda". This agenda is reported to include destroying the American economy, turning the entire world into a communist state, giving enormous, dictatorial and extra-constitutional powers to the government.

Unfortunately, you have no actual evidence whatsoever to back up ANY of those charges and the vast bulk of them fail the sniff test to the point of complete absurdity. Get real. People concerned about global warming are simply people concerned about global warming. They are not communists. They are not socialists. They are not people trying to take over the world. They are not people trying to destroy the world. They are people worried about the world we will be giving our children and our grandchildren and their grandchildren... just as WE once were, back in the days when we thought the only problem was LA's smog and the rust belt's acid rain.

You just lack any kind of memory for dissonant facts. Just last week we discussed the MULTITUDE of globalist agendas with definite socialist flavor, that make the UN the LEAD political agency for Global Warming. You are the LARGEST denier in this forum..

Yo moron -- you denying that the political discussion about carbon trading EXEMPTED agriculture? And for purely POLITICAL reasons ?

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