Faux Black President Opens Up Atlantic for Oil Exploration

Forget the DOW. That's smoke and mirrors. And convenient propaganda. We're talking about real people and their circumstance.
This idiot-in-chief's energy policy has cost every American household thousands of dollars annually due to his energy policy. Most people are either on the dole, are well off enough to not realize it or are biased enough to not admit it.
Just google the outrage about how gas prices reached $3 under Bush. Then consider that they've averaged $3.50 under this faux-black hack-in-chief.

Interestingly enough, the gas prices hit some of their highest levels in June of 2008 (when Jr. was still in office) and they hit around 4.43.

What was the highest U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Sorry, but gas prices are much lower under Obama than they were under Jr. (who happened to be someone who loved the oil industry).

Today, I checked gas prices at the pumps, and for Amarillo it was around 3.30 (which is over a dollar less than 4.43).

Under Jr., I paid a lot more money for fuel. Under Obama, it's been going down.

Matter of fact, I was able to afford a trip this summer to vacation in Colorado this year. Why? Because of the policies that have been instrumented under Obama.

$4-plus in July, 2008. $1.35 on January 11, 2009 after drilling moratoriums expired and/or were reversed. $3.50 plus on average under this hack president and his bogus green agenda.
We make $100k annually with a modest mortgage and one kid in college and we can afford no car from this millennium. This hack president has busted our budget.

Wait, what?

Gas prices went down because the economy cratered.

That's pretty astonishing you are attributing price spikes to a 'green agenda'.

When the economy got better, prices went up. That also factors into speculation..
Forget the DOW. That's smoke and mirrors. And convenient propaganda. We're talking about real people and their circumstance.
This idiot-in-chief's energy policy has cost every American household thousands of dollars annually due to his energy policy. Most people are either on the dole, are well off enough to not realize it or are biased enough to not admit it.
Just google the outrage about how gas prices reached $3 under Bush. Then consider that they've averaged $3.50 under this faux-black hack-in-chief.

Interestingly enough, the gas prices hit some of their highest levels in June of 2008 (when Jr. was still in office) and they hit around 4.43.

What was the highest U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Sorry, but gas prices are much lower under Obama than they were under Jr. (who happened to be someone who loved the oil industry).

Today, I checked gas prices at the pumps, and for Amarillo it was around 3.30 (which is over a dollar less than 4.43).

Under Jr., I paid a lot more money for fuel. Under Obama, it's been going down.

Matter of fact, I was able to afford a trip this summer to vacation in Colorado this year. Why? Because of the policies that have been instrumented under Obama.

$4-plus in July, 2008. $1.35 on January 11, 2009 after drilling moratoriums expired and/or were reversed. $3.50 plus on average under this hack president and his bogus green agenda.
We make $100k annually with a modest mortgage and one kid in college and we can afford no car from this millennium. This hack president has busted our budget.

Gonna call you on your bullshit........................

Post links to prove your point (from legitimate news sites and not some right wing blog).

Or.....................be known forever as someone who pulls shit outta their ass.
$4-plus in July, 2008. $1.35 on January 11, 2009 after drilling moratoriums expired and/or were reversed. $3.50 plus on average under this hack president and his bogus green agenda.
We make $100k annually with a modest mortgage and one kid in college and we can afford no car from this millennium. This hack president has busted our budget.

Dude, your '1.35' price was the bottom of a retail gasoline market crash. It lasted a matter of weeks. The average price for 2008 was 3.299 a gallon. The average price in 2013? 3.575.
U.S. Gasoline and Diesel Retail Prices

An increase of only 28 cents. Adjusted for inflation, the price went up a PENNY.

And this is what you're weeping, and wailing and gnashing your teeth over?

Unemployment rates are at their lowest since 2008. Home values continue to ascend. The stock market is near all time highs. We just broke all records for total employment, with numbers higher than any time in our nation's history. Our energy exports are up while our inflation is historically low.

And you ignore all of it. No rational person interested in the actual state of affairs ever would.

Did you even read the links I provided at the outset of the thread?
Your 2008 average number was skewed by the impact of drilling moratoriums vs lifting of drilling moratoriums. The likes of which the hack reimposed and is now considering partially lifting. Geez, you democrat sheeple love to throw away money. Throw some to me if you're so rich. Since you encourage the hardship it wouldn't be true socialism. It would be a well-deserved fine.
Interestingly enough, the gas prices hit some of their highest levels in June of 2008 (when Jr. was still in office) and they hit around 4.43.

What was the highest U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Sorry, but gas prices are much lower under Obama than they were under Jr. (who happened to be someone who loved the oil industry).

