Fast-food workers walk out of job

What a bunch of idiots. Skilled labor workers that work for public works don't get a starting salary that large.

Minimum wage is too low, specifically in the bigger cities where the cost of living is much higher. That being said, $15 per hour for a minimum wage job is over the top. How about discussing a minimum wage of $9 and possibly $12 in the bigger cities.
Back in the 20th century... ought-'71 to be exact... I worked for $1.10/hour at the local Burger Doodle. Sure, I was living at home... but I 15 years old to boot. That money went to help put food on our family's table. My younger brother (I much later discovered) sold weed for the very same purpose. It was a hand to mouth existence. But we did it. Without Obama - who wasn't even not born on U.S. soil yet.

For every fast-food worker that walks, there are 40 applications sitting on file.

Regale in employment, and make the best of it. Add to it, work your way up. Be recognized for your efforts.

Or... sit at home doing jack shit and collect you Obama bucks. And contribute said-same shit to the world around you.
His sign should have read, "I did not finish school and I have no skills. I'm an idiot for being out here instead of doing my job"

He made his bed, now lay in it. Go to school after work, or go through the ranks at the restaurant where you are.
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a trained monkey could do these jobs but these people think they are special?..

someone is yanking their chains because they sure look foolish
What a bunch of idiots. Skilled labor workers that work for public works don't get a starting salary that large.

Minimum wage is too low, specifically in the bigger cities where the cost of living is much higher. That being said, $15 per hour for a minimum wage job is over the top. How about discussing a minimum wage of $9 and possibly $12 in the bigger cities.

Raising minimum wage raises costs, and then makes other people want to make more money to seperate themselves from the bottom end. Thus costs go up, you get inflation, and the cycle continues.

If fast food workers want a raise, they should try to get promoted or try to learn a skill. Working the counter or the fryer at Mc'D's is not a career, its a stepping stone.
The complaint is they can't support families on minimum wage. Since the jobs are pretty much designed as entry level jobs but not careers, they should be filled by entry level workers without families.
If you find yourself working in fast food, you should be in high school. If you are over 18, exceptions can be made if you are working your way through college. If you are a full legal adult working in fast food, you do not have marketable skills to be paid anything more than minimum wage.

Everyone has an inflated sense of self-worth, but a true free market will quickly dispel such grandiose myths.
This is just another case of the entitlement mentality that has been force-fed to people who are too lazy to acquire skills that warrant jobs that pay the money they want.

Sorry, but paying a drive-thru jockey the same pay as a junior accountant or an apprentice electrician or plumber is ABSOLUTE NONSENSE.
What a bunch of idiots. Skilled labor workers that work for public works don't get a starting salary that large.

Why do fast food workers expect so much money?

Its not the workers, its the class warfare hucksters that see a nice big profitable corporate target.

If you want $15 an hour go learn how to do a job that pays $15 dollars an hour, or god forbid EVEN MORE!!!
Back in the 20th century... ought-'71 to be exact... I worked for $1.10/hour at the local Burger Doodle. Sure, I was living at home... but I 15 years old to boot. That money went to help put food on our family's table. My younger brother (I much later discovered) sold weed for the very same purpose. It was a hand to mouth existence. But we did it. Without Obama - who wasn't even not born on U.S. soil yet.

For every fast-food worker that walks, there are 40 applications sitting on file.

Regale in employment, and make the best of it. Add to it, work your way up. Be recognized for your efforts.

Or... sit at home doing jack shit and collect you Obama bucks. And contribute said-same shit to the world around you.

I agree I make roughly 19 dollars more than that after 24 years and I do skilled labor

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