Fat Boy Proved He Could Hit Guam

Trump went to Wharton which is the no. 1 business school in the country if not the world, ahead of Harvard and Stanford. Then he went on to build a real estate empire hiring tens of thousands of people. he is far more qualified to run this country than most presidents and especially that radical Leftie fuckup Obama.

Right. Besides the fact that he was a rich kid who had everything handed to him, I don't think anyone can listen to him talk and say, "What a smart guy".

Look, you guys fucked up. Admit it and let's do something about it before someone gets killed, okay?
Trump went to Wharton which is the no. 1 business school in the country if not the world, ahead of Harvard and Stanford. Then he went on to build a real estate empire hiring tens of thousands of people. he is far more qualified to run this country than most presidents and especially that radical Leftie fuckup Obama.

Right. Besides the fact that he was a rich kid who had everything handed to him, I don't think anyone can listen to him talk and say, "What a smart guy".

Look, you guys fucked up. Admit it and let's do something about it before someone gets killed, okay?

Yeah whatever you say. A man's ho comes from nowhere, with no political history who beats 17 opponents, many of them well known governors with name brands in a vicious primary, then wins an election against an "incumbent" who is an ex president's wife, the entire crooked media spreading fake news against him, and the sitting president and the govt. secretly spying and working against him...is not "smart". Ha ha ha. Sure.
Yeah whatever you say. A man's ho comes from nowhere, with no political history who beats 17 opponents, many of them well known governors with name brands in a vicious primary, then wins an election against an "incumbent" who is an ex president's wife, the entire crooked media spreading fake news against him, and the sitting president and the govt. secretly spying and working against him...is not "smart". Ha ha ha. Sure.

No, he's a sign of a broken system that equates "celebrity" with "merit". Saying Trump is smart because he "won" is like saying Hitler was smart because he "won".

Here's the thing. If most of the Republican and Democratic parties thought electing this guy was a bad idea, and a majority of Americans actually DID vote against him, it probably was a bad idea.

Now, there is a concern that I have that Americans have given up on Democracy and politics... not only in the "election" (not really) of Trump, but of the Near Miss that was Commie Bernie Sanders.

That is when (not if) Trump fails, someone like Bernie will pop up on the horizon and we will have just as big a mess on the other side, because people have given up on politics and compromise.
Nah...Trump went against the republican establishment, the Democrat party, the crooked shameless media that is still bashing him non stop, the sitting president and elements inside the govt and CIA, and he STILL won. What he did was Herculean acheivement that will go down in history as one of the greatest election upsets.

You morons still believe all those fake conducted polls about how great and popular Obama was, when in reality people were truly disgusted with him and he was probably one of the worst presidents we have ever had. That is why Trump won.
Nah...Trump went against the republican establishment, the Democrat party, the crooked shameless media that is still bashing him non stop, the sitting president and elements inside the govt and CIA, and he STILL won. What he did was Herculean acheivement that will go down in history as one of the greatest election upsets.

You morons still believe all those fake conducted polls about how great and popular Obama was, when in reality people were truly disgusted with him and he was probably one of the worst presidents we have ever had. That is why Trump won.
Haha...when the facts don't align with your superstitions, they are lies. Every time.
Nah...Trump went against the republican establishment, the Democrat party, the crooked shameless media that is still bashing him non stop, the sitting president and elements inside the govt and CIA, and he STILL won. What he did was Herculean acheivement that will go down in history as one of the greatest election upsets.

Um, do you know who else was against him? The 54% of Americans who voted for a candidate who wasn't him. So anything you say about how impressive his win was is wiped out by the fact - MOST PEOPLE DIDN'T WANT HIM.

Now, if he were a man of courage and integrity, he'd be reconciliatory ,like George W. Bush was when he won under similar circumstances. Sadly, not this guy. He throws out printed copies of the electoral map like a five year old
Nah...Trump went against the republican establishment, the Democrat party, the crooked shameless media that is still bashing him non stop, the sitting president and elements inside the govt and CIA, and he STILL won. What he did was Herculean acheivement that will go down in history as one of the greatest election upsets.

