Father kills gay son

Dude you can post links until the cows come home, but seriously we all know your position. That is, a child who was molested must embrace their new artificial sexual compulsions..."taught to love them and accept them". Even when we know it will mean his statistical early death from HIV/AIDS. You're sick. Get help.
How sad that you believe that Dick Cheney molested his daughter.
The poor widdle wiberals, one of their muzie animals did what they claim Christians do. Too funny
Worse, they are claiming it's the Christian's fault this father killed his son.

Evidently, this dispute has been going on for awhile. The son isn't a child. Dad was near 70. Why was this man at his father's home to begin with? What was his purpose? Did he go there to get his father's approval as he had done a hundred times before?
The son is his child. You aren't a parent are you? For all of one's life, whether you son/daughter is 10 or 70, he/she is your child. This was the man's child. Sane people do not kill their children. The father is insane.
Yes. The father was insane. After years of knowing this, it can't possibly have been new, the son went over there to make his demands. He pushed too far and his insane father snapped.

If we knew the whole story, gay friends probably suggested that this son had rights, gays made bakers knuckle under. He could argue his father into acceptance.

shot the son and stabbed the mother

gay is not a choice. with so much hate and abuse, why would anyone choose to be gay?
they don't, they just want to be treated as people, not freeks or perverts.
they want to be what they, how they were born
That's all pedophiles want too.
I guess we chalk you up as another one of those people who should not be around children because you cannot distinguish between gay people and pedophiles.
In case no one has informed our drunk doctor/lawyer/dog washer -

The father is "christian".

Christian father 'shot his son dead for being gay' and 'stabbed to death his wife' at their LA home
  • Cops say Shehada Khalil Issa, 69, shot his son Amir, 29,Tuesday
  • Amir's mother was also dead on the scene when cops arrived
  • Prosecutors say Issa threatened his son in the past because he was gay
  • A neighbor says the pair had been arguing in previous months

Read more: LA man accused of shooting his own son because he was gay
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Stand by for the big flip flop from "Islam is to blame" to "father was insane"
Islam is a cult for the insane... Dumbass
That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...

I've know Christians who are no better when they find out their kids are LGBT

Beaten, tortured, put in forced conversions (attempts), exorcised, thrown out, even attempted to kill them.
Some kids were driven to attempt suicide or drugs.

No kid should have to go through that.
They are not Christians if they act that way then, are they??
Islam has no tolerance of any such behavior. dumbass

Christianity and the Parental Rejection of LGBT Youth
The Huffington Post
Mar 28, 2013 - Or the 17-year-old girl whose Pentecostal parents drove her out into the ... to the abuse and rejection of LGBT children in far too many Christian ...

Minister Says Children Of Gay Parents Are More Likely To ...
Apr 24, 2015 - DUP Health Minister Jim Wells's shocking homophobia. ... “To suggest that children raised by gay parents are more likely to be abused is a ... The neglect or abuse of children is awful and happens in unstable relationships ...

A gay dad's open letter to the homophobic parents who ...
Aug 29, 2014 - A gay dad's open letter to the homophobic parents who threw away their gay son ... their own families often encounter prejudice, harassment and abuse when ... I have written to children killed by parents who feared they might ...
It's a choice to be gay, most time it soon passes...
When did you choose?
In case no one has informed our drunk doctor/lawyer/dog washer -

The father is "christian".

Christian father 'shot his son dead for being gay' and 'stabbed to death his wife' at their LA home
  • Cops say Shehada Khalil Issa, 69, shot his son Amir, 29,Tuesday
  • Amir's mother was also dead on the scene when cops arrived
  • Prosecutors say Issa threatened his son in the past because he was gay
  • A neighbor says the pair had been arguing in previous months

Read more: LA man accused of shooting his own son because he was gay
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Stand by for the big flip flop from "Islam is to blame" to "father was insane"
Islam is a cult for the insane... Dumbass
All who are fanatical and fundamentalists in their religion are insane....just fill in the blank as to which religion.
>>Shehada Khalil Issa, 69, was charged with using a shotgun in the premeditated murder of his son, Amir Issa, 29, Los Angeles County prosecutors said.<<
North Hills Father Charged With Murder for Allegedly Shooting Son Because He Was Gay

From the names it looks like this is a muslim family.

