Fascist Pathological Liar Trump's New Lie Endangers National Security

The Donald appears to have a CLEAR SHOT at being the Republican nominee!


People will start handing their support out to -----the other guys-------right now Trump, Carson, Rubio and Cruz are the BIG PLAYERS
If they haven't done it now, after about 5 months of campaigning, they aren't going to do it UNLESS something DRAMATIC happens!

It starts happening at the end-----the final stretch
The Donald appears to have a CLEAR SHOT at being the Republican nominee!


People will start handing their support out to -----the other guys-------right now Trump, Carson, Rubio and Cruz are the BIG PLAYERS
If they haven't done it now, after about 5 months of campaigning, they aren't going to do it UNLESS something DRAMATIC happens!

It starts happening at the end-----the final stretch

You are thinking OLD POLITICAL BEHAVIOR....TRUMP has turned old thinking on its ear.... BUT watch Ted Cruz, he just may be THE ONE at the end!
The Donald appears to have a CLEAR SHOT at being the Republican nominee!


People will start handing their support out to -----the other guys-------right now Trump, Carson, Rubio and Cruz are the BIG PLAYERS
If they haven't done it now, after about 5 months of campaigning, they aren't going to do it UNLESS something DRAMATIC happens!

It starts happening at the end-----the final stretch

You are thinking OLD POLITICAL BEHAVIOR....TRUMP has turned old thinking on its ear.... BUT watch Ted Cruz, he just may be THE ONE at the end!

OH!!! like a FARCE
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



Why can't you differentiate the difference between Muslims and Radical Muslims?
The radicals did celebrate and it was worldwide. including New York and New Jersey.
MSNBC,CNN and Fox reported it.
Trump is telling the truth.

Try to focus. There is no evidence of the news media reporting thousands of Muslims in the streets of New Jersey or New York. The worldwide celebration did not happen. A celebration in Palestine does not equal a "worldwide celebration". Now go waste some more time looking for that video that will show Trump is not a degenerate habitual pathological liar. You can do it. It will get you a personal meeting and thank you from the fuhrer himself.

Did Trump say that the NEWS MEDIA reported thousands doing something somewhere? Someone on this messageboard stated that TRUMP claimed a
video showing THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS doing something in Jersey City-----
just in Jersey City--------I doubt it. I doubt that every muslim living in Jersey city POSED FOR THE CAMERAS all at once

You have been blindly defending Trump and don't even know what he lied about. He claimed he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets on a TV broadcast. No such broadcast has ever been located. He lied about see the celebrations.

Well, he exaggerated. I'm more concerned about the lies he's telling that should be more obvious, like saying that he will have the power to make Mexico build a wall.

Maybe he did exaggerate, how big was the exaggeration? there still is truth regardless and if anything its in defense of the country. Hillary's lies are in defense of herself or for her benefit. She claimed her helicopter was fired upon when she was nowhere near any live fire, she kept a private server to keep people from checking up on her dealings, then lies and jokes about a wiped server. The comparison and choice between the two is pretty clear.
Adolf Trump is a major threat to America!
Obuthole is the proven threat.

Obama has been in the office for 7 years. I have not seen a threat..... But Adolf Trump threat to mankind is written all over his forehead.

Could you be more specific------how does Trump's immoderate mouth---"THREATEN" the USA-----what will happen to us BECAUSE he says things? Please tell me what he said that will cause people to shoot up school children...

Ha, the same people worried about Trumps mouth make excuses for Iranian Mullas who chant "Death to America" all so we can make a deal with them that benefits only Iran. Not even touching the fact that they are making ICBMs and have US prisoners
Trump is a big gov progressive, but unlike the guy in the WH, he actually cares about America. His solutions and sometimes ridiculous statements do reflect poorly on him, but only to thinking people. Obama's solutions and absurd statements should reflect poorly on him, but they don't.

No he doesn't you ignorant sheep, he cares about 1) Trump 2) Trump 3) Trump. He has no solutions to anything other than to solve the problem of Donald Trump not having enough power.
Yanno..................tonight I watched a really interesting show on the History Channel.

It was about Donald the Chump.

If you have a chance, you might want to check it out.
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.

Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great
You believe all of Obama's lies, so you are blind to reality.

Yup. He sees Trump as a pathological liar but overlooks Obamas lies.

Camp is an asshole. Big, Deep and wide.
Adolf Trump is a major threat to America!
Obuthole is the proven threat.

Obama has been in the office for 7 years. I have not seen a threat..... But Adolf Trump threat to mankind is written all over his forehead.

