Fat Boy Proved He Could Hit Guam

Because you say so, and you're a hypocritical phony.

Um, no. YOu see, here's the thing.

Saddam gave up his nukes. We murdered him.
Qadafi gave up his nukes. We murdered him.
The Iranians didn't give up their nukes. They are still in power.
Kim didn't give up his nukes. He's still in power.

Now, really, what compelling reason is there for the guy to give up his nukes?
Republicans won a majority of states, countries, governorships, and lost 1000 seats in both houses since that disaster Hussien Obama took office.

And have done absolutely nothing of note with all this power beyond failing to repeal Obamacare 60+ times. Conservatives simply don't know how to govern. They don't even know what their own policy does. They just lie about it and hope no one notices.
So you like to pay double or triple for the same health insurance you got before the disaster called Obamacare. He is trying to help Americans by changing it. Yes, Trump did give the republican establishment a bloody nose because he wasn't their handpicked candidate. So now they're giving him a hard time. Big deal. Check the results, the economy is doing extremely well, and unemployment is down. Americans vote with their pocket books.
Premiums overall have grown more slowly since the passage of the ACA. And the only plans to which you could possible be referring are those offered in State exchanges, and even that only happened in a few States. And, contrary to your bullshit, those plans and exchanges did not exist before the ACA. Step outside the wingnut bubble, get some fresh air.
Another dumbass that is totally out of touch! The ACA and its results were another nail in the coffin of the Hillary campaign.
Because you say so, and you're a hypocritical phony.

Um, no. YOu see, here's the thing.

Saddam gave up his nukes. We murdered him.
Qadafi gave up his nukes. We murdered him.
The Iranians didn't give up their nukes. They are still in power.
Kim didn't give up his nukes. He's still in power.

Now, really, what compelling reason is there for the guy to give up his nukes?
You are right about Gadaffi and wrong about Iraq, remember it was your Hussien Obama and Hillary Clinton that brought about the fall of Gadaffi which has caused Libya to become a terrorist haven. Great move by Huusein, Hillary and co.!

Sadam did try to develop nukes but the reactor was destroyed by Israel, the. The moron invaded Kuwait and the rest is history.
You seem confused and mentally ill, why don't you get out of your mom's basement and find out who is currently the president?

No confusion at all. Trump isn't a "president" any more than he's a "billionaire". He has been a fraud his whole life.... and people like you keep falling for it.

Thankfully, the Generals have taken over the country in a bloodless coup.
Trump isn't president? Ha ha ha! Then please tell us WHO is? And how did you get access to the Internet at the asylum?
Another dumbass that is totally out of touch! The ACA and its results were another nail in the coffin of the Hillary campaign.

the on that won by 3 million votes and got the third highest vote total in American history?

Trump isn't president? Ha ha ha! Then please tell us WHO is? And how did you get access to the Internet at the asylum?

Nobody respects Trump as President, not even his own party. Deal with it.
The majority (60%) of American's didn't vote at all. 20% of the nation voted for Clinton, that's not even close to half. Ya'll need to stop fooling yourselves, it only leads to your disappointment (and mental breakdowns apparently.)
You are right about Gadaffi and wrong about Iraq, remember it was your Hussien Obama and Hillary Clinton that brought about the fall of Gadaffi which has caused Libya to become a terrorist haven. Great move by Huusein, Hillary and co.!

Sadam did try to develop nukes but the reactor was destroyed by Israel, the. The moron invaded Kuwait and the rest is history.

Well, no, guy, Saddam gave up his nuke program in 1991. We kept insisting we had one until he was invaded on a lie by Bush.

So that was the point. You give up your nukes, you die.
You keep your nukes, nobody fucks with you.

Sounds like a good reason to keep your nukes.
The majority (60%) of American's didn't vote at all. 20% of the nation voted for Clinton, that's not even close to half. Ya'll need to stop fooling yourselves, it only leads to your disappointment (and mental breakdowns apparently.)


Hillary won the vote. Trump is a fraud.

Are you slow? The link is mathematics. Maybe your mom can help you with it...
Are you slow? The link is mathematics. Maybe your mom can help you with it...

except you never did prove that 60% didn't vote, unless you are counting children and aliens who can't vote.

Here. let me help you out.

Estimates show more than 58 percent of eligible voters went to the polls during the 2016 election, nearly breaking even with the turnout rate set during the last presidential election in 2012, even as the final tallies in states like California continue to be calculated, according to statistics collected by the U.S.

What does voter turnout tell us about the 2016 election?
Another dumbass that is totally out of touch! The ACA and its results were another nail in the coffin of the Hillary campaign.

the on that won by 3 million votes and got the third highest vote total in American history?

Trump isn't president? Ha ha ha! Then please tell us WHO is? And how did you get access to the Internet at the asylum?

