Fast Times in Palestine


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Pamela Olson grew up in small-town Oklahoma and studied physics and political science at Stanford University, class of 2002.

"She lived in Ramallah for two years, during which she served as head writer and editor for the Palestine Monitor and as foreign press coordinator for Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi's 2005 presidential campaign.

"She's published stories and articles in CounterPunch, Electronic Intifada, Israel's Occupation Magazine, and The Stanford Magazine, among other publications, and she is a frequent contributor to Mondoweiss."

After a short stint working for a DC think-tank, Pamela became disenchanted with changing US policy toward the Middle East from the inside and wrote a memoir documenting what she believes are misconceptions all Americans receive about Israel's occupation of Palestine:

"Jews had lived in relative peace among their Muslim neighbors in the Middle East for centuries.

"But as waves of them began to immigrate to Palestine from Europe -- many of them desperately fleeing Nazi persecution -- Palestinians became worried that Britain, which held Palestine under Mandate authority after World War I, would make good on its promise to hand most or all of Palestine over to the newcomers.

"Between 1936 and 1939, Palestinians organized civil and armed resistance against repressive British land laws and European Jewish colonization in a conflict known as the Arab Revolt in Palestine.

"When the uprising was crushed, Palestinians were largely stripped of their arms and leaders, and the Jewish and Palestinian populations became further isolated and alienated from each other."

A Brief History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Is this writing official? I mean, would it be written into the Congressional Record? I'm not going to prove it, but in 1965 I sent a letter to a Letter-to-Editor and It was written into the Congressional Record. (I have a placque from the Heritage Foundation to prove it) I doubt though if this article would win a seegar.
"In January of 2006 she moved to Washington, DC and worked at a Defense Department think tank to try to bring what she had learned to the halls of power -- an educational but disillusioning experience. In 2007 she left DC and wrote Fast Times in Palestine. She has a green belt in Jujitsu and is a certified Rescue Scuba Diver. She lives in New York with her Turkish fiance."

Careful, Hossie, you're messin' with a green belt!

Fast Times in Palestine - A book by Pamela J. Olson
"In January of 2006 she moved to Washington, DC and worked at a Defense Department think tank to try to bring what she had learned to the halls of power -- an educational but disillusioning experience. In 2007 she left DC and wrote Fast Times in Palestine. She has a green belt in Jujitsu and is a certified Rescue Scuba Diver. She lives in New York with her Turkish fiance."

Careful, Hossie, you're messin' with a green belt!

Fast Times in Palestine - A book by Pamela J. Olson
5th degree Black Belt. You get a Green Belt just for being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.
"In January of 2006 she moved to Washington, DC and worked at a Defense Department think tank to try to bring what she had learned to the halls of power -- an educational but disillusioning experience. In 2007 she left DC and wrote Fast Times in Palestine. She has a green belt in Jujitsu and is a certified Rescue Scuba Diver. She lives in New York with her Turkish fiance."

Careful, Hossie, you're messin' with a green belt!

Fast Times in Palestine - A book by Pamela J. Olson
5th degree Black Belt. You get a Green Belt just for being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.
'Written any books lately?
"In January of 2006 she moved to Washington, DC and worked at a Defense Department think tank to try to bring what she had learned to the halls of power -- an educational but disillusioning experience. In 2007 she left DC and wrote Fast Times in Palestine. She has a green belt in Jujitsu and is a certified Rescue Scuba Diver. She lives in New York with her Turkish fiance."

Careful, Hossie, you're messin' with a green belt!

Fast Times in Palestine - A book by Pamela J. Olson
5th degree Black Belt. You get a Green Belt just for being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.
'Written any books lately?
Not lately. Burnt a few.And I ain't married no damn Turks neither.
Last edited:
I've been working on a book for 30 years titled Palestinian Contributions to peace, mankind & civilization. And all I have so far are front & back covers.

"In January of 2006 she moved to Washington, DC and worked at a Defense Department think tank to try to bring what she had learned to the halls of power -- an educational but disillusioning experience. In 2007 she left DC and wrote Fast Times in Palestine. She has a green belt in Jujitsu and is a certified Rescue Scuba Diver. She lives in New York with her Turkish fiance."

Careful, Hossie, you're messin' with a green belt!

Fast Times in Palestine - A book by Pamela J. Olson
5th degree Black Belt. You get a Green Belt just for being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.
'Written any books lately?
I've been working on a book for 30 years titled Palestinian Contributions to peace, mankind & civilization. And all I have so far are front & back covers.

