Fat Boy Proved He Could Hit Guam

Republicans won a majority of states, countries, governorships, and lost 1000 seats in both houses since that disaster Hussien Obama took office.

And have done absolutely nothing of note with all this power beyond failing to repeal Obamacare 60+ times. Conservatives simply don't know how to govern. They don't even know what their own policy does. They just lie about it and hope no one notices.
So you like to pay double or triple for the same health insurance you got before the disaster called Obamacare. He is trying to help Americans by changing it. Yes, Trump did give the republican establishment a bloody nose because he wasn't their handpicked candidate. So now they're giving him a hard time. Big deal. Check the results, the economy is doing extremely well, and unemployment is down. Americans vote with their pocket books.
No evidence of Russian collusion or even Russian effect on US elections. There is however overwhelming evidence of media corruption and collusion with the Hillary campaign.

Yet Trump's cronies are the ones getting indicted.
Not even one has been indicted despite all the hair pulling by Democrats. The Russia thing is a big nothing burger for jerkoffs like you who are having trouble getting over the election results. You are aware of what is happening to Wasserman-Shultz's employees, one of them just got arrested trying to run away. The crookedness and corruption of the Democratic leadership is astounding.
The only strategy that is best is China takes over.

The only thing after that is a war that must make shock and awe look like a picnic. NK military will not pee their pants unless a superior orders them to. You have to take out all of the leadership in the first hour or tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of South Koreans will die.

Or we could just stop rattling the sabers... that would work, too.

Look, there are no good military options here. So we are probably stuck doing what we've been doing with the Norks for decades... paying them off in aid packages.

Tell me again who gives a crap about what 5 counties in KKKalifornia think?

Probably everyone who is threatened with nukes right now because you guys in Jesusland elected a clown.

God you are an idiot.
Doing nothing is exactly the reason he has the military he has. (Iran also)
The last half dozen Presidents did nothing while North Korea went from an annoying tin can tumbling down the road to a 55 gallon barrel of iron capable and willing to murder a few million people to prove a point.
But let's continue to do nothing and look the other way...pretty soon they will have full nuclear capability and that unholy of days comes when the fat kid successfully implements an EMP.
Not even one has been indicted despite all the hair pulling by Democrats. The Russia thing is a big nothing burger for jerkoffs like you who are having trouble getting over the election results. You are aware of what is happening to Wasserman-Shultz's employees, one of them just got arrested trying to run away. The crookedness and corruption of the Democratic leadership is astounding.

Actually, Flynn and Manafort are going to be indicted if they haven't been already.

And it's only a matter of time before they flip on Trump.
God you are an idiot.
Doing nothing is exactly the reason he has the military he has. (Iran also)
The last half dozen Presidents did nothing while North Korea went from an annoying tin can tumbling down the road to a 55 gallon barrel of iron capable and willing to murder a few million people to prove a point.
But let's continue to do nothing and look the other way...pretty soon they will have full nuclear capability and that unholy of days comes when the fat kid successfully implements an EMP.

Yawn, guy, when you stop peeing yourself, let me know.
God you are an idiot.
Doing nothing is exactly the reason he has the military he has. (Iran also)
The last half dozen Presidents did nothing while North Korea went from an annoying tin can tumbling down the road to a 55 gallon barrel of iron capable and willing to murder a few million people to prove a point.
But let's continue to do nothing and look the other way...pretty soon they will have full nuclear capability and that unholy of days comes when the fat kid successfully implements an EMP.

Yawn, guy, when you stop peeing yourself, let me know.

Your a parrot.
If Obama said the exact same words you would be defending him all day.
You are nothing more than a string puppet with no ability to think for yourself.
Maybe someday when you leave your parents basement, you will grow up.
Not even one has been indicted despite all the hair pulling by Democrats. The Russia thing is a big nothing burger for jerkoffs like you who are having trouble getting over the election results. You are aware of what is happening to Wasserman-Shultz's employees, one of them just got arrested trying to run away. The crookedness and corruption of the Democratic leadership is astounding.

Actually, Flynn and Manafort are going to be indicted if they haven't been already.

And it's only a matter of time before they flip on Trump.
Yes, go ahead and jerkoff to that fantasy five times a day. :rofl:
Nah...Trump went against the republican establishment, the Democrat party, the crooked shameless media that is still bashing him non stop, the sitting president and elements inside the govt and CIA, and he STILL won. What he did was Herculean acheivement that will go down in history as one of the greatest election upsets.

