Fast-food workers walk out of job

fact is if you're still working at a fast food restaurant after 3 years and are not at least an assistant manager. then you are a failure

Unless you are partially deaf, wear hearing aids, making you unable to wear a headset or speak on the telephone, which makes you ineligible for a management position.

and that takes 15 plus hours to learn????

really you have to train people how to mop and empty the garbage???


You are welcome to get on a plane and see how long it takes you to learn it all. This is why we used to have a three month training period, which an employee was given lesser pay during their training. If someone is going to quit, they will quit in the first three months.

And yes, we do have to teach people how to change a damned bin. Some people are stupid, remember - especially the teenagers I have to work with.

a three month training period? :cuckoo:

and you are welcome to get on a plane and see if you survive in a 4 star kitchen. I we ever had to "train" someone how to change a garbage can......minimum wage would be far to much to pay them.

i agree..... fast food workers are for the most part... drop dead stupid. Which is why they are only worth.... minimum wage.

Which is what they get over here. Minimum wage. What they get over in the US is not minimum wage.
Then again, I challenge you to come here and work a Saturday in a bust fast food restaurant. We'll give you minimal training, and we'll see how you do.
I already did that when I was 16 years old, had no problems. Then I grew up... what happened to you where you missed that step?

No one wants to take me up on my offer. Maybe they are afraid of becoming the trained monkeys they accuse me of being. LOL.
So you are riding your argument on the fact nobody on a message board wants to take time off their real jobs, spend thousands to hop on a plane to your country to try your fast food job? No wonder you're stuck working there, you are retarded.
OH Boo fuckin Hoo! I got tired of minimum wage in the 70s. So quit and had children while my much better than minimum wage husband supported me. When I went back to the workplace I had the sheepskin. Beneath me? Oh HELL yes. It's beneath me. Ya know why it's beneath me? Because I can do better, and did. Anyone who thinks a wildcat strike from a fast food joint without union representation is a smart move is a moron.

Nice of you to quit your job and leech off your husband while you popped out babies, you lazy bitch.

Agreed, working at a fast food restaurant is real work. However it is not difficult to learn or challenging as certain poster implies.

Then again, I challenge you to come here and work a Saturday in a bust fast food restaurant. We'll give you minimal training, and we'll see how you do.

No one wants to take me up on my offer. Maybe they are afraid of becoming the trained monkeys they accuse me of being. LOL.

The prototypical feminist hatred of women who take time to raise a family. How sad. I guess she forced her husband to shoulder the burden. /sarcasm.

I did my hard work in 5-1/2 years of college to get my engineering degree so i wouldnt have to work in fast food. I also started at minimum wage at 16, and guess what? I was making $1 an hour over it within a year as a 17 year old, because I was good at what I did, and my boss knew he would lose me if he didnt. If people working the fryer show ability, they will get promoted, or can go get a better paying job.
why do many accept a certain lot in life rather than work to get above it?
fact is if you're still working at a fast food restaurant after 3 years and are not at least an assistant manager. then you are a failure

Unless you are partially deaf, wear hearing aids, making you unable to wear a headset or speak on the telephone, which makes you ineligible for a management position.

You do like to make excuses a lot dont you?
The McDonalds a block away from here was just remodeled, the registers have pictures. There is no grill slip, there's a monitor where the order taker indicates any changes like hold the pickels it shows up on the monitor in the back.

Because this is a very diverse area, with many people who do not speak or read English, the written word looks more like heiroglypics, nothing is written.

It's the equivalent of Vanna White touching the letter blocks that light up (she doesn't have to turn the letters anymore). The woman doesn't need to know how to spell. A job anyone can do.
OH Boo fuckin Hoo! I got tired of minimum wage in the 70s. So quit and had children while my much better than minimum wage husband supported me. When I went back to the workplace I had the sheepskin. Beneath me? Oh HELL yes. It's beneath me. Ya know why it's beneath me? Because I can do better, and did. Anyone who thinks a wildcat strike from a fast food joint without union representation is a smart move is a moron.

Nice of you to quit your job and leech off your husband while you popped out babies, you lazy bitch.

Agreed, working at a fast food restaurant is real work. However it is not difficult to learn or challenging as certain poster implies.

