Fat People Hate

Obesity is a symptom of other issues. Once you realize that, it's easier to feel compassion for sick people like you would anyone else.

If you eat so much comfort food you become obese chances are high you have little joy in your life. Maybe you suffer from clinical depression, or some other condition where you're always down. So naturally you seek to self-medicate via junk food and over time this untreated condition results in satellite issues like obesity.

Not hard to imagine some of the reasons people get fat. If they pay any attention at all to national or global issues, it'd be surprising if they weren't self-medicating with something.
We need to round them up, put them on treadmills generating green electricity until they slim down.

Fuckin' fatties destroyed the physical and medical infrastructure of the whole country.
Obesity is a symptom of other issues. Once you realize that, it's easier to feel compassion for sick people like you would anyone else.

If you eat so much comfort food you become obese chances are high you have little joy in your life. Maybe you suffer from clinical depression, or some other condition where you're always down. So naturally you seek to self-medicate via junk food and over time this untreated condition results in satellite issues like obesity.

Not hard to imagine some of the reasons people get fat. If they pay any attention at all to national or global issues, it'd be surprising if they weren't self-medicating with something.
We need to round them up, put them on treadmills generating green electricity until they slim down.

Fuckin' fatties destroyed the physical and medical infrastructure of the whole country.

If you only address the obesity you'll fix nothing.
What's sort of strange and bewildering is that FPH didn't uphold any sort of extreme mission statement. The basic idea that permeated the forum was that people should be exercising and eating healthy, and that obesity can lead to health problems. This isn't a groundbreaking concept — organizations like the CDC and the World Health Organization have said as much.

Why Reddit s ban on Fat People Hate is ripping it apart - Vox

I simply hate fat people. The way they move, the way they behave, the way they whine about genetics and unfair 'skinny bitches'. Most of them haven't been born this way. It is their choice and therefore I am not being prejudiced and disrespectful, right? It is everyone's right to judge people based on their decisions. You choose to be fat, I choose to disrespect and make fun of you. It is that simple.

I hate fat people because they drive up health care cost. Solution: shoot them in the head.
Obesity is a symptom of other issues. Once you realize that, it's easier to feel compassion for sick people like you would anyone else.

If you eat so much comfort food you become obese chances are high you have little joy in your life. Maybe you suffer from clinical depression, or some other condition where you're always down. So naturally you seek to self-medicate via junk food and over time this untreated condition results in satellite issues like obesity.

Not hard to imagine some of the reasons people get fat. If they pay any attention at all to national or global issues, it'd be surprising if they weren't self-medicating with something.
We need to round them up, put them on treadmills generating green electricity until they slim down.

Fuckin' fatties destroyed the physical and medical infrastructure of the whole country.

If you only address the obesity you'll fix nothing.

It's mich easier to shoot them in the head....
I also disagree with Pogos take , everyone knows what they swallow .

Everyone knows what they swallow -- interesting way to put it -- but what you eat isn't necessarily why you get fat. That's oversimplification, and ignorant. Overeating does cause fat -- but that doesn't mean the reverse, that fat is caused only by overeating.

We have an obesity epidemic. Yet we're not eating more than we used to. It's the food.

We (Americans) certainly ARE eating more than we used to. Biggie this and biggie that, fast food sky high in calories = eating more calories. Combine that with stationary jobs, netflixing our brains out = fatties all over the place. It's a choice, though. People use excuses all the time --- working too much, no time to cook, blah, blah, blah. Excuses. It comes down to you are responsible for what you put in your mouth, you are responsible for how much you move.

There are some people who, due to genetics, are obese. Most people are obese/over weight because they consume more calories than they burn. Period. It isn't rocket science.
I also disagree with Pogos take , everyone knows what they swallow .

Everyone knows what they swallow -- interesting way to put it -- but what you eat isn't necessarily why you get fat. That's oversimplification, and ignorant. Overeating does cause fat -- but that doesn't mean the reverse, that fat is caused only by overeating.

We have an obesity epidemic. Yet we're not eating more than we used to. It's the food.

