Fat Boy Proved He Could Hit Guam

According to some dems Kim does not have to actually hit Guam. Merely come close and Guam will capsize. That is about how much thought they put into things.

I do have to ask, what in the hell is wrong with the world. What good does China get out of Kim acting like this? What does Russia? Isn't it time that the UN actually joins together to stop egomaniacs like Kim? How many of his people have to die? Maybe it is the end times.
According to some dems Kim does not have to actually hit Guam. Merely come close and Guam will capsize. That is about how much thought they put into things.

I do have to ask, what in the hell is wrong with the world. What good does China get out of Kim acting like this? What does Russia? Isn't it time that the UN actually joins together to stop egomaniacs like Kim? How many of his people have to die? Maybe it is the end times.

The problem is, any action against Kim will kill hundreds of thousands of people for absolutely no good reason. That's why he acts out the way he does. Then the world gives him an aid package and he's quiet for a few years.

again, obviously they didn't know how to effectively handle him, that is truly why were are in the position we are in.

Except we really aren't in any position, other than the one the Orange Shitgibbon is creating trying to act tough.
Your Obama was a ball-less, clueless puppet of Soros types, that were using him and other Democratic leaders to chart the demise and destruction of this country.

Funny, what I remember is that when Obama took office, unemployment was at 10%, the stock market had crashed and we were emeshed in a pointless war in Iraq.

When he left office, we were at 4% unemployment, the stock market was over 20K and we were out of Iraq.

You have a funny idea of "demise".

I think you need to count your chickens when the eggs are hatched. Which means, when it comes to actual prosecutable evidence, the "Russia investigation" (Democratic hissy-fit due to election results) have yielded JACKSHIT.

Again, it's not the scandal that gets you into trouble, it's the coverup.

Do you really think Flynn and Manafort are going to go to prison for Trump? Or do you think they are going to cut deals?
Hey, things were so great under Obama that his so called incumbent was rejected! :cuckoo:

Please don't let me stop you from jerking yourself off to your fantasies.
Of course you are in love with anyone anti-American, no surprise.

again, Obama and Bush knew how to handle the tinpots in NK effectively. Trump seems determined to get us into a war.
What a fucking dumbass. We are where we are because 25 years of successive administrations have failed to deal with the N Korea problem.
Republicans won a majority of states, countries, governorships, and lost 1000 seats in both houses since that disaster Hussien Obama took office.

And have done absolutely nothing of note with all this power beyond failing to repeal Obamacare 60+ times. Conservatives simply don't know how to govern. They don't even know what their own policy does. They just lie about it and hope no one notices.
So you like to pay double or triple for the same health insurance you got before the disaster called Obamacare. He is trying to help Americans by changing it. Yes, Trump did give the republican establishment a bloody nose because he wasn't their handpicked candidate. So now they're giving him a hard time. Big deal. Check the results, the economy is doing extremely well, and unemployment is down. Americans vote with their pocket books.
Premiums overall have grown more slowly since the passage of the ACA. And the only plans to which you could possible be referring are those offered in State exchanges, and even that only happened in a few States. And, contrary to your bullshit, those plans and exchanges did not exist before the ACA. Step outside the wingnut bubble, get some fresh air.
According to some dems Kim does not have to actually hit Guam. Merely come close and Guam will capsize. That is about how much thought they put into things.

I do have to ask, what in the hell is wrong with the world. What good does China get out of Kim acting like this? What does Russia? Isn't it time that the UN actually joins together to stop egomaniacs like Kim? How many of his people have to die? Maybe it is the end times.
"What good does China get out of Kim acting like this? What does Russia? "

You are not asking the correct question. Both China and Russia have condemned his behavior. The correct question to ask is, "What do they get out of maintaining the existence of the North Korean state amd its regime?" The answer to that is simple and straightforward: a geographic and political buffer to Western armies and Western interests.
According to some dems Kim does not have to actually hit Guam. Merely come close and Guam will capsize. That is about how much thought they put into things.