The son was probably being obnoxious and badgering his father demanding dad meet his demands. The old man couldn't take it any more.

It's so sick....heartbreaking

Prayers for the son
If the son had simply gone on with his life and not gone to his father's home he would be alive today.
Queers are compelled to put on homo exhibitions for people who despise them, and they are eternally trying to find ways to force people to validate their perversions. It's part of the illness.
North Hills Father Charged With Murder for Allegedly Shooting Son Because He Was Gay

From the names it looks like this is a muslim family.

The son was probably being obnoxious and badgering his father demanding dad meet his demands. The old man couldn't take it any more.

It's so sick....heartbreaking

Prayers for the son
If the son had simply gone on with his life and not gone to his father's home he would be alive today.
Queers are compelled to put on homo exhibitions for people who despise them, and they are eternally trying to find ways to force people to validate their perversions. It's part of the illness.

What a bad stereotype. You probably know people who are gay and have no idea. They are ordinary people living ordinary lives.

Gay parades are just expressions of freedom. Many straight join in as well. It is a way of having fun to let go and dress up, or down.
All who are fanatical and fundamentalists in their religion are insane....just fill in the blank as to which religion.

OK, "The Cult of LGBT".....the evidence your honor:


Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl
North Hills Father Charged With Murder for Allegedly Shooting Son Because He Was Gay

From the names it looks like this is a muslim family.

The son was probably being obnoxious and badgering his father demanding dad meet his demands. The old man couldn't take it any more.
Many Right Wingers would agree with you that the father had every right to kill his son.

No. Roe vs. Wade made it clear that only women have a license to kill.
That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
I told mine no matter what they do or who they screw, I will always be there for them...

One of more of my kids would brig friends in trouble to our home like stray pets till social services could step in and help.
A place to sleep, clear bathroom, usually a change of clothes, food and a chance to stay in school or get home work brought back for them. Only a few stayed for more than two weeks.
I didn't want the kids on the streets.

Gee, where on earth do you live?
That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...
not much different then the christers whipping up hatred against gays

Yes, we Christians do that just for fun. We like to burn them at the stake, hang them, or just skin them alive.
The poor widdle wiberals, one of their muzie animals did what they claim Christians do. Too funny
Worse, they are claiming it's the Christian's fault this father killed his son.

Evidently, this dispute has been going on for awhile. The son isn't a child. Dad was near 70. Why was this man at his father's home to begin with? What was his purpose? Did he go there to get his father's approval as he had done a hundred times before?
The son is his child. You aren't a parent are you? For all of one's life, whether your son/daughter is 10 or 70, he/she is your child. This was the man's child. Sane people do not kill their children. The father is insane.

Women murder their children all the time.
The poor widdle wiberals, one of their muzie animals did what they claim Christians do. Too funny
Worse, they are claiming it's the Christian's fault this father killed his son.

Evidently, this dispute has been going on for awhile. The son isn't a child. Dad was near 70. Why was this man at his father's home to begin with? What was his purpose? Did he go there to get his father's approval as he had done a hundred times before?
The son is his child. You aren't a parent are you? For all of one's life, whether your son/daughter is 10 or 70, he/she is your child. This was the man's child. Sane people do not kill their children. The father is insane.

Women murder their children all the time.
Sane women?
That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...
not much different then the christers whipping up hatred against gays

Yes, we Christians do that just for fun. We like to burn them at the stake, hang them, or just skin them alive.
Admission, eh?
That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...
not much different then the christers whipping up hatred against gays

Yes, we Christians do that just for fun. We like to burn them at the stake, hang them, or just skin them alive.
Admission, eh?

Well the founders would just execute them. Jefferson tried to liberalize their laws by only castrating them without anesthesia , but he never saw much support for that among the Christians of the State legislatures. They insisted on the executions.

Though to be fair, Jefferson wasn't really a Christian.
When it comes to sodomites the liberal media is quick to circle the freaking wagons. What about the mother? Did the liberal media forget that she was murdered too? Is it possible that the dead (homosexual) son stabbed the mother to death and was killed by the father? It's unlikely that a man with a shotgun would stab a woman to death so who done it?

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