Faux Covid Relief Bill

I can see no reason to merit this lockdown. My sister got covid, she's in her late 60s. She's on quarantine along with her son, she says nah, its kind of like the flu. She's got preexisting health conditions (kind like Trump, but she hates Trump and...I wish her well) I really don't understand this lock down . More people die in car accidents, but that seems acceptable.

More people die in car accidents? 300,000 people have died supposedly from covid. We know that number is bullshit but I digress.

About 35000 people per year die in car accidents nationwide. Not 300,000.
"The USD 25 million provision, reflecting revival of civilian aid package to Pakistan that was stopped by US President Donald Trump in January 2018 along with all security assistance, because of its non-cooperation in fight against terrorism, is part of the massive USD 2.3 trillion bill, that includes long-delayed coronavirus relief (USD 900 billion) and fund the government USD 1.4 trillion, passed by the Congress on Tuesday."

What the Hell? Americans get a measly $600? USD 1.4 billion to Asia Reassurance Initiative Act? 10 million for 'gender programs' in Pakistan? 700 million to Sudan? What does any of that have to do with COVID?
You're mixing up the funding bill with the relief bill, I think.
If possible study what Chinese products to boycott and (write about it [italics]) to others, because your spare time has already been confiscated by having to repair or rebuild these things.

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