Fauci in 2019: mRNA vaccines, if perfect, will take a decade to test and verify before it can be rolled out.

Long term effects of not getting vaccinated = Death
99%+ of young healthy people get through WuFlu just fine. Then they have the antibodies that are far superior to your mRNA vax. The ones dying now and in the future will be “vaccinated” idiots who will be more vulnerable to future variants than the unvaccinated.
Those still dying are obese and/or old or have other co-morbitities.

Not necessarily true
But those who are obese, old or have co-morbities who are vaccinated are surviving
99%+ of young healthy people get through WuFlu just fine. Then they have the antibodies that are far superior to your mRNA vax. The ones dying now and in the future will be “vaccinated” idiots who will be more vulnerable to future variants than the unvaccinated.
They are also keeping the virus alive and passing it to others
Not necessarily true
But those who are obese, old or have co-morbities who are vaccinated are surviving
Has it occurred to you that I am fine with those people taking the vaccine?
To a vastly less degree than the unvaccinated
That is a fact
UK new study shows that the vast majority of WuFlu deaths are.....*drum roll*.....fully vaccinated! Less than 30% of deaths are unvaccinated:
Perfect example why those long term studies are needed

They knew they were pushing these faster than they should, they simply made a calculation that the side effects, which we are seeing, would be offset by the benefits.

That doesn't make them 'safe', it makes them 'better than nothing'. We have no idea what the long term side effects are and anyone claiming otherwise is flat full of shit.
UK new study shows that the vast majority of WuFlu deaths are.....*drum roll*.....fully vaccinated! Less than 30% of deaths are unvaccinated:
View attachment 548216

The data I posted wasn’t from June or July. It’s a study from Feb to Sept of this year.

Nice try.

Like THIS September?

640 vaccinated deaths
vs 50,000 unvaccinated deaths
Paywall. Can’t see any actual data.

Out of more than 51,000 Covid deaths in England between January and July 2021, only 256 occurred after two doses.
They were mostly people at very high risk from illness from Covid-19.
The figures show the high degree of protection from the vaccines against illness and death, the ONS said.

Out of more than 51,000 Covid deaths in England between January and July 2021, only 256 occurred after two doses.
They were mostly people at very high risk from illness from Covid-19.
The figures show the high degree of protection from the vaccines against illness and death, the ONS said.
From the data I can find, UK had a LOT of deaths in January. Then after Feb on the death rate has remained low.

You are claiming only 256 vaccinated died up to July. Yet the new study shows well over 1600 fully vaccinated died from Feb - Sept.

That’s a HUGE increase in supposedly super rare breakthrough cases resulting in death from August to September.

It sounds to me like the vaccines are wearing off, leaving the vaccinated more vulnerable to WuFlu than if they were unvaccinated.
Guess he was wrong in 2019
This is 2021
He's fucking wrong all the time though......

(He's a psychopath interested in MONEY--which motivates his snake salesmen comments as he doesn't care about the people he kills off-- and no surprise then he was part of inventing this killer weaponized virus from China either that he is using to profit off of from his covid vaccine stocks.)

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