Father Of Benghazi Victim Challenges Hillary Clinton To Lie Detector Test [VIDEO]...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
The father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, one of the four Americans killed by terrorists in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, is challenging Hillary Clinton to a lie detector test to prove that she did not blame an anti-Muslim video for the attacks during private conversations with the victims’ families.

“I would love to sit down with Hillary Clinton, if she’d agree to do it as well, and at the same table by the same operator, have a lie detector test,” Charles Woods told One America News Network’s Neil W. McCabe during an interview this week...

Read more: Father Of Benghazi Victim Challenges Hillary To Lie Detector Test [VIDEO]
Lie detector tests are notoriously inaccurate. Even if they worked, one would have to feel guilty about lying. Hillary lies so much and has no conscience so she could pass no problem.
does he get paid for every interview?

Did Hillary tell these parents that it was the video airing, after the CIA released their official report on Sept. 24th?

If it was beforehand, when it was still 'foggy' then why make an issue out of it but for solely political reasons?
Lie detector tests are notoriously inaccurate. Even if they worked, one would have to feel guilty about lying. Hillary lies so much and has no conscience so she could pass no problem.

A valid point.
does he get paid for every interview?

Did Hillary tell these parents that it was the video airing, after the CIA released their official report on Sept. 24th?

If it was beforehand, when it was still 'foggy' then why make an issue out of it but for solely political reasons?

Yes, blame the victim. Just like y'all do with her pervert rapist husband's victims. Y'all are real sickos. :cuckoo:
Why is this in Politics, it belongs in CT.

That partisan rightists are trying to contrive it into a political "issue" doesn't make it one.
Why is this in Politics, it belongs in CT.

That partisan rightists are trying to contrive it into a political "issue" doesn't make it one.

This is a father of one of the victims. You go ahead and call him a 'CT Liar' to his face. I dare ya. You think you got the cojones?
does he get paid for every interview?

Did Hillary tell these parents that it was the video airing, after the CIA released their official report on Sept. 24th?

If it was beforehand, when it was still 'foggy' then why make an issue out of it but for solely political reasons?

Yes, blame the victim. Just like y'all do with her pervert rapist husband's victims. Y'all are real sickos. :cuckoo:
the lady that is now claiming rape, swore an oath on an affidavit stating that Bill did not rape her in her hotel room that she invited him up to.

And she also attended a Clinton support rally, for him, 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her.....rape is a vicious crime...how could she attend a Clinton fund raising event AFTERwards?

AS a thinking human being, I find it very very very hard to accept that any woman would attend a rally in support of the rapist that raped them just 21 days earlier.

Call me crazy if you want....
Let Long Dong Thomas take a lie detector test first, Anita Hill already passed one.
If you remember at THAT time the Right were anti lie detector tests!!!!!
does he get paid for every interview?

Did Hillary tell these parents that it was the video airing, after the CIA released their official report on Sept. 24th?

If it was beforehand, when it was still 'foggy' then why make an issue out of it but for solely political reasons?

Yes, blame the victim. Just like y'all do with her pervert rapist husband's victims. Y'all are real sickos. :cuckoo:
the lady that is now claiming rape, swore an oath on an affidavit stating that Bill did not rape her in her hotel room that she invited him up to.

And she also attended a Clinton support rally, for him, 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her.....rape is a vicious crime...how could she attend a Clinton fund raising event AFTERwards?

AS a thinking human being, I find it very very very hard to accept that any woman would attend a rally in support of the rapist that raped them just 21 days earlier.

Call me crazy if you want....
Facts don't matter to the whackos!
Do you men believe all the Military women that have claimed they were raped by Military men?

Do you support stronger Military laws on the books or procedures put in place to support these women, or an easier means for them to have these alleged rapists get charged with their crimes and convicted?

Or are some of these Military women liars?

Or should they still be swept under the rug?
does he get paid for every interview?

Did Hillary tell these parents that it was the video airing, after the CIA released their official report on Sept. 24th?

If it was beforehand, when it was still 'foggy' then why make an issue out of it but for solely political reasons?

If it was 'foggy' they shouldn't have laid blame where they were unsure it actually belonged.

