father shoots daughter--this is NOT an accident

And what about when their toddler falls out a 10 story window, because the parents didn't think the kid could reach it? Or the same with prescription drugs? Or backing out the driveway? Or, or, or.

There are a thousand reasons kids get killed by their parents or other adults in what is considered 'accidents or mistakes'. It's not always about guns
They all sound like stupid preventable mistakes to me except maybe backing out of a driveway

I didnt say it was all about guns. I said this one was about a stupid person with a gun.

That's just it......they all are preventable and that's what makes them 'stupid' mistakes, even backing out of a driveway. What does it take to make sure where your kids or other people are before driving away? A 10-15 second walk around the car..
I disagree. Some accidents cant be prevented because you cant control all the elements. Not clearing your weapon is entirely preventable. All you have to do is do it.

You can't tell me that checking around the vehicle or making sure your kids are out of the way before driving off, or barricading a window or staircase, or putting child locks on the cabinet that holds toxic chemicals, or plugging electrical outlets, etc aren't preventable.
You can walk around that car a million times and the moment you step into the car to drive off the child can appear out of nowhere. Like I said the others are preventable.

And actually you can do all the right things to prevent any of these types of accidents...…….and some kids will still get around whatever measure you've put in place and be injured or killed
I bet money it was a Glock. One major flaw in the design is that you have to pull the trigger, in order to disassemble it. While this is really a training issue; many accidents like this have happened. Last year a local man made the same novice mistake. Shot through his hand, and his wife’s arm, striking his six year old son in the head. This is a common mistake.that sadly is easily avoidable. But nearly every time I hear of an incident like this... The gun turns out to be a Glock.

Asclepias ^^^ read this^^^
The first sentence is stupid and exactly what I am talking about.. I've cleared a Glock before and you dont have to pull the trigger. Vasectomy doesnt know what the fuck he is talking about. You should always clear the gun before you attempt to disassemble or clean it.
The fuck you don’t mother fucker. You might as well quit flapping your cock suckers now before you embarrass yourself further. If you think you can disassemble a Glock without pulling the trigger ( which you do) you’ve never done it. Now sit down and shut the fuck up while grown folks are talkin’.
I said you dont have to pull the trigger to clear a Glock dummy. You do realize thats different from disassembling one right?
Nobody gives a fuck. Because I WASNT talking about “to clear” the gun. I specifically stated “to disassemble” you illiterate, plunger faced fuck. Now sit down. Grown folks are talkin’.
I know what you stated idiot. I said specifically before you disassemble a weapon it should be cleared. That way when you disassemble it you dont shoot anyone.
They all sound like stupid preventable mistakes to me except maybe backing out of a driveway

I didnt say it was all about guns. I said this one was about a stupid person with a gun.

That's just it......they all are preventable and that's what makes them 'stupid' mistakes, even backing out of a driveway. What does it take to make sure where your kids or other people are before driving away? A 10-15 second walk around the car..
I disagree. Some accidents cant be prevented because you cant control all the elements. Not clearing your weapon is entirely preventable. All you have to do is do it.

You can't tell me that checking around the vehicle or making sure your kids are out of the way before driving off, or barricading a window or staircase, or putting child locks on the cabinet that holds toxic chemicals, or plugging electrical outlets, etc aren't preventable.
You can walk around that car a million times and the moment you step into the car to drive off the child can appear out of nowhere. Like I said the others are preventable.

And actually you can do all the right things to prevent any of these types of accidents...…….and some kids will still get around whatever measure you've put in place and be injured or killed
I know kids can get into pretty much anything but thats entirely different from not clearing your weapon. No child can keep you from doing that before you attempt to clean it. Its totally preventable.
There are four rules of gun safety.

This idiot didn't know them.

That's just it......they all are preventable and that's what makes them 'stupid' mistakes, even backing out of a driveway. What does it take to make sure where your kids or other people are before driving away? A 10-15 second walk around the car..
I disagree. Some accidents cant be prevented because you cant control all the elements. Not clearing your weapon is entirely preventable. All you have to do is do it.

You can't tell me that checking around the vehicle or making sure your kids are out of the way before driving off, or barricading a window or staircase, or putting child locks on the cabinet that holds toxic chemicals, or plugging electrical outlets, etc aren't preventable.
You can walk around that car a million times and the moment you step into the car to drive off the child can appear out of nowhere. Like I said the others are preventable.