5th degree Black Belt. You get a Green Belt just for being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.
'Written any books lately?
Hey, MJ! Maybe you struck gold. I heard a rumor that the Palistinians are trying to get funds for a new invention. A microwave that seats 50.
I've been working on a book for 30 years titled Palestinian Contributions to peace, mankind & civilization. And all I have so far are front & back covers.

5th degree Black Belt. You get a Green Belt just for being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.
'Written any books lately?
Proving you are either the world's shittiest writer or Just Another Bigoted Jew:

"Raja Shehadeh studied law in London. His grandfather, Saleem, was a judge in the courts of the British Mandate of Palestine. His great-great-uncle, the journalist Najib Nassar, founded the Haifa-based newspaper Al-Karmil in the last years of the Ottoman Empire, before World War I.

"His father, Aziz, also a lawyer, was one of the first Palestinians to publicly support a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.[1] Shehadeh is from a Palestinian Christian family...[2]"

"Shehadeh is a founder of the human rights organization, Al-Haq,[1] an affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists. He has written several books on international law, human rights and the Middle East.

"Strangers in the House was described by The Economist as 'distinctive and truly impressive',[3] In 2008, he won the Orwell Prize, Britain's pre-eminent award for political writing, for his book Palestinian Walks.[4]"

Raja Shehadeh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which is it?
I've been working on a book for 30 years titled Palestinian Contributions to peace, mankind & civilization. And all I have so far are front & back covers.

'Written any books lately?
Hey, MJ! Maybe you struck gold. I heard a rumor that the Palistinians are trying to get funds for a new invention. A microwave that seats 50.
You got that black belt in bigotry, Boy?

"It is often the smallest details of daily life that tell us the most.

"And so it is under occupation in Palestine.

"What most of us take for granted has to be carefully thought about and planned for: When will the post be allowed to get through?

"Will there be enough water for the bath tonight?

"How shall I get rid of the rubbish collecting outside?

"How much time should I allow for the journey to visit my cousin, going through checkpoints?

"And big questions too: Is working with left-wing Israelis collaborating or not?

"What effect will the Arab Spring have on the future of Palestine?

"What can anyone do to bring about change?

"Are any of life’s pleasures untouched by politics?"

OR Books ? Occupation Diaries

Or stupidity?
I've been working on a book for 30 years titled Palestinian Contributions to peace, mankind & civilization. And all I have so far are front & back covers.
Hey, MJ! Maybe you struck gold. I heard a rumor that the Palistinians are trying to get funds for a new invention. A microwave that seats 50.
You got that black belt in bigotry, Boy?

"It is often the smallest details of daily life that tell us the most.

"And so it is under occupation in Palestine.

"What most of us take for granted has to be carefully thought about and planned for: When will the post be allowed to get through?

"Will there be enough water for the bath tonight?

"How shall I get rid of the rubbish collecting outside?

"How much time should I allow for the journey to visit my cousin, going through checkpoints?

"And big questions too: Is working with left-wing Israelis collaborating or not?

"What effect will the Arab Spring have on the future of Palestine?

"What can anyone do to bring about change?

"Are any of life’s pleasures untouched by politics?"

OR Books ? Occupation Diaries

Or stupidity?
Yeah, Georgie Boy, the Homeboy, just keep on babbling. Meanwhile, a poster who is not on other forums condemning what is happening to innocent people in the Muslims world and is only on this forum to bash the Jews is certainly showing himself to be a champion in bigotry. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, for all your bigotry against the Jews, even you, the Infidel, wouldn't be safe in many Muslim countries. So sit safely in your little subsidized apartment. As an aside, when I first saw the title of this thread by Georgie Boy, I thought he had finally given the forums a rest and was watching Fast Times at Ridgement High to remind him of his younger days in high school in Los Angeles. Or was it Ramallah?
How did Pamela Olson determine that jews and arabs
lived "side by side in '''relative peace"" in the middle
east for centuries"????? did she discuss that issue with
jews who have family legacy in the middle east for
centuries? Could someone define
"RELATIVE PEACE" for me? reminds me of those
stories I heard about HAPPY BLACK SLAVES ON THE
1960s oh I know BHARGOUTI TOLD HER
How much time have you spent on the West Bank, Bigot?

"Zionist militias also engaged in terror attacks against both Palestinians and the British occupiers. The most notorious was the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, which was then the site of the British Mandate authority of Palestine. Ninety-one people were killed in the bombing including 28 Britons, 41 Arabs, and 17 Jews.

"Britain eventually handed the fate of its unruly province over to the UN.

"In 1947, in a narrow vote dominated by Europeans nations and former colonies, the UN voted to allocate 55% of Mandatory Palestine for a Jewish state and 45% for a Palestinian state.

