Fasting against marriage equality

Your description of marriage is historically flawed.
Marriage in biblical times was an ownership contract. The father in essence sold the daughter into marriage. The woman was chattel. She was a resource to both men.
Marriage was a transfer of property.
Pretty warm and fuzzy, huh?
So everyone on Earth was a Hebrew? I call bull. Yes, in their culture that's the way it was but not always. I never heard of a daughter being sold to a woman for marriage though.

So you are standing up for the cause and relative righteousness of heterosexual misogyny.
This was the standard for marriage all across the globe.
I didn't say that but that's what your brain interpreted because apparently you can't discuss the issue fairly. The mistreatment of women doesn't correlate to endorsing gay marriage, that's two separate issues. How do two guys marrying fit in?
So everyone on Earth was a Hebrew? I call bull. Yes, in their culture that's the way it was but not always. I never heard of a daughter being sold to a woman for marriage though.

So you are standing up for the cause and relative righteousness of heterosexual misogyny.
This was the standard for marriage all across the globe.
I didn't say that but that's what your brain interpreted because apparently you can't discuss the issue fairly. The mistreatment of women doesn't correlate to endorsing gay marriage, that's two separate issues. How do two guys marrying fit in?

How does painting a warm and fuzzy about historical marriage fit in?
Marriage is a cultural institution. Cultures define it.
Once again, the times they are a'changin'.
My goodness, the gay left is offended about the 1st Amendment right of citizens to make a political statement with a hunger strike. What's the solution? Use a drone plane to purge the dreaded Christians from the landscape? We know it's in the minds of the hate filled radical left. The question is whether Obama can make it a reality.

Fasting is protected by the First Amendment but choosing your life mate is not?

How about the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
So you are standing up for the cause and relative righteousness of heterosexual misogyny.
This was the standard for marriage all across the globe.
I didn't say that but that's what your brain interpreted because apparently you can't discuss the issue fairly. The mistreatment of women doesn't correlate to endorsing gay marriage, that's two separate issues. How do two guys marrying fit in?

How does painting a warm and fuzzy about historical marriage fit in?
Marriage is a cultural institution. Cultures define it.
Once again, the times they are a'changin'.
I posted the fact that marriage was always between a man and woman and you spun off into woman abuse. Times are achangin, more and more like you who are unfamiliar with honesty and logic. Culture determined how marriage was defined but it wasn't culture that is changing it, it's propaganda and legislation from the bench. There's nothing unequal about defining marriage as being between a man and a woman any more than it's unequal to say only two can marry. if tradition doesn't matter you can't use it as a guide.
I didn't say that but that's what your brain interpreted because apparently you can't discuss the issue fairly. The mistreatment of women doesn't correlate to endorsing gay marriage, that's two separate issues. How do two guys marrying fit in?

How does painting a warm and fuzzy about historical marriage fit in?
Marriage is a cultural institution. Cultures define it.
Once again, the times they are a'changin'.
I posted the fact that marriage was always between a man and woman and you spun off into woman abuse. Times are achangin, more and more like you who are unfamiliar with honesty and logic. Culture determined how marriage was defined but it wasn't culture that is changing it, it's propaganda and legislation from the bench. There's nothing unequal about defining marriage as being between a man and a woman any more than it's unequal to say only two can marry. if tradition doesn't matter you can't use it as a guide.

The culture has changed.

Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It seems clear the "bans" are unconstitutional.

If the point is the govt and laws should be NEUTRAL of one-sided bias
(that imposes or establishes a "belief" the other side doesn't believe in)
then the laws should NEITHER "require" NOR "ban" gay marriage.

The laws should be NEUTRAL by ALLOWING churches to recognize or decline,
but in NO WAY should the state be abused to force churches or people
either to ban or to establish gay marriage.

The state should only handle NEUTRAL civil contracts totally independent of
any religious/church beliefs. Marriages involving spiritual, religious or other personal beliefs that not all people share should remain the free choice of the people by Amendments 1, 10, 14.

It is interesting that "equality" is enforced SELECTIVELY depending on people's CREEDS which violates the Fourteenth Amendment:
* extreme supporters of traditional marriage not only want to oppose gay marriage,
but want to abuse the govt to IMPOSE this stance which EXCLUDES those who believe in the CHOICE of gay marriage
(so that crosses the line into exclusion and imposition of religious bias)
* extreme supporters of gay marriage not only want the "free choice" but want to
abuse govt to REQUIRE people, churches, states to endorse/establish this choice AGAINST beliefs of others
(so that crosses the line where it is no longer neutral but imposes a bias where laws are not written neutrally)
* similarly, people on both sides of the Roe V Wade/prochoice issue don't "equally include" each other's prochoice and prolife views;
and the same has come up with ACA, Hobby Lobby, and other lawsuits over limits on liberty, discrimination, and anti-discrimination