And actually you can do all the right things to prevent any of these types of accidents...…….and some kids will still get around whatever measure you've put in place and be injured or killed
I know kids can get into pretty much anything but thats entirely different from not clearing your weapon. No child can keep you from doing that before you attempt to clean it. Its totally preventable.

Then you are making this all about guns. As I've said in nearly every instance they are ALL preventable in one way or another.

The fact still remains, any & all parents carry the guilt of responsibility anytime their child dies because of unfortunate circumstances that could have been prevented...…...regardless of the means of which it happens
I disagree. Some accidents cant be prevented because you cant control all the elements. Not clearing your weapon is entirely preventable. All you have to do is do it.

You can't tell me that checking around the vehicle or making sure your kids are out of the way before driving off, or barricading a window or staircase, or putting child locks on the cabinet that holds toxic chemicals, or plugging electrical outlets, etc aren't preventable.
You can walk around that car a million times and the moment you step into the car to drive off the child can appear out of nowhere. Like I said the others are preventable.

And actually you can do all the right things to prevent any of these types of accidents...…….and some kids will still get around whatever measure you've put in place and be injured or killed
I know kids can get into pretty much anything but thats entirely different from not clearing your weapon. No child can keep you from doing that before you attempt to clean it. Its totally preventable.

Then you are making this all about guns. As I've said in nearly every instance they are ALL preventable in one way or another.

The fact still remains, any & all parents carry the guilt of responsibility anytime their child dies because of unfortunate circumstances that could have been prevented...…...regardless of the means of which it happens
Well the topic is about a gun. What else would I make it about? As I said I disagree. Some accidents are not preventable because you cant control all the variables. With making sure a gun is cleared you absolutely can. I cant really think of anything thats easier than that to be honest.
Yeah, first two things you do...…..pop the clip, then the chamber before dismantling to clean.

But this was a very sad accident. By that I mean that the father had made a mistake and he will be paying for that for the rest of his life

I have never seen a pistol with a clip. What do they look like?

Mistake? Sorry! The person in question needs to be removed from the gene pool before he reproduces again.

Since the article didn't call it a revolver, it's usually safe to say it was an automatic. The 'clip' is those long, thin things that hold the bullets that is put into that little hole in the bottom of the handle & locked into place when being used.

I don't know what you might call it, but I've always called it a clip.


...and you would be wrong!
Yeah, first two things you do...…..pop the clip, then the chamber before dismantling to clean.

But this was a very sad accident. By that I mean that the father had made a mistake and he will be paying for that for the rest of his life

I have never seen a pistol with a clip. What do they look like?

Mistake? Sorry! The person in question needs to be removed from the gene pool before he reproduces again.

Since the article didn't call it a revolver, it's usually safe to say it was an automatic. The 'clip' is those long, thin things that hold the bullets that is put into that little hole in the bottom of the handle & locked into place when being used.

I don't know what you might call it, but I've always called it a clip.


...and you would be wrong!

Yep, sort of...….as millions of people are about using the terms of magazine & clip interchangeably. Keep reading thru the rest of the responses
Yeah, first two things you do...…..pop the clip, then the chamber before dismantling to clean.

But this was a very sad accident. By that I mean that the father had made a mistake and he will be paying for that for the rest of his life

I have never seen a pistol with a clip. What do they look like?

Mistake? Sorry! The person in question needs to be removed from the gene pool before he reproduces again.

Since the article didn't call it a revolver, it's usually safe to say it was an automatic. The 'clip' is those long, thin things that hold the bullets that is put into that little hole in the bottom of the handle & locked into place when being used.

I don't know what you might call it, but I've always called it a clip.


...and you would be wrong!

Yep, sort of...….as millions of people are about using the terms of magazine & clip interchangeably. Keep reading thru the rest of the responses

I did. There are stupid people everywhere. You are forgiven!
Yeah, first two things you do...…..pop the clip, then the chamber before dismantling to clean.

But this was a very sad accident. By that I mean that the father had made a mistake and he will be paying for that for the rest of his life

I have never seen a pistol with a clip. What do they look like?

Mistake? Sorry! The person in question needs to be removed from the gene pool before he reproduces again.

Since the article didn't call it a revolver, it's usually safe to say it was an automatic. The 'clip' is those long, thin things that hold the bullets that is put into that little hole in the bottom of the handle & locked into place when being used.

I don't know what you might call it, but I've always called it a clip.


...and you would be wrong!