I do have to ask, what in the hell is wrong with the world. What good does China get out of Kim acting like this? What does Russia? Isn't it time that the UN actually joins together to stop egomaniacs like Kim? How many of his people have to die? Maybe it is the end times.
"What good does China get out of Kim acting like this? What does Russia? "

You are not asking the correct question. Both China and Russia have condemned his behavior. The correct question to ask is, "What do they get out of maintaining the existence of the North Korean state amd its regime?" The answer to that is simple and straightforward: a geographic and political buffer to Western armies and Western interests.
Do they really need NK for a buffer? Really? And yes they say one thing and do another. It is what they do that matters and they are supporting NK and Iran. Both trouble makers.
According to some dems Kim does not have to actually hit Guam. Merely come close and Guam will capsize. That is about how much thought they put into things.

I do have to ask, what in the hell is wrong with the world. What good does China get out of Kim acting like this? What does Russia? Isn't it time that the UN actually joins together to stop egomaniacs like Kim? How many of his people have to die? Maybe it is the end times.

The problem is, any action against Kim will kill hundreds of thousands of people for absolutely no good reason. That's why he acts out the way he does. Then the world gives him an aid package and he's quiet for a few years.

again, obviously they didn't know how to effectively handle him, that is truly why were are in the position we are in.

Except we really aren't in any position, other than the one the Orange Shitgibbon is creating trying to act tough.
Without Russia and China joining in with the answer, there is no answer.
According to some dems Kim does not have to actually hit Guam. Merely come close and Guam will capsize. That is about how much thought they put into things.

I do have to ask, what in the hell is wrong with the world. What good does China get out of Kim acting like this? What does Russia? Isn't it time that the UN actually joins together to stop egomaniacs like Kim? How many of his people have to die? Maybe it is the end times.
"What good does China get out of Kim acting like this? What does Russia? "

You are not asking the correct question. Both China and Russia have condemned his behavior. The correct question to ask is, "What do they get out of maintaining the existence of the North Korean state amd its regime?" The answer to that is simple and straightforward: a geographic and political buffer to Western armies and Western interests.
Do they really need NK for a buffer? Really? And yes they say one thing and do another. It is what they do that matters and they are supporting NK and Iran. Both trouble makers.
Whether or not they need the buffer is up for debate , I suppose. Whether or not they PERCEIVE that they need the buffer is a fact already settled by history, and is not up for debate.
Hey, things were so great under Obama that his so called incumbent was rejected!

right. She got 3 million more votes, but she was rejected... got it.

Hey, maybe if I got 3 million more dollars, I'd be impoverished.

You seem confused and mentally ill, why don't you get out of your mom's basement and find out who is currently the president? :cuckoo:
Of course you are in love with anyone anti-American, no surprise.

again, Obama and Bush knew how to handle the tinpots in NK effectively. Trump seems determined to get us into a war.
again, obviously they didn't know how to effectively handle him, that is truly why were are in the position we are in.

Previous Prezs just kept kicking the can down the road, and now the little gimp has nukes; same with Iran, and these idiots think loons with nukes is a recipe for 'peace' or something. 8 years of an American hating Prez and a deliberate sabotaging of our foreign policy and aiding these psycho vermin has generated serious problems that can't be resolved peacefully.
You seem confused and mentally ill, why don't you get out of your mom's basement and find out who is currently the president?

No confusion at all. Trump isn't a "president" any more than he's a "billionaire". He has been a fraud his whole life.... and people like you keep falling for it.

Thankfully, the Generals have taken over the country in a bloodless coup.
Previous Prezs just kept kicking the can down the road, and now the little gimp has nukes; same with Iran, and these idiots think loons with nukes is a recipe for 'peace' or something. 8 years of an American hating Prez and a deliberate sabotaging of our foreign policy and aiding these psycho vermin has generated serious problems that can't be resolved peacefully.

Guy, since only one country has ever used nukes on people, we really don't have a moral ground telling other countries they can't have them.

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