Father Refuses to Claim Dead Homosexual Son of Orlando Shooting (I Wouldn't Either)

To be expected from hateful bible thumpers. The man might have been his father, but certainly not his family. I suspect his family, the many who actually loved him, will stand up and see that he receives the dignity he deserves. The sperm donor can fade into a forgotten past.
The citizens of Orlando and the great state of Florida will care for them all.
Sure, make the government pay for it...Then you can bitch about welfare..
These victims will al be buried with dignity. The terrorist? Probably not.
Criminals' and convicts' bodies if not claimed by family are also normally donated to med schools and universities.
Are you saying there is a gay gene? How can you tell an unborn baby is going to be gay?

I didn't say anything of the sort. I didn't talk about details. I just asked if abortion would be ok if the baby was going to grow up to be gay.

You asked if people would approve of abortion if they knew the fetus, your term, was going to be gay? How else would you know unless genetic tests could be done that proved such a thing? While you may not have said it outright, what you mentioned could only be determined at that stage using genetics. That's why I asked the question.

You didn't say baby. You said fetus which you lefties refer to the unborn as in order to keep from calling it life so you can justify abortion.

I was addressing the eagerness that some have expressed at wanting gays to be murdered.

Genetics, time machine, seer, or whatever. The method of knowing is not important. Would you advocate killing a fetus that would grow to be gay?

And "fetus" is the scientific term for an unborn baby. And in my response to your post I used the term "baby".

How about these versions of my posts?

"Given the vile things I have seen numerous people post about gays, I wonder if they would approve of aborting a fertilized egg, that is now an independent life, whose name is known by God, that would grow up to be gay?"

"I just asked if abortion would be ok if the undeveloped, living human was going to grow up to be gay."

I don't advocate abortion for any reason not do I believe someone is born gay. Next question?

At least you answered. No more questions in this thread.

You didn't. You skirted the question.
I didn't say anything of the sort. I didn't talk about details. I just asked if abortion would be ok if the baby was going to grow up to be gay.

You asked if people would approve of abortion if they knew the fetus, your term, was going to be gay? How else would you know unless genetic tests could be done that proved such a thing? While you may not have said it outright, what you mentioned could only be determined at that stage using genetics. That's why I asked the question.

You didn't say baby. You said fetus which you lefties refer to the unborn as in order to keep from calling it life so you can justify abortion.

I was addressing the eagerness that some have expressed at wanting gays to be murdered.

Genetics, time machine, seer, or whatever. The method of knowing is not important. Would you advocate killing a fetus that would grow to be gay?

And "fetus" is the scientific term for an unborn baby. And in my response to your post I used the term "baby".

How about these versions of my posts?

"Given the vile things I have seen numerous people post about gays, I wonder if they would approve of aborting a fertilized egg, that is now an independent life, whose name is known by God, that would grow up to be gay?"

"I just asked if abortion would be ok if the undeveloped, living human was going to grow up to be gay."

I don't advocate abortion for any reason not do I believe someone is born gay. Next question?

At least you answered. No more questions in this thread.

You didn't. You skirted the question.

The question was irrelevant to the point I was making. So I helped keep it focused.
You asked if people would approve of abortion if they knew the fetus, your term, was going to be gay? How else would you know unless genetic tests could be done that proved such a thing? While you may not have said it outright, what you mentioned could only be determined at that stage using genetics. That's why I asked the question.

You didn't say baby. You said fetus which you lefties refer to the unborn as in order to keep from calling it life so you can justify abortion.

I was addressing the eagerness that some have expressed at wanting gays to be murdered.

Genetics, time machine, seer, or whatever. The method of knowing is not important. Would you advocate killing a fetus that would grow to be gay?

And "fetus" is the scientific term for an unborn baby. And in my response to your post I used the term "baby".

How about these versions of my posts?

"Given the vile things I have seen numerous people post about gays, I wonder if they would approve of aborting a fertilized egg, that is now an independent life, whose name is known by God, that would grow up to be gay?"

"I just asked if abortion would be ok if the undeveloped, living human was going to grow up to be gay."

I don't advocate abortion for any reason not do I believe someone is born gay. Next question?

At least you answered. No more questions in this thread.

You didn't. You skirted the question.