You morons still believe all those fake conducted polls about how great and popular Obama was, when in reality people were truly disgusted with him and he was probably one of the worst presidents we have ever had. That is why Trump won.
Haha...when the facts don't align with your superstitions, they are lies. Every time.
What "facts" are those? Democrats and the media are shameless liars, the public has already figured that out. Nothing they say is going to make a difference from here on. They've shown their true colors.
You are one obsessed freak. "lef/right".... you know, you have adopted these monolithic terms because you are lazy minded.
Your a parrot.
If Obama said the exact same words you would be defending him all day.
You are nothing more than a string puppet with no ability to think for yourself.
Maybe someday when you leave your parents basement, you will grow up.

I'm not aware of Obama using undiplomatic language like "Rocket Man" and threatening to annihilate North Korea.

I'm not aware of Obama's chief of staff doing a facepalm during his speeches, either.

Yes, go ahead and jerkoff to that fantasy five times a day.

Do you really think Manafort is going to prison for Trump like Poindexter did for Reagan or Susan McDougal did for Clinton.
Nah...Trump went against the republican establishment, the Democrat party, the crooked shameless media that is still bashing him non stop, the sitting president and elements inside the govt and CIA, and he STILL won. What he did was Herculean acheivement that will go down in history as one of the greatest election upsets.

You morons still believe all those fake conducted polls about how great and popular Obama was, when in reality people were truly disgusted with him and he was probably one of the worst presidents we have ever had. That is why Trump won.
Haha...when the facts don't align with your superstitions, they are lies. Every time.
What "facts" are those? Democrats and the media are shameless liars, the public has already figured that out. Nothing they say is going to make a difference from here on. They've shown their true colors.
You are one obsessed freak. "lef/right".... you know, you have adopted these monolithic terms because you are lazy minded.
Funny, a Leftwing nutjob preaching against "monolithic terms". Ya gotta love it! Ha ha ha.
Your a parrot.
If Obama said the exact same words you would be defending him all day.
You are nothing more than a string puppet with no ability to think for yourself.
Maybe someday when you leave your parents basement, you will grow up.

I'm not aware of Obama using undiplomatic language like "Rocket Man" and threatening to annihilate North Korea.

I'm not aware of Obama's chief of staff doing a facepalm during his speeches, either.

Yes, go ahead and jerkoff to that fantasy five times a day.

Do you really think Manafort is going to prison for Trump like Poindexter did for Reagan or Susan McDougal did for Clinton.
Your Obama was a ball-less, clueless puppet of Soros types, that were using him and other Democratic leaders to chart the demise and destruction of this country.

I think you need to count your chickens when the eggs are hatched. Which means, when it comes to actual prosecutable evidence, the "Russia investigation" (Democratic hissy-fit due to election results) have yielded JACKSHIT.
Your Obama was a ball-less, clueless puppet of Soros types, that were using him and other Democratic leaders to chart the demise and destruction of this country.

Funny, what I remember is that when Obama took office, unemployment was at 10%, the stock market had crashed and we were emeshed in a pointless war in Iraq.

When he left office, we were at 4% unemployment, the stock market was over 20K and we were out of Iraq.

You have a funny idea of "demise".

I think you need to count your chickens when the eggs are hatched. Which means, when it comes to actual prosecutable evidence, the "Russia investigation" (Democratic hissy-fit due to election results) have yielded JACKSHIT.

Again, it's not the scandal that gets you into trouble, it's the coverup.

Do you really think Flynn and Manafort are going to go to prison for Trump? Or do you think they are going to cut deals?
Your Obama was a ball-less, clueless puppet of Soros types, that were using him and other Democratic leaders to chart the demise and destruction of this country.

Funny, what I remember is that when Obama took office, unemployment was at 10%, the stock market had crashed and we were emeshed in a pointless war in Iraq.

When he left office, we were at 4% unemployment, the stock market was over 20K and we were out of Iraq.

You have a funny idea of "demise".

I think you need to count your chickens when the eggs are hatched. Which means, when it comes to actual prosecutable evidence, the "Russia investigation" (Democratic hissy-fit due to election results) have yielded JACKSHIT.

