Father kills gay son

it not encouraging them to be anything, but letting them be who they are
just accepting them

Yes, but the molesters who imprinted them to be gay weren't leaving them alone. These wounds need treatment. Especially if the boy is conflicted and does not want the behaviors reminding him constantly of where they came from in the first place...and he wants a normal life with a wife and kids..

Again (I see you ignored this CDC statement about gays and the origins of their behaviors)

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Your cult has made it illegal for a boy under 18, while his mind still is plastic enough to change back, to get reparative therapy even if he was molested and even if the youth himself desperately wants to be rid of the behaviors that dredge up old childhood wounds. In California and New Jersey, this youth is now required as a matter of law to live within that mental prison until his behaviors have repeated themselves enough to become permanent. And in both states, these laws were initiated by gay male legislators and politicians. Shocker.

"Hey kid...too bad you were imprinted the wrong way but now that you are, we're going to make sure you and society EMBRACE the damage that was done to you...besides, our cult doesn't let any fresh meat off the hook that easily!".

the therapy is no longer used. Why would you electric shock someone for being what they naturally are?
That is abuse and cruelty...shame on you...counseling for the child as he/she come to understand their sexuality is a good thing. even family counseling to understand and accept

First of all, fuck you you ignorant twat for inserting false information into the conversation to legitimize keeping molested boys stuck in an artificial sexual orientation they want to be rid of THEMSELVES...as THEY ELECT. They can no longer do so in NJ & CA. They have many methods of walking a child through their wounds and coming out the other side with their normal orientation. You say "electric shock!". What an asshole alarmist you are, using kneejerk fears and reactions to keep a child in a much worse fate: a mental prison for life and almost certain statistical early death from HIV/AIDS..

You would dare to suggest that a child who was artificially imprinted by being molested as a youth, should EMBRACE the wounds (his artificial sexual compulsions)?????????????!!!! Would you counsel also that a young woman molested as a girl who "turns out" statistically promiscuous "embrace being a slut"??? You're sick. You need help big time. You would condemn a child to a mental prison for life even if they want out desperately. Do the world a favor and don't have kids. Don't go near them. EVER.
That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...

I've know Christians who are no better when they find out their kids are LGBT

Beaten, tortured, put in forced conversions (attempts), exorcised, thrown out, even attempted to kill them.
Some kids were driven to attempt suicide or drugs.

No kid should have to go through that.
They are not Christians if they act that way then, are they??
Islam has no tolerance of any such behavior. dumbass

Christianity and the Parental Rejection of LGBT Youth
The Huffington Post
Mar 28, 2013 - Or the 17-year-old girl whose Pentecostal parents drove her out into the ... to the abuse and rejection of LGBT children in far too many Christian ...

Minister Says Children Of Gay Parents Are More Likely To ...
Apr 24, 2015 - DUP Health Minister Jim Wells's shocking homophobia. ... “To suggest that children raised by gay parents are more likely to be abused is a ... The neglect or abuse of children is awful and happens in unstable relationships ...

A gay dad's open letter to the homophobic parents who ...
Aug 29, 2014 - A gay dad's open letter to the homophobic parents who threw away their gay son ... their own families often encounter prejudice, harassment and abuse when ... I have written to children killed by parents who feared they might ...
Dude you can post links until the cows come home, but seriously we all know your position. That is, a child who was molested must embrace their new artificial sexual compulsions..."taught to love them and accept them". Even when we know it will mean his statistical early death from HIV/AIDS. You're sick. Get help.
Just because two negatives make a positive in math class doesn't mean that they make a positive everywhere else. It wasn't like the kid's choice of action was a physical attack on his dad, therefore the dad's actions were not an act of self defense. If the dad isn't sorry for how he responded to his son's news, then may the Lord have a special plan in store for the dad.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I've heard it said that sometimes the best thing that a parent can do for their kids is nothing at all. I agree because doing nothing is how the kids finally learn certain things for themselves. Sadly a person can not teach a child everything. All that they can do is pray that a good enough grasp on common sense is in the child's picture.
The poor widdle wiberals, one of their muzie animals did what they claim Christians do. Too funny
Worse, they are claiming it's the Christian's fault this father killed his son.

Evidently, this dispute has been going on for awhile. The son isn't a child. Dad was near 70. Why was this man at his father's home to begin with? What was his purpose? Did he go there to get his father's approval as he had done a hundred times before?
The son is his child. You aren't a parent are you? For all of one's life, whether you son/daughter is 10 or 70, he/she is your child. This was the man's child. Sane people do not kill their children. The father is insane.
Yes. The father was insane. After years of knowing this, it can't possibly have been new, the son went over there to make his demands. He pushed too far and his insane father snapped.