Then again, I challenge you to come here and work a Saturday in a bust fast food restaurant. We'll give you minimal training, and we'll see how you do.

No one wants to take me up on my offer. Maybe they are afraid of becoming the trained monkeys they accuse me of being. LOL.


Arent the miserable feminist bulldogs so predictable??:coffee:

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The McDonalds a block away from here was just remodeled, the registers have pictures. There is no grill slip, there's a monitor where the order taker indicates any changes like hold the pickels it shows up on the monitor in the back.

Because this is a very diverse area, with many people who do not speak or read English, the written word looks more like heiroglypics, nothing is written.

It's the equivalent of Vanna White touching the letter blocks that light up (she doesn't have to turn the letters anymore). The woman doesn't need to know how to spell. A job anyone can do.

There is a difference there. I kind of admire Vanna White. I saw her on a talk show once and she has an interesting story. Apparently her mother wanted to be a star but never made it. But here daughter Vanna became well known for 'touching letters'. She told her story in such a way that you just can't help but like her. She said something like, 'I touch letters for a living. I'm not looking to direct or produce, or to be someone else. I am Vanna White and I touch letters for a living.' She is kind of the 'fast food worker' of the Hollywood set, but she is glad to be that. She could probably be more, but she did what her mother could not and that was to become a household name. I just like people who set out to accomplish things and then actually accomplish things.
OH Boo fuckin Hoo! I got tired of minimum wage in the 70s. So quit and had children while my much better than minimum wage husband supported me. When I went back to the workplace I had the sheepskin. Beneath me? Oh HELL yes. It's beneath me. Ya know why it's beneath me? Because I can do better, and did. Anyone who thinks a wildcat strike from a fast food joint without union representation is a smart move is a moron.

Nice of you to quit your job and leech off your husband while you popped out babies, you lazy bitch.

Just because she chose to quit her job doesn't mean she's a leech or lazy. At least she had the means to stay at home and raise her children and not dump the responsibility off with a babysitter or family member.
OH Boo fuckin Hoo! I got tired of minimum wage in the 70s. So quit and had children while my much better than minimum wage husband supported me. When I went back to the workplace I had the sheepskin. Beneath me? Oh HELL yes. It's beneath me. Ya know why it's beneath me? Because I can do better, and did. Anyone who thinks a wildcat strike from a fast food joint without union representation is a smart move is a moron.

Nice of you to quit your job and leech off your husband while you popped out babies, you lazy bitch.

Just because she chose to quit her job doesn't mean she's a leech or lazy. At least she had the means to stay at home and raise her children and not dump the responsibility off with a babysitter or family member.

The studies are out there and have been for years. Children of mothers who stay at home with them during the formative years function better in many areas of life than those of mothers who worked. I came of age during the era of Gloria Steinhem and the bra burning days, and I really believe that women who work should have equal pay and equal opportunities as men. We had our family later than most our friends. We waited until we could afford for me to quit work and stay at home for a while. By the time both were in school, I was getting pretty bored. As I look back, I think that was actually a premonition. When the terminal diagnosis came for my husband I was already in school working on the nursing degree. Over the last 26 years or so, I done so much my friends have told me I won't handle retirement very well. So far, I'm busy enough. This disease takes a toll. Retirement will not be long for me due to ill health, but I do want to finish up things I've started. Right now the house is the big priority.
fact is if you're still working at a fast food restaurant after 3 years and are not at least an assistant manager. then you are a failure

Unless you are partially deaf, wear hearing aids, making you unable to wear a headset or speak on the telephone, which makes you ineligible for a management position.

You do like to make excuses a lot dont you?

Its not an excuse. If someone had an intellectual disability, would you say they are stupid for not becoming a manager? Of course not - some people are just not suited to the job, and I am not, due to the fact that I am deaf.

Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it? Fuck no. Many people want to be managers, then they become managers and go back to being crew because despite the extra pay, the hours are longer, and you get nothing in return.
Unless you are partially deaf, wear hearing aids, making you unable to wear a headset or speak on the telephone, which makes you ineligible for a management position.

You do like to make excuses a lot dont you?

Its not an excuse. If someone had an intellectual disability, would you say they are stupid for not becoming a manager? Of course not - some people are just not suited to the job, and I am not, due to the fact that I am deaf.

Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it? Fuck no. Many people want to be managers, then they become managers and go back to being crew because despite the extra pay, the hours are longer, and you get nothing in return.

I have found management pays significantly better in the states. I'm not sure about Australia, maybe they don't value people.
You do like to make excuses a lot dont you?

Its not an excuse. If someone had an intellectual disability, would you say they are stupid for not becoming a manager? Of course not - some people are just not suited to the job, and I am not, due to the fact that I am deaf.

Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it? Fuck no. Many people want to be managers, then they become managers and go back to being crew because despite the extra pay, the hours are longer, and you get nothing in return.

I have found management pays significantly better in the states. I'm not sure about Australia, maybe they don't value people.

Its about $22 an hour - but when you do at least ten hours overtime per week, how much money do you think you are being underpaid? Do the math - managers here don't get overtime, at least not in our stores, which IMO, is bullshit.
Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it?
Because they see more on the horizon than sticking with some shitty job at a fast food joint for the rest of their lives and moving up into management is the first step at building their resume to help them get out. I know this may surprise you but some people are willing to work harder to get somewhere.

Its about $22 an hour - but when you do at least ten hours overtime per week, how much money do you think you are being underpaid? Do the math -
worker $15 x 40 = $600 per week for 40 hours
manager $22 x 40 = $880 per week actual 50 hours = $17.60/hour

How are they not making more if pulling in $22 instead of $15, even with 10 hours OT?
Its not an excuse. If someone had an intellectual disability, would you say they are stupid for not becoming a manager? Of course not - some people are just not suited to the job, and I am not, due to the fact that I am deaf.

Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it? Fuck no. Many people want to be managers, then they become managers and go back to being crew because despite the extra pay, the hours are longer, and you get nothing in return.

I have found management pays significantly better in the states. I'm not sure about Australia, maybe they don't value people.

Its about $22 an hour - but when you do at least ten hours overtime per week, how much money do you think you are being underpaid? Do the math - managers here don't get overtime, at least not in our stores, which IMO, is bullshit.

Interesting view. That is why you are not management material.
Unless you are partially deaf, wear hearing aids, making you unable to wear a headset or speak on the telephone, which makes you ineligible for a management position.

You do like to make excuses a lot dont you?

Its not an excuse. If someone had an intellectual disability, would you say they are stupid for not becoming a manager? Of course not - some people are just not suited to the job, and I am not, due to the fact that I am deaf.

Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it? Fuck no. Many people want to be managers, then they become managers and go back to being crew because despite the extra pay, the hours are longer, and you get nothing in return.

I was a director of nursing in a hospital for a year. That was the absolute WORST year of my life. I am a clinician. It used to be that the money for nurses was in management. But now with the advent of NPs, clinical is where it's at. I went back into clinical practice, got a huge raise, and yes, I am retired, but after that year I decided that there was no one on earth who had enough money to pay me to manage another hospital nursing program.
You do like to make excuses a lot dont you?

Its not an excuse. If someone had an intellectual disability, would you say they are stupid for not becoming a manager? Of course not - some people are just not suited to the job, and I am not, due to the fact that I am deaf.

Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it? Fuck no. Many people want to be managers, then they become managers and go back to being crew because despite the extra pay, the hours are longer, and you get nothing in return.

I have found management pays significantly better in the states. I'm not sure about Australia, maybe they don't value people.

imagine that

a country where the janitor and the administrator get paid the same
Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it?
Because they see more on the horizon than sticking with some shitty job at a fast food joint for the rest of their lives and moving up into management is the first step at building their resume to help them get out. I know this may surprise you but some people are willing to work harder to get somewhere.

Its about $22 an hour - but when you do at least ten hours overtime per week, how much money do you think you are being underpaid? Do the math -
worker $15 x 40 = $600 per week for 40 hours
manager $22 x 40 = $880 per week actual 50 hours = $17.60/hour

How are they not making more if pulling in $22 instead of $15, even with 10 hours OT?

Take off tax and it works out to be around $700 per week. That's not including overtime.
Normal workers get overtime, but managers don't - I wouldn't be a manager for anything. Its a shitty job, I have seen it, and wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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