I believe this is happening because people who fail to resolve or separate conflicts among themselves
are ABUSING GOVT to try to settle their disputes for them, which is going to fail either way.
If people have a RELIGIOUS dispute because they have conflicting BELIEFS, whichever side the govt rules
is GOING TO EXCLUDE and discriminate against the opposing side. This is set up to fail from the start because the people did not agree to respect each other's beliefs.
The judges/courts in such cases should require that the people involved RESOLVE THEIR OWN CONFLICTS or SEPARATE, and NOT abuse govt to "establish one side over the other."
No win situation -- the govt is NOT supposed to endorse any such bias, belief or creed at the expense, exclusion or discrimination against the creed of other people.

That goes for both sides, who are too busy working to exclude the other, and to try to entice govt to do the same which is in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments.
Political lobbies and parties that "collectively" seek to undermine the equal beliefs, protections and liberties of others should be sued for conspiring to violate civil rights.

? Conservative Christians Plan 40 Day Hunger Strike ? A Temper Tantrum To Demonstrate Hatred Of Gay People

“Our Constitution declares that ‘all men’ are created equal. Surely this means all of us.”

Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen of United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, in Norfolk wrote these words in February in a decision that overturned Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage. Ever since, conservative Christians have been throwing a fit over it. This week, a group of desperate Christians announced their intention to fast for 40 days and 40 nights in the name of hate. It’s basically the same idea that a religious bigot in Utah attempted back in January.

Members of a religious organization called the Family Foundation are so hungry for hatred that they want to throw a temper tantrum for 40 days to protest same-sex marriage. In a statement, the group claims that the federal government, the media, corporations, the public education system, and the entertainment industry are all ganging up against churches in the fight for equality.

“Our state and nation are mired in a morass of confusion and post-modern thinking that does not believe in absolutes nor that any truth can even be known,” the statement says. “Nowhere is this more evident than in the current debate raging about what constitutes marriage. Pagan philosophies, a secular humanist education establishment and an entertainment industry that is absolutely determined in pushing the envelope on decency and morality have all combined to turn this great land into a country that our forefathers could not even begin to recognize.[/QUOTE]


What would their god have to say about this?
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It seems clear the "bans" are unconstitutional.
It seems you are wrong since you didn't offer up the Supreme Court decision. It didn't happen because it isn't unequal treatment. There is no Constitutional protection for relationships. Sexual relationships aren't a person (yet).
Public opinion matters but its not and should not be the final word. The fact is, we give lip service to equality in all areas of our lives while we work against equality. Never mind that some are afraid of gays marrying. Doesn't matter. What matters is that our Constitution guarantees equality. That is and should be the final word.

Religions nutters can starve themselves to death if they want but they don't make the rules.
Do you have a real source? It got shot down in California so not enough change apparently. But propaganda does work, give it time.

If you read the article it sources many polls, including Pew Research, a popular conservative pollster.
What are you looking for?
Content. Do you know what that is? Posting a wikilink is lazy, find the source and post the relevant portion. I don't dispute it's finding more favor but not the majority of the country. and I don't see how any special interest group can be denied in same sex marriage states so I think it should just be a civil contract between partners.
Your description of marriage is historically flawed.
Marriage in biblical times was an ownership contract. The father in essence sold the daughter into marriage. The woman was chattel. She was a resource to both men.
Marriage was a transfer of property.
Pretty warm and fuzzy, huh?

Which part was 'historically flawed'? Below are the only two statements made in the post regarding marriage and its history. You merely added addtional information regarding marriage in biblical times, you didn't correct anything that was said. Your posts are nothing but lies, you really should try to step up your game, it sucks.

Mankind has had marriage as far back as recorded history, between men and women.


The two genders are how mankind procreates, and almost everything else too with rare exception. Marriage recognizes that special relationship, whether by evolution or creation, and encourages a stable family unit.

That "special relationship" was having a fully owned slave that stabilized the family through an enforced servitude that provided a domestic labor force.
Some Christians still long for these 'good old days'.Should a Woman Work or Stay Home with Children? - Probe Ministries

That's your interpretation of 'special relationship' and not what the poster was saying. Again, you have to add, embelish, twist, distort, etc.. to even remotely be on topic with your posts, it's no wonder no one can follow them.

Bolded is rather amusing, I'd say it would be more accurate if it said 'Some men...' Since marriage as you described it wasn't limited to christian marriage and still exists that way today in other cultures that are clearly not christian. So again, your point is moot to the topic being addressed.
Do you have a real source? It got shot down in California so not enough change apparently. But propaganda does work, give it time.