The question was irrelevant to the point I was making. So I helped keep it focused.

No, it was directly related to something you bought up that would have to be determined during pregnancy? Now, you run like a coward and make excuses in order to not answer. Not surprised from someone that went to a STATE school.
I was addressing the eagerness that some have expressed at wanting gays to be murdered.

Genetics, time machine, seer, or whatever. The method of knowing is not important. Would you advocate killing a fetus that would grow to be gay?

And "fetus" is the scientific term for an unborn baby. And in my response to your post I used the term "baby".

How about these versions of my posts?

"Given the vile things I have seen numerous people post about gays, I wonder if they would approve of aborting a fertilized egg, that is now an independent life, whose name is known by God, that would grow up to be gay?"

"I just asked if abortion would be ok if the undeveloped, living human was going to grow up to be gay."

I don't advocate abortion for any reason not do I believe someone is born gay. Next question?

At least you answered. No more questions in this thread.

You didn't. You skirted the question.

The question was irrelevant to the point I was making. So I helped keep it focused.

No, it was directly related to something you bought up that would have to be determined during pregnancy? Now, you run like a coward and make excuses in order to not answer. Not surprised from someone that went to a STATE school.

LMAO!!! The "STATE school" line is hilarious.

The point was the gay hater's willingness to call for the murder of all homosexuals. I was making the point that, if they could, I bet some conservatives would advocate abortions for an unborn baby/fetus/child of God. If I had answered your question about genetics, you would probably have pursued that line instead of the point of the question.

Just because you like a game does not mean I have any intention of playing it.
I don't advocate abortion for any reason not do I believe someone is born gay. Next question?

At least you answered. No more questions in this thread.

You didn't. You skirted the question.

The question was irrelevant to the point I was making. So I helped keep it focused.

No, it was directly related to something you bought up that would have to be determined during pregnancy? Now, you run like a coward and make excuses in order to not answer. Not surprised from someone that went to a STATE school.

LMAO!!! The "STATE school" line is hilarious.

The point was the gay hater's willingness to call for the murder of all homosexuals. I was making the point that, if they could, I bet some conservatives would advocate abortions for an unborn baby/fetus/child of God. If I had answered your question about genetics, you would probably have pursued that line instead of the point of the question.

Just because you like a game does not mean I have any intention of playing it.

I can't help it you could only get into a state school. Anyone can do that.

The point you made included the mentioning of an unborn baby and finding out it was gay. Now, you avoid answering a question related to something you brought up.

You even admit you didn't answer the question. I don't expect a coward to answer it.
At least you answered. No more questions in this thread.

You didn't. You skirted the question.

The question was irrelevant to the point I was making. So I helped keep it focused.

No, it was directly related to something you bought up that would have to be determined during pregnancy? Now, you run like a coward and make excuses in order to not answer. Not surprised from someone that went to a STATE school.

LMAO!!! The "STATE school" line is hilarious.

The point was the gay hater's willingness to call for the murder of all homosexuals. I was making the point that, if they could, I bet some conservatives would advocate abortions for an unborn baby/fetus/child of God. If I had answered your question about genetics, you would probably have pursued that line instead of the point of the question.

Just because you like a game does not mean I have any intention of playing it.

I can't help it you could only get into a state school. Anyone can do that.

The point you made included the mentioning of an unborn baby and finding out it was gay. Now, you avoid answering a question related to something you brought up.

You even admit you didn't answer the question. I don't expect a coward to answer it.

The question was not relevant to the point I was making. That is why I answered as I did. "Genetics, time travel, a seer or whatever" is an answer. It is a hypothetical question. How it was determined that the unborn baby/fetus was gay is not relevant. Just as the reason the woman wants the abortion. Was she raped? Is she just a raging liberal? It doesn't matter in the context of the question I asked. It was an attempt to divert the topic. Just as all this nonsense is a diversion.

Don't like my answer? Ok.
At least you answered. No more questions in this thread.

You didn't. You skirted the question.

The question was irrelevant to the point I was making. So I helped keep it focused.

No, it was directly related to something you bought up that would have to be determined during pregnancy? Now, you run like a coward and make excuses in order to not answer. Not surprised from someone that went to a STATE school.

