Fat Kids

Why don't you care? These people need help. They need intervention and they are ruining their kids lives and destroying any ambition these kids may have had. Addiction destroys ambition. Maybe that kid could have grown up and cured the cancer you might get if he wasn't ruined as a child.

SkullPilot, if you see your neighbor whip his dog half to death, do you care? Do you stop him by calling the cops?

Would you report it if he were beating his kid?

If you report abuse, you care.

We have different definitions of abuse.

Feeding your kids too much is NOT physical abuse.

It's a form of neglect which will affect the kid's quality of life for his remaining years.

Obese kids are far more likely to grow up into obese adults, and suffer from asthma, diabetes, and the whole host of obesity related diseases.
Put their fat little asses to work, junk restrict their PC/TV/Game time.
There are more important things to learn besides being fat. Such as respect for yourself and others. Taking pride in your work, whatever it may be.
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Very true! Food is all too often used as a babysitter. The baby will end up with constant diaper rashes from delayed diaper changings and of course the baby cries and the only way to pacify them(instead of changing the diaper and playing with them) is give them some juice. Usually something like 5% juice to boot.

Parents who can't watch their children need to set guidelines for the babysitter to follow. Maybe actually do a little research on what is healthy for children. Maybe actually talk to a pediatrician about it. You can take care of your kids even if you're not able to do it yourself.

But when you are home. You better not neglect them and give them food or treats to shut them up so you can watch tv or mess around with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Again it all stems from the selfishness of the parents.
My son hardly ever gets juice, and he probably didn't get juice until he was around one. For one it goes right through him, and I want him to have good teeth. He usually has either milk or water. I actually wish he would put on more weight. He eats all the time, and I even give him Pedisure every few days, because the kid is like Michael Phelps when it comes to burning calories. :lol:
These people just train their kids to be lazy, and just sit and eat all day. I also didn't get how people actually even get their toddler to sit and watch tv for very long. My son will watch about three minutes tops, unless he is sick, and then he is off doing something else.
My son could eat McDonalds all day long and still not get fat. When you only stop moving when you are sleeping, you tend to burn off a lot of calories. :lol:

Indeed. If only we all could have the metabolism of young boys. Sadly, life is incredibly unfair that way.

I hated my brother in high school. He would eat a whole pizza and loose five lbs, I would look at the pizza and gain 5lb. :lol: And I was pretty active. I hate boys.
I disagree. Overweighting carbs is unhealthy, and contributes to Type II diabetes. Humans are not biologically much (if any) different than prehistoric humans. Lean protein, vegetables, nuts, with a bit of fruit is much healthier (they are what our bodies were designed to use as fuel) than processed and refined carbs (which is what most people consume). White flour and white rice are not healthy staples.

Perhaps I'm not making myself clear. I'm not advocating the overweighting of carbs. Our bodies, like early humans, were designed for lots of activity. Whole grains are the staff of life and are the best thing you can put into your body as far as nutrients, vitamins and minerals and complex carbs. Such things as found in the breads made from 100% whole grain products.
A balanced diet is always best and it is best balanced by the main staple of whole grains. Wheat, barley, oats etc.
Fruits, vegetables, nuts are all designed for the further benefit of man.

But if a person is leading a sedentary lifestyle, then those carbs are not burned off as they should be and get stored as fat. We were all designed to run and walk a lot in our lives. If we're not doing those things, we're defeating the purpose of our existence.
My son could eat McDonalds all day long and still not get fat. When you only stop moving when you are sleeping, you tend to burn off a lot of calories. :lol:

Indeed. If only we all could have the metabolism of young boys. Sadly, life is incredibly unfair that way.

I hated my brother in high school. He would eat a whole pizza and loose five lbs, I would look at the pizza and gain 5lb. :lol: And I was pretty active. I hate boys.

My brother, who is now 6'4", grew 7 inches in one year during high school. One of the family jokes was that he ate PBJ sammiches and drank milk all day long, and only took breaks for meals. I stopped growing by my freshmen year - and was horrified that he could eat that much while I lived on salad.

