Fascist Pathological Liar Trump's New Lie Endangers National Security

Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.

Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great
Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.

Today, what's difficult to imagine is that we did not act sooner to shape our future. Now, there's plenty of blame to go around for what has happened, and the United States certainly shares blame for what has happened.

I would say that if you look at the sources of this crisis, the United States certainly has some accounting to do with respect to a regulatory system that was inadequate to the massive changes that had taken place in the global financial system

etc,etc, etc......Don't see Bush's name anywhere
(but maybe I'm too stupid to see it)

Read what you quoted....it has Bush's fingerprints all over it

Obama has too much class to throw Bush under the bus
Not one of Trump's malicious lying cultist defenders has even attempted to show Trump didn't lie about worldwide Muslim celebrations on 9/11. As usual, they are restricted to childish name calling and changing the topic to deflect away from any kind of rational response.
The only rational response to libtard stupidity would be to ignore you, but what fun would that be?
You could try and provide some evidence to show Trump and his supporters like you are not telling obvious undeniable lies.That would actually be the rational thing to do if you desire the nut job liar brand to be removed from you fuhrer.
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.

Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great
Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.

Today, what's difficult to imagine is that we did not act sooner to shape our future. Now, there's plenty of blame to go around for what has happened, and the United States certainly shares blame for what has happened.

I would say that if you look at the sources of this crisis, the United States certainly has some accounting to do with respect to a regulatory system that was inadequate to the massive changes that had taken place in the global financial system

etc,etc, etc......Don't see Bush's name anywhere
(but maybe I'm too stupid to see it)

Read what you quoted....it has Bush's fingerprints all over it

Obama has too much class to throw Bush under the bus
Really? Where have you been for the last seven years. He has blamed Bush for everything.
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.

Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great
Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.

Today, what's difficult to imagine is that we did not act sooner to shape our future. Now, there's plenty of blame to go around for what has happened, and the United States certainly shares blame for what has happened.

I would say that if you look at the sources of this crisis, the United States certainly has some accounting to do with respect to a regulatory system that was inadequate to the massive changes that had taken place in the global financial system

etc,etc, etc......Don't see Bush's name anywhere
(but maybe I'm too stupid to see it)

Read what you quoted....it has Bush's fingerprints all over it

Obama has too much class to throw Bush under the bus
A "regulatory system" = Bush??
I didn't know he was chair of the House finance committee or the Senate's such group........what was their names again?? Oh, yea....Fwank/Dodd :eusa_shhh:
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



Why can't you differentiate the difference between Muslims and Radical Muslims?
The radicals did celebrate and it was worldwide. including New York and New Jersey.
MSNBC,CNN and Fox reported it.
Trump is telling the truth.

Try to focus. There is no evidence of the news media reporting thousands of Muslims in the streets of New Jersey or New York. The worldwide celebration did not happen. A celebration in Palestine does not equal a "worldwide celebration". Now go waste some more time looking for that video that will show Trump is not a degenerate habitual pathological liar. You can do it. It will get you a personal meeting and thank you from the fuhrer himself.
muslims did and do celebrate 9-11. I worked in muslim dense areas ----on 9-11-01 and witnessed the celebratory atmosphere on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn and the aftermath in four out of five of the Boroughs--------Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and
Manhattan. -----I don't think that there are a whole lot of muslims in staten island---anyway. Muslimah sluts are still walking around with signs pinned to their rags threatening another 9-11-01 -------most interesting to me was the fact that by the
second day ------muslim children were already squeaking out the LIBELS------
DA JOOOOOOS DID IT ----the earliest and most creative shit jammed down their
little throats "all da joooos called into the WTC that day and said they were sick"
Trump is not lying-----he was living in New York City------as was I. He also had business in New Jersey--------I did not-------I dealt with lots of muslims in New York---but I have friends in New Jersey-------Long ago I lived in Patterson.
It was a day of great PRIDE for the UMMAH-----a sense of TRIUMPH --------we got a little tiny taste of the same filth when the TALIBAN bombed the Buddhist art in Afghanistan-------INDIGNATION if anyone objected to the NOBLE DEED---------now tell me how muslim leaders "OBJECTED",,,,,,keep up the BS. You are on a roll.

happy divali everyone-------somebody destroyed hindu decorations yesterday in
Queens---------I refuse to conjecture as to the ethnicity of the person at this point

Come on!! just because Muslims were seen celebrating in places like Atlantic Avenue , the Bronx or Minneapolis couldn't possibly mean that they were celebrating in other parts of the world!! Its just not logical.

Seriously though, Trump is getting blasted here for saying what other people know but are afraid to say publicly
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



Why can't you differentiate the difference between Muslims and Radical Muslims?
The radicals did celebrate and it was worldwide. including New York and New Jersey.
MSNBC,CNN and Fox reported it.
Trump is telling the truth.

Try to focus. There is no evidence of the news media reporting thousands of Muslims in the streets of New Jersey or New York. The worldwide celebration did not happen. A celebration in Palestine does not equal a "worldwide celebration". Now go waste some more time looking for that video that will show Trump is not a degenerate habitual pathological liar. You can do it. It will get you a personal meeting and thank you from the fuhrer himself.

