Fascist Pathological Liar Trump's New Lie Endangers National Security

The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



Why can't you differentiate the difference between Muslims and Radical Muslims?
The radicals did celebrate and it was worldwide. including New York and New Jersey.
MSNBC,CNN and Fox reported it.
Trump is telling the truth.

Try to focus. There is no evidence of the news media reporting thousands of Muslims in the streets of New Jersey or New York. The worldwide celebration did not happen. A celebration in Palestine does not equal a "worldwide celebration". Now go waste some more time looking for that video that will show Trump is not a degenerate habitual pathological liar. You can do it. It will get you a personal meeting and thank you from the fuhrer himself.

Did Trump say that the NEWS MEDIA reported thousands doing something somewhere? Someone on this messageboard stated that TRUMP claimed a
video showing THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS doing something in Jersey City-----
just in Jersey City--------I doubt it. I doubt that every muslim living in Jersey city POSED FOR THE CAMERAS all at once

You have been blindly defending Trump and don't even know what he lied about. He claimed he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets on a TV broadcast. No such broadcast has ever been located. He lied about see the celebrations.

Well, he exaggerated. I'm more concerned about the lies he's telling that should be more obvious, like saying that he will have the power to make Mexico build a wall.

ok----he made a somewhat ill conceived remark. All of them do---now and
HALLOWEEN CANDY could help them immensely

^^^^^^^^I consider that comment idiotic
Why can't you differentiate the difference between Muslims and Radical Muslims?
The radicals did celebrate and it was worldwide. including New York and New Jersey.
MSNBC,CNN and Fox reported it.
Trump is telling the truth.

Try to focus. There is no evidence of the news media reporting thousands of Muslims in the streets of New Jersey or New York. The worldwide celebration did not happen. A celebration in Palestine does not equal a "worldwide celebration". Now go waste some more time looking for that video that will show Trump is not a degenerate habitual pathological liar. You can do it. It will get you a personal meeting and thank you from the fuhrer himself.

Did Trump say that the NEWS MEDIA reported thousands doing something somewhere? Someone on this messageboard stated that TRUMP claimed a
video showing THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS doing something in Jersey City-----
just in Jersey City--------I doubt it. I doubt that every muslim living in Jersey city POSED FOR THE CAMERAS all at once

You have been blindly defending Trump and don't even know what he lied about. He claimed he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets on a TV broadcast. No such broadcast has ever been located. He lied about see the celebrations.

Well, he exaggerated. I'm more concerned about the lies he's telling that should be more obvious, like saying that he will have the power to make Mexico build a wall.

ok----he made a somewhat ill conceived remark. All of them do---now and
HALLOWEEN CANDY could help them immensely

^^^^^^^^I consider that comment idiotic

I'm not a Carson supporter too. These are serious times and we face serious issues and we need to get the circus out of the way so that real leaders can emerge who have their feet on the ground and think logically. Carson does not have the experience needed and Trump is loony toons. It would be a disaster if one of them were elected, like the inmates taking control of the insane asylum.
Did Trump say that the NEWS MEDIA reported thousands doing something somewhere? Someone on this messageboard stated that TRUMP claimed a
video showing THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS doing something in Jersey City-----
just in Jersey City--------I doubt it. I doubt that every muslim living in Jersey city POSED FOR THE CAMERAS all at once
You have been blindly defending Trump and don't even know what he lied about. He claimed he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets on a TV broadcast. No such broadcast has ever been located. He lied about see the celebrations.
Well, he exaggerated. I'm more concerned about the lies he's telling that should be more obvious, like saying that he will have the power to make Mexico build a wall.
He is a cult leader following the cult leaders guide book. Cult leaders place themselves in a position where truth or rational thoughts by the followers are not part of the equation. Truthfulness and rational don't matter or mean anything. The followers accept whatever the leader says as "gospel".
Anyone who holds in high regard somebody who says he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us is obviously in a cult. Branch Trumpidians are recycled Branch Paulinians, setting aside logic and latching onto one candidate as the only choice. Rational people keep an open mind and view each candidate as a politician, and therefore probably lying, but the Trumpidians exhibit a mawkish worship, a transfixed devotion to one man, who is much more than a man to them.