Today, I checked gas prices at the pumps, and for Amarillo it was around 3.30 (which is over a dollar less than 4.43).

Under Jr., I paid a lot more money for fuel. Under Obama, it's been going down.

Matter of fact, I was able to afford a trip this summer to vacation in Colorado this year. Why? Because of the policies that have been instrumented under Obama.

$4-plus in July, 2008. $1.35 on January 11, 2009 after drilling moratoriums expired and/or were reversed. $3.50 plus on average under this hack president and his bogus green agenda.
We make $100k annually with a modest mortgage and one kid in college and we can afford no car from this millennium. This hack president has busted our budget.

Gonna call you on your bullshit........................

Post links to prove your point (from legitimate news sites and not some right wing blog).

Or.....................be known forever as someone who pulls shit outta their ass.

$1.35 gasoline vs $3.50. Do the math. Oh, that's right. You're a democrat. You can't.
Far left Obama drones.

Sorry. I saw Kosh was viewing the topic and figured I'd beat him to the punch.
$4-plus in July, 2008. $1.35 on January 11, 2009 after drilling moratoriums expired and/or were reversed. $3.50 plus on average under this hack president and his bogus green agenda.
We make $100k annually with a modest mortgage and one kid in college and we can afford no car from this millennium. This hack president has busted our budget.

Gonna call you on your bullshit........................

Post links to prove your point (from legitimate news sites and not some right wing blog).

Or.....................be known forever as someone who pulls shit outta their ass.

$1.35 gasoline vs $3.50. Do the math. Oh, that's right. You're a democrat. You can't.

Like I said................post links from a legitimate news source so that we can verify the information you are telling us.

Or..........................be known forever as someone who pulls shit outta their ass.

Sorry, but I trust things that I can verify for myself, not the random spewings of some idiot on a message board.

If you want to be believed, post a link that verifies your claim, so that we can all see it.

But................I understand...............people who don't tell the truth are often shy about posting facts, because it contradicts what they are trying to convince others of.

Tell ya what......................you've got 3 more posts to provide links, and if you can't, I'll do the research for you and post links that will show you're full of crap.
$4-plus in July, 2008. $1.35 on January 11, 2009 after drilling moratoriums expired and/or were reversed. $3.50 plus on average under this hack president and his bogus green agenda.
We make $100k annually with a modest mortgage and one kid in college and we can afford no car from this millennium. This hack president has busted our budget.

Dude, your '1.35' price was the bottom of a retail gasoline market crash. It lasted a matter of weeks. The average price for 2008 was 3.299 a gallon. The average price in 2013? 3.575.
U.S. Gasoline and Diesel Retail Prices

An increase of only 28 cents. Adjusted for inflation, the price went up a PENNY.

And this is what you're weeping, and wailing and gnashing your teeth over?

Unemployment rates are at their lowest since 2008. Home values continue to ascend. The stock market is near all time highs. We just broke all records for total employment, with numbers higher than any time in our nation's history. Our energy exports are up while our inflation is historically low.

And you ignore all of it. No rational person interested in the actual state of affairs ever would.

Did you even read the links I provided at the outset of the thread?
Your 2008 average number was skewed by the impact of drilling moratoriums vs lifting of drilling moratoriums. The likes of which the hack reimposed and is now considering partially lifting. Geez, you democrat sheeple love to throw away money. Throw some to me if you're so rich. Since you encourage the hardship it wouldn't be true socialism. It would be a well-deserved fine.

Um, dude.....in 2008, the decades long moratorium on offshore drilling was *lifted*. It had existed since Bush's dad was in office. Whatever skewing effect you're imagining would have effected 2007 prices, 2006 prices, 2005 prices. All of which were LOWER than the year that the moratorium was banned.

Exactly opposite what your assertions predict.

You simply don't know what the hell you're talking about. As your willful ignorance of the plethera of news affirming an ascending economy demonstrate rather elegantly. Gas prices have risen a grand total of 28 cents from 2008 to 2013. Adjusted for inflation, they've increased A PENNY.

What then are motivating your panty shyting hysterics?
Dude, your '1.35' price was the bottom of a retail gasoline market crash. It lasted a matter of weeks. The average price for 2008 was 3.299 a gallon. The average price in 2013? 3.575.
U.S. Gasoline and Diesel Retail Prices

An increase of only 28 cents. Adjusted for inflation, the price went up a PENNY.

And this is what you're weeping, and wailing and gnashing your teeth over?

Unemployment rates are at their lowest since 2008. Home values continue to ascend. The stock market is near all time highs. We just broke all records for total employment, with numbers higher than any time in our nation's history. Our energy exports are up while our inflation is historically low.