Did Trump say that the NEWS MEDIA reported thousands doing something somewhere? Someone on this messageboard stated that TRUMP claimed a
video showing THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS doing something in Jersey City-----
just in Jersey City--------I doubt it. I doubt that every muslim living in Jersey city POSED FOR THE CAMERAS all at once
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



Question is , how do you know what Muslims all over the world know?
muslims did and do celebrate 9-11. I worked in muslim dense areas ----on 9-11-01 and witnessed the celebratory atmosphere on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn and the aftermath in four out of five of the Boroughs--------Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and
Manhattan. -----I don't think that there are a whole lot of muslims in staten island---anyway. Muslimah sluts are still walking around with signs pinned to their rags threatening another 9-11-01 -------most interesting to me was the fact that by the
second day ------muslim children were already squeaking out the LIBELS------
DA JOOOOOOS DID IT ----the earliest and most creative shit jammed down their
little throats "all da joooos called into the WTC that day and said they were sick"
Trump is not lying-----he was living in New York City------as was I. He also had business in New Jersey--------I did not-------I dealt with lots of muslims in New York---but I have friends in New Jersey-------Long ago I lived in Patterson.
It was a day of great PRIDE for the UMMAH-----a sense of TRIUMPH --------we got a little tiny taste of the same filth when the TALIBAN bombed the Buddhist art in Afghanistan-------INDIGNATION if anyone objected to the NOBLE DEED---------now tell me how muslim leaders "OBJECTED",,,,,,keep up the BS. You are on a roll.

happy divali everyone-------somebody destroyed hindu decorations yesterday in
Queens---------I refuse to conjecture as to the ethnicity of the person at this point

Come on!! just because Muslims were seen celebrating in places like Atlantic Avenue , the Bronx or Minneapolis couldn't possibly mean that they were celebrating in other parts of the world!! Its just not logical.

Seriously though, Trump is getting blasted here for saying what other people know but are afraid to say publicly

it is clear to me that the THOUSANDS to which Trump alluded was an extrapolation in his mind-------a natural kind of thing------all humans do it------FILL IN's of perception-------he did not actually COUNT thousands. There is nothing anyone
can do with people who play nitpicker and semantics
I have seen pictures of TIMEs SQUARE taken in 1945 when the end of world war
II was announced. Generally the pictures show ten or 12 people CELEBRATING---------from what I heard------there was GENERAL CELEBRATION
around the city-------I tend to believe it even without clear documentation of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CELBRANTS
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



Why can't you differentiate the difference between Muslims and Radical Muslims?
The radicals did celebrate and it was worldwide. including New York and New Jersey.
MSNBC,CNN and Fox reported it.
Trump is telling the truth.

Try to focus. There is no evidence of the news media reporting thousands of Muslims in the streets of New Jersey or New York. The worldwide celebration did not happen. A celebration in Palestine does not equal a "worldwide celebration". Now go waste some more time looking for that video that will show Trump is not a degenerate habitual pathological liar. You can do it. It will get you a personal meeting and thank you from the fuhrer himself.

Did Trump say that the NEWS MEDIA reported thousands doing something somewhere? Someone on this messageboard stated that TRUMP claimed a
video showing THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS doing something in Jersey City-----
just in Jersey City--------I doubt it. I doubt that every muslim living in Jersey city POSED FOR THE CAMERAS all at once

You have been blindly defending Trump and don't even know what he lied about. He claimed he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets on a TV broadcast. No such broadcast has ever been located. He lied about see the celebrations.
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



Why can't you differentiate the difference between Muslims and Radical Muslims?
The radicals did celebrate and it was worldwide. including New York and New Jersey.
MSNBC,CNN and Fox reported it.
Trump is telling the truth.

Try to focus. There is no evidence of the news media reporting thousands of Muslims in the streets of New Jersey or New York. The worldwide celebration did not happen. A celebration in Palestine does not equal a "worldwide celebration". Now go waste some more time looking for that video that will show Trump is not a degenerate habitual pathological liar. You can do it. It will get you a personal meeting and thank you from the fuhrer himself.

Did Trump say that the NEWS MEDIA reported thousands doing something somewhere? Someone on this messageboard stated that TRUMP claimed a
video showing THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS doing something in Jersey City-----
just in Jersey City--------I doubt it. I doubt that every muslim living in Jersey city POSED FOR THE CAMERAS all at once

You have been blindly defending Trump and don't even know what he lied about. He claimed he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets on a TV broadcast. No such broadcast has ever been located. He lied about see the celebrations.

ok------if he said that he MIS-SPOKE----standing on his feet. Obviously one does
not really SEE that much even in a video or a broadcast on TV------its not actually a lie------it is a natural hyperbolic statement
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



Question is , how do you know what Muslims all over the world know?

I was not in Palestine-----but I did get some calls from people over there who assured me that there were wild celebrations in ramallah
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



Why can't you differentiate the difference between Muslims and Radical Muslims?
The radicals did celebrate and it was worldwide. including New York and New Jersey.
MSNBC,CNN and Fox reported it.
Trump is telling the truth.

Try to focus. There is no evidence of the news media reporting thousands of Muslims in the streets of New Jersey or New York. The worldwide celebration did not happen. A celebration in Palestine does not equal a "worldwide celebration". Now go waste some more time looking for that video that will show Trump is not a degenerate habitual pathological liar. You can do it. It will get you a personal meeting and thank you from the fuhrer himself.

I remember reports of mooosluts celebrating. Obuthole probably had the story scrubbed to protect his fellow mooooslims.

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