father shoots daughter--this is NOT an accident

an accident would be like the overhead at a shooting range fell on your arm while you were shooting
a rock fell on your arm while you are shooting
1.finger on trigger
2.pointing weapon in direction you do not intend to shoot at
3.not checking weapon
4. not instructing/ordering kids to keep away/out of area/etc if necessary
Indiana father accidentally shoots and kills 6-year-old daughter while cleaning gun - NY Daily News
Fucking idiot. The first thing you should do when you pick up a gun is assume its loaded and clear it.
Why would I want to clear a gun I am carrying for protection?
You specifically would never want to clear a gun because youre stupid and prefer to carry around a dirty gun. Hopefully it misfires and blows shrapnel into your eyes and throat.
Right, kangz.
The 4/5 basic gun safety rules are intended to be in use all at the same time however if you screw up one, the others should still keep you from committing an unfortunate act.

In this case, even if he had screwed up all of them but still managed to "not point at anything that you're unwilling to kill or destroy" or "keep the weapon pointed in a safe direction" he should have been alright.

The negligence in this insance is completely inexcusable, in my opinion.
the very first thing you do is check the chamber
I was in the USMC for 8 years, and I think I remember 1 inadvertent discharge with no injuries
Firearms should never be blamed for human error/stupidity...
he could not have done that with a knife/pool/bat/etc
People kill people not firearms
so if he was cleaning his pool, or cleaning his bat, or cleaning his knife, please tell me how the kid would've died?
the very first thing you do is check the chamber
I was in the USMC for 8 years, and I think I remember 1 inadvertent discharge with no injuries

It happens. Even Chesty Puller popped a round off accidentally inside a building. And Puller is universally recognized as one of the finest Marines ever.

I watched an officer put three rounds into a bullet barrel while trying to unload his weapon. I popped one into the ground at the range. I was lucky that the only thing hurt by me was any worms who were in the ground I was pointing the pistol at. I should note that I have not repeated that mistake in thirty years.

The term accident used in this context means unintentional. Like putting the car in Drive instead of Reverse and parking the car through the garage door. Many pistols, including Glocks, require you to pull the trigger in order to disassemble the weapon.

A friend of mine is a cop. His father, was ex military and a life long gun collector, very careful, all his guns in a fully secure gun room.

He had an accidental discharge and injured himself, later in life.
we had a cop here that left his pistol laying around, his toddler child got it and shot himself--dead
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I sure would not want this idiot trying to save me from a mass murderer
he has proven he can't handle a pistol
Since the article didn't call it a revolver, it's usually safe to say it was an automatic. The 'clip' is those long, thin things that hold the bullets that is put into that little hole in the bottom of the handle & locked into place when being used.

I don't know what you might call it, but I've always called it a clip.


...and you would be wrong!

Yep, sort of...….as millions of people are about using the terms of magazine & clip interchangeably. Keep reading thru the rest of the responses

I did. There are stupid people everywhere. You are forgiven!

:meow: smartass

I don't see your ass doing any tricks!:1peleas:

NOPE, tricks are for kids. I'm not a kid :04:
the very first thing you do is check the chamber
I was in the USMC for 8 years, and I think I remember 1 inadvertent discharge with no injuries
Firearms should never be blamed for human error/stupidity...
he could not have done that with a knife/pool/bat/etc
People kill people not firearms
so if he was cleaning his pool, or cleaning his bat, or cleaning his knife, please tell me how the kid would've died?
From what I have gathered some argue a "well regulated militia" back in history meant having common sense in handling a firearm. It is just so frustrating to hear of these incidents. Previous one I heard of was a kid shooting a gun in an Ikea store, one that had slipped out of a customers pocket and was between cushions of the couch the child was sitting on. Luckily nobody was harmed in that one.

We really need to keep an eye on these little ones. Most often here in Arizona it is a case of a childhood drownings that gets me down. They say drownings are now the most frequent cause of accidental deaths for children from 1 to 4. For me both guns and swimming pools are things I can do without. If you have either, please be careful out there.
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the very first thing you do is check the chamber
I was in the USMC for 8 years, and I think I remember 1 inadvertent discharge with no injuries
Firearms should never be blamed for human error/stupidity...
he could not have done that with a knife/pool/bat/etc
People kill people not firearms
so if he was cleaning his pool, or cleaning his bat, or cleaning his knife, please tell me how the kid would've died?
I don't think so--
please, I'm waiting for your fictional book on how this would happen
.....oo--Ok, the kid RUNS into the room, as the mom kicks the cat after the mom spills hot cocoa , and the cat runs in front of the kid, and she trips 20 feet into the knife................???!!????
....so he's cleaning his bat, and what happens?????!!!
the dad is cleaning the pool and how does she die????

..I wasn't even blaming anyone/anything except the jackass until you posted
Yeah, first two things you do...…..pop the clip, then the chamber before dismantling to clean.

