Fasting against marriage equality

And this would be an example of an American freely exhibiting his ignorance and hate.

Quit being an asshole. I was pointing out the author's lies, which could be clearly seen if one had read the group's statement. Don't you people ever tell the truth?

It might be useful for you to point out the lie in the OP rather than just state it.
What did he lie about?
He provided a direct quote from the group.
Is there more information that you could cite for us that will support your accusation, or are you simply striking out in embarrassment?

It might even be even more useful for you to learn to read.
Quit being an asshole. I was pointing out the author's lies, which could be clearly seen if one had read the group's statement. Don't you people ever tell the truth?

It might be useful for you to point out the lie in the OP rather than just state it.
What did he lie about?
He provided a direct quote from the group.
Is there more information that you could cite for us that will support your accusation, or are you simply striking out in embarrassment?

It might even be even more useful for you to learn to read.

So you have nothing.
Got it.
It might be useful for you to point out the lie in the OP rather than just state it.
What did he lie about?
He provided a direct quote from the group.
Is there more information that you could cite for us that will support your accusation, or are you simply striking out in embarrassment?

Really? You are really going to assert that the group claimed to be fasting "for hate"?

They would use the canard of hating "the sin".
The rest of us would notice they have never fasted for the elimination of greed.

You notice all sorts of things that aren't true.

The truth is, for a hate group, these christians are pretty limp.

We could point to any other hate group and we could associate all types of atrocities.

From active destruction of property, to denial of certain human rights, We could demonstrate that active hatred comes with actual demeaning activity.

But these christians are pretty pathetic in their acts of hatred!! They are going to fast. Fast! No bomb throwing, no vote taking, no herding the gays into camps.

They are going to Fast!! Makes me wonder if these hate-filled Christians are even serious about their hatred..........:booze:

Well, fasting can be an effective tool. When Gandhi fasted, he changed the world. Let's see if these people are made of the same stern stuff.

Gandhi fasted to protest a new Indian constitution endorsed by the British that relegated the lowest classes to separate and unequal political representation.

These Christians fast seeking to relegate gay Americans to a separate and unequal legal status.
These Christians fast seeking to relegate gay Americans to a separate and unequal legal status.
Homosexual relationships aren't equal to heterosexual ones. The left repeats lies to make them true. No one got here by way of a homosexual relationship. And what do you mean separate? They want homosexuals to lose voting rights or have separate water fountains?
Homosexual relationships aren't equal to heterosexual ones. The left repeats lies to make them true. No one got here by way of a homosexual relationship

Except that doesn't make them unequal.

Why do people complain about it anyway? It's like those people who are terrified and offended at the idea of interacial sex. Why?!! By the Gods, what the Hell is wrong with you! Or they "stand up against" the more supposedly controversial things like bisexuality. Group sex. Threesomes. BDSM. F***ing machines. Strapons/ vibrators. Pegging. Polygamous relationships. Ritual sex. Or anal intercourse! All very enjoyable might I add. And not a single thing wrong with any of them, and all can be just as exciting and pleasurable as any strictly heterosexual, monogamous relationship. Some would say even more exciting.

But these intolerant people!

Whether they are racist, homophobic, afraid of pushing their sexual barriers, or blowing the bible out of proportion, they would rather spread their hate like the weaklings they have become. They possess this mix of confusion, ignorance, paranoia, disgust, jealousy, and indoctrination that prevents them from accepting the truth that they are wrong.

"And Ashtara said, "Let there be sexual Chaos." And there was sexual Chaos. And the eyes of the people were opened and they all ventured out to experience the forbidden adult only pleasures of consentual abomination sex, discovering how wrong they had previously been."

If only.
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Homosexual relationships aren't equal to heterosexual ones. The left repeats lies to make them true. No one got here by way of a homosexual relationship

Except that doesn't make them unequal.

Why do people complain about it anyway? It's like those people who are terrified and offended at the idea of interacial sex. Why?!! By the Gods, what the Hell is wrong with you! Or they "stand up against" the more supposedly controversial things like bisexuality. Group sex. Threesomes. BDSM. F***ing machines. Strapons/ vibrators. Pegging. Polygamous relationships. Ritual sex. Or anal intercourse! All very enjoyable might I add. And not a single thing wrong with any of them, and all can be just as exciting and pleasurable as any strictly heterosexual, monogamous relationship. Some would say even more exciting.