I don't buy this fog story at all. I don't see how anyone that actually looked at the timeline, e-mails and other available information could either. To me, it's nothing but an excellent BS story, in that is not disprovable. Plausible deniability and all that, except for the fact that there is a record on all of this if people choose to read it. I'm not going to post all of the evidence contradicting their 'fog' story, but there is plenty here:

Benghazi Timeline

"The talking points given to Rice were extensively revised, largely at the request of the State Department. The original CIA talking points said, “We do know that Islamic extremists with ties to al-Qa’ida participated in the attack.” And they said that “nitial press reporting linked the attack to Ansar al-Sharia.” References to al-Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia were removed. However, all of the drafts say the attack began “spontaneously” in response to the Cairo protest. Read our article “Benghazi Attack, Revisited” for more information on what changes were made to the talking points."

Two days before Rice’s appearance on the Sunday talk show circuit, Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes sent an email to other administration officials, including White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, with the subject line “PREP CALL with Susan: Saturday at 4:00 pm ET.” Rhodes’ email outlined four “goals” for Rice’s TV appearances. One of the goals: “To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.” The email contained a mock Q&A session, and the third question asked whether the Benghazi attack was “an intelligence failure.” The answer in the email parroted — nearly word for word — Rice’s talking points when it said: “The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US Consulate and subsequently its annex.” The Rhodes email was released April 29 by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group that obtained 41 State Department documents under the Freedom of Information Act."

To me this was a total BS story, made up from whole cloth to, in their own words make it seem that "these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy"

they lied. no doubt in my mind about it. Grabbed that feeble straw of this video, knew they were lying, trotted Rice out to lie to people and rode that pony as long as it took for the short attention span of the American public to get into 'yesterday's news' territory.

Then Rice got her reward for being a good soldier and was appointed as National Security Advisor, which would be belly-laugh territory if it wasn't an actually important post. They should have appointed her ambassador to Libya instead......
Oh, let's try to derail the thread away from Hillary lying her ass off to the world then to the grieving family members before calling them LIARS when they called her on what she told them, which was a LIE!

Hillary has NOTHING to gain by agreeing to take such a test and everything to lose!
fathers of government employees who are stationed in war zones and get killed serving their country don't get to question exec officers about anything.

idiot RW's will never get it. I question them, and their IQ.
does he get paid for every interview?

Did Hillary tell these parents that it was the video airing, after the CIA released their official report on Sept. 24th?

If it was beforehand, when it was still 'foggy' then why make an issue out of it but for solely political reasons?

Yes, blame the victim. Just like y'all do with her pervert rapist husband's victims. Y'all are real sickos. :cuckoo:
the lady that is now claiming rape, swore an oath on an affidavit stating that Bill did not rape her in her hotel room that she invited him up to.

And she also attended a Clinton support rally, for him, 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her.....rape is a vicious crime...how could she attend a Clinton fund raising event AFTERwards?

AS a thinking human being, I find it very very very hard to accept that any woman would attend a rally in support of the rapist that raped them just 21 days earlier.

Call me crazy if you want....

No, you blame the victims because the perpetrators are Democrats. You approve of Bill Clinton's pervert predator behavior, simply because he has a (D) beside his name. And the same goes for his corrupt lying wife. You're not nearly as deep or complex as you think you are. Seriously.
fathers of government employees who are stationed in war zones and get killed serving their country don't get to question exec officers about anything.

idiot RW's will never get it. I question them, and their IQ.
It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH, dumbass. The father of one of the men Hillary allowed to needlessly be murdered by terrorists when she could have easily prevented his death can open ly say whatever the hell he wants and issue any challenge to her he wants!

I swear, Libs are like freakin' ISIS in wanting to silence anyone who believes anything different than they do.
fathers of government employees who are stationed in war zones and get killed serving their country don't get to question exec officers about anything.

idiot RW's will never get it. I question them, and their IQ.
It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH, dumbass. The father of one of the men Hillary allowed to needlessly be murdered by terrorists when she could have easily prevented his death can open ly say whatever the hell he wants and issue any challenge to her he wants!

I swear, Libs are like freakin' ISIS in wanting to silence anyone who believes anything different than they do.

its called bullshit ... fathers questioning exec officers .. seriously ???

simple explanation demanded by simpletons, aka RW's.
does he get paid for every interview?