We (Americans) certainly ARE eating more than we used to. Biggie this and biggie that, fast food sky high in calories = eating more calories. Combine that with stationary jobs, netflixing our brains out = fatties all over the place. It's a choice, though. People use excuses all the time --- working too much, no time to cook, blah, blah, blah. Excuses. It comes down to you are responsible for what you put in your mouth, you are responsible for how much you move.

There are some people who, due to genetics, are obese. Most people are obese/over weight because they consume more calories than they burn. Period. It isn't rocket science.

I see you've never studied nutrition.

No it's not rocket science -- it's more complex. Rockets, at least we understand how they work because we build them.
Obesity is a symptom of other issues. Once you realize that, it's easier to feel compassion for sick people like you would anyone else.

If you eat so much comfort food you become obese chances are high you have little joy in your life. Maybe you suffer from clinical depression, or some other condition where you're always down. So naturally you seek to self-medicate via junk food and over time this untreated condition results in satellite issues like obesity.

Not hard to imagine some of the reasons people get fat. If they pay any attention at all to national or global issues, it'd be surprising if they weren't self-medicating with something.

That is one way it happens, no question. But it's not the only way, and it's not responsible for all obesity.
Obesity is a symptom of other issues. Once you realize that, it's easier to feel compassion for sick people like you would anyone else.

If you eat so much comfort food you become obese chances are high you have little joy in your life. Maybe you suffer from clinical depression, or some other condition where you're always down. So naturally you seek to self-medicate via junk food and over time this untreated condition results in satellite issues like obesity.

Not hard to imagine some of the reasons people get fat. If they pay any attention at all to national or global issues, it'd be surprising if they weren't self-medicating with something.

That is one way it happens, no question. But it's not the only way, and it's not responsible for all obesity.

Obesity comes from eating more than you burn off. But the reason you'd be eating that much is going to be some emotional or psychological issue going on.

Genetics is only to blame if a member of those ethnicities like some of the Pacific islanders with larger men and women who by way of diet and lifestyle get big. But if not that ethnicity, blaming your genes is more likely a cop-out.
I also disagree with Pogos take , everyone knows what they swallow .

Everyone knows what they swallow -- interesting way to put it -- but what you eat isn't necessarily why you get fat. That's oversimplification, and ignorant. Overeating does cause fat -- but that doesn't mean the reverse, that fat is caused only by overeating.

We have an obesity epidemic. Yet we're not eating more than we used to. It's the food.

We (Americans) certainly ARE eating more than we used to. Biggie this and biggie that, fast food sky high in calories = eating more calories. Combine that with stationary jobs, netflixing our brains out = fatties all over the place. It's a choice, though. People use excuses all the time --- working too much, no time to cook, blah, blah, blah. Excuses. It comes down to you are responsible for what you put in your mouth, you are responsible for how much you move.

There are some people who, due to genetics, are obese. Most people are obese/over weight because they consume more calories than they burn. Period. It isn't rocket science.

I see you've never studied nutrition.

No it's not rocket science -- it's more complex. Rockets, at least we understand how they work because we build them.

Nutrition matters, never said it didn't, but the basics are: If calories in consistently exceed calories out = overweight. Keep it up and it equals obese. Most obese/over-weight people are that way because they choose to eat mass quantities. Exercise is primarily for fitness; weight loss happens in the kitchen.
What's sort of strange and bewildering is that FPH didn't uphold any sort of extreme mission statement. The basic idea that permeated the forum was that people should be exercising and eating healthy, and that obesity can lead to health problems. This isn't a groundbreaking concept — organizations like the CDC and the World Health Organization have said as much.

Why Reddit s ban on Fat People Hate is ripping it apart - Vox

I simply hate fat people. The way they move, the way they behave, the way they whine about genetics and unfair 'skinny bitches'. Most of them haven't been born this way. It is their choice and therefore I am not being prejudiced and disrespectful, right? It is everyone's right to judge people based on their decisions. You choose to be fat, I choose to disrespect and make fun of you. It is that simple.