But these intolerant people!

Whether they are racist, homophobic, afraid of pushing their sexual barriers, or blowing the bible out of proportion, they would rather spread their hate like the weaklings they have become. They possess this mix of confusion, ignorance, paranoia, disgust, jealousy, and indoctrination that prevents them from accepting the truth that they are wrong.

"And Ashtara said, "Let there be sexual Chaos." And there was sexual Chaos. And the eyes of the people were opened and they all ventured out to experience the forbidden adult only pleasures of consentual abomination sex, discovering how wrong they had previously been."

If only.
Your vibrator must be stuck on full auto. We were discussing the legal definition of marriage, not your bigotry masked as tolerance. Mankind has had marriage as far back as recorded history, between men and women. For people lost in moral relativity it's unexplainable but those of us not brainwashed with post modern political correctness we know why. The two genders are how mankind procreates, and almost everything else too with rare exception. Marriage recognizes that special relationship, whether by evolution or creation, and encourages a stable family unit.

Gay marriages mimic heterosexual marriages in part, there's no expectation of procreation, so no, it is not equal. Hating those facts and lashing out at them doesn't change them. I do believe we are too far down the relativistic trail these days and think government needs to totally get out of the marriage business. Marry your battery operated pal if you want.
Homosexual relationships aren't equal to heterosexual ones. The left repeats lies to make them true. No one got here by way of a homosexual relationship

Except that doesn't make them unequal.

Why do people complain about it anyway? It's like those people who are terrified and offended at the idea of interacial sex. Why?!! By the Gods, what the Hell is wrong with you! Or they "stand up against" the more supposedly controversial things like bisexuality. Group sex. Threesomes. BDSM. F***ing machines. Strapons/ vibrators. Pegging. Polygamous relationships. Ritual sex. Or anal intercourse! All very enjoyable might I add. And not a single thing wrong with any of them, and all can be just as exciting and pleasurable as any strictly heterosexual, monogamous relationship. Some would say even more exciting.

But these intolerant people!

Whether they are racist, homophobic, afraid of pushing their sexual barriers, or blowing the bible out of proportion, they would rather spread their hate like the weaklings they have become. They possess this mix of confusion, ignorance, paranoia, disgust, jealousy, and indoctrination that prevents them from accepting the truth that they are wrong.

"And Ashtara said, "Let there be sexual Chaos." And there was sexual Chaos. And the eyes of the people were opened and they all ventured out to experience the forbidden adult only pleasures of consentual abomination sex, discovering how wrong they had previously been."

If only.
Your vibrator must be stuck on full auto. We were discussing the legal definition of marriage, not your bigotry masked as tolerance. Mankind has had marriage as far back as recorded history, between men and women. For people lost in moral relativity it's unexplainable but those of us not brainwashed with post modern political correctness we know why. The two genders are how mankind procreates, and almost everything else too with rare exception. Marriage recognizes that special relationship, whether by evolution or creation, and encourages a stable family unit.

Gay marriages mimic heterosexual marriages in part, there's no expectation of procreation, so no, it is not equal. Hating those facts and lashing out at them doesn't change them. I do believe we are too far down the relativistic trail these days and think government needs to totally get out of the marriage business. Marry your battery operated pal if you want.

Your description of marriage is historically flawed.
Marriage in biblical times was an ownership contract. The father in essence sold the daughter into marriage. The woman was chattel. She was a resource to both men.
Marriage was a transfer of property.
Pretty warm and fuzzy, huh?
You bear false witness with this libel and have the nerve to invoke God?

"This week, a group of desperate Christians announced their intention to fast for 40 days and 40 nights in the name of hate. It’s basically the same idea that a religious bigot in Utah attempted back in January."

Prostitutes and tax collectors will see the Kingdom of heaven before you do.

And this would be an example of an American freely exhibiting his ignorance and hate.

Actually, it is an example of an American exercising his right right to freedom of speech and religion, which explains why you are confused.