If we knew the whole story, gay friends probably suggested that this son had rights, gays made bakers knuckle under. He could argue his father into acceptance.

shot the son and stabbed the mother

gay is not a choice. with so much hate and abuse, why would anyone choose to be gay?
they don't, they just want to be treated as people, not freeks or perverts.
they want to be what they, how they were born
Dude you can post links until the cows come home, but seriously we all know your position. That is, a child who was molested must embrace their new artificial sexual compulsions..."taught to love them and accept them". Even when we know it will mean his statistical early death from HIV/AIDS. You're sick. Get help.

25% for men and 7% for women

most children who have been molested are hetero
gay is not a choice. with so much hate and abuse, why would anyone choose to be gay?
they don't, they just want to be treated as people, not freeks or perverts.
they want to be what they, how they were born

They want autonomy and to be personally respected, unless they want reparative therapy to readjust themselves away from having been molested and imprinted as children. Then the Gay Gestapo draws a clear and distinct line at personal autonomy and LOVINGLY makes it ILLEGAL for them to be autonomous and URGES THEM to EMBRACE their ill-gotten artificial sexual orientations...

See it's a one-way street. The cult of LGBT can and does hold all manner of influential outreach programs to draw heteros into their ranks from the schoolyards on up. But if a hetero tries to offer a way out for gays to the world of normal sexuality, then WATCH OUT. And in CA and NJ if you try this, and you're a licensed therapist, you could be fined, lose your license or perhaps even go to jail eventually..

It's a cult. And one day the people of the US will wake up and realize it. Sooner or later the realization will hit. It might as well be now instead of later..This father realized it but reacted poorly. He was afraid likely, so he lashed out in anger. If he, if all of us were educated about where gay actually comes from and what can be done respectfully to deal with it, then less kids would be "helped along" to be gay by other gays and instead there would be healing and understanding.

A preventable tragedy whose roots can be chased down into the Gay Agenda itself.
The OP is assuming all Muslims think this this about gays and that Christians don't. Fundamentalist Christians and Muslims may have a problem with gays and treat their children who are gay in vicious, disgusting ways, but the average Christian or Muslim is not going to 'kill' or torture their child. As well, the OP assumes the gay child had it coming--such an assumption only shows what a limited awareness and knowledge of the real world the OP has.
Ok, show me the list of Christian fathers who have killed their sons for being gay.

“The Church is Killing Its Gay Children” – The Deadly ...
Jul 27, 2015 - As Kimberly Knight said, “The church is killing its gay children.” ... As a parent & Christian we are to teach our children to love the Lord with all our being. ... On top of so many parents throwing their kids out of the house for being ... It is as if the Holy Spirit was preparing me for when my son would come out.
That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...

I've know Christians who are no better when they find out their kids are LGBT

Beaten, tortured, put in forced conversions (attempts), exorcised, thrown out, even attempted to kill them.
Some kids were driven to attempt suicide or drugs.

No kid should have to go through that.
They are not Christians if they act that way then, are they??
Islam has no tolerance of any such behavior. dumbass

Christianity and the Parental Rejection of LGBT Youth
The Huffington Post
Mar 28, 2013 - Or the 17-year-old girl whose Pentecostal parents drove her out into the ... to the abuse and rejection of LGBT children in far too many Christian ...

Minister Says Children Of Gay Parents Are More Likely To ...
Apr 24, 2015 - DUP Health Minister Jim Wells's shocking homophobia. ... “To suggest that children raised by gay parents are more likely to be abused is a ... The neglect or abuse of children is awful and happens in unstable relationships ...

A gay dad's open letter to the homophobic parents who ...
Aug 29, 2014 - A gay dad's open letter to the homophobic parents who threw away their gay son ... their own families often encounter prejudice, harassment and abuse when ... I have written to children killed by parents who feared they might ...
First of all, I doubt if you know any Christians. I think you are liar.

Secondly, I have a homosexual 19 year old daughter, who lives with her 27 year old girlfriend. That's her choice.

I've wanted to kill her several times, and not for being gay, but for being stupid. It's stupid for her to be the only person working in that relationship, it's stupid for her to support a bum, I don't care if it's a man or a woman. And it's stupid for her to be in a relationship with a married(to a man) woman, married to a man in prison.

Her homosexuality has nothing to do with her stupidity. Her age has to do with her stupidity. She will outgrow it, if she lives long enough.