Boys have it So Easy compared to Girls. ;)
I disagree. Overweighting carbs is unhealthy, and contributes to Type II diabetes. Humans are not biologically much (if any) different than prehistoric humans. Lean protein, vegetables, nuts, with a bit of fruit is much healthier (they are what our bodies were designed to use as fuel) than processed and refined carbs (which is what most people consume). White flour and white rice are not healthy staples.

Perhaps I'm not making myself clear. I'm not advocating the overweighting of carbs. Our bodies, like early humans, were designed for lots of activity. Whole grains are the staff of life and are the best thing you can put into your body as far as nutrients, vitamins and minerals and complex carbs. Such things as found in the breads made from 100% whole grain products.
A balanced diet is always best and it is best balanced by the main staple of whole grains. Wheat, barley, oats etc.
Fruits, vegetables, nuts are all designed for the further benefit of man.

But if a person is leading a sedentary lifestyle, then those carbs are not burned off as they should be and get stored as fat. We were all designed to run and walk a lot in our lives. If we're not doing those things, we're defeating the purpose of our existence.

Grains are not the staff of life. They are something humans added to their diets as they moved from hunter gatherer to farming lifestyles. The fossil records show that humans that lived on grains were shorter and less healthy than those who followed a diet that was more consistent with the hunter gatherer foods.

I whole heartedly agree on the need for a balanced diet - just question the role of most grains in that balance.
If a child at age 18 had 18 years of unhealty/bad eating habits, it's going to be a LONG HARD ROAD for them to overcome that.

Parents need to be taught how to buy/cook/serve healthy foods and snacks.

Many just go for the for the convenience or as a reward or because they are too lazy to cook a healthy dinner.

I see many overweight kindergarten and first/second graders in school, and it breaks my heart.

And the school lunches they serve aren't helping things either.

But, it all goes back for the PARENT being responsible for what their child eats, and when he/she moves out of the house, they can make their own choices.

My parents weren't thrilled with me becoming a vegetarian at age 14, and by 15 I was cooking many of my own meals.

Now I'm a GREAT cook and my 15 yo daughter has learned to eat healthy and enjoy healthy foods, since that's how she grew up.
She's learning how to cook now too, it's fun teaching her too!
I really don't care if people allow themselves or their kids to get fat. Ain't none of my business.

Why don't you care? These people need help. They need intervention and they are ruining their kids lives and destroying any ambition these kids may have had. Addiction destroys ambition. Maybe that kid could have grown up and cured the cancer you might get if he wasn't ruined as a child.

I don't live my life sticking my nose into the private lives of others. And when those kids are 18 they can move out, join a gym lose weight and all go on to be doctors and astronauts.

That's BS. If they make it to 18 and they can still walk on their own and have any self respect or dignity left, not to mention ambition.
You've also just proved my point. They have really no choice over the foods they are fed when they're underage. You're asking that they get ignored for 18 years and build up such a habit and then ask them to get healthy on their own. That's a terrible strategy.
If a child at age 18 had 18 years of unhealty/bad eating habits, it's going to be a LONG HARD ROAD for them to overcome that.

Parents need to be taught how to buy/cook/serve healthy foods and snacks.

Many just go for the convenience or as a reward or because they are too lazy to cook a healthy dinner.

I see many overweight kindergarten and first/second graders in school, and it breaks my heart.

And the school lunches they serve aren't helping things either.

But, it all goes back for the PARENT being responsible for what their child eats, and when he/she moves out of the house, they can make their own choices.

My parents weren't thrilled with me becoming a vegetarian at age 14, and by 15 I was cooking many of my own meals.

Now I'm a GREAT cook and my 15 yo daughter has learned to eat healthy and enjoy healthy foods, since that's how she grew up.
She's learning how to cook now too, it's fun teaching her too!

Well done. Too many kids are not being taught by their parents how to cook - which is a real shame. Being able to cook is an important self-reliance survival skill.
Why don't you care? These people need help. They need intervention and they are ruining their kids lives and destroying any ambition these kids may have had. Addiction destroys ambition. Maybe that kid could have grown up and cured the cancer you might get if he wasn't ruined as a child.