And you ignore all of it. No rational person interested in the actual state of affairs ever would.

Did you even read the links I provided at the outset of the thread?
Your 2008 average number was skewed by the impact of drilling moratoriums vs lifting of drilling moratoriums. The likes of which the hack reimposed and is now considering partially lifting. Geez, you democrat sheeple love to throw away money. Throw some to me if you're so rich. Since you encourage the hardship it wouldn't be true socialism. It would be a well-deserved fine.

Um, dude.....in 2008, the decades long moratorium on offshore drilling was *lifted*. It had existed since Bush's dad was in office. Whatever skewing effect you're imagining would have effected 2007 prices, 2006 prices, 2005 prices. All of which were LOWER than the year that the moratorium was banned.

Exactly opposite what your assertions predict.

You simply don't know what the hell you're talking about. As your willful ignorance of the plethera of news affirming an ascending economy demonstrate rather elegantly. Gas prices have risen a grand total of 28 cents from 2008 to 2013. Adjusted for inflation, they've increased A PENNY.

What then are motivating your panty shyting hysterics?

He (rashoon?) is just so UPSET that he makes 100k a year and must be one of the poorest money managers on the board. When he can't drive nothing but an older car making 100k with just one kid in college and a modest mortgage.......he don't have an income problem........he has a spending problem and wants to blame it on Obama.

Typical right winger. Won't take responsibility for their own situation, gotta blame it on Obama.
This is the single reason for why our economy never recovered under this hack president.

Really? This economy has never recovered under this "hack president"?

Wanna talk about the DOW closing at over 17,000 for several days this month? Under Jr., it was diving to around 7,000.

Wanna talk about the S and P closing at almost 2,000 (and I'm guessing it's going to go over that in the next 2 weeks)?

How about the FACT that job creation has continually grown under Obama for the past 52 months?

The only thing holding this economy back are the obstructionists from the Tea Party who somehow talked the GOP into accepting them.

Everything that the GOP was for in the past 6 months to the past 5 years has been transformed into something bad for this country simply because Obama agreed with them.

The only reason that the GOP is against something is because Obama thinks it's a good idea.

And sadly................some of those ideas are good, even if the GOP came up with them and Obama thinks they will work.

Would you want to talk about a stock market that is inflated by the fed pumping money into the economy? A stock bubble that most predict is soon to burst and be worse then 2008? I sure hope it does not happen but all signs are that it will.

The only people, who are not really a party and have little actual control, that are talking about reining in the government spending is the Tea Party. And you see what they get for the effort? How is the TP, who again is not in power and has little, holding back the economy? Why would they even do such a thing? Just because Obama is a lame duck and they hate him so much they would hurt themselves just to hurt him? If that is what you think then I think your are really just making excuses for Obama at the expense of the TP. What law or bill do you think congress could pass that would possibly help the economy? Obama got the stimulus, the wall street reform, Obamacare and a jobs bill. None of that worked yet you blame the TP? Really?

The good ideas of the TP are smaller government, less taxes, and less dependency. What in that do you actually find bad?

How much gasoline does the United States consume?

In 2013, about 134.51 billion gallons1 (or 3.20 billion barrels) of gasoline were consumed2 in the United States, a daily average of about 368.51 million gallons (or 8.77 million barrels). This was about 6% less than the record high of about 142.35 billion gallons (or 3.39 billion barrels) consumed in 2007.

How much gasoline does the United States consume? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
This is the single reason for why our economy never recovered under this hack president.

Really? This economy has never recovered under this "hack president"?

Wanna talk about the DOW closing at over 17,000 for several days this month? Under Jr., it was diving to around 7,000.

Wanna talk about the S and P closing at almost 2,000 (and I'm guessing it's going to go over that in the next 2 weeks)?

How about the FACT that job creation has continually grown under Obama for the past 52 months?

The only thing holding this economy back are the obstructionists from the Tea Party who somehow talked the GOP into accepting them.

Everything that the GOP was for in the past 6 months to the past 5 years has been transformed into something bad for this country simply because Obama agreed with them.

The only reason that the GOP is against something is because Obama thinks it's a good idea.

And sadly................some of those ideas are good, even if the GOP came up with them and Obama thinks they will work.

Does this explain anything to you? Or would you rather argue with the EIA?

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Dude, your '1.35' price was the bottom of a retail gasoline market crash. It lasted a matter of weeks. The average price for 2008 was 3.299 a gallon. The average price in 2013? 3.575.
U.S. Gasoline and Diesel Retail Prices

An increase of only 28 cents. Adjusted for inflation, the price went up a PENNY.