Could you be more specific------how does Trump's immoderate mouth---"THREATEN" the USA-----what will happen to us BECAUSE he says things? Please tell me what he said that will cause people to shoot up school children...

Ha, the same people worried about Trumps mouth make excuses for Iranian Mullas who chant "Death to America" all so we can make a deal with them that benefits only Iran. Not even touching the fact that they are making ICBMs and have US prisoners

True---however "death to America is clearly a threat---not only a threat BY the
Iranian Shiite shit as to their intentions but a CHEERING CALL to the entire
ummah to murder americans. Charwin95 as clearly stated that things Trump
SAYS ---threatens the USA-------I am mystified------but he does not seem to
have any idea why he came up with that idiotic statement
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.

Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great
You believe all of Obama's lies, so you are blind to reality.

Yup. He sees Trump as a pathological liar but overlooks Obamas lies.

Camp is an asshole. Big, Deep and wide.
The assholes are the ones who defend Trump's pathological lying by comparing his lying to Obama, as if Obama telling what they think are lies somehow makes it OK for Trump to be a liar.
Trump is a fascist and a pathological liar. Only suckers are still supporting that cartoon character. He is a danger to National Security because his hateful and foul lies are used for recruitment by terrorist to show how Americans hate all Muslims. He is bearing false witness against the Muslim world and they know it is being done to make it easier to convince the masses of Americans that Muslims all over the world be attacked.
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.

Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great
You believe all of Obama's lies, so you are blind to reality.

Yup. He sees Trump as a pathological liar but overlooks Obamas lies.

Camp is an asshole. Big, Deep and wide.
The assholes are the ones who defend Trump's pathological lying by comparing his lying to Obama, as if Obama telling what they think are lies somehow makes it OK for Trump to be a liar.
Trump is a fascist and a pathological liar. Only suckers are still supporting that cartoon character. He is a danger to National Security because his hateful and foul lies are used for recruitment by terrorist to show how Americans hate all Muslims. He is bearing false witness against the Muslim world and they know it is being done to make it easier to convince the masses of Americans that Muslims all over the world be attacked.

you gotta be kidding. As has already been stated-----the same muslims who fart out cheers in the MILLIONS------DEATH TO AMERICA are worried that Trump
makes note of the fact. -----btw---he did not lie------where were you on 9-11-01---how many muslims do you know well enough to engage in candid discussion of
their "THOUGHTS" about the world condition over the past 50 years? How many times have you visited mosques. --------do not be shy ----be honest------
you don't know
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.

Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great
You believe all of Obama's lies, so you are blind to reality.

Yup. He sees Trump as a pathological liar but overlooks Obamas lies.

Camp is an asshole. Big, Deep and wide.
The assholes are the ones who defend Trump's pathological lying by comparing his lying to Obama, as if Obama telling what they think are lies somehow makes it OK for Trump to be a liar.
Trump is a fascist and a pathological liar. Only suckers are still supporting that cartoon character. He is a danger to National Security because his hateful and foul lies are used for recruitment by terrorist to show how Americans hate all Muslims. He is bearing false witness against the Muslim world and they know it is being done to make it easier to convince the masses of Americans that Muslims all over the world be attacked.

you gotta be kidding. As has already been stated-----the same muslims who fart out cheers in the MILLIONS------DEATH TO AMERICA are worried that Trump
makes note of the fact. -----btw---he did not lie------where were you on 9-11-01---how many muslims do you know well enough to engage in candid discussion of
their "THOUGHTS" about the world condition over the past 50 years? How many times have you visited mosques. --------do not be shy ----be honest------
you don't know
Try and deflect as much as you desire. Trump lied about seeing thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating in the streets of New Jersey. It is an ugly, malicious and purposely hateful lie designed to bring forth hatred of a select group of people for their religious beliefs. It specifically targeted Muslims in a part of New Jersey, but now encompasses Muslims throughout the world.
Your cult leader has become one of the most disrespected persons in the world.
Trump is a big gov progressive, but unlike the guy in the WH, he actually cares about America. His solutions and sometimes ridiculous statements do reflect poorly on him, but only to thinking people. Obama's solutions and absurd statements should reflect poorly on him, but they don't.

No he doesn't you ignorant sheep, he cares about 1) Trump 2) Trump 3) Trump. He has no solutions to anything other than to solve the problem of Donald Trump not having enough power.
If you are right, then Trump has even MORE in common with the little jackass dictator in the WH now.
Is that any worse than saying a film precipitated the Benghazi attack, or keeping your health-care plan?

