Fastest girl on High School track team wins 3rd place Medal

Transsexual Called “Bravest Athlete in History” for Beating Up Women
It may have been fun to snigger at obsequious media apparatchiks obediently pretending that Bruce Jenner is a woman, but the transsexual front in progressives’ war against civilization and sanity stops being funny when the conversation turns to Fallon Fox.

As mentioned earlier (see here and here), Fallon Fox is a mixed martial arts fighter who beats up women in public and gets paid for it.

For engaging in behavior that would result in felony charges in any sane society, Mr Fox has been christened “the bravest athlete in history.”

I’m not kidding:

On January 14, Cyd Zeigler Jr. wrote in the online Outsports that he had titled the final chapter of his book on LGBT athletes “Fallon Fox Is The Bravest Athlete In History” and that this remained true for him four years later.

The Post Millennial gives an idea of the behavior LGBT militants regard as brave:

Fox, a male to female transgender athlete, destroyed Erika Newsome in a Coral Gables, FL, MMA fight during which [he] “secured a grip on Newsome’s head… With [his] hands gripping the back of Newsome’s skull, [he] delivered a massive knee, bringing [his] leg up while pulling [his] opponent’s head down. The blow landed on Newsome’s chin and dropped her, unconscious, face-first on the mat.” That was Newsome’s last pro fight.

Newsome isn’t his only victim.

Fox also beat Tamikka Brents, giving her a concussion and breaking 7 orbital bones. … Brents was not told that Fox was trans before the fight.

The vermin at Vice unsurprisingly side with Fox, proclaiming that he is a woman because he identifies as one and sneering that Brents was “whining” for not liking what he did to her.

Depravity is not merely an attribute of leftist ideology. It is the essence of leftist ideology. How else could liberals so consistently side with wrong against right on every topic? How else could indulging in perverted sexual practices be regarded as a source of pride? How else could a man beating women to within an inch of their lives be called brave?

Sooner or later, Fallon Fox or a copycat is going to kill a woman in the ring in front of paying customers. Maybe that’s what it will take for people to realize that the LGBT agenda is sick.

Or maybe ESPN will grant the murderer an ESPY Arthur Ashe Courage in Sports Award, like it did to reward Bruce Jenner for pretending to be a woman.

On a tip from Troy H.
This is wrong in so many ways. Absolute BS by the schools that allow this to happen
Why aren't women's groups and feminists protesting the injustice of forcing girls to compete against genetic boys? Have middle class mothers sold out their own daughters in order to appear unbiased towards confused boys and men? Something ain't right.

Because they are getting exactly what they helped start years ago. Any criticism, and you're a racist/sexist/homophobe/xenophobe/transphobe yada yada yada, so they are forced to keep their mouths shut.
In a way, it's actually kind of funny.
It's definitely gotten out of hand. If you ever had a dick, compete with the boys. Period.

Look at this fucking TransZilla. Imagine looking at THAT thing across from the girl's volleyball net....
People are afraid of being labeled a bigot even at the expense of their own children. It's a shame that nobody has the balls (no pun intended) to buck the leftist agenda.

It's almost exactly the phenomenon that Hans Christian Andersen described in his classic tale, The Emperor's New Clothes. Foolish, cowardly people are intimidated into playing along with what they can clearly see to be an outrageous lie, for fear of how they will be judged of they speak the truth.
If boys are going to compete with girls now in any sport, why can't the competition be called what it is from here on out which is a coed competition? Also if this is how one is going to be now, what is the point in having two? Perhaps its time to 86 the competitions that only consists of the male gender.

God bless you always!!!

A relative of mine is on her High School's girl track team.

She posted the best time for a girl at a recent track meet, but was awarded a 3rd place medal and ribbon.

If she's the fastest girl runner, why did she only place 3rd, you ask? ... :dunno:

Because two boys who are transweirdo's and claim to be girls, were allowed to compete at the track & field event and won 1st and 2nd place.

When she told me what happened I was furious. This is some sick #@^&@

Girl's sports with real girl's competing against each other is freakin doomed. .. :cuckoo:
It shouldn't be allowed.

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