Fast-food workers walk out of job

Its not an excuse. If someone had an intellectual disability, would you say they are stupid for not becoming a manager? Of course not - some people are just not suited to the job, and I am not, due to the fact that I am deaf.

Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it? Fuck no. Many people want to be managers, then they become managers and go back to being crew because despite the extra pay, the hours are longer, and you get nothing in return.

I have found management pays significantly better in the states. I'm not sure about Australia, maybe they don't value people.

imagine that

a country where the janitor and the administrator get paid the same

We call them cleaners over here. Our full time cleaner at my old sore gets paid around $15 an hour. I would be happy with that during the day, but working during the night, I'd expect a bit more.
You do like to make excuses a lot dont you?

Its not an excuse. If someone had an intellectual disability, would you say they are stupid for not becoming a manager? Of course not - some people are just not suited to the job, and I am not, due to the fact that I am deaf.

Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it? Fuck no. Many people want to be managers, then they become managers and go back to being crew because despite the extra pay, the hours are longer, and you get nothing in return.

I was a director of nursing in a hospital for a year. That was the absolute WORST year of my life. I am a clinician. It used to be that the money for nurses was in management. But now with the advent of NPs, clinical is where it's at. I went back into clinical practice, got a huge raise, and yes, I am retired, but after that year I decided that there was no one on earth who had enough money to pay me to manage another hospital nursing program.

So you understand what I mean about my not wanting to become manager? Its a shit job, and even if I was paid triple, I wouldn't accept it.
So you understand what I mean about my not wanting to become manager? Its a shit job, and even if I was paid triple, I wouldn't accept it.

Well, thank goodness for your lack of skill or competence then, eh?
Its not an excuse. If someone had an intellectual disability, would you say they are stupid for not becoming a manager? Of course not - some people are just not suited to the job, and I am not, due to the fact that I am deaf.

Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it? Fuck no. Many people want to be managers, then they become managers and go back to being crew because despite the extra pay, the hours are longer, and you get nothing in return.

I was a director of nursing in a hospital for a year. That was the absolute WORST year of my life. I am a clinician. It used to be that the money for nurses was in management. But now with the advent of NPs, clinical is where it's at. I went back into clinical practice, got a huge raise, and yes, I am retired, but after that year I decided that there was no one on earth who had enough money to pay me to manage another hospital nursing program.

So you understand what I mean about my not wanting to become manager? Its a shit job, and even if I was paid triple, I wouldn't accept it.

But according to earlier posts the manager or owner doesn't have to work at all, just the peons.
worker $15 x 40 = $600 per week for 40 hours
manager $22 x 40 = $880 per week actual 50 hours = $17.60/hour

How are they not making more if pulling in $22 instead of $15, even with 10 hours OT?

Take off tax and it works out to be around $700 per week.
Only the managers pay taxes? No matter how you split it you can make more money per hour being a manager despite the overtime, the real problem for you is you'd have to work harder.

So you understand what I mean about my not wanting to become manager? Its a shit job, and even if I was paid triple, I wouldn't accept it.
No, I don't understand. I'd never be satisfied living life on the lowest rungs of the ladder, and would (have) made sacrifices to climb up. That is what many people do to get ahead.
So you understand what I mean about my not wanting to become manager? Its a shit job, and even if I was paid triple, I wouldn't accept it.

Well, thank goodness for your lack of skill or competence then, eh?

good gawd, it sounds to me she is just happy what she is doing and good at it. you ever hear of the saying if you are going to be a garbage man be the the best garbage man there is? not sure why posters here trashing a deaf folk with a attitude.
Its not an excuse. If someone had an intellectual disability, would you say they are stupid for not becoming a manager? Of course not - some people are just not suited to the job, and I am not, due to the fact that I am deaf.

Besides, would I want to work at least 10 hours overtime per week and not get a cent for it? Fuck no. Many people want to be managers, then they become managers and go back to being crew because despite the extra pay, the hours are longer, and you get nothing in return.

I was a director of nursing in a hospital for a year. That was the absolute WORST year of my life. I am a clinician. It used to be that the money for nurses was in management. But now with the advent of NPs, clinical is where it's at. I went back into clinical practice, got a huge raise, and yes, I am retired, but after that year I decided that there was no one on earth who had enough money to pay me to manage another hospital nursing program.

So you understand what I mean about my not wanting to become manager? Its a shit job, and even if I was paid triple, I wouldn't accept it.

I understand their is some jobs you coud pay me a $500 bucks an hour and I wouldnt do it, like work in a Union and like you said be a manager, did it a few times I hate that job. I am a worker bee.
If you like what you do, then do it.