You morons still believe all those fake conducted polls about how great and popular Obama was, when in reality people were truly disgusted with him and he was probably one of the worst presidents we have ever had. That is why Trump won.
Haha...when the facts don't align with your superstitions, they are lies. Every time.
What "facts" are those? Democrats and the media are shameless liars, the public has already figured that out. Nothing they say is going to make a difference from here on. They've shown their true colors.
Nah...Trump went against the republican establishment, the Democrat party, the crooked shameless media that is still bashing him non stop, the sitting president and elements inside the govt and CIA, and he STILL won. What he did was Herculean acheivement that will go down in history as one of the greatest election upsets.

Um, do you know who else was against him? The 54% of Americans who voted for a candidate who wasn't him. So anything you say about how impressive his win was is wiped out by the fact - MOST PEOPLE DIDN'T WANT HIM.

Now, if he were a man of courage and integrity, he'd be reconciliatory ,like George W. Bush was when he won under similar circumstances. Sadly, not this guy. He throws out printed copies of the electoral map like a five year old
It isn't Trump that was trying to turn over the Electors, is whining about the Russians and on an impeachment "resist" march constantly insulting and attacking the president since November 9, it's Hillary, the Democrats and the fake news media!

The ELECTORAL COLLEGE is how you win elections in this country. You guys want to cry that just because you scored the most free throws that means you win the basketball game even though the opposing side had the more points, go ahead. Nobody is listening to that garbage. It's all about strategizing to win according to the rules of the game, retard!
It isn't Trump that was trying to turn over the Electors, is whining about the Russians and on an impeachment "resist" march constantly insulting and attacking the president since November 9, it's Hillary, the Democrats and the fake news media!

I'm sorry, the constitution says, We the People, not "We the Electors".

The people said no. Trump has no legitimacy.

The ELECTORAL COLLEGE is how you win elections in this country. You guys want to cry that just because you scored the most free throws that means you win the basketball game even though the opposing side had the more points, go ahead. Nobody is listening to that garbage. It's all about strategizing to win according to the rules of the game, retard!

First, comparing this to a sporting event is kind of silly. We have an election to determine the will of the people. Not to see who is best at gaming a system from the 18th century.

The People Said NO. this is why Trump can't get his agenda passed. No Republican wants to be associated with him,

and when you have your own party running on the 'I'm not Trump" platform, you do have a problem with the hole legitimacy thing.
It isn't Trump that was trying to turn over the Electors, is whining about the Russians and on an impeachment "resist" march constantly insulting and attacking the president since November 9, it's Hillary, the Democrats and the fake news media!

I'm sorry, the constitution says, We the People, not "We the Electors".

The people said no. Trump has no legitimacy.

The ELECTORAL COLLEGE is how you win elections in this country. You guys want to cry that just because you scored the most free throws that means you win the basketball game even though the opposing side had the more points, go ahead. Nobody is listening to that garbage. It's all about strategizing to win according to the rules of the game, retard!

First, comparing this to a sporting event is kind of silly. We have an election to determine the will of the people. Not to see who is best at gaming a system from the 18th century.

The People Said NO. this is why Trump can't get his agenda passed. No Republican wants to be associated with him,

and when you have your own party running on the 'I'm not Trump" platform, you do have a problem with the hole legitimacy thing.
Trump won majority of states and counties and therefore majority of electors. He turned over states that had not voted republican in decades, idiot. The "people of this country" does not constitute of only two states NY and CA that have a large amount of legal and illegal immigrants that voted Democrat. This is the reason why the electoral college was chosen, exactly for this reason, so that the rest of the country has a say, not just a few populous states dictating elections.

But go ahead and whine some more about the election results. It's always entertaining watching you morons make fools out of yourselves.
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Trump won majority of states and majority of electors.

But he didn't win a majority of the people. The people said no.

So he won on a technicality. Kind of like that one time that a ref in the Bears/Lions game declared the winning TD invalid because the runner put the ball down after making the touchdown.