"By now Jews made up one-third of the population of Palestine and owned 7% of the land.

"They comprised a bare majority within the convoluted borders of the area they were to be given, but it was anticipated that many more Jews would immigrate to the new state.

"For the Zionists, this 'partition plan' represented the creation of a safe haven from centuries of persecution in Europe. Israel would be the new center of Jewish life, a long-sought opportunity for self-determination."

A Brief History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

"Self-determination" for the "chosen" ones required the expulsion of 700,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts, just ask Golda.
How much time have you spent on the West Bank, Bigot?

"Zionist militias also engaged in terror attacks against both Palestinians and the British occupiers. The most notorious was the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, which was then the site of the British Mandate authority of Palestine. Ninety-one people were killed in the bombing including 28 Britons, 41 Arabs, and 17 Jews.

"Britain eventually handed the fate of its unruly province over to the UN.

"In 1947, in a narrow vote dominated by Europeans nations and former colonies, the UN voted to allocate 55% of Mandatory Palestine for a Jewish state and 45% for a Palestinian state.

"By now Jews made up one-third of the population of Palestine and owned 7% of the land.

"They comprised a bare majority within the convoluted borders of the area they were to be given, but it was anticipated that many more Jews would immigrate to the new state.

"For the Zionists, this 'partition plan' represented the creation of a safe haven from centuries of persecution in Europe. Israel would be the new center of Jewish life, a long-sought opportunity for self-determination."

A Brief History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

"Self-determination" for the "chosen" ones required the expulsion of 700,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts, just ask Golda.
So tell us, Georgie Boy, how much time have you spent on the West Bank when it seems you can't even get out of your apartment and away from your computer.

Jewish 'settlers' bless Palestinians with pre-Passover bread - Israel Today | Israel News
How much time have you spent on the West Bank, Bigot?

"Zionist militias also engaged in terror attacks against both Palestinians and the British occupiers. The most notorious was the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, which was then the site of the British Mandate authority of Palestine. Ninety-one people were killed in the bombing including 28 Britons, 41 Arabs, and 17 Jews.

"Britain eventually handed the fate of its unruly province over to the UN.

"In 1947, in a narrow vote dominated by Europeans nations and former colonies, the UN voted to allocate 55% of Mandatory Palestine for a Jewish state and 45% for a Palestinian state.

"By now Jews made up one-third of the population of Palestine and owned 7% of the land.

"They comprised a bare majority within the convoluted borders of the area they were to be given, but it was anticipated that many more Jews would immigrate to the new state.

"For the Zionists, this 'partition plan' represented the creation of a safe haven from centuries of persecution in Europe. Israel would be the new center of Jewish life, a long-sought opportunity for self-determination."

A Brief History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

"Self-determination" for the "chosen" ones required the expulsion of 700,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts, just ask Golda.
So tell us, Georgie Boy, how much time have you spent on the West Bank when it seems you can't even get out of your apartment and away from your computer.

Jewish 'settlers' bless Palestinians with pre-Passover bread - Israel Today | Israel News
"On the day before the biblical festival began, the massive quantity of bread was sent to nearby Palestinian communities with a note reading:

"'In the name of God the most merciful, we wish for neighborly relations. Our hands are extended in peace, peace from the heart. Peace is the grace of God and the name of God. From your Jewish neighbors, members of Eretz Shalom.'''

How does this noble gesture square with Bibi's New Covenant?

"The Accords created the Palestinian Authority (PA), headed by Arafat and based in Ramallah. It had limited administrative and security duties in the West Bank and Gaza while Israel retained control of water, airspace, and borders.

"This arrangement was supposed to last for a five-year period during which Israel and the PA would engage in trust-building measures and negotiate final-status issues such as East Jerusalem, refugees, borders, and settlements.

"It was hoped that an independent Palestinian state -- and peace -- would follow.

"Two years later, Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing Israeli who opposed the Oslo Accords. Rabin's replacement, Shimon Peres of the moderate Labor Party, was narrowly defeated a year later by Benjamin Netanyahu of the right-wing Likud Party.

"Netanyahu opposed the Accords, rejected the idea of a Palestinian state, and intensified settlement building in the occupied territories. In all, 380 Palestinians and 260 Israelis were killed during the 'Oslo peace years' of 1993-2000, and the settler population surged from 250,000 to more than 400,000. "

A Brief History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
How much time have you spent on the West Bank, Bigot?

"Zionist militias also engaged in terror attacks against both Palestinians and the British occupiers. The most notorious was the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, which was then the site of the British Mandate authority of Palestine. Ninety-one people were killed in the bombing including 28 Britons, 41 Arabs, and 17 Jews.