I never understood the idea that if you like what you do, you want more for doing it. Like working a swing or night shift. Same work, same hours on the job, never made sense.
I still dont know who in America makes minimum wage after a 3 months on the job even working at a fast food joint. I remember my first job at Arbys had a couple raises up to $4 bucks an hour when mw was $3.35 not much but every one rewards hard workers who come in on time everyday.
I honestly feel for these workers. However, this is not going to end good. Unfortunately, you do not get what you deserve in life. You get what you earn. By demanding a pay raise you are forcing someone to set a level of worth on your value. If you stop and think about it do you really want to stay at a minimum wage job anyway? These workers should be improving their skills and finding other jobs that will pay them more than minimum wage.
not sure why everyone thinks life requires a boatload of money I was so happy making 50 grand a year when my 1st wife was pregnant. and when she gave birth to my daughter that was the happiest day of my life. No amount of money and being single alone could of pulled me away from that. I would rather be poor and happy then rich and sad. FYI she died 5 years ago next month. and thats why I screw around on boards. my daughter is in college now.
not sure why everyone thinks life requires a boatload of money I was so happy making 50 grand a year when my 1st wife was pregnant. and when she gave birth to my daughter that was the happiest day of my life. No amount of money and being single alone could of pulled me away from that. I would rather be poor and happy then rich and sad. FYI she died 5 years ago next month. and thats why I screw around on boards. my daughter is in college now.

There is nothing wrong with being poor if you are happy with that. The reality is that most people need money to get rid of the stresses of not being able to afford things and having a way to deal with financial emergencies. Lets say your daughter gets sick and she needs a 50K operation and you cant afford it because you are poor financially. Would you rather be rich and happy or poor and happy?
What a bunch of idiots. Skilled labor workers that work for public works don't get a starting salary that large.

I particularly appreciated the chick in the video with the fluorescent pink hair demanding $15/hr to pay for the "necessities in life."

Obviously, one "necessity" is Clownish Hair Coloring.

Apparently another necessity is some pretty fancy busses to serve as transportation. I guess if only the United Mine Workers of America, showed up for the strike, no one would give a shit, so Wendy's and Burger King Empoyees had to ride the bus.
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not sure why posters here trashing a deaf folk with a attitude.
Because she is a bitter asshole who greatly overestimates how difficult/important her job is.

You wouldn't last a week, bitch.

you stupid cow.

you dead shit.

which shows how retarded you lot are.

If they do in the U,S, its because you are a backwards lot who haven't moved into the 21st century.
I honestly feel for these workers. However, this is not going to end good. Unfortunately, you do not get what you deserve in life. You get what you earn. By demanding a pay raise you are forcing someone to set a level of worth on your value. If you stop and think about it do you really want to stay at a minimum wage job anyway? These workers should be improving their skills and finding other jobs that will pay them more than minimum wage.

Americans are free to work any job they wish and have the right to make demands as to compensation, regardless the potential outcome.

Telling an American he is of ‘less value’ in a given job and to find work elsewhere is not a ‘solution.’
I honestly feel for these workers. However, this is not going to end good. Unfortunately, you do not get what you deserve in life. You get what you earn. By demanding a pay raise you are forcing someone to set a level of worth on your value. If you stop and think about it do you really want to stay at a minimum wage job anyway? These workers should be improving their skills and finding other jobs that will pay them more than minimum wage.

Americans are free to work any job they wish and have the right to make demands as to compensation, regardless the potential outcome.

Telling an American he is of ‘less value’ in a given job and to find work elsewhere is not a ‘solution.’

I agree it is not a solution and I would never tell anyone they are of "less value as a person". However their value as a "worker" is fair game. If you dont bring any skills to the table why would you think someone is going to pay you more than you are worth in that context? I also would not tell someone to just go get a job elsewhere. I would point out the reality of their situation and ask them if they would rather wait until someone wanted to raise the minimum wage or attempt to better their skills and look for a job that pays more? What would you say to that if you were a minimum wage worker?
I honestly feel for these workers. However, this is not going to end good. Unfortunately, you do not get what you deserve in life. You get what you earn. By demanding a pay raise you are forcing someone to set a level of worth on your value. If you stop and think about it do you really want to stay at a minimum wage job anyway? These workers should be improving their skills and finding other jobs that will pay them more than minimum wage.

Americans are free to work any job they wish and have the right to make demands as to compensation, regardless the potential outcome.

Telling an American he is of ‘less value’ in a given job and to find work elsewhere is not a ‘solution.’

Yes. clearly the "solution" is to force Americans to pay a minimum wage for labor, regardless of its value.

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