Now, how many homosexual kids have you raised? dipstick
^^ Would've turned out differently if the following was applied vv

gay is not a choice. with so much hate and abuse, why would anyone choose to be gay?
they don't, they just want to be treated as people, not freeks or perverts.
they want to be what they, how they were born

They want autonomy and to be personally respected, unless they want reparative therapy to readjust themselves away from having been molested and imprinted as children. Then the Gay Gestapo draws a clear and distinct line at personal autonomy and LOVINGLY makes it ILLEGAL for them to be autonomous and URGES THEM to EMBRACE their ill-gotten artificial sexual orientations...

See it's a one-way street. The cult of LGBT can and does hold all manner of influential outreach programs to draw heteros into their ranks from the schoolyards on up. But if a hetero tries to offer a way out for gays to the world of normal sexuality, then WATCH OUT. And in CA and NJ if you try this, and you're a licensed therapist, you could be fined, lose your license or perhaps even go to jail eventually..

It's a cult. And one day the people of the US will wake up and realize it. Sooner or later the realization will hit. It might as well be now instead of later..This father realized it but reacted poorly. He was afraid likely, so he lashed out in anger. If he, if all of us were educated about where gay actually comes from and what can be done respectfully to deal with it, then less kids would be "helped along" to be gay by other gays and instead there would be healing and understanding.

A preventable tragedy whose roots can be chased down into the Gay Agenda itself.

Aris2chat keeps posting links against reparative therapy, but all this does is assert her position that once kids are damaged, they should be kept damaged even if they themselves are desperate and want out of those old wounds. Anyone wonder why even with the great new acceptance of gay lifestyles, why "gay" kids are killing themselves still? I think we're seeing a clearer causation for "gay teen suicides". Imagine going to a therapist and him telling you "sorry about the childhood assaults against you, but the daily reminders of those assaults you are not only going to have to live with the rest of your life, I'm going to teach you instead to embrace them as a new lifestyle"..! Yeah, I'd put a gun in my mouth at that point too.. This is why I called aris2chat sick and she should get help. Imagine promoting that type of angst, a prison against personal autonomy and healing by any means they elect themselves to do?

"Sorry, you're damaged! Embrace it now! You're one of us now!!"
Last edited:
The poor widdle wiberals, one of their muzie animals did what they claim Christians do. Too funny
Worse, they are claiming it's the Christian's fault this father killed his son.

Evidently, this dispute has been going on for awhile. The son isn't a child. Dad was near 70. Why was this man at his father's home to begin with? What was his purpose? Did he go there to get his father's approval as he had done a hundred times before?
The son is his child. You aren't a parent are you? For all of one's life, whether you son/daughter is 10 or 70, he/she is your child. This was the man's child. Sane people do not kill their children. The father is insane.
Yes. The father was insane. After years of knowing this, it can't possibly have been new, the son went over there to make his demands. He pushed too far and his insane father snapped.

If we knew the whole story, gay friends probably suggested that this son had rights, gays made bakers knuckle under. He could argue his father into acceptance.

shot the son and stabbed the mother

gay is not a choice. with so much hate and abuse, why would anyone choose to be gay?
they don't, they just want to be treated as people, not freeks or perverts.
they want to be what they, how they were born
That's all pedophiles want too.
gay is not a choice. with so much hate and abuse, why would anyone choose to be gay?
they don't, they just want to be treated as people, not freeks or perverts.
they want to be what they, how they were born

They want autonomy and to be personally respected, unless they want reparative therapy to readjust themselves away from having been molested and imprinted as children. Then the Gay Gestapo draws a clear and distinct line at personal autonomy and LOVINGLY makes it ILLEGAL for them to be autonomous and URGES THEM to EMBRACE their ill-gotten artificial sexual orientations...

See it's a one-way street. The cult of LGBT can and does hold all manner of influential outreach programs to draw heteros into their ranks from the schoolyards on up. But if a hetero tries to offer a way out for gays to the world of normal sexuality, then WATCH OUT. And in CA and NJ if you try this, and you're a licensed therapist, you could be fined, lose your license or perhaps even go to jail eventually..

It's a cult. And one day the people of the US will wake up and realize it. Sooner or later the realization will hit. It might as well be now instead of later..

The Lies and Dangers of "Conversion Therapy" | Human ...
Human Rights Campaign
"Reparative" or "conversion" therapy is a dangerous practice that targets LGBT youth ... Practice Parameter on Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual Orientation, Gender ...
#BornPerfect: The Facts About Conversion Therapy ...
National Center for Lesbian Rights
The practices used in conversion therapy are sometimes referred to as: Reparative Therapy; Ex-Gay Therapy; Psychological Abuse; Sexual Orientation Change ...
Governor Cuomo Announces Executive Actions Banning ...
Governor of New York
Feb 6, 2016 - “Conversion therapy is a hateful and fundamentally flawed practice that is ... and gay men are often pressured to seek reparative or conversion ...
You visited this page.
In case no one has informed our drunk doctor/lawyer/dog washer -

The father is "christian".