Yep, sort of...….as millions of people are about using the terms of magazine & clip interchangeably. Keep reading thru the rest of the responses

I did. There are stupid people everywhere. You are forgiven!

:meow: smartass
I have never seen a pistol with a clip. What do they look like?

Mistake? Sorry! The person in question needs to be removed from the gene pool before he reproduces again.

Since the article didn't call it a revolver, it's usually safe to say it was an automatic. The 'clip' is those long, thin things that hold the bullets that is put into that little hole in the bottom of the handle & locked into place when being used.

I don't know what you might call it, but I've always called it a clip.


...and you would be wrong!

Yep, sort of...….as millions of people are about using the terms of magazine & clip interchangeably. Keep reading thru the rest of the responses

I did. There are stupid people everywhere. You are forgiven!

:meow: smartass

I don't see your ass doing any tricks!:1peleas:
an accident would be like the overhead at a shooting range fell on your arm while you were shooting
a rock fell on your arm while you are shooting
1.finger on trigger
2.pointing weapon in direction you do not intend to shoot at
3.not checking weapon
4. not instructing/ordering kids to keep away/out of area/etc if necessary
Indiana father accidentally shoots and kills 6-year-old daughter while cleaning gun - NY Daily News
Fucking idiot. The first thing you should do when you pick up a gun is assume its loaded and clear it.
Why would I want to clear a gun I am carrying for protection?
Oh, and here's a couple of clips, a 9mm, and a box of shells.

Shit happens

I love how all you idiots think we can achieve an accident free world

People make mistakes always have always will.
Most mistakes dont kill your little girl you idiot. Its not like everybody that has been around guns doesnt know you check and then double check.

Tell me do experienced military pilots with years of training still crash on occasion?

Do doctors with decades of education and training still fuck up and kill patients?

Do professional drivers still get into auto accidents?

It matters not what the activity is if there is a human being involved there will be accidents

It is a true a law as any that ever existed

So basically youre saying accept death, failure, and mediocrity because you think humans cant follow a simple protocol like making sure you've cleared your weapon? Thats an entirely controllable act.

I reject that stupid opinion outright. It literally takes less than 5 seconds to clear a weapon. If you dont know how to do that then dont own one.

Yes.... Yes... that is exactly what they said, in fact they probably want children sacrificed as well, simply shot for the fun of shooting them....

You left wing doffus's are really getting old with your stupidity...
an accident would be like the overhead at a shooting range fell on your arm while you were shooting
a rock fell on your arm while you are shooting
1.finger on trigger
2.pointing weapon in direction you do not intend to shoot at
3.not checking weapon
4. not instructing/ordering kids to keep away/out of area/etc if necessary
Indiana father accidentally shoots and kills 6-year-old daughter while cleaning gun - NY Daily News

I notice they didn't mention if the gun was owned legally..... most of these gun accidents happen in homes where the gun is owned by a criminal.

Why would I want to clear a gun I am carrying for protection?

I am an ardent gun nut. NRA firearms instructor, NRA Range Officer, teach AR weapons training for the Sheriff's department, own 50 firearms etc. I know firearm safety. I practice firearms safety. I teach firearms safety. I know how to use firearms.

I make it a point to never have a loaded firearm when I am around children.

When my grandchildren visit (which is often) I make sure all guns are unloaded and locked up.

Since the grandchildren visit often I never have a loaded gun in the home. I clear the guns at the range and never bring a loaded gun into the home.

I occasionally carry like if we are going out at night and may be going through a bad area like in Tampa or Orlando. However, if I am going to be around children I leave the gun at home. I will only concealed carry if I will be around adults.

I always clear the carry gun immediately when I return home.

When I do carry the weapon it is lock and loaded. All my carry guns have safeties on them. I don't carry a Glock.
an accident would be like the overhead at a shooting range fell on your arm while you were shooting
a rock fell on your arm while you are shooting
1.finger on trigger
2.pointing weapon in direction you do not intend to shoot at
3.not checking weapon
4. not instructing/ordering kids to keep away/out of area/etc if necessary
Indiana father accidentally shoots and kills 6-year-old daughter while cleaning gun - NY Daily News
Fucking idiot. The first thing you should do when you pick up a gun is assume its loaded and clear it.
Why would I want to clear a gun I am carrying for protection?
You specifically would never want to clear a gun because youre stupid and prefer to carry around a dirty gun. Hopefully it misfires and blows shrapnel into your eyes and throat.

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