Fauci and Birx did all they could to disrupt the Trump Presidency

Your low-IQ brain apparently has no reading comprehension. I can't help that. Try reading the article slower this time, read every word, not just the small ones.
Your geography is biased. Daszak (Eco Health Alliance) gave the Yunnan virus to Baric at UNC Chapel Hill, a virus Daszak collected in 2011. When Baric manipulated it, it became more dangerous. Baric's research was allowed to continue on that very virus in the Chapel Hill, North Carolina lab.
Your low-IQ brain apparently has no reading comprehension. I can't help that. Try reading the article slower this time, read every word, not just the small ones.

Your claims and what this article states DO NOT MATCH.

Fauci never stated that research was what caused Covid or that he specifically was involved in funding descisions for that research facility.

Maybe next time you should read a little harder before accusing someone else of low IQ and comprehension issues.
Your claims and what this article states DO NOT MATCH.

Fauci never stated that research was what caused Covid or that he specifically was involved in funding descisions for that research facility.

Maybe next time you should read a little harder before accusing someone else of low IQ and comprehension issues.
He lied about everything else, why would he tell the truth and admit his involvement? You defenders are great allies to these liars.
Your geography is biased. Daszak (Eco Health Alliance) gave the Yunnan virus to Baric at UNC Chapel Hill, a virus Daszak collected in 2011. When Baric manipulated it, it became more dangerous. Baric's research was allowed to continue on that very virus in the Chapel Hill, North Carolina lab.
Link please.
i always thought it was funny how the dembots blamed him for the chinese virus, the. xiden takes office and surpasses the number of deaths…even with the trump vaccines
Your claims and what this article states DO NOT MATCH.
Fauci never stated that research was what caused Covid or that he specifically was involved in funding decisions for that research facility.
Maybe next time you should read a little harder before accusing someone else of low IQ and comprehension issues.
NIH said that Fauci funded "gain of function" research that led directly to the Covid pandemic. Read the article.
Of course Fau-Chi denies funding the research that led to the pandemic, duh.
"The National Institutes of Health has stunningly admitted to funding gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at China’s Wuhan lab — despite Dr. Anthony Fauci repeatedly insisting to Congress that no such thing happened."

I put up credible links proving Fau-Chi's funding caused the Covid pandemic.
The idiots pushing back have zero "proof", just lies.
Thanks for playing.
Sabotage from within.

---Dr. Atlas Blasts Fauci and Birx Who Did All They Could to Use COVID to Destroy President Trump---

Hey cultist. Show us just how faithful you are to lord dotard, and kill yourself for the cause. It will get him back into office.
The giant elephant in the world is that the communist NWO FREAKS actually modified a virus and released it for political means.
That's some seriously sick shit.
Every Marxist revolution in the 20th century NEEDED mass murder to come to fruition, and this Covid crap is as close to that as they're willing to go, so far.......
Sabotage from within.

---Dr. Atlas Blasts Fauci and Birx Who Did All They Could to Use COVID to Destroy President Trump---

This full scale idiot stuff...

It was a global pandemic do you think Fauci invented it?

Trump was President, he was in charge, he could have overruled them. So you are just admitting Trump was too weak to be able to control a doctor that answers to him...

Anymore desperate bullshit Conspiracy Theories...

Can we tell ye again, Gateway Pundit is rotting your brain.... They think ye are gullible fools and ye pile in everyday to take there bullshit as gospel.

Just ask yourself, are you listening to news you want to hear or news that is challenging your view...

Gateway Pundit and media sources like it are basically spreading false information for money... The model is simple, you don't have to hire a investigative team and spend months building a case to create that story which is ground breaking and society changing... You just sit in the office and dream up something that might sound good for your supporters/readership and screw the truth...
Doesn't matter if you are wrong, no retraction(unless we think we might loose a court case). Next day same as the first..
NIH said that Fauci funded "gain of function" research that led directly to the Covid pandemic. Read the article.

I DID READ the article it states nothing of the sort. NIH did not say that Fauci personally funded something or that this specific research had ANYTHING to do with Covid.

The ONLY point of the article was that NIH may have funded a g.o.f. experiment, in contradiction of Fauci's testimony that no funding ever went to such type of research.

Learn to read and stop wasting people's time.
I DID READ the article it states nothing of the sort. NIH did not say that Fauci personally funded something or that this specific research had ANYTHING to do with Covid.
The ONLY point of the article was that NIH may have funded a g.o.f. experiment, in contradiction of Fauci's testimony that no funding ever went to such type of research.
Learn to read and stop wasting people's time.
Fau-Chi controlled $billions of research dollars, no one said he funded anything "personally".
Why would Fau-Chi lie about the NIH funding?
Because the funding for GOF research in the Wuhan Lab (of bat viruses) led to the Covid pandemic, that's why.
Fau-Chi was warned by contemporaries that the research was dangerous and could lead to a pandemic.

Fauci Was Warned About Possible Gain-Of-Function Creation Of COVID-19 In January 2020, Newly Transcribed Emails Show​

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Rightards are never going o be able to evict Fauci from their brains.

Fauci has lied to the American people. He helped create mass hysteria and the worst case of abuse of power in US history. He should be treated as a criminal .
Trump should have known. He was not careful enough on those he appointed and believed their snake-ism. Fauci, Birx, Pence, even Kavanaugh. All snakes. He was surrounded with them and had no clue. I blame it on him concentrating too much on rallys.
Trump did not appoint Fauci.
It was a global pandemic do you think Fauci invented it?
His buddies might have played a role.
The Chinese wanted Trump out of the White House. Dems wanted Trump out of the White House. Out of nowhere (maybe a lab) a disease appears in China and makes it's way to the US. Mission accomplished for the Chinese and the Democrats.
Fau-Chi controlled $billions of research dollars, no one said he funded anything "personally".
Why would Fau-Chi lie about the NIH funding?
Because the funding for GOF research in the Wuhan Lab (of bat viruses) led to the Covid pandemic, that's why.
Fau-Chi was warned by contemporaries that the research was dangerous and could lead to a pandemic.

Fauci Was Warned About Possible Gain-Of-Function Creation Of COVID-19 In January 2020, Newly Transcribed Emails Show​

Fauci was warned about something possible from gof experiments...and there may have been some sort of gof at Wuhan....so therefore he funded Covid. :icon_rolleyes:

How the hell do you still not get that the givens DO NOT match your conclusions?
You are reaching and stretching and bending and spinning in comedic ways to support what is fundamentaly a conspiracy theory thesis.
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Fauci was warned about something possible from gof experiments...and there may have been some sort of gof at Wuhan....so therefore he funded Covid. :icon_rolleyes:
How the hell do you still not get that the givens DO NOT match your conclusions?
You are reaching and stretching and bending and spinning in comedic ways to support what is fundamentally a conspiracy theory thesis.
Fau-Chi's funding went to the Wuhan Lab to do GOF research
The Wuhan Lab did gof research on bat viruses
The Covid "bat virus" escaped causing a pandemic as Fau-Chi was warned

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