Fast-food workers walk out of job

fact is if you're still working at a fast food restaurant after 3 years and are not at least an assistant manager. then you are a failure
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back is if you're still working at a fast food restaurant after 3 years and are not at least an assistant manager. then you are a failure

unless you are the maintenance guy who has

a life out side of a fast food joint and has no interest in managing one
I have worked there for the last 7 years

It is inspiring to see someone reaching for the stars, making that effort to grab that brass ring in life. Don't let anyone tell you your goals are impossible, for noomi is living proof that one can triumph over challenges and make it to the epitome of career accomplishment, that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow... a career in fast food service.

My eyes are getting watery, is someone cutting onions in here?
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly

You go girl! Get 'em Noomi!
What a bunch of idiots. Skilled labor workers that work for public works don't get a starting salary that large.

Minimum wage is too low, specifically in the bigger cities where the cost of living is much higher. That being said, $15 per hour for a minimum wage job is over the top. How about discussing a minimum wage of $9 and possibly $12 in the bigger cities.
So is it incumbent on GUBMINT to dictate wages a private entity pays?


and that takes 15 plus hours to learn????

really you have to train people how to mop and empty the garbage???


You are welcome to get on a plane and see how long it takes you to learn it all. This is why we used to have a three month training period, which an employee was given lesser pay during their training. If someone is going to quit, they will quit in the first three months.

And yes, we do have to teach people how to change a damned bin. Some people are stupid, remember - especially the teenagers I have to work with.

a three month training period? :cuckoo:

and you are welcome to get on a plane and see if you survive in a 4 star kitchen. I we ever had to "train" someone how to change a garbage can......minimum wage would be far to much to pay them.

i agree..... fast food workers are for the most part... drop dead stupid. Which is why they are only worth.... minimum wage.
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and that takes 15 plus hours to learn????

really you have to train people how to mop and empty the garbage???


You are welcome to get on a plane and see how long it takes you to learn it all. This is why we used to have a three month training period, which an employee was given lesser pay during their training. If someone is going to quit, they will quit in the first three months.

And yes, we do have to teach people how to change a damned bin. Some people are stupid, remember - especially the teenagers I have to work with.

Many places are just up front about it and call it a probationary period, much like a time where both parties see if the arrangement is a proper fit.

You really don't care how ridiculous and incompetent you make yourself look, do you?

Especially since none of it is true. The registers have pictures, pushing a button with a picture of the big mac on it doesn't take any particular intelligence. The register will tell them exactly what change to make. There are pictures showing exactly what to put on that burger and in what order. There is very little that goes on in a fast food place that couldn't be done by a monkey with opposable thumbs. Grill slip! Really? Since when?

I have worked there for the last 7 years, you dead shit, you think you know how things work? FYI, there is no damned picture on the register anymore since we all changed to a new system. There are no pictures out the back showing us what is on each burger, either - you get a couple of weeks to look at images, then you are expected to use your brain and remember.
You wanna come out here and let me fucking show you how things work, get on a plane, darling. Until then, keep your big mouth shut and stop assuming you know more about my fucking job than me.

You don't know what a grill slip is? LOL shows how much you know, you dead shit. A grill slip is a receipt that gets printed off out the back whenever someone modifies a burger. The slip gets attached to the cardboard clam so the people out the back know not to put something on the burger, and the people out the front know what burger is modified.

You don't have grill slips? Bet you fuck up orders all the time over there.

What? No pictures anymore? What IS the world coming to?

and that takes 15 plus hours to learn????

really you have to train people how to mop and empty the garbage???


You are welcome to get on a plane and see how long it takes you to learn it all. This is why we used to have a three month training period, which an employee was given lesser pay during their training. If someone is going to quit, they will quit in the first three months.

And yes, we do have to teach people how to change a damned bin. Some people are stupid, remember - especially the teenagers I have to work with.

Why do you hate teenagers?
I have not read the whole thread...just this page. But I can tell you that working in a fast food joint is not a piece of cake...and dealing with a shitload of teenyboppers is not easy. The drive thru is a pain in the ass and so are most of the obnoxious people that are doing the driving thru. The fryers are a pain, the salad bar is a pain, knowing where all the stock is is a pain, teaching them the register is a pain. All of it sucks pretty much and it takes a LONG ASSED TIME to teach the ropes. How do I know? Because I worked a Burger King for awhile..and as the eldest there at the ripe old age of 32 with all my crew mates being 16 to 18, it was no walk in the park. I hated it. But, it was my job. And they need more than 15 bucks an hour to deal with the damn tour buses that pull in and shitloads of asians tumble out not knowing english and all in line wanting food from a crew that needs to know what the fuck to do otherwise we have a restaurant full of really pissed off customers. You sweat like crazy, have to be fast, expidite the food correctly, jump from the fryers to the burger section to the nasty assed milkshake dispenser that is a MAJOR pain in the butt to refill AND clean between refills to serve oodles of people clamoring for a milk shake, hop over to drive thru with cars backed out of the parking lot and into the street plus having oodles of hungry people weaving thru the lines set up like a coiled snake to keep them from shoving each other out of the way and barreling in front of everyone else.


I hate those fucking Asians who just stand there and point at everything. I also hate people who order something and who then bitch and complain that they ordered something completely different, and somehow its out fault they fucked up.