"Britain eventually handed the fate of its unruly province over to the UN.

"In 1947, in a narrow vote dominated by Europeans nations and former colonies, the UN voted to allocate 55% of Mandatory Palestine for a Jewish state and 45% for a Palestinian state.

"By now Jews made up one-third of the population of Palestine and owned 7% of the land.

"They comprised a bare majority within the convoluted borders of the area they were to be given, but it was anticipated that many more Jews would immigrate to the new state.

"For the Zionists, this 'partition plan' represented the creation of a safe haven from centuries of persecution in Europe. Israel would be the new center of Jewish life, a long-sought opportunity for self-determination."

A Brief History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

"Self-determination" for the "chosen" ones required the expulsion of 700,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts, just ask Golda.
So tell us, Georgie Boy, how much time have you spent on the West Bank when it seems you can't even get out of your apartment and away from your computer.

Jewish 'settlers' bless Palestinians with pre-Passover bread - Israel Today | Israel News
"On the day before the biblical festival began, the massive quantity of bread was sent to nearby Palestinian communities with a note reading:

"'In the name of God the most merciful, we wish for neighborly relations. Our hands are extended in peace, peace from the heart. Peace is the grace of God and the name of God. From your Jewish neighbors, members of Eretz Shalom.'''

How does this noble gesture square with Bibi's New Covenant?

"The Accords created the Palestinian Authority (PA), headed by Arafat and based in Ramallah. It had limited administrative and security duties in the West Bank and Gaza while Israel retained control of water, airspace, and borders.

"This arrangement was supposed to last for a five-year period during which Israel and the PA would engage in trust-building measures and negotiate final-status issues such as East Jerusalem, refugees, borders, and settlements.

"It was hoped that an independent Palestinian state -- and peace -- would follow.

"Two years later, Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing Israeli who opposed the Oslo Accords. Rabin's replacement, Shimon Peres of the moderate Labor Party, was narrowly defeated a year later by Benjamin Netanyahu of the right-wing Likud Party.

"Netanyahu opposed the Accords, rejected the idea of a Palestinian state, and intensified settlement building in the occupied territories. In all, 380 Palestinians and 260 Israelis were killed during the 'Oslo peace years' of 1993-2000, and the settler population surged from 250,000 to more than 400,000. "

A Brief History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Sorry to question your integrity, George. I didn't realize you have spent many days-months-years in the Territories. Shame upon me.
Does Georgie ever have anything to say for himself ??? All he does is quote sites
Is it Apartheid?

"Zionism never intended to create a Palestinostan for the Palestinian Arabs. From the very start, it planned to get rid of them, to create a purely Jewish 'Land of Israel'. This premeditated policy - referred to in Zionist literature as 'transfer' - was largely implemented in the 1948 war.

"The Palestinian Arab minority whom - for lack of time or opportunity – the nascent Israeli state failed to expel from its territory did not seem to represent a major 'demographic threat'.

"To be sure, their lands were for the most part expropriated and given over to Jewish settlements, they were severely discriminated and for many years kept under military rule. But, crucially, they were not denied rudimentary citizenship rights. They are Israeli citizens, who can vote for the Knesset."

Just for you, Toast.

Is it Apartheid?
Is it Apartheid?

"Zionism never intended to create a Palestinostan for the Palestinian Arabs. From the very start, it planned to get rid of them, to create a purely Jewish 'Land of Israel'. This premeditated policy - referred to in Zionist literature as 'transfer' - was largely implemented in the 1948 war.

"The Palestinian Arab minority whom - for lack of time or opportunity – the nascent Israeli state failed to expel from its territory did not seem to represent a major 'demographic threat'.

"To be sure, their lands were for the most part expropriated and given over to Jewish settlements, they were severely discriminated and for many years kept under military rule. But, crucially, they were not denied rudimentary citizenship rights. They are Israeli citizens, who can vote for the Knesset."

Just for you, Toast.

Is it Apartheid?
Tell us Georgie Boy, why all these philosophers, socialist activists, linguists, mathematicians, singers, movie stars and the general pool of social geniuses aren't in politics and positions of governmental power? Is it because they're too busy cadging free meals of rubberized chicken and plastic green beans to get into an active mode? These people sit around pontificating about their solution to the world's ills and garnering the admiration of the great unwashed who place them on a pedastal with Elvis, Michael Jackson and Barack Obama. Moshe Machover is just another bad breathed dweebs whose revelations don't mean doodly squat. Bring on some more of your gladiating mental masturbators.

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