But this was a very sad accident. By that I mean that the father had made a mistake and he will be paying for that for the rest of his life
yep. people in here can drop judgement and get on with their breakfast burrito and the next bit of news deserving of commentary but that is one seriously messed up father at this point.

as an aside, this isn't about the issue itself but journalism in general. it used to be the pictures showed had something to do with the story but not anymore. just throw up a pic of some dude cleaning a pistol. i have to wonder how many people think that is the real gun that was being cleaned as if the reporters came over and said "can you recreate cleaning the gun so i can get a picture?" as a photo journalist i hate the lazy way out people take these days.
Firearms should never be blamed for human error/stupidity...
he could not have done that with a knife/pool/bat/etc
People kill people not firearms
so if he was cleaning his pool, or cleaning his bat, or cleaning his knife, please tell me how the kid would've died?
I don't think so--
please, I'm waiting for your fictional book on how this would happen
.....oo--Ok, the kid RUNS into the room, as the mom kicks the cat after the mom spills hot cocoa , and the cat runs in front of the kid, and she trips 20 feet into the knife................???!!????
....so he's cleaning his bat, and what happens?????!!!
the dad is cleaning the pool and how does she die????

..I wasn't even blaming anyone/anything except the jackass until you posted
Shit happens... No amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that whatsoever
he could not have done that with a knife/pool/bat/etc
People kill people not firearms
so if he was cleaning his pool, or cleaning his bat, or cleaning his knife, please tell me how the kid would've died?
I don't think so--
please, I'm waiting for your fictional book on how this would happen
.....oo--Ok, the kid RUNS into the room, as the mom kicks the cat after the mom spills hot cocoa , and the cat runs in front of the kid, and she trips 20 feet into the knife................???!!????
....so he's cleaning his bat, and what happens?????!!!
the dad is cleaning the pool and how does she die????

..I wasn't even blaming anyone/anything except the jackass until you posted
Shit happens... No amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that whatsoever
no--people don't get killed by cleaning their bats/knives/pools/etc
no--this should not have happened
check chamber
do not point weapon at YOUR KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...I have a WW2 pistol with NO ammo..no mag inserted and I still keep it pointed away from people!!!!!
he could not have done that with a knife/pool/bat/etc
People kill people not firearms
so if he was cleaning his pool, or cleaning his bat, or cleaning his knife, please tell me how the kid would've died?
I don't think so--
please, I'm waiting for your fictional book on how this would happen
.....oo--Ok, the kid RUNS into the room, as the mom kicks the cat after the mom spills hot cocoa , and the cat runs in front of the kid, and she trips 20 feet into the knife................???!!????
....so he's cleaning his bat, and what happens?????!!!
the dad is cleaning the pool and how does she die????

..I wasn't even blaming anyone/anything except the jackass until you posted
Shit happens... No amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that whatsoever
No one said anything about gun control idiot.
People kill people not firearms
so if he was cleaning his pool, or cleaning his bat, or cleaning his knife, please tell me how the kid would've died?
I don't think so--
please, I'm waiting for your fictional book on how this would happen
.....oo--Ok, the kid RUNS into the room, as the mom kicks the cat after the mom spills hot cocoa , and the cat runs in front of the kid, and she trips 20 feet into the knife................???!!????
....so he's cleaning his bat, and what happens?????!!!
the dad is cleaning the pool and how does she die????

..I wasn't even blaming anyone/anything except the jackass until you posted
Shit happens... No amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that whatsoever
no--people don't get killed by cleaning their bats/knives/pools/etc
no--this should not have happened
check chamber
do not point weapon at YOUR KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...I have a WW2 pistol with NO ammo..no mag inserted and I still keep it pointed away from people!!!!!
That’s called personal responsibility, it’s no one else’s business... especially the federal government
so if he was cleaning his pool, or cleaning his bat, or cleaning his knife, please tell me how the kid would've died?
I don't think so--
please, I'm waiting for your fictional book on how this would happen
.....oo--Ok, the kid RUNS into the room, as the mom kicks the cat after the mom spills hot cocoa , and the cat runs in front of the kid, and she trips 20 feet into the knife................???!!????
....so he's cleaning his bat, and what happens?????!!!
the dad is cleaning the pool and how does she die????

..I wasn't even blaming anyone/anything except the jackass until you posted
Shit happens... No amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that whatsoever
no--people don't get killed by cleaning their bats/knives/pools/etc
no--this should not have happened
check chamber
do not point weapon at YOUR KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...I have a WW2 pistol with NO ammo..no mag inserted and I still keep it pointed away from people!!!!!
That’s called personal responsibility, it’s no one else’s business... especially the federal government
this idiot has proven he does not have the brains to own a pistol
no more for him
I don't think so--
please, I'm waiting for your fictional book on how this would happen
.....oo--Ok, the kid RUNS into the room, as the mom kicks the cat after the mom spills hot cocoa , and the cat runs in front of the kid, and she trips 20 feet into the knife................???!!????
....so he's cleaning his bat, and what happens?????!!!
the dad is cleaning the pool and how does she die????

..I wasn't even blaming anyone/anything except the jackass until you posted
Shit happens... No amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that whatsoever
no--people don't get killed by cleaning their bats/knives/pools/etc
no--this should not have happened
check chamber
do not point weapon at YOUR KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...I have a WW2 pistol with NO ammo..no mag inserted and I still keep it pointed away from people!!!!!
That’s called personal responsibility, it’s no one else’s business... especially the federal government
this idiot has proven he does not have the brains to own a pistol
no more for him
He has a right to be an idiot...
But we certainly do not need the nanny state because of idiots

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