Fast-food workers walk out of job

Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it?
Because they see more on the horizon than sticking with some shitty job at a fast food joint for the rest of their lives and moving up into management is the first step at building their resume to help them get out. I know this may surprise you but some people are willing to work harder to get somewhere.

Its about $22 an hour - but when you do at least ten hours overtime per week, how much money do you think you are being underpaid? Do the math -
worker $15 x 40 = $600 per week for 40 hours
manager $22 x 40 = $880 per week actual 50 hours = $17.60/hour

How are they not making more if pulling in $22 instead of $15, even with 10 hours OT?

I agree with your point, but not your math....

$16 x 40 = $640
$24 x 10 = $240
Total = $880

The typical hourly worker makes time and a half for overtime, so the manager is effectively making the same amount as an hourly worker at $16 per hour. However, the manager is on a different career track and is getting training that will allow him/her to advance beyond this inequity; the line worker gets little or no marketable skills from their function. Also, under most circumstances the line worker will rarely be given any overtime, much less ten hours a week, so in effect the manager is still making $280 more per week.
I honestly feel for these workers. However, this is not going to end good. Unfortunately, you do not get what you deserve in life. You get what you earn. By demanding a pay raise you are forcing someone to set a level of worth on your value. If you stop and think about it do you really want to stay at a minimum wage job anyway? These workers should be improving their skills and finding other jobs that will pay them more than minimum wage.

I had a student, and LPN going for the RN, who lost his job because in the process of helping a patient he violated a policy. He came to me and asked how to fight it. I said, 'why do you want to, you are in school to do something else, it's not even a job you want.' Long story short, he had another job as and LPN in 3 days, then finished school, passed boards, and is RN. Battles are to be chosen. Choosing to be minimum wage worker your whole life is not a good choice.
not sure why everyone thinks life requires a boatload of money I was so happy making 50 grand a year when my 1st wife was pregnant. and when she gave birth to my daughter that was the happiest day of my life. No amount of money and being single alone could of pulled me away from that. I would rather be poor and happy then rich and sad. FYI she died 5 years ago next month. and thats why I screw around on boards. my daughter is in college now.

Hmmmm... $50,000 a year 20 years ago wasn't bad money.

Tell you what anything you make after $50,000, send to me and we will both be happy.
not sure why everyone thinks life requires a boatload of money I was so happy making 50 grand a year when my 1st wife was pregnant. and when she gave birth to my daughter that was the happiest day of my life. No amount of money and being single alone could of pulled me away from that. I would rather be poor and happy then rich and sad. FYI she died 5 years ago next month. and thats why I screw around on boards. my daughter is in college now.

There is nothing wrong with being poor if you are happy with that. The reality is that most people need money to get rid of the stresses of not being able to afford things and having a way to deal with financial emergencies. Lets say your daughter gets sick and she needs a 50K operation and you cant afford it because you are poor financially. Would you rather be rich and happy or poor and happy?

you didnt know my problem with my daughter, so its not fair to attacfk you, when she was in the womb. we had alot of quaks said that she was going to be a down syndrom kid or a midget and these so called quacksugessted we abort.....and we told them to fuck off. and now she is in college now. love my little girl hope my wife can see this from heavan
not sure why everyone thinks life requires a boatload of money I was so happy making 50 grand a year when my 1st wife was pregnant. and when she gave birth to my daughter that was the happiest day of my life. No amount of money and being single alone could of pulled me away from that. I would rather be poor and happy then rich and sad. FYI she died 5 years ago next month. and thats why I screw around on boards. my daughter is in college now.

Hmmmm... $50,000 a year 20 years ago wasn't bad money.

Tell you what anything you make after $50,000, send to me and we will both be happy.

so by that post your drunk as hell...... sleep it off .
not sure why everyone thinks life requires a boatload of money I was so happy making 50 grand a year when my 1st wife was pregnant. and when she gave birth to my daughter that was the happiest day of my life. No amount of money and being single alone could of pulled me away from that. I would rather be poor and happy then rich and sad. FYI she died 5 years ago next month. and thats why I screw around on boards. my daughter is in college now.