SkullPilot, if you see your neighbor whip his dog half to death, do you care? Do you stop him by calling the cops?

Would you report it if he were beating his kid?

If you report abuse, you care.

We have different definitions of abuse.

Feeding your kids too much is NOT physical abuse.

I'd probably call it more like neglect than abuse.
Indeed. If only we all could have the metabolism of young boys. Sadly, life is incredibly unfair that way.

I hated my brother in high school. He would eat a whole pizza and loose five lbs, I would look at the pizza and gain 5lb. :lol: And I was pretty active. I hate boys.

My brother, who is now 6'4", grew 7 inches in one year during high school. One of the family jokes was that he ate PBJ sammiches and drank milk all day long, and only took breaks for meals. I stopped growing by my freshmen year - and was horrified that he could eat that much while I lived on salad.

Boys have it So Easy compared to Girls. ;)
My brother only played baseball, and didn't even put too much into that. I played basketball and softball, and worked out often. I am the height I was in the 7th grade, of course I was 5'7'' by the time 7th grade started. I found this thing from 2nd grade the other day, I was 4'11 when I was eight, and I remember by the time I was in 3rd grade I was 5'3''. :lol: I ended up with stretch marks on my hips, and I remember my joints would ache. One Easter my mom had to paint the eggs, because I was having such bad growing pains in my legs.
Once I stopped growing I had to watch everything I ate, and I had to make sure when I wasn't playing sports, I was working out.
Very true! Food is all too often used as a babysitter. The baby will end up with constant diaper rashes from delayed diaper changings and of course the baby cries and the only way to pacify them(instead of changing the diaper and playing with them) is give them some juice. Usually something like 5% juice to boot.

Parents who can't watch their children need to set guidelines for the babysitter to follow. Maybe actually do a little research on what is healthy for children. Maybe actually talk to a pediatrician about it. You can take care of your kids even if you're not able to do it yourself.

But when you are home. You better not neglect them and give them food or treats to shut them up so you can watch tv or mess around with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Again it all stems from the selfishness of the parents.
My son hardly ever gets juice, and he probably didn't get juice until he was around one. For one it goes right through him, and I want him to have good teeth. He usually has either milk or water. I actually wish he would put on more weight. He eats all the time, and I even give him Pedisure every few days, because the kid is like Michael Phelps when it comes to burning calories. :lol:
These people just train their kids to be lazy, and just sit and eat all day. I also didn't get how people actually even get their toddler to sit and watch tv for very long. My son will watch about three minutes tops, unless he is sick, and then he is off doing something else.

Well you have a unique child who is obviously presented with lots of other things besides tv. He has learned to enjoy the use of his body and that's what a lot of parents don't know how to teach.
Very true! Food is all too often used as a babysitter. The baby will end up with constant diaper rashes from delayed diaper changings and of course the baby cries and the only way to pacify them(instead of changing the diaper and playing with them) is give them some juice. Usually something like 5% juice to boot.

Parents who can't watch their children need to set guidelines for the babysitter to follow. Maybe actually do a little research on what is healthy for children. Maybe actually talk to a pediatrician about it. You can take care of your kids even if you're not able to do it yourself.

But when you are home. You better not neglect them and give them food or treats to shut them up so you can watch tv or mess around with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Again it all stems from the selfishness of the parents.
My son hardly ever gets juice, and he probably didn't get juice until he was around one. For one it goes right through him, and I want him to have good teeth. He usually has either milk or water. I actually wish he would put on more weight. He eats all the time, and I even give him Pedisure every few days, because the kid is like Michael Phelps when it comes to burning calories. :lol:
These people just train their kids to be lazy, and just sit and eat all day. I also didn't get how people actually even get their toddler to sit and watch tv for very long. My son will watch about three minutes tops, unless he is sick, and then he is off doing something else.

Well you have a unique child who is obviously presented with lots of other things besides tv. He has learned to enjoy the use of his body and that's what a lot of parents don't know how to teach.

I didn't have to teach him anything. :lol: He was born that way. As soon as he learned how to crawl he was off. He also has sensory perception disorder, so he doesn't feel as much pain as normal children. There are days I wish he was lazy. :lol:

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