Yes it is a cult. His cult followers will do what they did with their former cult leader Ron Paul, act like complete fruitcakes and get their candidate laughed out of politics by mainstream voters who are not about to vote for crazy.

there are things ABRAHAM LINCOLN SAID with which I do not agree-----that's it---he said "I am going to get mexico to pay for it"-------and he is DOOOOOMED?
Abraham Lincoln plunged his own country into a bloody civil war that claimed the lives of 600,000 men, all better than him. You are only making my argument for me.
You have been blindly defending Trump and don't even know what he lied about. He claimed he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets on a TV broadcast. No such broadcast has ever been located. He lied about see the celebrations.
Well, he exaggerated. I'm more concerned about the lies he's telling that should be more obvious, like saying that he will have the power to make Mexico build a wall.
He is a cult leader following the cult leaders guide book. Cult leaders place themselves in a position where truth or rational thoughts by the followers are not part of the equation. Truthfulness and rational don't matter or mean anything. The followers accept whatever the leader says as "gospel".
Anyone who holds in high regard somebody who says he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us is obviously in a cult. Branch Trumpidians are recycled Branch Paulinians, setting aside logic and latching onto one candidate as the only choice. Rational people keep an open mind and view each candidate as a politician, and therefore probably lying, but the Trumpidians exhibit a mawkish worship, a transfixed devotion to one man, who is much more than a man to them.

Yes it is a cult. His cult followers will do what they did with their former cult leader Ron Paul, act like complete fruitcakes and get their candidate laughed out of politics by mainstream voters who are not about to vote for crazy.

there are things ABRAHAM LINCOLN SAID with which I do not agree-----that's it---he said "I am going to get mexico to pay for it"-------and he is DOOOOOMED?
Abraham Lincoln plunged his own country into a bloody civil war that claimed the lives of 600,000 men, all better than him. You are only making my argument for me.

about what are we arguing? I agree that they are all flawed -----its a matter of
Well, he exaggerated. I'm more concerned about the lies he's telling that should be more obvious, like saying that he will have the power to make Mexico build a wall.
He is a cult leader following the cult leaders guide book. Cult leaders place themselves in a position where truth or rational thoughts by the followers are not part of the equation. Truthfulness and rational don't matter or mean anything. The followers accept whatever the leader says as "gospel".
Anyone who holds in high regard somebody who says he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us is obviously in a cult. Branch Trumpidians are recycled Branch Paulinians, setting aside logic and latching onto one candidate as the only choice. Rational people keep an open mind and view each candidate as a politician, and therefore probably lying, but the Trumpidians exhibit a mawkish worship, a transfixed devotion to one man, who is much more than a man to them.

Yes it is a cult. His cult followers will do what they did with their former cult leader Ron Paul, act like complete fruitcakes and get their candidate laughed out of politics by mainstream voters who are not about to vote for crazy.

there are things ABRAHAM LINCOLN SAID with which I do not agree-----that's it---he said "I am going to get mexico to pay for it"-------and he is DOOOOOMED?
Abraham Lincoln plunged his own country into a bloody civil war that claimed the lives of 600,000 men, all better than him. You are only making my argument for me.

about what are we arguing? I agree that they are all flawed -----its a matter of
And with Trump, it's much, much, much more. Imagine him with that brain-mouth flappy thing getting into a pissing match with nuclear armed states. The prospects are frightening indeed.
He is a cult leader following the cult leaders guide book. Cult leaders place themselves in a position where truth or rational thoughts by the followers are not part of the equation. Truthfulness and rational don't matter or mean anything. The followers accept whatever the leader says as "gospel".
Anyone who holds in high regard somebody who says he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us is obviously in a cult. Branch Trumpidians are recycled Branch Paulinians, setting aside logic and latching onto one candidate as the only choice. Rational people keep an open mind and view each candidate as a politician, and therefore probably lying, but the Trumpidians exhibit a mawkish worship, a transfixed devotion to one man, who is much more than a man to them.

Yes it is a cult. His cult followers will do what they did with their former cult leader Ron Paul, act like complete fruitcakes and get their candidate laughed out of politics by mainstream voters who are not about to vote for crazy.

there are things ABRAHAM LINCOLN SAID with which I do not agree-----that's it---he said "I am going to get mexico to pay for it"-------and he is DOOOOOMED?
Abraham Lincoln plunged his own country into a bloody civil war that claimed the lives of 600,000 men, all better than him. You are only making my argument for me.

about what are we arguing? I agree that they are all flawed -----its a matter of
And with Trump, it's much, much, much more. Imagine him with that brain-mouth flappy thing getting into a pissing match with nuclear armed states. The prospects are frightening indeed.

I am confident that he will mellow to the job------he is not stupid-----and "THE OTHER SIDES do exhibit far MORE BIG MOUTHED AUDACITY ----which,
somehow seems to server them well
Try to focus. There is no evidence of the news media reporting thousands of Muslims in the streets of New Jersey or New York. The worldwide celebration did not happen. A celebration in Palestine does not equal a "worldwide celebration". Now go waste some more time looking for that video that will show Trump is not a degenerate habitual pathological liar. You can do it. It will get you a personal meeting and thank you from the fuhrer himself.