Did Hillary tell these parents that it was the video airing, after the CIA released their official report on Sept. 24th?

If it was beforehand, when it was still 'foggy' then why make an issue out of it but for solely political reasons?

If it was 'foggy' they shouldn't have laid blame where they were unsure it actually belonged.

I don't buy this fog story at all. I don't see how anyone that actually looked at the timeline, e-mails and other available information could either. To me, it's nothing but an excellent BS story, in that is not disprovable. Plausible deniability and all that, except for the fact that there is a record on all of this if people choose to read it. I'm not going to post all of the evidence contradicting their 'fog' story, but there is plenty here:

Benghazi Timeline

"The talking points given to Rice were extensively revised, largely at the request of the State Department. The original CIA talking points said, “We do know that Islamic extremists with ties to al-Qa’ida participated in the attack.” And they said that “nitial press reporting linked the attack to Ansar al-Sharia.” References to al-Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia were removed. However, all of the drafts say the attack began “spontaneously” in response to the Cairo protest. Read our article “Benghazi Attack, Revisited” for more information on what changes were made to the talking points."

Two days before Rice’s appearance on the Sunday talk show circuit, Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes sent an email to other administration officials, including White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, with the subject line “PREP CALL with Susan: Saturday at 4:00 pm ET.” Rhodes’ email outlined four “goals” for Rice’s TV appearances. One of the goals: “To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.” The email contained a mock Q&A session, and the third question asked whether the Benghazi attack was “an intelligence failure.” The answer in the email parroted — nearly word for word — Rice’s talking points when it said: “The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US Consulate and subsequently its annex.” The Rhodes email was released April 29 by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group that obtained 41 State Department documents under the Freedom of Information Act."

To me this was a total BS story, made up from whole cloth to, in their own words make it seem that "these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy"

they lied. no doubt in my mind about it. Grabbed that feeble straw of this video, knew they were lying, trotted Rice out to lie to people and rode that pony as long as it took for the short attention span of the American public to get into 'yesterday's news' territory.

Then Rice got her reward for being a good soldier and was appointed as National Security Advisor, which would be belly-laugh territory if it wasn't an actually important post. They should have appointed her ambassador to Libya instead......
I don't care if they initially used the video, there was unrest and riots in the region due to the video elsewhere, they had intelligence saying the unrest was spreading to other middle eastern regions and cities, the State dept was concerned with it spreading and found an opportunity to speak out against the violence and try to quell the swelling anger over it in the region...

Without having a definitive answer on whether the video some how inspired the attack by the terrorists from the Intelligence community, which did not come until about 2 weeks later, then using the video, which the CIA said was a part of this attack was okay to do if they felt it would serve our Nation best at the time.

And even then, after the two weeks it took for the CIA to come out with their report on the attack, and to this very day, Our Intelligence community has NOT taken the video off the table as being a part of this attack.

They, the intelligence agencies, the State Department and Defense Dept and Military commanders have their reasons for handling things the way they do in foreign affairs, and I am not privileged to know those security reasons.

Now if they continue to hound that it was simply a video outburst, and nothing else, AFTER the CIA released their analysis of the situation, then I'd be concerned.
its called bullshit ... fathers questioning exec officers .. seriously ???

simple explanation demanded by simpletons, aka RW's.

Despite your Liberal view, Freedom of Speech is NOT 'BS'. The man's son unnecessarily lost his life in the service of his country because this lying, deceitful, treasonous, inept bi-atch failed to run her own agency and failed to protect the lives of Americans.

If she had just told the truth, that Islamic Extremists stormed the compound and in the process Stevens and the 3 others were killed Americans would have been pissed - at Islamic Extremists - but would have accepted it - end of story.

Instead, to protect her and Obama's ass she concocted a lie she told the world...and to the grieving family members. Had it been YOUR son and some lying GOP ass told you a lie about what happened I would have no doubt you would be RIGHTFULLY pissed and out for answer / justice. Liberals, as you have demonstrated, though, do not think that way. They seem to think, 'As long as it is not MY kid and a Democrat is responsible it's all good'.

THAT is what is BS! Freedom of Speech, my friend. I know if you and your Liberal pals could you would strip that right from Conservatives, but you haven't yet. Deal with it.

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