LMAO!!! The "STATE school" line is hilarious.

The point was the gay hater's willingness to call for the murder of all homosexuals. I was making the point that, if they could, I bet some conservatives would advocate abortions for an unborn baby/fetus/child of God. If I had answered your question about genetics, you would probably have pursued that line instead of the point of the question.

Just because you like a game does not mean I have any intention of playing it.

I can't help it you could only get into a state school. Anyone can do that.

I was married with 3 children when I went to the university. The school choice was about logistics, not merit.

And it was an excellent school. I have no problem with my alma mater.
But you went to school. And that condemns you in the eyes of most of these "Conservatives". After all, we all know what Dick Cheney said about education.
Bravo for the father. His son chose to reject God and our Savior, Jesus Christ, and instead chose a life of depravity that is highly immoral. On the other hand, the good father is exercising the right moral decision. I would do the same.

Father Refuses to Claim Body of Orlando Shooting Victim
This is called "estrangement". The parents were estranged from their adult child.

Very sad.

The body will now go to one of the various universities for their biological and anatomical studies or medical school.

That's not necessarily bad.

Med students need cadavers. There is a shortage of cadavers anyway.

I hope the students would wear protective Hazmat suits since he was gay. They are walking disease mills.

One needs a hazmat suit for the intellect when reading anything Stevie Boi posts. To disown ones own child for that reason is simply unacceptable. And against everything the Christ of the New Testament preached.
To be expected from hateful bible thumpers. The man might have been his father, but certainly not his family. I suspect his family, the many who actually loved him, will stand up and see that he receives the dignity he deserves. The sperm donor can fade into a forgotten past.
The citizens of Orlando and the great state of Florida will care for them all.
Sure, make the government pay for it...Then you can bitch about welfare..
These victims will al be buried with dignity. The terrorist? Probably not.
He's already buried...and people who's loved ones are buried near him are already bitching about it.
I can't blame them. To me, people like that man should be in place that is for killers only if they are not going to be cremated.

God bless you always!!!

Orlando, Florida, fake blood at gay club: Agendas, Illuminati jokes
Reminder of Last Prophet's one day after the Pulse shooting hoax.

Fake mass blood setting the stage for the real deal:
- disarmed citizens before guillotines and gas chambers from USA to EU
- ground troops in Syria.

Some of the related Illuminati jokes
1.Having the actor playing shooter in IMDB, the actors database

2. Having homosexuals mourn the fake blood just before they are transported to the extermination camps.
This mockery is pushed one day later to "After Gay Club Massacre – Phoenix LGBT Officially ENDORSES TRUMP".:

3. "shooter Omar Mateen may not have understood the difference between ISIS, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah"
The joke is served as "confused, perhaps even incoherent" as the "shooter" supposedly pledged allegiance:
- to both ISIS and Hezbollah, what in fact only apparently contradicts what's really going on in Syria (these supposed enemies are in fact both part of the IV Reich forces protecting Assad)-
- as well to Al-Nusra.
- no ISIS mercenaries were killed in action in Syria by the supposed enemy Russia/USA/Assad/Iran/Hezbollah (there's no ISIS in Iraq where rebels are falsely portrayed as ISIS).
- In Syria no other group has inflicted more casualties to ISIS and to Hezbollah than Al-Nusra, a group that is falsely portrayed as part of the illuminati creation known as Al-Qaeda.

Notes - reference for the mentioned Illuminati jokes

Reminder of what was explained in advance worldwide only by Last Prophet and is now already unfolding, from the Ukraine to the Philippines:
BIG BANG: the most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever.
The ultimate reverse script starts with a sudden inversion just before the BIG BANG, launched with Obama's staged arrest.
Some of the scripts that will be suddenly inverted:
1. Multiracial society and open borders becomes manhunt for aliens and non-whites
2. Legalize drugs becomes execution of drug addicts
3. "Gay marriage legalized" becomes manhunt for homosexuals.
4. "Ultra-nationalists" become "our national heroes"
5. Staged democracy becomes Hitler was right
See also the added preview section with unfolding examples.:n-of-illuminati.html
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever

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Illuminati Agenda, illustrated with key acts of illuminati theater: Orlando shooting, fake blood gay club jokes

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