Did Trump say that the NEWS MEDIA reported thousands doing something somewhere? Someone on this messageboard stated that TRUMP claimed a
video showing THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS doing something in Jersey City-----
just in Jersey City--------I doubt it. I doubt that every muslim living in Jersey city POSED FOR THE CAMERAS all at once
You have been blindly defending Trump and don't even know what he lied about. He claimed he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets on a TV broadcast. No such broadcast has ever been located. He lied about see the celebrations.
Well, he exaggerated. I'm more concerned about the lies he's telling that should be more obvious, like saying that he will have the power to make Mexico build a wall.

ok----he made a somewhat ill conceived remark. All of them do---now and
HALLOWEEN CANDY could help them immensely

^^^^^^^^I consider that comment idiotic
I'm not a Carson supporter too. These are serious times and we face serious issues and we need to get the circus out of the way so that real leaders can emerge who have their feet on the ground and think logically. Carson does not have the experience needed and Trump is loony toons. It would be a disaster if one of them were elected, like the inmates taking control of the insane asylum.

***** In the land of the blind---the one-eyed man is KING ***** I consider
Trump to be the one-eyed man
Adolf Trump is a major threat to America!
Obuthole is the proven threat.

Obama has been in the office for 7 years. I have not seen a threat..... But Adolf Trump threat to mankind is written all over his forehead.

Could you be more specific------how does Trump's immoderate mouth---"THREATEN" the USA-----what will happen to us BECAUSE he says things? Please tell me what he said that will cause people to shoot up school children...

1. Round up all Mexicans. Raid houses, barrios, malls, schools, churches just like the NAZIs did in WW2.
2. Register all Muslims.
3. Mock up disable people.
4. Lie about Muslim celebration.
5.. Racist.
6. Fascist.
7. Asshole.
8. Jerk
9. Liar and his followers believed him.
19. Lie some more.
11. Lie what lied before.
BTW. Don't forget our new flag.
Reported that the day after the WTC, that only CBS NY TV was up and running as they still had an antennae on the Empire State Building, and showed crowds of muslims celebrating in N.J. .... Now trying to get that footage will be as difficult as getting Obama's college transcripts!
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



Sorry Camp, you ring empty with me when the left supports the exact same thing on the Democratic side and I won't vote for either are you?
I don't like fascist and will not tolerate them. We beat them 75 years ago in a war to end their scourge. The generation that put them to an end should not have to see them rise in this country, nor should their children and grandchildren.

That's why Trump and Hillary are not getting my vote.
Reported that the day after the WTC, that only CBS NY TV was up and running as they still had an antennae on the Empire State Building, and showed crowds of muslims celebrating in N.J. .... Now trying to get that footage will be as difficult as getting Obama's college transcripts!

well----I do not know about "only CBS" but I do know that the city was BLANKETED
by a smokey haze-------people were scrambling around ---but severely impeded
by detours and security checks and public transport (very important for New York City function) delays and clogs and utter mess. Lots of people were desperate to FIND
relatives------mothers were hysterically holding on to their kids --------and from all
this MESS-----some shmucks demand CLEAR DOCUMENTATION of all events-----
as in "how come you don't have a video tape of that arab schmuck wiggling with
joy and flashing "V" for victory finger signs"?
Adolf Trump is a major threat to America!
Obuthole is the proven threat.

Obama has been in the office for 7 years. I have not seen a threat..... But Adolf Trump threat to mankind is written all over his forehead.

Could you be more specific------how does Trump's immoderate mouth---"THREATEN" the USA-----what will happen to us BECAUSE he says things? Please tell me what he said that will cause people to shoot up school children...

1. Round up all Mexicans. Raid houses, barrios, malls, schools, churches just like the NAZIs did in WW2.
2. Register all Muslims.
3. Mock up disable people.
4. Lie about Muslim celebration.
5.. Racist.
6. Fascist.
7. Asshole.
8. Jerk
9. Liar and his followers believed him.
19. Lie some more.
11. Lie what lied before.
BTW. Don't forget our new flag.

you done??? good------now have some warm milk and a graham cracker
Donald the Chump DID lie. That video of yours isn't one showing Muslims in New Jersey celebrating, it's a video that shows people in Jerusalem and Palestine celebrating.

Sorry, but Donald the Chump is a liar.
Donald the Chump DID lie. That video of yours isn't one showing Muslims in New Jersey celebrating, it's a video that shows people in Jerusalem and Palestine celebrating.

Sorry, but Donald the Chump is a liar.

yes----that one was in Palestine-------somehow their relatives in the USA----
did not share their response at all. -------that's odd. Usually they do.
They show up here and there incessantly to tout the very same party lines
So............Donald the Chump did lie. It didn't happen here in the United States (specifically in New Jersey).
So............Donald the Chump did lie. It didn't happen here in the United States (specifically in New Jersey).

it happened in both places------in several places-----you saw the stuff in Gaza----
my informants in Israel told me about RAMALLAH---(on the other side of Israel)
---I saw it on Atlantic avenue and my "in the USA" informants told me about the stuff in Patterson, New Jersey and Jersey city. I have no idea what was going on in
Idaho ------or ....... Indonesia ...... or Iran......

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