1000s of Muslims did celebrate, I don't give a rat's ass where.
Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great
You believe all of Obama's lies, so you are blind to reality.

Yup. He sees Trump as a pathological liar but overlooks Obamas lies.

Camp is an asshole. Big, Deep and wide.
The assholes are the ones who defend Trump's pathological lying by comparing his lying to Obama, as if Obama telling what they think are lies somehow makes it OK for Trump to be a liar.
Trump is a fascist and a pathological liar. Only suckers are still supporting that cartoon character. He is a danger to National Security because his hateful and foul lies are used for recruitment by terrorist to show how Americans hate all Muslims. He is bearing false witness against the Muslim world and they know it is being done to make it easier to convince the masses of Americans that Muslims all over the world be attacked.

you gotta be kidding. As has already been stated-----the same muslims who fart out cheers in the MILLIONS------DEATH TO AMERICA are worried that Trump
makes note of the fact. -----btw---he did not lie------where were you on 9-11-01---how many muslims do you know well enough to engage in candid discussion of
their "THOUGHTS" about the world condition over the past 50 years? How many times have you visited mosques. --------do not be shy ----be honest------
you don't know
Try and deflect as much as you desire. Trump lied about seeing thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating in the streets of New Jersey. It is an ugly, malicious and purposely hateful lie designed to bring forth hatred of a select group of people for their religious beliefs. It specifically targeted Muslims in a part of New Jersey, but now encompasses Muslims throughout the world.

He did not lie-----he expressed himself while STANDING on his feet-----in a manner
mildly inaccurate--------It was not a considered ESSAY-----he spoke contemporaneously. -----during----an interview. In fact I know there was celebration in Jersey City because people who live never there told me so-----same with Patterson, New Jersey and same with Ramallah------I witnessed celebration
on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn I did not witness it in Queens Brooklyn----and did not ask anyone either. His only problem was a sloppy use of NUMBERS-----he obviously did not count them -----and neither did I
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.

Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great
You believe all of Obama's lies, so you are blind to reality.

Yup. He sees Trump as a pathological liar but overlooks Obamas lies.

Camp is an asshole. Big, Deep and wide.
The assholes are the ones who defend Trump's pathological lying by comparing his lying to Obama, as if Obama telling what they think are lies somehow makes it OK for Trump to be a liar.
Trump is a fascist and a pathological liar. Only suckers are still supporting that cartoon character. He is a danger to National Security because his hateful and foul lies are used for recruitment by terrorist to show how Americans hate all Muslims. He is bearing false witness against the Muslim world and they know it is being done to make it easier to convince the masses of Americans that Muslims all over the world be attacked.

Aww Bullshit. You don't like Trump and I doubt you like any Rep.

You do however defend that fuck in the White House at every opportunity.

You also think we should allow every Muslim into America and think that anyone who doesn't trust them is a racist. That shows what a fool you are.

Every American should be wary of every Muslim. The one you aren't watching could be the one to kill you.

There are billions of Muslims out there and a very slight fraction of them are terrorists. So you explain to me why they do nothing about that fraction of their population???

You don't seem to care about those that those scumbags have killed and have no problem with them coming to this country.

Just shows what a gullible fool you are.
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.

Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great
You believe all of Obama's lies, so you are blind to reality.

Yup. He sees Trump as a pathological liar but overlooks Obamas lies.

Camp is an asshole. Big, Deep and wide.
The assholes are the ones who defend Trump's pathological lying by comparing his lying to Obama, as if Obama telling what they think are lies somehow makes it OK for Trump to be a liar.
Trump is a fascist and a pathological liar. Only suckers are still supporting that cartoon character. He is a danger to National Security because his hateful and foul lies are used for recruitment by terrorist to show how Americans hate all Muslims. He is bearing false witness against the Muslim world and they know it is being done to make it easier to convince the masses of Americans that Muslims all over the world be attacked.

Aww Bullshit. You don't like Trump and I doubt you like any Rep.

You do however defend that fuck in the White House at every opportunity.

You also think we should allow every Muslim into America and think that anyone who doesn't trust them is a reacist. That shows what a fool you are.

Every American should be wary of every Muslim. The one you aren't watching could be the one to kill you.

There are billions of Muslims out there and a very slight fraction of them are terrorists. So you explain to me why they do nothing about that fraction of their population???

You don't care any more than you care about those those scumbags have killed.

You are a gullible fool.

even just 2% of a BILLION AND A HALF-----is lots

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