The two are not mutually exclusive.
My goodness, the gay left is offended about the 1st Amendment right of citizens to make a political statement with a hunger strike. What's the solution? Use a drone plane to purge the dreaded Christians from the landscape? We know it's in the minds of the hate filled radical left. The question is whether Obama can make it a reality.

What a sincerely ignorant post.
Both sides are exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
The rest is simply childish agenda-driven partisanship that makes the right wing look intellectually impoverished.
Really stupid stuff.
Your description of marriage is historically flawed.
Marriage in biblical times was an ownership contract. The father in essence sold the daughter into marriage. The woman was chattel. She was a resource to both men.
Marriage was a transfer of property.
Pretty warm and fuzzy, huh?
So everyone on Earth was a Hebrew? I call bull. Yes, in their culture that's the way it was but not always. I never heard of a daughter being sold to a woman for marriage though.
Except that doesn't make them unequal.

Why do people complain about it anyway? It's like those people who are terrified and offended at the idea of interacial sex. Why?!! By the Gods, what the Hell is wrong with you! Or they "stand up against" the more supposedly controversial things like bisexuality. Group sex. Threesomes. BDSM. F***ing machines. Strapons/ vibrators. Pegging. Polygamous relationships. Ritual sex. Or anal intercourse! All very enjoyable might I add. And not a single thing wrong with any of them, and all can be just as exciting and pleasurable as any strictly heterosexual, monogamous relationship. Some would say even more exciting.

But these intolerant people!

Whether they are racist, homophobic, afraid of pushing their sexual barriers, or blowing the bible out of proportion, they would rather spread their hate like the weaklings they have become. They possess this mix of confusion, ignorance, paranoia, disgust, jealousy, and indoctrination that prevents them from accepting the truth that they are wrong.

"And Ashtara said, "Let there be sexual Chaos." And there was sexual Chaos. And the eyes of the people were opened and they all ventured out to experience the forbidden adult only pleasures of consentual abomination sex, discovering how wrong they had previously been."

If only.
Your vibrator must be stuck on full auto. We were discussing the legal definition of marriage, not your bigotry masked as tolerance. Mankind has had marriage as far back as recorded history, between men and women. For people lost in moral relativity it's unexplainable but those of us not brainwashed with post modern political correctness we know why. The two genders are how mankind procreates, and almost everything else too with rare exception. Marriage recognizes that special relationship, whether by evolution or creation, and encourages a stable family unit.

Gay marriages mimic heterosexual marriages in part, there's no expectation of procreation, so no, it is not equal. Hating those facts and lashing out at them doesn't change them. I do believe we are too far down the relativistic trail these days and think government needs to totally get out of the marriage business. Marry your battery operated pal if you want.

Your description of marriage is historically flawed.
Marriage in biblical times was an ownership contract. The father in essence sold the daughter into marriage. The woman was chattel. She was a resource to both men.
Marriage was a transfer of property.
Pretty warm and fuzzy, huh?

Which part was 'historically flawed'? Below are the only two statements made in the post regarding marriage and its history. You merely added addtional information regarding marriage in biblical times, you didn't correct anything that was said. Your observation also made no distinct point to refute anything. Your posts are nothing but lies, you really should try to step up your game, it sucks.

Mankind has had marriage as far back as recorded history, between men and women.


The two genders are how mankind procreates, and almost everything else too with rare exception. Marriage recognizes that special relationship, whether by evolution or creation, and encourages a stable family unit.
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We were discussing the legal definition of marriage, not your bigotry masked as tolerance.

You might be right. I would rather see all of mankind permanently eradicated from this beautiful planet, considering what we've done to it. Since that is not within my current power I have chosen to peacefully tolerate everybody equally and bury the desire to see you all crucified. There is no emotion, there is peace!


Mankind has had marriage as far back as recorded history, between men and women. For people lost in moral relativity it's unexplainable but those of us not brainwashed with post modern political correctness we know why. The two genders are how mankind procreates, and almost everything else too with rare exception. Marriage recognizes that special relationship, whether by evolution or creation, and encourages a stable family unit.