And don't get me started on buses. For us, its not tour buses, its loads of kids returned from school camp. The sundae machine goes into meltdown.

nobody cares about these idiot workers......well, maybe 10% of the country and those are the miserable, angry and jealous of other peoples success. Fuck 'em......

the union cares about the minimum wage

but not so much the workers

even if the wage goes up

they are still the minimum wage earner

however it is a nice bargaining chip for the unions

and that is why they are 100 percent behind it

The thing that makes these ones so stupid is that there is no 'union' per se involved. This is what we call here a 'wildcat' strike. Unions contract with the employer and they only call a strike under certain conditions. These numbskulls have walked out on a job with no union contract and no one to bargain collectively for them. They can go back to work or hit the road. I hope they have all been replaced by now.

Anyone who works for the federal government including doctors and nurses can join the union. But there is a specification in the contract that medical providers are not allowed to strike if one should occur. When I worked for the feds, I joined the union for one reason only and it had nothing to do with salary because I got the salary I wanted up front. I joined because NPs are the bane of everyone's existence. Doctors see us as a threat, nurses see us as uppity. If there is anyone who needs an advocate in healthcare today it is an NP.

and that takes 15 plus hours to learn????

really you have to train people how to mop and empty the garbage???


You are welcome to get on a plane and see how long it takes you to learn it all. This is why we used to have a three month training period, which an employee was given lesser pay during their training. If someone is going to quit, they will quit in the first three months.

And yes, we do have to teach people how to change a damned bin. Some people are stupid, remember - especially the teenagers I have to work with.

a three month training period? :cuckoo:

and you are welcome to get on a plane and see if you survive in a 4 star kitchen. I we ever had to "train" someone how to change a garbage can......minimum wage would be far to much to pay them.

i agree..... fast food workers are for the most part... drop dead stupid. Which is why they are only worth.... minimum wage.
They are kids.....
The McDonalds a block away from here was just remodeled, the registers have pictures. There is no grill slip, there's a monitor where the order taker indicates any changes like hold the pickels it shows up on the monitor in the back.

Because this is a very diverse area, with many people who do not speak or read English, the written word looks more like heiroglypics, nothing is written.
You are welcome to get on a plane and see how long it takes you to learn it all. This is why we used to have a three month training period, which an employee was given lesser pay during their training. If someone is going to quit, they will quit in the first three months.

And yes, we do have to teach people how to change a damned bin. Some people are stupid, remember - especially the teenagers I have to work with.

a three month training period? :cuckoo:

and you are welcome to get on a plane and see if you survive in a 4 star kitchen. I we ever had to "train" someone how to change a garbage can......minimum wage would be far to much to pay them.

i agree..... fast food workers are for the most part... drop dead stupid. Which is why they are only worth.... minimum wage.
They are kids.....

By the time the 3 month training is over, so is the semester and they all go home! LOL

Man fast food service is equivalent to brain surgery. Who Knew!

a three month training period? :cuckoo:

and you are welcome to get on a plane and see if you survive in a 4 star kitchen. I we ever had to "train" someone how to change a garbage can......minimum wage would be far to much to pay them.

i agree..... fast food workers are for the most part... drop dead stupid. Which is why they are only worth.... minimum wage.
They are kids.....

By the time the 3 month training is over, so is the semester and they all go home! LOL

Man fast food service is equivalent to brain surgery. Who Knew!
It is a job and shouldnt be looked down on as beneath you. Is it worth making minimum? Yes.Does that mean you should turn your nose up at it like it isn't real work???? No
They are kids.....

By the time the 3 month training is over, so is the semester and they all go home! LOL

Man fast food service is equivalent to brain surgery. Who Knew!
It is a job and shouldnt be looked down on as beneath you. Is it worth making minimum? Yes.Does that mean you should turn your nose up at it like it isn't real work???? No

OH Boo fuckin Hoo! I got tired of minimum wage in the 70s. So quit and had children while my much better than minimum wage husband supported me. When I went back to the workplace I had the sheepskin. Beneath me? Oh HELL yes. It's beneath me. Ya know why it's beneath me? Because I can do better, and did. Anyone who thinks a wildcat strike from a fast food joint without union representation is a smart move is a moron.
I don't have anything against fast food workers or look down on them we but we need to be realistic on their wages, wages are based off of a specific skill required, the harder it is the more your work pays. Almost anyone can man the grill at Chic Fil A, but not that many people have the skills required to be a Plastic surgeon, Dentist etc etc thats why they pay alot and fast food just doesn't.
I don't have anything against fast food workers or look down on them we but we need to be realistic on their wages, wages are based off of a specific skill required, the harder it is the more your work pays. Almost anyone can man the grill at Chic Fil A, but not that many people have the skills required to be a Plastic surgeon, Dentist etc etc thats why they pay alot and fast food just doesn't.

You are exactly correct. People will always make cracks about people who make good money. I have experienced it, my children as well as other family members have experienced it. If they want to do what we do, and make what we make, well, the school is right down the road. Until they decide they can do better and make the effort to do so, then they will always be minimum wage workers, whatever that wage is. And the rest of us will keep getting paid more because the COLA will go up.
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It is a job and shouldnt be looked down on as beneath you.
Why not? If someone has spent the time/money to get an education or the effort to distinguish themselves as having certain skills and experience that are in demand in higher paying jobs why wouldn't they feel a fast food job is beneath them?

Does that mean you should turn your nose up at it like it isn't real work???? No
Agreed, working at a fast food restaurant is real work. However it is not difficult to learn or challenging as certain poster implies.

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