Again, it's not the scandal that gets you into trouble, it's the coverup.

Do you really think Flynn and Manafort are going to go to prison for Trump? Or do you think they are going to cut deals?

Good parrot....here's your treat.
Obama is a corporatist. As well as a globalist/elitist. President Reagan tried trickle down economics...Obama took it to a whole new level. Obama was the greatest friend to the elite investor crowd than any three other Presidents put together.
The $700 billion dollar tax giveaway called QE3...the data has been in for 6 years now. Elite corporations and the super wealthy got virtually 100% of that money. 100%. There were only a trinkling of dollars that went to any programs that were not to investment banks/super corporations. That is Obama. Stand in front of a crowd and tell them how much the republicans are for the rich while he himself gave more tax payer dollars to the super wealthy in history.
And little Parrot. He continued to give them between $40 billion to $70 billion per MONTH even after the fastest market growth in history. The rich got richer under Obama more than any other President in history. PERIOD. None other even comes close.
Good parrot....here's your treat.
Obama is a corporatist. As well as a globalist/elitist.

Whenever someone says "globalist" like that's a thing, I can't take them seriously. We are ten seconds from Black Helicopter territory.

We live in a global world, buddy.

The $700 billion dollar tax giveaway called QE3...the data has been in for 6 years now. Elite corporations and the super wealthy got virtually 100% of that money. 100%. There were only a trinkling of dollars that went to any programs that were not to investment banks/super corporations. That is Obama. Stand in front of a crowd and tell them how much the republicans are for the rich while he himself gave more tax payer dollars to the super wealthy in history.

Except- again, the economy got better. I'm sorry you don't want to admit this. Now, is wealth disparity a thing? Um, yeah. We probably need to address that. But we won't do it with an orange shitgibbon in charge.
Good parrot....here's your treat.
Obama is a corporatist. As well as a globalist/elitist.

Whenever someone says "globalist" like that's a thing, I can't take them seriously. We are ten seconds from Black Helicopter territory.

We live in a global world, buddy.

The $700 billion dollar tax giveaway called QE3...the data has been in for 6 years now. Elite corporations and the super wealthy got virtually 100% of that money. 100%. There were only a trinkling of dollars that went to any programs that were not to investment banks/super corporations. That is Obama. Stand in front of a crowd and tell them how much the republicans are for the rich while he himself gave more tax payer dollars to the super wealthy in history.

Except- again, the economy got better. I'm sorry you don't want to admit this. Now, is wealth disparity a thing? Um, yeah. We probably need to address that. But we won't do it with an orange shitgibbon in charge.

There you go again. Ignoring the elephant to point out the flea.
I say again - the rich got richer under Obama than any other President in history. And that wealth building was a DIRECT RESULT of Obama's administrations policies.
And again, you ignore the fact that Obama gave 100% of the $700 BILLION QE3 to the wealthiest corporations in the world. Not us. Nary a penny.
Your kind are what is worst in America. The willful ignorant.
And BTW - by globalist, I mean Obama's administration KNOWINGLY gave US taxpayer dollars to corporations that used our money to invest in overseas manufacturing that only helped the economies of those countries.
There you go again. Ignoring the elephant to point out the flea.
I say again - the rich got richer under Obama than any other President in history. And that wealth building was a DIRECT RESULT of Obama's administrations policies.

Really? The thing is, you can say that about any president, guy. Ho-hum, maybe you need to take this to the conspiracy forum.
There you go again. Ignoring the elephant to point out the flea.
I say again - the rich got richer under Obama than any other President in history. And that wealth building was a DIRECT RESULT of Obama's administrations policies.

Really? The thing is, you can say that about any president, guy. Ho-hum, maybe you need to take this to the conspiracy forum.

No you can't.
Obama was Bush II when it came to economics. But there is a difference between the two.
Bush was AWOL. He let the vipers and wolves do whatever they wanted. He ignored the problems for the most part. Obama knew what was happening. He knowingly gave the store away to the super rich. And had the gall to stand in front of podiums and tell everyone it is the Republicans that are for the rich.
I was bitterly disappointed in Obama.
And then the last election....holy shit. The Democrats allowed the corrupt political machine push out the one candidate that truly represented their ideals and instead elected a viper to run for President. One of the most elitist washington insiders there is. I still can't believe Bernie lost to the likes of Hillary.

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