Nobody respects Trump as President, not even his own party. Deal with it.
Blah blah blah...Trump won the presidency and humiliated the Democratic Party. He turned states that had not voted red in decades. Hillary got more votes in two to three states that were going to vote for her anyway. Big deal, those two states do not speak for the rest of the 48 and especially the majority of states that voted for Trump.

Now say this out loud a few times daily to help you get over your derangement syndrome: "president Trump". :lmao:
You are right about Gadaffi and wrong about Iraq, remember it was your Hussien Obama and Hillary Clinton that brought about the fall of Gadaffi which has caused Libya to become a terrorist haven. Great move by Huusein, Hillary and co.!

Sadam did try to develop nukes but the reactor was destroyed by Israel, the. The moron invaded Kuwait and the rest is history.

Well, no, guy, Saddam gave up his nuke program in 1991. We kept insisting we had one until he was invaded on a lie by Bush.

So that was the point. You give up your nukes, you die.
You keep your nukes, nobody fucks with you.

Sounds like a good reason to keep your nukes.
Idiot must have definitely failed in history. Sadam had no nukes to give up, the Israelis destroyed their reactor. Years later Israel was thanked when Sadam invaded Kuwait and Bush senior and allies had to repel him.

So tell us again why did Hussein Obama and Hi-liary remove Gadaffi who had given up his nukes, turning Libya into an Islamic terrorist cesspool?
Are you slow? The link is mathematics. Maybe your mom can help you with it...

except you never did prove that 60% didn't vote, unless you are counting children and aliens who can't vote.

Here. let me help you out.

Estimates show more than 58 percent of eligible voters went to the polls during the 2016 election, nearly breaking even with the turnout rate set during the last presidential election in 2012, even as the final tallies in states like California continue to be calculated, according to statistics collected by the U.S.

What does voter turnout tell us about the 2016 election?
The majority (60%) of American's didn't vote at all. 20% of the nation voted for Clinton, that's not even close to half. Ya'll need to stop fooling yourselves, it only leads to your disappointment (and mental breakdowns apparently.)

Yes, looking at actual votes cast tells a lot about what is really going on. Something very similar to this occurred when a bunch of sexual deviant 'activists' harassed and Mau-Maued psychiatrists and their APA for three years trying to force them into taking homosexuality off the mental disorders classification list; after finally forcing a vote, some 5,800 voted for changing it, 3,800 against, and 11,000 APA members didn't vote at all. Yet to this day the liars and propagandists still claim the classification was changed for 'scientific reasons' ... Of course the vote split shows it certainly wasn't science that had anything to do with it, just a bunch of weak, unprincipled 'professionals' who let a bunch of obnoxious gimps from outside the profession decide their policy for them so they wouldn't lose money.
I think you give them too much credit.

These are the same guys who went behind our backs to work out an arms-for-hostages deal with Iran, so nothing is out of the realm of possibility with these people.

The thing is, I really don't have a problem with Trump's position on the Ukraine. The Ukraine deposed a validly elected president and the people who had put him in had every reason to decide, "Meh, we'd rather be part of Russia".

But don't you think it's suspicious that it wasn't until the RNC in 2016 that the policy change was made to the GOP's platform?

If the Russians bought and paid Trump or anyone else for that position, then, yeah, that's a big deal.

Kinda looks like they did...
No evidence of Russian collusion or even Russian effect on US elections.

Bullshit, of course. We now know that a Paul Ryan-linked Super PAC was caught using hacked data from Russians to spread propaganda in several Congressional elections. We also know that Russians paid about $100K for Facebook ads targeting, among other people, Bernie supporters, "Jew haters", and others to sway them with bullshit propaganda in order to sway them to Trump. He only won by about 100,000 votes between WI, MI, and PA...millions of people live in those states. So even if 1% of the people in those states were swayed by Russian/GOP propaganda, that is enough to tip the scales. We also know that Paul Manafort was being wiretapped by the FBI while he was Trump's campaign manager because he was, in the FBI's own words, "a Russian operative".

So this post of yours is just denial.
Like I said the played to win and he not only won, he humiliated the left and the media.

Did he win, though? Seems like he couldn't without an assist from his friends in Russia. We already know one of his campaign managers was under surveillance when he was running because Manafort was, in the FBI's own words, "a Russian operative".

So what does it say about your guy when the one running his campaign is identified by our own domestic law enforcement agencies as a foreign operative? It says that Trump's a foreign agent and that foreign powers sought to put him in power. That's why the GOP changed their platform that summer to be more Russia-friendly. Obviously, they were in cahoots.

Two states with overwhelming populations of legal and illegal voters doesn't get to dictate the presidency to the rest of the country. That's the beauty of the system.

LOL! Talk about proof! Where's the proof of this? Because the only people who think this is true are Kobach and Trump. Two whose egos are so broad, they simply cannot accept the fact they're not as popular as they think.

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