Christian father 'shot his son dead for being gay' and 'stabbed to death his wife' at their LA home
  • Cops say Shehada Khalil Issa, 69, shot his son Amir, 29,Tuesday
  • Amir's mother was also dead on the scene when cops arrived
  • Prosecutors say Issa threatened his son in the past because he was gay
  • A neighbor says the pair had been arguing in previous months

Read more: LA man accused of shooting his own son because he was gay
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

IIRC, I saw that too
Dude you can post links until the cows come home, but seriously we all know your position. That is, a child who was molested must embrace their new artificial sexual compulsions..."taught to love them and accept them". Even when we know it will mean his statistical early death from HIV/AIDS. You're sick. Get help.

any child who is molested should get counseling, but if a child is gay they should be accepted whether it has anything to do with the molesting or not

children should not be treated as broken furniture and thrown out
That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...

I've know Christians who are no better when they find out their kids are LGBT

Beaten, tortured, put in forced conversions (attempts), exorcised, thrown out, even attempted to kill them.
Some kids were driven to attempt suicide or drugs.

No kid should have to go through that.
Fascinating story. Can you back any of that up?

Homophobic, transphobic parents make abusive homes ...
www.theguardian.com › Opinion › LGBT rights
The Guardian
Jan 5, 2015 - Homophobic, transphobic parents make abusive homes. Let's help LGBT kids get out. Jessica Valenti. We know that conversion therapy is ...

Rejecting Homosexual Children Results in Disastrous ...
Jan 7, 2009 - Illicit drug use, substance abuse disorders, and risky sexual behaviors are also ... So to the parents of homosexual parents an appeal. ... I have gotten into the area of internalized homophobia and minority stress research.
Ricky Gervais slams homophobic parents making anti-gay ...
Daily Mail
Feb 17, 2012 - 'People who make anti-gay comments to their youngsters are child abusers': ... Strong views: Ricky Gervais spoke out against homophobic parents on Piers .... teaching your child that homosexuality is a sin with child abuse!

Family Rejection of LGBT Youth Is No Joke | Wind Youth ...
WIND Youth Center
Jun 13, 2011 - Particularly alarming was his statement that, if his son were gay, he would ... tell horrifying stories of violent abuse and rejection from their parents. ... out a piece of his scalp, and screaming homophobic abuse as her child fled.
An op-ed. a 7 year old blog, a guy speaking out against "homophobic" parents (without understanding what the word even means), and another story about "homophobic" parents, nothing about the Christians you know being responsible though. The abusive stories are probably what got them into homosexuality in the first place. No one said abuse doesn't happen, but you were tying it into Christianity.
In case no one has informed our drunk doctor/lawyer/dog washer -

The father is "christian".

Christian father 'shot his son dead for being gay' and 'stabbed to death his wife' at their LA home
  • Cops say Shehada Khalil Issa, 69, shot his son Amir, 29,Tuesday
  • Amir's mother was also dead on the scene when cops arrived
  • Prosecutors say Issa threatened his son in the past because he was gay
  • A neighbor says the pair had been arguing in previous months

Read more: LA man accused of shooting his own son because he was gay
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...

I've know Christians who are no better when they find out their kids are LGBT

Beaten, tortured, put in forced conversions (attempts), exorcised, thrown out, even attempted to kill them.
Some kids were driven to attempt suicide or drugs.

No kid should have to go through that.
They are not Christians if they act that way then, are they??
Islam has no tolerance of any such behavior. dumbass

Christianity and the Parental Rejection of LGBT Youth
The Huffington Post
Mar 28, 2013 - Or the 17-year-old girl whose Pentecostal parents drove her out into the ... to the abuse and rejection of LGBT children in far too many Christian ...

Minister Says Children Of Gay Parents Are More Likely To ...
Apr 24, 2015 - DUP Health Minister Jim Wells's shocking homophobia. ... “To suggest that children raised by gay parents are more likely to be abused is a ... The neglect or abuse of children is awful and happens in unstable relationships ...

A gay dad's open letter to the homophobic parents who ...
Aug 29, 2014 - A gay dad's open letter to the homophobic parents who threw away their gay son ... their own families often encounter prejudice, harassment and abuse when ... I have written to children killed by parents who feared they might ...
HuffPo, Buzzfeed and lgbtnation? LOL, this is getting good.

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