Tradition. Indoctrination. Are you sure you aren't the brainwashed one? Perhaps you like being told how to f**k. I don't. If your single objective in sex is procreation than you are worthy of my pity.

Gay marriages mimic heterosexual marriages in part, there's no expectation of procreation, so no, it is not equal. Hating those facts and lashing out at them doesn't change them. I do believe we are too far down the relativistic trail these days and think government needs to totally get out of the marriage business.

There are other factors to consider, besides procreation, before concluding whether heterosexual or homosexual marriages are "equal". It will always remain an opinion. Only that. You are entitled to your opinion but I'm not sure why people sharing your opinion would go out of their way to prevent other people from pursuing a marriage of happiness, love, and pleasure with people of the same sex. It's their life. Why does it concern you?

Marry your battery operated pal if you want.
You sound like you need a good pegging :)
Your vibrator must be stuck on full auto. We were discussing the legal definition of marriage, not your bigotry masked as tolerance. Mankind has had marriage as far back as recorded history, between men and women. For people lost in moral relativity it's unexplainable but those of us not brainwashed with post modern political correctness we know why. The two genders are how mankind procreates, and almost everything else too with rare exception. Marriage recognizes that special relationship, whether by evolution or creation, and encourages a stable family unit.

Gay marriages mimic heterosexual marriages in part, there's no expectation of procreation, so no, it is not equal. Hating those facts and lashing out at them doesn't change them. I do believe we are too far down the relativistic trail these days and think government needs to totally get out of the marriage business. Marry your battery operated pal if you want.

Your description of marriage is historically flawed.
Marriage in biblical times was an ownership contract. The father in essence sold the daughter into marriage. The woman was chattel. She was a resource to both men.
Marriage was a transfer of property.
Pretty warm and fuzzy, huh?

Which part was 'historically flawed'? Below are the only two statements made in the post regarding marriage and its history. You merely added addtional information regarding marriage in biblical times, you didn't correct anything that was said. Your posts are nothing but lies, you really should try to step up your game, it sucks.

Mankind has had marriage as far back as recorded history, between men and women.


The two genders are how mankind procreates, and almost everything else too with rare exception. Marriage recognizes that special relationship, whether by evolution or creation, and encourages a stable family unit.

That "special relationship" was having a fully owned slave that stabilized the family through an enforced servitude that provided a domestic labor force.
Some Christians still long for these 'good old days'.
Should a Woman Work or Stay Home with Children? - Probe Ministries
You might be right. I would rather see all of mankind permanently eradicated from this beautiful planet, considering what we've done to it. Since that is not within my current power I have chosen to peacefully tolerate everybody equally and bury the desire to see you all crucified. There is no emotion, there is peace!
Crucifixion was cruel so obviously it would only be done to fulfill an emotional need. Climb down off your perch, you need to socialize a bit more.

Tradition. Indoctrination. Are you sure you aren't the brainwashed one? Perhaps you like being told how to f**k. I don't. If your single objective in sex is procreation than you are worthy of my pity.

There are other factors to consider, besides procreation, before concluding whether heterosexual or homosexual marriages are "equal". It will always remain an opinion. Only that. You are entitled to your opinion but I'm not sure why people sharing your opinion would go out of their way to prevent other people from pursuing a marriage of happiness, love, and pleasure with people of the same sex. It's their life. Why does it concern you?
We were discussing the legal definition of marriage and all you want to talk about is sex acts. You can't distinguish between the two? Do you believe two brothers should be allowed to marry? Or a man and a two women? If not, why not? You can't base it on tradition since you have no use for tradition, correct? If the answer is no, you are being hypocritical, If yes, then anything goes and it's time for government to step out.
Your description of marriage is historically flawed.
Marriage in biblical times was an ownership contract. The father in essence sold the daughter into marriage. The woman was chattel. She was a resource to both men.
Marriage was a transfer of property.
Pretty warm and fuzzy, huh?
So everyone on Earth was a Hebrew? I call bull. Yes, in their culture that's the way it was but not always. I never heard of a daughter being sold to a woman for marriage though.

So you are standing up for the cause and relative righteousness of heterosexual misogyny.
This was the standard for marriage all across the globe.

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