If you read the article it sources many polls, including Pew Research, a popular conservative pollster.
What are you looking for?
Content. Do you know what that is? Posting a wikilink is lazy, find the source and post the relevant portion. I don't dispute it's finding more favor but not the majority of the country. and I don't see how any special interest group can be denied in same sex marriage states so I think it should just be a civil contract between partners.

The links to all the polls are in the article.
Lazy is not being willing to touch your finger to the links!
All civil contracts are regulated by law. Swing and a miss.
Which part was 'historically flawed'? Below are the only two statements made in the post regarding marriage and its history. You merely added addtional information regarding marriage in biblical times, you didn't correct anything that was said. Your posts are nothing but lies, you really should try to step up your game, it sucks.

Mankind has had marriage as far back as recorded history, between men and women.


The two genders are how mankind procreates, and almost everything else too with rare exception. Marriage recognizes that special relationship, whether by evolution or creation, and encourages a stable family unit.

That "special relationship" was having a fully owned slave that stabilized the family through an enforced servitude that provided a domestic labor force.
Some Christians still long for these 'good old days'.Should a Woman Work or Stay Home with Children? - Probe Ministries

That's your interpretation of 'special relationship' and not what the poster was saying. Again, you have to add, embelish, twist, distort, etc.. to even remotely be on topic with your posts, it's no wonder no one can follow them.

Bolded is rather amusing, I'd say it would be more accurate if it said 'Some men...' Since marriage as you described it wasn't limited to christian marriage and still exists that way today in other cultures that are clearly not christian. So again, your point is moot to the topic being addressed.

By "embellish" you mean providing evidence and defending my argument...
We were discussing gay marriage in the U.S., right?
The citation is from an American Christian ministry.
Or was your point that you want to be as backward as some sharia dominated countries?
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Your description of marriage is historically flawed.
Marriage in biblical times was an ownership contract. The father in essence sold the daughter into marriage. The woman was chattel. She was a resource to both men.
Marriage was a transfer of property.
Pretty warm and fuzzy, huh?
So everyone on Earth was a Hebrew? I call bull. Yes, in their culture that's the way it was but not always. I never heard of a daughter being sold to a woman for marriage though.

So you are standing up for the cause and relative righteousness of heterosexual misogyny.This was the standard for marriage all across the globe.

You really suck at this, can you make a post without lying? I'm beginning to think you're incapable. Are you able to follow a conversation? I'm beginning to think not. Where did the poster you quoted ever in anything he/she said gave you the impression or allowed you to come to the conlusion that they were 'standing up' for any cause, let alone heterosexual misogyny? You have to reach to ridiculous extrapolations to even come up with your assinine comments and accusations that it enters the realm of pathetic. :lol:
That "special relationship" was having a fully owned slave that stabilized the family through an enforced servitude that provided a domestic labor force.
Some Christians still long for these 'good old days'.Should a Woman Work or Stay Home with Children? - Probe Ministries

That's your interpretation of 'special relationship' and not what the poster was saying. Again, you have to add, embelish, twist, distort, etc.. to even remotely be on topic with your posts, it's no wonder no one can follow them.

Bolded is rather amusing, I'd say it would be more accurate if it said 'Some men...' Since marriage as you described it wasn't limited to christian marriage and still exists that way today in other cultures that are clearly not christian. So again, your point is moot to the topic being addressed.

By "embellish" you mean providing evidence and defending my argument...

What did you provide 'evidence' of? Other than that your own twisted mind somehow goes off the rails when it comes to the 'conclusions' that it does?
So everyone on Earth was a Hebrew? I call bull. Yes, in their culture that's the way it was but not always. I never heard of a daughter being sold to a woman for marriage though.

So you are standing up for the cause and relative righteousness of heterosexual misogyny.
This was the standard for marriage all across the globe.
I didn't say that but that's what your brain interpreted because apparently you can't discuss the issue fairly. The mistreatment of women doesn't correlate to endorsing gay marriage, that's two separate issues. How do two guys marrying fit in?

It's really sad, it's all he has apparently, it's really a waste of time to even engage, you will get no honest discourse from him. ;)
So you are standing up for the cause and relative righteousness of heterosexual misogyny.
This was the standard for marriage all across the globe.
I didn't say that but that's what your brain interpreted because apparently you can't discuss the issue fairly. The mistreatment of women doesn't correlate to endorsing gay marriage, that's two separate issues. How do two guys marrying fit in?

How does painting a warm and fuzzy about historical marriage fit in?
Marriage is a cultural institution. Cultures define it.
Once again, the times they are a'changin'.

Warm and fuzzy? Again with your 'interpretations' of other's posts... leaves much to be desired.. :cuckoo:

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