Fast-Food Wages Come With a $7 Billion Side of Public Assistance

just close them all people won't leave them alone..

nobody FORCES someone to go on the taxpayer tit

but that is the new motto in this country

why work hard and find a way to support yourself, you have the taxpayer gravy train, just hop on it

people used to have Pride in this country
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Two studies released today make some different calculations to determine the total cost to American taxpayers of a large, low-wage workforce. It comes to an average of $7 billion a year.
Perhaps if you'd gone to a REAL school, not the Sylvia Plath School of Womyn's Studies Engineering, you'd have been able to get a job as something a little more profitable than burger flipper.

"Do you want fries with that, you 90% white Republican bastard?"

Republicans say education is overrated. Santorum said it's for snobs. Romney said he wanted to cut teachers.


Home | The Society of Women Engineers |
Two studies released today make some different calculations to determine the total cost to American taxpayers of a large, low-wage workforce. It comes to an average of $7 billion a year.
Perhaps if you'd gone to a REAL school, not the Sylvia Plath School of Womyn's Studies Engineering, you'd have been able to get a job as something a little more profitable than burger flipper.

"Do you want fries with that, you 90% white Republican bastard?"

Republicans say education is overrated. Santorum said it's for snobs. Romney said he wanted to cut teachers.


Home | The Society of Women Engineers |

good grief, take your meds... you're all over the place for crying loud
fast food isnt a career. if it is your career, you have made some BAD life choices

Becoming the owner of a chain of McDonalds stores and making millions of dollars is certainly a career. Don't say it isn't.

Very true

And they make those millions on substandard wages subsidized by the American Taxpayer
fast food isnt a career. if it is your career, you have made some BAD life choices

Becoming the owner of a chain of McDonalds stores and making millions of dollars is certainly a career. Don't say it isn't.

Very true

And they make those millions on substandard wages subsidized by the American Taxpayer

all you so worried about this should open YOUR OWN business and pay your workers whatever you want..start them $20 dollars an hour, a raise in 90 days to $50 dollars an hour...have at it

but no, that would be too much so you just stick your nose into everyone else's business
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Our tax dollars at work

Businesses pay a substandard wage that their employees can't support themselves on and taxpayers make up the difference
write a letter to Obama about it, he's the leader of the country

now you all need to get back to worrying over a football teams name, or people wearing fur coats
Two studies released today make some different calculations to determine the total cost to American taxpayers of a large, low-wage workforce. It comes to an average of $7 billion a year.
Perhaps if you'd gone to a REAL school, not the Sylvia Plath School of Womyn's Studies Engineering, you'd have been able to get a job as something a little more profitable than burger flipper.

"Do you want fries with that, you 90% white Republican bastard?"

Republicans say education is overrated. Santorum said it's for snobs. Romney said he wanted to cut teachers.


Home | The Society of Women Engineers |

I believe Santorum was talking about college not education in general.

You do realize you don't have to attend college to get an education don't you?
Our tax dollars at work

Businesses pay a substandard wage that their employees can't support themselves on and taxpayers make up the difference

Minimum wage is the standard wage.

Are you saying that these businesses pay less?

And to what degree is the individual responsible for paying his own bills? If one job isn't enough then get a second.

What is it about working two jobs that is so abhorrent to you people?
Two studies released today make some different calculations to determine the total cost to American taxpayers of a large, low-wage workforce. It comes to an average of $7 billion a year.

Overall, 52 percent of families of fast-food workers are enrolled in one or more public assistance programs, compared with 25 percent of the workforce as a whole. Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program accounted for nearly $4 billion of the $7 billion figure. The Earned Income Tax Credit, food stamps, and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program accounted for the rest. ”Public benefits receipt is the rule, rather than the exception, for this workforce,” the authors write.


Fast-Food Wages Come With a $7 Billion Side of Public Assistance - Businessweek

And Republicans want to cut their wages???? Why???? To make them more depended on government????

Republicans call for lowering, eliminating federal minimum wage

Less than a billion of that seven billion dollars goes to non-working poor. Big business has recognized for decades that many of these programs are primarily a subsidy to low wage industries and a replacement for the minimum wage. Other programs like food assistance are essentially an agricultural subsidy and subsidy for the grocery industry. For cosmetic reasons most of these programs require children in the household for eligibility. The poster child is the Earned Income Tax Credit.

The impact of cutting these programs would be severe for these industries dominated by multi-billion dollar giants. Not only would demand for their products fall, but workers would demand compensating wage increases and unionization efforts would skyrocket. For non-wage reasons the industries regard this prospect as potentially catastrophic.

The peculiar idea that these are not real jobs, that people with families should eschew them in favor of better jobs, is sheer lunacy. Of course workers would prefer higher pay and benefits. The ability of these industries to extract huge monopoly rents depends upon keeping a labor market filled with people who have no other choice. For all the sturm & drang, their profits and stock prices depend on preventing those better jobs from developing and workers capable of filling them from being available.
Becoming the owner of a chain of McDonalds stores and making millions of dollars is certainly a career. Don't say it isn't.

Very true

And they make those millions on substandard wages subsidized by the American Taxpayer

all you so worried about this should open YOUR OWN business and pay your workers whatever you want..start them $20 dollars an hour, a raise in 90 days to $50 dollars an hour...have at it

but no, that would be too much so you just stick your nose into everyone else's business

Funny how a fool has the nerve to tell others what they should do. Guess that's why it's a fool.
Two studies released today make some different calculations to determine the total cost to American taxpayers of a large, low-wage workforce. It comes to an average of $7 billion a year.
Perhaps if you'd gone to a REAL school, not the Sylvia Plath School of Womyn's Studies Engineering, you'd have been able to get a job as something a little more profitable than burger flipper.

"Do you want fries with that, you 90% white Republican bastard?"

Republicans say education is overrated. Santorum said it's for snobs. Romney said he wanted to cut teachers.
And two quotes (that the smart money says you deliberately misinterpreted) represent ALL of the GOP?

Then I guess you want to kill all the crackas, like the good Democrats in the New Black Panther Party.
That's REAL engineering, not the angry, penis-hating "engineering" you have a degree in while you man -- errr, sorry -- womyn the drive-thru.
Our tax dollars at work

Businesses pay a substandard wage that their employees can't support themselves on and taxpayers make up the difference

Minimum wage is the standard wage.

Are you saying that these businesses pay less?

And to what degree is the individual responsible for paying his own bills? If one job isn't enough then get a second.

What is it about working two jobs that is so abhorrent to you people?
Are you kidding? Working ONE job is abhorrent to a bunch of them.
Does the term "burger-flipper" sound familiar? It's a derogatory term often used in schools to project the life choices of students who chose not to learn. Nobody willingly sees "burger flipper" as a career choice unless they are on parole.
Does the term "burger-flipper" sound familiar? It's a derogatory term often used in schools to project the life choices of students who chose not to learn. Nobody willingly sees "burger flipper" as a career choice unless they are on parole.

A bit harsh, to say that students who work in fast food didn't choose to learn. Many students do choose to learn, but they need extra help which isn't given to them, thus, they fall through the cracks - teachers tend to focus on the students who understand, and don't need assistance in class.

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