Shouldn't be hating nayone. Once we let ourselves feel hate for someone or some group of people, chances are very high it's going to manifest against more than just the original group. Now that we've given ourselves permission to hate, the standard at which hate gets expressed lowers. Now we hate another group or individual. NOw the bar goes down again and we hate more. Until we hate most people and things.

Hate's self-destructive. In the end we suddenly realize all the hate we exhibit for others is really hate for ourselves.
You hate military veterans.
Obesity is a symptom of other issues. Once you realize that, it's easier to feel compassion for sick people like you would anyone else.

If you eat so much comfort food you become obese chances are high you have little joy in your life. Maybe you suffer from clinical depression, or some other condition where you're always down. So naturally you seek to self-medicate via junk food and over time this untreated condition results in satellite issues like obesity.

Not hard to imagine some of the reasons people get fat. If they pay any attention at all to national or global issues, it'd be surprising if they weren't self-medicating with something.

That is one way it happens, no question. But it's not the only way, and it's not responsible for all obesity.
You must be one of the "big-boned" people.
Obesity is a symptom of other issues. Once you realize that, it's easier to feel compassion for sick people like you would anyone else.

If you eat so much comfort food you become obese chances are high you have little joy in your life. Maybe you suffer from clinical depression, or some other condition where you're always down. So naturally you seek to self-medicate via junk food and over time this untreated condition results in satellite issues like obesity.

Not hard to imagine some of the reasons people get fat. If they pay any attention at all to national or global issues, it'd be surprising if they weren't self-medicating with something.

That is one way it happens, no question. But it's not the only way, and it's not responsible for all obesity.
You must be one of the "big-boned" people.

Everyone's bones are about the same size. Fat people's stomachs are larger because they stretch but that's the only physical difference. :)
Obesity is a symptom of other issues. Once you realize that, it's easier to feel compassion for sick people like you would anyone else.

If you eat so much comfort food you become obese chances are high you have little joy in your life. Maybe you suffer from clinical depression, or some other condition where you're always down. So naturally you seek to self-medicate via junk food and over time this untreated condition results in satellite issues like obesity.

Not hard to imagine some of the reasons people get fat. If they pay any attention at all to national or global issues, it'd be surprising if they weren't self-medicating with something.

That is one way it happens, no question. But it's not the only way, and it's not responsible for all obesity.
You must be one of the "big-boned" people.

Hee hee -- no. I'm a mesomorph.
I also disagree with Pogos take , everyone knows what they swallow .

Everyone knows what they swallow -- interesting way to put it -- but what you eat isn't necessarily why you get fat. That's oversimplification, and ignorant. Overeating does cause fat -- but that doesn't mean the reverse, that fat is caused only by overeating.

We have an obesity epidemic. Yet we're not eating more than we used to. It's the food.

We (Americans) certainly ARE eating more than we used to. Biggie this and biggie that, fast food sky high in calories = eating more calories. Combine that with stationary jobs, netflixing our brains out = fatties all over the place. It's a choice, though. People use excuses all the time --- working too much, no time to cook, blah, blah, blah. Excuses. It comes down to you are responsible for what you put in your mouth, you are responsible for how much you move.

There are some people who, due to genetics, are obese. Most people are obese/over weight because they consume more calories than they burn. Period. It isn't rocket science.

I see you've never studied nutrition.

No it's not rocket science -- it's more complex. Rockets, at least we understand how they work because we build them.

Nutrition matters, never said it didn't, but the basics are: If calories in consistently exceed calories out = overweight. Keep it up and it equals obese. Most obese/over-weight people are that way because they choose to eat mass quantities. Exercise is primarily for fitness; weight loss happens in the kitchen.

It simply is not that simple, no. I can make my (in)famous chili in an enormous pot, pig out on it until I can't swallow another bite, and lose weight doing it. It's because of what's in there and what isn't in there.

Here's one factor among many.

If I get too large I can drop off 30-40 pounds just by cutting out wheat -- while eating more intake.
But I had to learn that. And I had to gain the weight (involuntarily) in order to even be in the position where I needed to learn it.

That's just one.

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