I'm sorry you are incapable of comprehending this.

The only thing that is keeping Trump from being impeached by his own party is that the economy hasn't tanked yet. Once it does, he's done.
Trump won majority of states and majority of electors.

But he didn't win a majority of the people. The people said no.

So he won on a technicality. Kind of like that one time that a ref in the Bears/Lions game declared the winning TD invalid because the runner put the ball down after making the touchdown.

I'm sorry you are incapable of comprehending this.

The only thing that is keeping Trump from being impeached by his own party is that the economy hasn't tanked yet. Once it does, he's done.
Republicans won a majority of states, countries, governorships, and lost 1000 seats in both houses since that disaster Hussien Obama took office. The country has solidly turned it's back on the Democrats and the presidency was the final nail in the coffin. But please go ahead and tell us how the Democrats won, fool. Ha ha ha.
In other words they were violating their agreement all the while.

No, they were abiding by the agreement until Bush the Dumber and the Conservative Congress came in and threw all the work Clinton did out the window because Conservatives are lazy know-nothings who prefer to outsource work than actually do it themselves.
The only thing that is keeping Trump from being impeached by his own party is that the economy hasn't tanked yet. Once it does, he's done.

The GOP will never impeach Trump because the GOP relied on the same Russian collusion Trump did to win in 2016. The GOP even went so far as to change their platform -the first time they've done so in 37 years- to change their anti-Russian Ukraine policy to a pro-Russian Ukraine policy. Why would the GOP go along with that if they didn't have a vested interest in it?
Republicans won a majority of states, countries, governorships, and lost 1000 seats in both houses since that disaster Hussien Obama took office.

And have done absolutely nothing of note with all this power beyond failing to repeal Obamacare 60+ times. Conservatives simply don't know how to govern. They don't even know what their own policy does. They just lie about it and hope no one notices.
The country has solidly turned it's back on the Democrats and the presidency was the final nail in the coffin. But please go ahead and tell us how the Democrats won, fool. Ha ha ha.

3 million more people voted for Clinton than Trump. Trump won on the electoral college, and maybe didn't even win there now that we've come to find out Russia hacked the voting systems of at least 21 states, including PA, WI, and MI.
The GOP will never impeach Trump because the GOP relied on the same Russian collusion Trump did to win in 2016. The GOP even went so far as to change their platform -the first time they've done so in 37 years- to change their anti-Russian Ukraine policy to a pro-Russian Ukraine policy. Why would the GOP go along with that if they didn't have a vested interest in it?

I think you give them too much credit.

The thing is, I really don't have a problem with Trump's position on the Ukraine. The Ukraine deposed a validly elected president and the people who had put him in had every reason to decide, "Meh, we'd rather be part of Russia".

If the Russians bought and paid Trump or anyone else for that position, then, yeah, that's a big deal.
The only thing that is keeping Trump from being impeached by his own party is that the economy hasn't tanked yet. Once it does, he's done.

The GOP will never impeach Trump because the GOP relied on the same Russian collusion Trump did to win in 2016. The GOP even went so far as to change their platform -the first time they've done so in 37 years- to change their anti-Russian Ukraine policy to a pro-Russian Ukraine policy. Why would the GOP go along with that if they didn't have a vested interest in it?
No evidence of Russian collusion or even Russian effect on US elections. There is however overwhelming evidence of media corruption and collusion with the Hillary campaign.
The country has solidly turned it's back on the Democrats and the presidency was the final nail in the coffin. But please go ahead and tell us how the Democrats won, fool. Ha ha ha.

3 million more people voted for Clinton than Trump. Trump won on the electoral college, and maybe didn't even win there now that we've come to find out Russia hacked the voting systems of at least 21 states, including PA, WI, and MI.
Like I said the played to win and he not only won, he humiliated the left and the media. Two states with overwhelming populations of legal and illegal voters doesn't get to dictate the presidency to the rest of the country. That's the beauty of the system.

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