There is nothing wrong with being poor if you are happy with that. The reality is that most people need money to get rid of the stresses of not being able to afford things and having a way to deal with financial emergencies. Lets say your daughter gets sick and she needs a 50K operation and you cant afford it because you are poor financially. Would you rather be rich and happy or poor and happy?

you didnt know my problem with my daughter, so its not fair to attacfk you, when she was in the womb. we had alot of quaks said that she was going to be a down syndrom kid or a midget and these so called quacksugessted we abort.....and we told them to fuck off. and now she is in college now. love my little girl hope my wife can see this from heavan

I sincerely hope you didnt take my post as an attack on your daughter. If you did I apologize.
I still dont know who in America makes minimum wage after a 3 months on the job even working at a fast food joint. I remember my first job at Arbys had a couple raises up to $4 bucks an hour when mw was $3.35 not much but every one rewards hard workers who come in on time everyday.

When I first started, I had a three month training period - everyone did. I earned around $15 an hour for that three months, and then after that time, I earned a little more. We get a pay rise every year, and last year, we also had changes to the amount of tax we pay, so as well as us paying less tax, on top of a pay rise every year, I now earn around $18 an hour - and up to $34 an hour on public holidays.

It's pretty decent money for what many would consider a crap job - and it is, but right now, its the only job I have, and I have friends, and regular customers, who I have known for the entire 7 years I have been working there.
are you saying it takes 15 hours to teach someone to go to the freezer and get the box?

You have to teach someone how to use the registers, which takes numerous shifts. Teach them how to serve a customer, what questions to ask, etc. Show them where everything is. Train them on how to change a bin correctly, mop the floor correctly, etc.
Train them how the grills and fryers work, which buttons to press, what gloves to wear when handling meat and chicken. How long to cook the meat and chicken for, how to transfer it safely, where to put it, how to make sure its cooked all the way through, how to use the temperature probe, what ingredients go on each burger, how to read a grill slip, how to make a salad, how to make a wrap, show them where everything is in the freezer, and the fridge, show them how to use a headset, how to take an order in drive thru, how to pay attention to drive thru times, how to fill up the shake and sundae machine, how to change the syrup for the coke machine over, how to change the syrup for the frappe machine over, how to to multitask, how to deal with difficult customers...I haven't even gotten started yet.

So yes, a heck of a lot more than one shift, darl. Its not so simple as going to the damned freezer and 'getting a box'.

and that takes 15 plus hours to learn????

really you have to train people how to mop and empty the garbage???


The Navy taught me how to mop a floor by pointing at it and telling me to do it.

My mother taught me how to take out the garbage by not feeding me until I figured it out.
There is nothing wrong with being poor if you are happy with that. The reality is that most people need money to get rid of the stresses of not being able to afford things and having a way to deal with financial emergencies. Lets say your daughter gets sick and she needs a 50K operation and you cant afford it because you are poor financially. Would you rather be rich and happy or poor and happy?

you didnt know my problem with my daughter, so its not fair to attacfk you, when she was in the womb. we had alot of quaks said that she was going to be a down syndrom kid or a midget and these so called quacksugessted we abort.....and we told them to fuck off. and now she is in college now. love my little girl hope my wife can see this from heavan

I sincerely hope you didnt take my post as an attack on your daughter. If you did I apologize.

That is a stupid hypothetical because the poor get everything for free. Including medical care.
In the Miami airport today while waiting for my connecting flight, CNN had a spot on the lack of sympathy the middle class has for the fast food workers, and cited some FB postings. I don't recall were they were, but they are not ginning up much sympathy. I saw another local clip about how 'concerned' the state of Florida is about the large number of low paying jobs there. Well, someone has enough money to go to Disney for entertainment, and most of them don't speak English. Then I get back almost home and here is a very attractive woman in front of me in the super market line. Two boys in ball uniforms. Man with her. Both covered up in tattoos. And out comes the SNAP card. I wanted out in time to see what they were driving, but decided that I really didn't want to know. If their kids are so hungry, maybe they could leave off a tattoo or two.

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