And this is what you're weeping, and wailing and gnashing your teeth over?

Unemployment rates are at their lowest since 2008. Home values continue to ascend. The stock market is near all time highs. We just broke all records for total employment, with numbers higher than any time in our nation's history. Our energy exports are up while our inflation is historically low.

And you ignore all of it. No rational person interested in the actual state of affairs ever would.

Did you even read the links I provided at the outset of the thread?
Your 2008 average number was skewed by the impact of drilling moratoriums vs lifting of drilling moratoriums. The likes of which the hack reimposed and is now considering partially lifting. Geez, you democrat sheeple love to throw away money. Throw some to me if you're so rich. Since you encourage the hardship it wouldn't be true socialism. It would be a well-deserved fine.

Um, dude.....in 2008, the decades long moratorium on offshore drilling was *lifted*. It had existed since Bush's dad was in office. Whatever skewing effect you're imagining would have effected 2007 prices, 2006 prices, 2005 prices. All of which were LOWER than the year that the moratorium was banned.

Exactly opposite what your assertions predict.

You simply don't know what the hell you're talking about. As your willful ignorance of the plethera of news affirming an ascending economy demonstrate rather elegantly. Gas prices have risen a grand total of 28 cents from 2008 to 2013. Adjusted for inflation, they've increased A PENNY.

What then are motivating your panty shyting hysterics?
Hey, math-challenged, that moratorium was an exec order issued by HW in 1991, renewed through 2012 by Clinton in 1999 and reversed by W Bush in July 2008. That one had an immediate impact on prices as gasoline dropped from over $4 to under $4 in a couple of weeks -- during the peak of demand. The more comprehensive moratorium expired sept 2008 and prices dropped like a rock. Bush made the plans that were mentioned in the original link and then the faux-black hack shelved it all and prices jumped right back to $3.50+ and the media ignored it. Here we are 5+ years later and trillions of dollars poorer.
This is the single reason for why our economy never recovered under this hack president.

Really? This economy has never recovered under this "hack president"?

Wanna talk about the DOW closing at over 17,000 for several days this month? Under Jr., it was diving to around 7,000.

Wanna talk about the S and P closing at almost 2,000 (and I'm guessing it's going to go over that in the next 2 weeks)?

How about the FACT that job creation has continually grown under Obama for the past 52 months?

The only thing holding this economy back are the obstructionists from the Tea Party who somehow talked the GOP into accepting them.

Everything that the GOP was for in the past 6 months to the past 5 years has been transformed into something bad for this country simply because Obama agreed with them.

The only reason that the GOP is against something is because Obama thinks it's a good idea.

And sadly................some of those ideas are good, even if the GOP came up with them and Obama thinks they will work.
Bogus claims all. Obozo is taking credit for the stock market when it's QE responsible for it. in the meantime, old people's saving are depleting.
Really? This economy has never recovered under this "hack president"?

Wanna talk about the DOW closing at over 17,000 for several days this month? Under Jr., it was diving to around 7,000.

Wanna talk about the S and P closing at almost 2,000 (and I'm guessing it's going to go over that in the next 2 weeks)?

How about the FACT that job creation has continually grown under Obama for the past 52 months?

The only thing holding this economy back are the obstructionists from the Tea Party who somehow talked the GOP into accepting them.

Everything that the GOP was for in the past 6 months to the past 5 years has been transformed into something bad for this country simply because Obama agreed with them.

The only reason that the GOP is against something is because Obama thinks it's a good idea.

And sadly................some of those ideas are good, even if the GOP came up with them and Obama thinks they will work.
Forget the DOW. That's smoke and mirrors. And convenient propaganda. We're talking about real people and their circumstance.
This idiot-in-chief's energy policy has cost every American household thousands of dollars annually due to his energy policy. Most people are either on the dole, are well off enough to not realize it or are biased enough to not admit it.
Just google the outrage about how gas prices reached $3 under Bush. Then consider that they've averaged $3.50 under this faux-black hack-in-chief.

Interestingly enough, the gas prices hit some of their highest levels in June of 2008 (when Jr. was still in office) and they hit around 4.43.

What was the highest U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Sorry, but gas prices are much lower under Obama than they were under Jr. (who happened to be someone who loved the oil industry).

Today, I checked gas prices at the pumps, and for Amarillo it was around 3.30 (which is over a dollar less than 4.43).

Under Jr., I paid a lot more money for fuel. Under Obama, it's been going down.

Matter of fact, I was able to afford a trip this summer to vacation in Colorado this year. Why? Because of the policies that have been instrumented under Obama.
you're sniffing gas fumes.

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